#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import io from six.moves import configparser, StringIO, input import fnmatch import logging import os import platform import sys import yaml import jenkins_jobs.version from jenkins_jobs.builder import Builder from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger() DEFAULT_CONF = """ [job_builder] keep_descriptions=False ignore_cache=False recursive=False exclude=.* allow_duplicates=False allow_empty_variables=False [jenkins] url=http://localhost:8080/ query_plugins_info=True [hipchat] authtoken=dummy send-as=Jenkins """ def confirm(question): answer = input('%s (Y/N): ' % question).upper().strip() if not answer == 'Y': sys.exit('Aborted') def recurse_path(root, excludes=None): if excludes is None: excludes = [] basepath = os.path.realpath(root) pathlist = [basepath] patterns = [e for e in excludes if os.path.sep not in e] absolute = [e for e in excludes if os.path.isabs(e)] relative = [e for e in excludes if os.path.sep in e and not os.path.isabs(e)] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [ d for d in dirs if not any([fnmatch.fnmatch(d, pattern) for pattern in patterns]) if not any([fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, d)), path) for path in absolute]) if not any([fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, d)), path) for path in relative]) ] pathlist.extend([os.path.join(root, path) for path in dirs]) return pathlist def create_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() recursive_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) recursive_parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true', dest='recursive', default=False, help='look for yaml files recursively') recursive_parser.add_argument('-x', '--exclude', dest='exclude', action='append', default=[], help='paths to exclude when using recursive' ' search, uses standard globbing.') subparser = parser.add_subparsers(help='update, test or delete job', dest='command') # subparser: update parser_update = subparser.add_parser('update', parents=[recursive_parser]) parser_update.add_argument('path', help='colon-separated list of paths to' ' YAML files or directories') parser_update.add_argument('names', help='name(s) of job(s)', nargs='*') parser_update.add_argument('--delete-old', help='delete obsolete jobs', action='store_true', dest='delete_old', default=False,) # subparser: test parser_test = subparser.add_parser('test', parents=[recursive_parser]) parser_test.add_argument('path', help='colon-separated list of paths to' ' YAML files or directories', nargs='?', default=sys.stdin) parser_test.add_argument('-p', dest='plugins_info_path', default=None, help='path to plugin info YAML file') parser_test.add_argument('-o', dest='output_dir', default=sys.stdout, help='path to output XML') parser_test.add_argument('name', help='name(s) of job(s)', nargs='*') # subparser: delete parser_delete = subparser.add_parser('delete', parents=[recursive_parser]) parser_delete.add_argument('name', help='name of job', nargs='+') parser_delete.add_argument('-p', '--path', default=None, help='colon-separated list of paths to' ' YAML files or directories') # subparser: delete-all subparser.add_parser('delete-all', help='delete *ALL* jobs from Jenkins server, ' 'including those not managed by Jenkins Job ' 'Builder.') parser.add_argument('--conf', dest='conf', help='configuration file') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_level', dest='log_level', default='info', help="log level (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument( '--ignore-cache', action='store_true', dest='ignore_cache', default=False, help='ignore the cache and update the jobs anyhow (that will only ' 'flush the specified jobs cache)') parser.add_argument( '--flush-cache', action='store_true', dest='flush_cache', default=False, help='flush all the cache entries before updating') parser.add_argument('--version', dest='version', action='version', version=version(), help='show version') parser.add_argument( '--allow-empty-variables', action='store_true', dest='allow_empty_variables', default=None, help='Don\'t fail if any of the variables inside any string are not ' 'defined, replace with empty string instead') return parser def main(argv=None): # We default argv to None and assign to sys.argv[1:] below because having # an argument default value be a mutable type in Python is a gotcha. See # http://bit.ly/1o18Vff if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] parser = create_parser() options = parser.parse_args(argv) if not options.command: parser.error("Must specify a 'command' to be performed") if (options.log_level is not None): options.log_level = getattr(logging, options.log_level.upper(), logger.getEffectiveLevel()) logger.setLevel(options.log_level) config = setup_config_settings(options) execute(options, config) def setup_config_settings(options): conf = '/etc/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini' if options.conf: conf = options.conf else: # Fallback to script directory localconf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jenkins_jobs.ini') if os.path.isfile(localconf): conf = localconf config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Load default config always config.readfp(StringIO(DEFAULT_CONF)) if os.path.isfile(conf): options.conf = conf # remember file we read from logger.debug("Reading