# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright 2020 Liberty Global B.V. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ The Properties module supplies a wide range of options that are implemented as Jenkins job properties. **Component**: properties :Macro: property :Entry Point: jenkins_jobs.properties Example:: job: name: test_job properties: - github: url: https://github.com/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder/ """ import logging import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException from jenkins_jobs.errors import MissingAttributeError from jenkins_jobs.errors import AttributeConflictError import jenkins_jobs.modules.base import jenkins_jobs.modules.helpers as helpers def builds_chain_fingerprinter(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: builds-chain-fingerprinter Builds chain fingerprinter. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-github:`Builds chain fingerprinter Plugin <builds-chain-fingerprinter-plugin>`. :arg bool per-builds-chain: enable builds hierarchy fingerprinting (default false) :arg bool per-job-chain: enable jobs hierarchy fingerprinting (default false) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/fingerprinter.yaml :language: yaml """ fingerprinter = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.jenkinsci.plugins." "buildschainfingerprinter." "AutomaticFingerprintJobProperty", ) mapping = [ ("per-builds-chain", "isPerBuildsChainEnabled", False), ("per-job-chain", "isPerJobsChainEnabled", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(fingerprinter, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def ownership(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: ownership Plugin provides explicit ownership for jobs and slave nodes. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Ownership Plugin <ownership>`. :arg bool enabled: whether ownership enabled (default : true) :arg str owner: the owner of job :arg list co-owners: list of job co-owners Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/ownership.yaml :language: yaml """ ownership_plugin = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.synopsys.arc.jenkins.plugins.ownership.jobs.JobOwnerJobProperty", ) ownership = XML.SubElement(ownership_plugin, "ownership") owner = str(data.get("enabled", True)).lower() XML.SubElement(ownership, "ownershipEnabled").text = owner XML.SubElement(ownership, "primaryOwnerId").text = data.get("owner") coownersIds = XML.SubElement(ownership, "coownersIds") for coowner in data.get("co-owners", []): XML.SubElement(coownersIds, "string").text = coowner def promoted_build(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: promoted-build Marks a build for promotion. A promotion process with an identical name must be created via the web interface in the job in order for the job promotion to persist. Promotion processes themselves cannot be configured by jenkins-jobs due to the separate storage of plugin configuration files. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Promoted Builds Plugin <promoted-builds>`. :arg list names: the promoted build names (optional) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/promoted_build.yaml :language: yaml """ promoted = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.plugins.promoted__builds." "JobPropertyImpl" ) names = data.get("names", []) if names: active_processes = XML.SubElement(promoted, "activeProcessNames") for n in names: XML.SubElement(active_processes, "string").text = str(n) def gitbucket(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: gitbucket Integrate GitBucket to Jenkins. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`GitBucket Plugin <gitbucket>`. :arg str url: GitBucket URL to issue (required) :arg bool link-enabled: Enable hyperlink to issue (default false) Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/gitbucket-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/gitbucket-full.yaml :language: yaml """ gitbucket = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitbucket.GitBucketProjectProperty" ) gitbucket.set("plugin", "gitbucket") mapping = [("url", "url", None), ("link-enabled", "linkEnabled", False)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(gitbucket, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def github(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: github Sets the GitHub URL for the project. :arg str url: the GitHub URL (required) :arg str display-name: This value will be used as context name for commit status if status builder or status publisher is defined for this project. (>= 1.14.1) (default '') Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/github-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/github-full.yaml :language: yaml """ github = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github.GithubProjectProperty" ) github.set("plugin", "github") mapping = [("url", "projectUrl", None), ("display-name", "displayName", "")] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(github, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def gitlab(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: gitlab Sets the GitLab connection for the project. Configured via Jenkins Global Configuration. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`GitLab Plugin <gitlab-plugin>`. :arg str connection: the GitLab connection name (required) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/gitlab.yaml :language: yaml """ gitlab = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.connection." "GitLabConnectionProperty", ) mapping = [("connection", "gitLabConnection", None)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(gitlab, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def gitlab_logo(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: gitlab-logo Configures the GitLab-Logo Plugin. