import io from pathlib import Path import pytest from jenkins_jobs.cli import entry from jenkins_jobs import builder global_conf = "/etc/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini" user_conf = Path.home() / ".config" / "jenkins_jobs" / "jenkins_jobs.ini" local_conf = Path(__file__).parent / "jenkins_jobs.ini" def test_use_global_config(mocker, default_config_file): """ Verify that JJB uses the global config file by default """ mocker.patch("jenkins_jobs.builder.JenkinsManager.get_plugins_info") args = ["test", "foo"] default_io_open = def io_open(file, *args, **kw): if file == global_conf: default_io_open(default_config_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") else: return default_io_open(file, *args, **kw) def isfile(path): if path == global_conf: return True return False mocker.patch("os.path.isfile", side_effect=isfile) mocked_open = mocker.patch("", side_effect=io_open) entry.JenkinsJobs(args, config_file_required=True) mocked_open.assert_called_with(global_conf, "r", encoding="utf-8") def test_use_config_in_user_home(mocker, default_config_file): """ Verify that JJB uses config file in user home folder """ args = ["test", "foo"] default_io_open = def io_open(file, *args, **kw): if file == str(user_conf): default_io_open(default_config_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") else: return default_io_open(file, *args, **kw) def isfile(path): if path == str(user_conf): return True return False mocker.patch("os.path.isfile", side_effect=isfile) mocked_open = mocker.patch("", side_effect=io_open) entry.JenkinsJobs(args, config_file_required=True) mocked_open.assert_called_with(str(user_conf), "r", encoding="utf-8") def test_non_existing_config_dir(default_config_file): """ Run test mode and pass a non-existing configuration directory """ args = ["--conf", default_config_file, "test", "foo"] jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) with pytest.raises(IOError): jenkins_jobs.execute() def test_non_existing_config_file(default_config_file): """ Run test mode and pass a non-existing configuration file """ args = ["--conf", default_config_file, "test", "non-existing.yaml"] jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) with pytest.raises(IOError): jenkins_jobs.execute() def test_config_options_not_replaced_by_cli_defaults(fixtures_dir): """ Run test mode and check config settings from conf file retained when none of the global CLI options are set. """ config_file = fixtures_dir / "settings_from_config.ini" args = ["--conf", str(config_file), "test", "dummy.yaml"] jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) jjb_config = jenkins_jobs.jjb_config assert jjb_config.jenkins["user"] == "jenkins_user" assert jjb_config.jenkins["password"] == "jenkins_password" assert jjb_config.builder["ignore_cache"] assert jjb_config.builder["flush_cache"] assert jjb_config.builder["update"] == "all" assert jjb_config.yamlparser["allow_empty_variables"] def test_config_options_overriden_by_cli(): """ Run test mode and check config settings from conf file retained when none of the global CLI options are set. """ args = [ "--user", "myuser", "--password", "mypassword", "--ignore-cache", "--flush-cache", "--allow-empty-variables", "test", "dummy.yaml", ] jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) jjb_config = jenkins_jobs.jjb_config assert jjb_config.jenkins["user"] == "myuser" assert jjb_config.jenkins["password"] == "mypassword" assert jjb_config.builder["ignore_cache"] assert jjb_config.builder["flush_cache"] assert jjb_config.yamlparser["allow_empty_variables"] def test_update_timeout_not_set(mocker, fixtures_dir, default_config_file): """Check that timeout is left unset Test that the Jenkins object has the timeout set on it only when provided via the config option. """ jenkins_mock = mocker.patch("jenkins_jobs.cli.subcommand.base.JenkinsManager") path = fixtures_dir / "cmd-002.yaml" args = ["--conf", default_config_file, "update", str(path)] jenkins_mock.return_value.update_jobs.return_value = ([], 0) jenkins_mock.return_value.update_views.return_value = ([], 0) jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) jenkins_jobs.execute() # validate that the JJBConfig used to initialize builder.Jenkins # contains the expected timeout value. jjb_config = jenkins_mock.call_args[0][0] assert jjb_config.jenkins["timeout"] == builder._DEFAULT_TIMEOUT def test_update_timeout_set(mocker, fixtures_dir): """Check that timeout is set correctly Test that the Jenkins object has the timeout set on it only when provided via the config option. """ jenkins_mock = mocker.patch("jenkins_jobs.cli.subcommand.base.JenkinsManager") path = fixtures_dir / "cmd-002.yaml" config_file = fixtures_dir / "non-default-timeout.ini" args = ["--conf", str(config_file), "update", str(path)] jenkins_mock.return_value.update_jobs.return_value = ([], 0) jenkins_mock.return_value.update_views.return_value = ([], 0) jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) jenkins_jobs.execute() # validate that the JJBConfig used to initialize builder.Jenkins # contains the expected timeout value. jjb_config = jenkins_mock.call_args[0][0] assert jjb_config.jenkins["timeout"] == 0.2 def test_filter_modules_set(mocker, fixtures_dir): """ Check that customs filters modules are set. Test that the filter_modules option is a non-empty list. """ config_file = fixtures_dir / "cmd-003.conf" args = ["--conf", str(config_file), "test", "foo"] jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) jjb_config = jenkins_jobs.jjb_config assert jjb_config.yamlparser["filter_modules"] == ["my_filter", "my_other_filter"]