config from {0}".format(conf)) conffp = io.open(conf, 'r', encoding='utf-8') config.readfp(conffp) elif options.command == 'test': logger.debug("Not requiring config for test output generation") else: raise JenkinsJobsException( "A valid configuration file is required when not run as a test" "\n{0} is not a valid .ini file".format(conf)) return config def execute(options, config): logger.debug("Config: {0}".format(config)) # check the ignore_cache setting: first from command line, # if not present check from ini file ignore_cache = False if options.ignore_cache: ignore_cache = options.ignore_cache elif config.has_option('jenkins', 'ignore_cache'): logging.warn('ignore_cache option should be moved to the [job_builder]' ' section in the config file, the one specified in the ' '[jenkins] section will be ignored in the future') ignore_cache = config.getboolean('jenkins', 'ignore_cache') elif config.has_option('job_builder', 'ignore_cache'): ignore_cache = config.getboolean('job_builder', 'ignore_cache') # Jenkins supports access as an anonymous user, which can be used to # ensure read-only behaviour when querying the version of plugins # installed for test mode to generate XML output matching what will be # uploaded. To enable must pass 'None' as the value for user and password # to python-jenkins # # catching 'TypeError' is a workaround for python 2.6 interpolation error # https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1259631 try: user = config.get('jenkins', 'user') except (TypeError, configparser.NoOptionError): user = None try: password = config.get('jenkins', 'password') except (TypeError, configparser.NoOptionError): password = None # Inform the user as to what is likely to happen, as they may specify # a real jenkins instance in test mode to get the plugin info to check # the XML generated. if user is None and password is None: logger.info("Will use anonymous access to Jenkins if needed.") elif (user is not None and password is None) or ( user is None and password is not None): raise JenkinsJobsException( "Cannot authenticate to Jenkins with only one of User and " "Password provided, please check your configuration." ) # None -- no timeout, blocking mode; same as setblocking(True) # 0.0 -- non-blocking mode; same as setblocking(False) <--- default # > 0 -- timeout mode; operations time out after timeout seconds # < 0 -- illegal; raises an exception # to retain the default must use # "timeout=jenkins_jobs.builder._DEFAULT_TIMEOUT" or not set timeout at # all. timeout = jenkins_jobs.builder._DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: timeout = config.getfloat('jenkins', 'timeout') except (ValueError): raise JenkinsJobsException("Jenkins timeout config is invalid") except (TypeError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass plugins_info = None if getattr(options, 'plugins_info_path', None) is not None: with io.open(options.plugins_info_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as yaml_file: plugins_info = yaml.load(yaml_file) if not isinstance(plugins_info, list): raise JenkinsJobsException("{0} must contain a Yaml list!" .format(options.plugins_info_path)) elif (not options.conf or not config.getboolean("jenkins", "query_plugins_info")): logger.debug("Skipping plugin info retrieval") plugins_info = {} if options.allow_empty_variables is not None: config.set('job_builder', 'allow_empty_variables', str(options.allow_empty_variables)) builder = Builder(config.get('jenkins', 'url'), user, password, config, jenkins_timeout=timeout, ignore_cache=ignore_cache, flush_cache=options.flush_cache, plugins_list=plugins_info) if getattr(options, 'path', None): if hasattr(options.path, 'read'): logger.debug("Input file is stdin") if options.path.isatty(): key = 'CTRL+Z' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'CTRL+D' logger.warn( "Reading configuration from STDIN. Press %s to end input.", key) else: # take list of paths options.path = options.path.split(os.pathsep) do_recurse = (getattr(options, 'recursive', False) or config.getboolean('job_builder', 'recursive')) excludes = [e for elist in options.exclude for e in elist.split(os.pathsep)] or \ config.get('job_builder', 'exclude').split(os.pathsep) paths = [] for path in options.path: if do_recurse and os.path.isdir(path): paths.extend(recurse_path(path, excludes)) else: paths.append(path) options.path = paths if options.command == 'delete': for job in options.name: builder.delete_job(job, options.path) elif options.command == 'delete-all': confirm('Sure you want to delete *ALL* jobs from Jenkins server?\n' '(including those not managed by Jenkins Job Builder)') logger.info("Deleting all jobs") builder.delete_all_jobs() elif options.command == 'update': logger.info("Updating jobs in {0} ({1})".format( options.path, options.names)) jobs, num_updated_jobs = builder.update_job(options.path, options.names) logger.info("Number of jobs updated: %d", num_updated_jobs) if options.delete_old: num_deleted_jobs = builder.delete_old_managed() logger.info("Number of jobs deleted: %d", num_deleted_jobs) elif options.command == 'test': builder.update_job(options.path, options.name, output=options.output_dir) def version(): return "Jenkins Job Builder version: %s" % \ jenkins_jobs.version.version_info.version_string() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.path.insert(0, '.') main()