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`GitLab Logo Plugin <gitlab-logo>`. :arg str repository-name: the GitLab repository name (required) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/gitlab-logo.yaml :language: yaml """ logo = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitlablogo." "GitlabLogoProperty" ) mapping = [("repository-name", "repositoryName", None)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(logo, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def gogs(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: gogs Sets the Gogs webhook properties for the project. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Gogs Plugin <gogs-webhook>`. :arg str secret: webhook secret (default '') :arg str branch-filter: filter which needs to match to trigger a job (default '') Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/gogs-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/gogs-full.yaml :language: yaml """ gogs = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "org.jenkinsci.plugins.gogs.GogsProjectProperty") mapping = [("branch-filter", "gogsBranchFilter", ""), ("secret", "gogsSecret", "")] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(gogs, data, mapping) def naginator_opt_out(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: naginator-opt-out Lets you opt-out so no rebuild option for Naginator is added. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Naginator Plugin <naginator>`. :arg bool opt-out: disables the rebuild option if True (default False). Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/naginator-opt-out002.yaml :language: yaml """ opt_out = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.chikli.hudson.plugin.naginator." "NaginatorOptOutProperty" ) mapping = [("opt-out", "optOut", False)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(opt_out, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def disk_usage(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: disk-usage Enables the Disk Usage Plugin. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Disk Usage Plugin <disk-usage>`. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/disk-usage.yaml :language: yaml """ XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "hudson.plugins.disk__usage." "DiskUsageProperty") def least_load(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: least-load Enables the Least Load Plugin. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Least Load Plugin <leastload>`. :arg bool disabled: whether or not leastload is disabled (default true) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/least-load002.yaml :language: yaml """ least = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.bstick12.jenkinsci.plugins.leastload." "LeastLoadDisabledProperty", ) mapping = [("disabled", "leastLoadDisabled", True)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(least, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def throttle(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: throttle Throttles the number of builds for this job. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin <throttle-concurrents>`. :arg str option: throttle `project` (throttle the project alone) or `category` (throttle the project as part of one or more categories) :arg int max-per-node: max concurrent builds per node (default 0) :arg int max-total: max concurrent builds (default 0) :arg bool enabled: whether throttling is enabled (default true) :arg list categories: multiproject throttle categories :arg bool matrix-builds: throttle matrix master builds (default true) :arg bool matrix-configs: throttle matrix config builds (default false) :arg str parameters-limit: prevent jobs with matching parameters from running concurrently (default false) :arg list parameters-check-list: Comma-separated list of parameters to use when comparing jobs (optional) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/throttle001.yaml :language: yaml """ throttle = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.plugins.throttleconcurrents." "ThrottleJobProperty" ) mapping = [ ("max-per-node", "maxConcurrentPerNode", "0"), ("max-total", "maxConcurrentTotal", "0"), ("enabled", "throttleEnabled", True), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(throttle, data, mapping, fail_required=True) cat = data.get("categories", []) if cat: cn = XML.SubElement(throttle, "categories") for c in cat: XML.SubElement(cn, "string").text = str(c) options_list = ("category", "project") option = data.get("option") if option not in options_list: raise InvalidAttributeError("option", option, options_list) mapping = [ ("", "throttleOption", option), ("", "configVersion", "1"), ("parameters-limit", "limitOneJobWithMatchingParams", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(throttle, data, mapping, fail_required=True) matrixopt = XML.SubElement(throttle, "matrixOptions") mapping = [ ("matrix-builds", "throttleMatrixBuilds", True), ("matrix-configs", "throttleMatrixConfigurations", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(matrixopt, data, mapping, fail_required=True) params_to_use = data.get("parameters-check-list", []) XML.SubElement(throttle, "paramsToUseForLimit").text = ",".join(params_to_use) def branch_api(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: branch-api Enforces a minimum time between builds based on the desired maximum rate. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Branch API Plugin <branch-api>`. :arg int number-of-builds: The maximum number of builds allowed within the specified time period. (default 1) :arg str time-period: The time period within which the maximum number of builds will be enforced. (default 'hour') :valid values: **second** **minute** **hour**, **day**, **week**, **month**, **year** :arg bool skip-rate-limit: Permit user triggered builds to skip the rate limit (default false) Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/branch-api-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/branch-api-full.yaml :language: yaml """ branch = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "jenkins.branch." "RateLimitBranchProperty_-JobPropertyImpl" ) branch.set("plugin", "branch-api") valid_time_periods = ["second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year"] mapping = [ ("time-period", "durationName", "hour", valid_time_periods), ("number-of-builds", "count", 1), ("skip-rate-limit", "userBoost", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(branch, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def sidebar(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: sidebar Allows you to add links in the sidebar. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Sidebar-Link Plugin <sidebar-link>`. :arg str url: url to link to (optional) :arg str text: text for the link (optional) :arg str icon: path to icon (optional) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/sidebar02.yaml :language: yaml """ sidebar = xml_parent.find("hudson.plugins.sidebar__link.ProjectLinks") if sidebar is None: sidebar = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.plugins.sidebar__link.ProjectLinks" ) links = XML.SubElement(sidebar, "links") else: links = sidebar.find("links") action = XML.SubElement(links, "hudson.plugins.sidebar__link.LinkAction") mapping = [("url", "url", ""), ("text", "text", ""), ("icon", "icon", "")] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(action, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def inject(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: inject Allows you to inject environment variables into the build. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`EnvInject Plugin <envinject>`. :arg str properties-file: file to read with properties (optional) :arg str properties-content: key=value properties (optional) :arg str script-file: file with script to run (optional) :arg str script-content: script to run (optional) :arg str groovy-content: groovy script to run (optional) :arg bool groovy-sandbox: run groovy script in sandbox (default false) :arg bool load-from-master: load files from master (default false) :arg bool enabled: injection enabled (default true) :arg bool keep-system-variables: keep system variables (default true) :arg bool keep-build-variables: keep build variable (default true) :arg bool override-build-parameters: override build parameters (default false) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/inject001.yaml :language: yaml """ inject = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "EnvInjectJobProperty") info = XML.SubElement(inject, "info") mapping = [ ("properties-file", "propertiesFilePath", None), ("properties-content", "propertiesContent", None), ("script-file", "scriptFilePath", None), ("script-content", "scriptContent", None), ("load-from-master", "loadFilesFromMaster", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(info, data, mapping, fail_required=False) # determine version of plugin plugin_ver = registry.get_plugin_version("Groovy") if plugin_ver >= "2.0.0": secure_groovy_script = XML.SubElement(info, "secureGroovyScript") mapping = [ ("groovy-content", "script", None), ("groovy-sandbox", "sandbox", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( secure_groovy_script, data, mapping, fail_required=False ) else: mapping = [("groovy-content", "groovyScriptContent", None)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(info, data, mapping, fail_required=False) mapping = [ ("enabled", "on", True), ("keep-system-variables", "keepJenkinsSystemVariables", True), ("keep-build-variables", "keepBuildVariables", True), ("override-build-parameters", "overrideBuildParameters", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(inject, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def authenticated_build(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: authenticated-build Specifies an authorization matrix where only authenticated users may trigger a build. .. deprecated:: 0.1.0. Please use :ref:`authorization <authorization>`. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/authenticated_build.yaml :language: yaml """ # TODO: generalize this security = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.security." "AuthorizationMatrixProperty" ) XML.SubElement( security, "permission" ).text = "hudson.model.Item.Build:authenticated" def authorization(registry, xml_parent, data, job_data): """yaml: authorization Specifies an authorization matrix In 3.0 version of plugin was added support for explicitly assigning permissions to groups or users with a given name to prevent confusion when names match either. .. _authorization: For *matrix-auth >= 3.0* :arg list prefix:<name>: * `prefix` * **GROUP** * **USER** * `<name>` is the name of the group or user, containing For *matrix-auth < 3.0* :arg list <name>: `<name>` is the name of the group or user, containing the list of rights to grant. :<name> rights: * **credentials-create** * **credentials-delete** * **credentials-manage-domains** * **credentials-update** * **credentials-view** * **job-build** * **job-cancel** * **job-configure** * **job-delete** * **job-discover** * **job-extended-read** * **job-move** * **job-read** * **job-status** * **job-workspace** * **ownership-jobs** * **run-delete** * **run-replay** * **run-update** * **scm-tag** Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/authorization.yaml :language: yaml """ is_a_folder = job_data.get("project-type") in ("folder", "multibranch") credentials = "com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider." ownership = "com.synopsys.arc.jenkins.plugins.ownership.OwnershipPlugin." mapping = { "credentials-create": "".join((credentials, "Create")), "credentials-delete": "".join((credentials, "Delete")), "credentials-manage-domains": "".join((credentials, "ManageDomains")), "credentials-update": "".join((credentials, "Update")), "credentials-view": "".join((credentials, "View")), "job-build": "hudson.model.Item.Build", "job-cancel": "hudson.model.Item.Cancel", "job-configure": "hudson.model.Item.Configure", "job-delete": "hudson.model.Item.Delete", "job-discover": "hudson.model.Item.Discover", "job-extended-read": "hudson.model.Item.ExtendedRead", "job-move": "hudson.model.Item.Move", "job-read": "hudson.model.Item.Read", "job-status": "hudson.model.Item.ViewStatus", "job-workspace": "hudson.model.Item.Workspace", "ownership-jobs": "".join((ownership, "Jobs")), "run-delete": "hudson.model.Run.Delete", "run-replay": "hudson.model.Run.Replay", "run-update": "hudson.model.Run.Update", "scm-tag": "hudson.scm.SCM.Tag", } if data: if is_a_folder: element_name = "com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.properties.AuthorizationMatrixProperty" else: element_name = "hudson.security.AuthorizationMatrixProperty" matrix = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, element_name) XML.SubElement( matrix, "inheritanceStrategy", { "class": "org.jenkinsci.plugins.matrixauth.inheritance.InheritParentStrategy" }, ) for (username, perms) in data.items(): for perm in perms: pe = XML.SubElement(matrix, "permission") try: if username.upper().startswith( "GROUP:" ) or username.upper().startswith("USER:"): pe.text = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format( username.split(":")[0].upper(), mapping[perm], username.split(":")[1], ) else: pe.text = "{0}:{1}".format(mapping[perm], username) except KeyError: raise InvalidAttributeError(username, perm, mapping.keys()) def priority_sorter(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: priority-sorter Allows simple ordering of builds, using a configurable job priority. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Priority Sorter Plugin <PrioritySorter>`. :arg int priority: Priority of the job. Higher value means higher priority, with 3 as the default priority. (required) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/priority_sorter002.yaml :language: yaml """ plugin_ver = registry.get_plugin_version("PrioritySorter") if plugin_ver >= "3.0": priority_sorter_tag = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "jenkins.advancedqueue.jobinclusion." "strategy.JobInclusionJobProperty", ) mapping = [("use", "useJobGroup", True), ("priority", "jobGroupName", None)] elif plugin_ver >= "2.0": priority_sorter_tag = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "jenkins.advancedqueue.priority." "strategy.PriorityJobProperty" ) mapping = [("use", "useJobPriority", True), ("priority", "priority", None)] else: priority_sorter_tag = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.queueSorter." "PrioritySorterJobProperty" ) mapping = [("priority", "priority", None)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( priority_sorter_tag, data, mapping, fail_required=True ) def build_blocker(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: build-blocker This plugin keeps the actual job in the queue if at least one name of currently running jobs is matching with one of the given regular expressions. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Build Blocker Plugin <build-blocker-plugin>`. :arg bool use-build-blocker: Enable or disable build blocker (default true) :arg list blocking-jobs: One regular expression per line to select blocking jobs by their names (required) :arg str block-level: block build globally ('GLOBAL') or per node ('NODE') (default 'GLOBAL') :arg str queue-scanning: scan build queue for all builds ('ALL') or only buildable builds ('BUILDABLE') (default 'DISABLED') Example: Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/build-blocker-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/build-blocker-full.yaml :language: yaml """ blocker = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.plugins." "buildblocker.BuildBlockerProperty" ) if data is None or "blocking-jobs" not in data: raise JenkinsJobsException("blocking-jobs field is missing") elif data.get("blocking-jobs", None) is None: raise JenkinsJobsException("blocking-jobs list must not be empty") jobs = "" for setting, value in data.items(): if setting == "blocking-jobs": jobs = "\n".join(value) block_level_types = ["GLOBAL", "NODE"] queue_scan_types = ["DISABLED", "ALL", "BUILDABLE"] mapping = [ ("use-build-blocker", "useBuildBlocker", True), ("", "blockingJobs", jobs), ("block-level", "blockLevel", "GLOBAL", block_level_types), ("queue-scanning", "scanQueueFor", "DISABLED", queue_scan_types), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(blocker, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def copyartifact(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: copyartifact Specify a list of projects that have access to copy the artifacts of this project. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Copy Artifact plugin <copyartifact>`. :arg str projects: comma separated list of projects that can copy artifacts of this project. Wild card character '*' is available. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/copyartifact.yaml :language: yaml """ copyartifact = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.plugins." "copyartifact." "CopyArtifactPermissionProperty", plugin="copyartifact", ) if not data or not data.get("projects", None): raise JenkinsJobsException("projects string must exist and " "not be empty") projectlist = XML.SubElement(copyartifact, "projectNameList") for project in str(data.get("projects")).split(","): XML.SubElement(projectlist, "string").text = project def batch_tasks(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: batch-tasks Batch tasks can be tasks for events like releases, integration, archiving, etc. In this way, anyone in the project team can execute them in a way that leaves a record. A batch task consists of a shell script and a name. When you execute a build, the shell script gets run on the workspace, just like a build. Batch tasks and builds "lock" the workspace, so when one of those activities is in progress, all the others will block in the queue. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Batch Task Plugin <batch-task>`. :arg list batch-tasks: Batch tasks. :Tasks: * **name** (`str`) Task name. * **script** (`str`) Task script. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/batch-task.yaml :language: yaml """ pdef = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "hudson.plugins.batch__task.BatchTaskProperty") tasks = XML.SubElement(pdef, "tasks") for task in data: batch_task = XML.SubElement(tasks, "hudson.plugins.batch__task.BatchTask") mapping = [("name", "name", None), ("script", "script", None)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(batch_task, task, mapping, fail_required=True) def heavy_job(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: heavy-job This plugin allows you to define "weight" on each job, and making each job consume that many executors Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Heavy Job Plugin <heavy-job>`. :arg int weight: Specify the total number of executors that this job should occupy (default 1) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/heavy-job.yaml :language: yaml """ heavyjob = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "hudson.plugins." "heavy__job.HeavyJobProperty" ) mapping = [("weight", "weight", 1)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(heavyjob, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def slave_utilization(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: slave-utilization This plugin allows you to specify the percentage of a slave's capacity a job wants to use. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Slave Utilization Plugin <slave-utilization-plugin>`. :arg int slave-percentage: Specify the percentage of a slave's execution slots that this job should occupy (default 0) :arg bool single-instance-per-slave: Control whether concurrent instances of this job will be permitted to run in parallel on a single slave (default false) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/slave-utilization1.yaml :language: yaml """ utilization = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.suryagaddipati.jenkins.SlaveUtilizationProperty" ) percent = int(data.get("slave-percentage", 0)) exclusive_node_access = True if percent else False mapping = [ ("", "needsExclusiveAccessToNode", exclusive_node_access), ("", "slaveUtilizationPercentage", percent), ("single-instance-per-slave", "singleInstancePerSlave", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(utilization, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def delivery_pipeline(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: delivery-pipeline Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Delivery Pipeline Plugin <delivery-pipeline-plugin>`. :arg str stage: Name of the stage for this job (default '') :arg str task: Name of the task for this job (default '') :arg str description: task description template for this job (default '') Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/delivery-pipeline-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/delivery-pipeline-full.yaml :language: yaml """ pipeline = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "se.diabol.jenkins.pipeline.PipelineProperty") pipeline.set("plugin", "delivery-pipeline-plugin") mapping = [ ("stage", "stageName", ""), ("task", "taskName", ""), ("description", "descriptionTemplate", ""), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(pipeline, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def zeromq_event(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: zeromq-event This is a Jenkins plugin that will publish Jenkins Job run events (start, complete, finish) to a ZMQ PUB socket. Requires the Jenkins `ZMQ Event Publisher. <https://opendev.org/x/zmq-event-publisher>`_ Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/zeromq-event.yaml :language: yaml """ zmq_event = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.jenkinsci.plugins." "ZMQEventPublisher.HudsonNotificationProperty", ) mapping = [("", "enabled", True)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(zmq_event, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def slack(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: slack Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Slack Plugin <slack>`. When using Slack Plugin version < 2.0, Slack Plugin itself requires a publisher aswell as properties please note that you have to add the publisher to your job configuration aswell. When using Slack Plugin version >= 2.0, you should only configure the publisher. :arg bool notify-start: Send notification when the job starts (default false) :arg bool notify-success: Send notification on success. (default false) :arg bool notify-aborted: Send notification when job is aborted. ( default false) :arg bool notify-not-built: Send notification when job set to NOT_BUILT status. (default false) :arg bool notify-unstable: Send notification when job becomes unstable. (default false) :arg bool notify-failure: Send notification when job fails. (default false) :arg bool notify-back-to-normal: Send notification when job is succeeding again after being unstable or failed. (default false) :arg bool 'notify-repeated-failure': Send notification when job is still failing after last failure. (default false) :arg bool include-test-summary: Include the test summary. (default False) :arg bool include-custom-message: Include a custom message into the notification. (default false) :arg str custom-message: Custom message to be included. (default '') :arg str room: A comma separated list of rooms / channels to send the notifications to. (default '') Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/slack001.yaml :language: yaml """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) plugin_ver = registry.get_plugin_version("Slack Notification Plugin") if plugin_ver >= "2.0": logger.warning("properties section is not used with plugin version >= 2.0") mapping = ( ("notify-start", "startNotification", False), ("notify-success", "notifySuccess", False), ("notify-aborted", "notifyAborted", False), ("notify-not-built", "notifyNotBuilt", False), ("notify-unstable", "notifyUnstable", False), ("notify-failure", "notifyFailure", False), ("notify-back-to-normal", "notifyBackToNormal", False), ("notify-repeated-failure", "notifyRepeatedFailure", False), ("include-test-summary", "includeTestSummary", False), ("include-custom-message", "includeCustomMessage", False), ("custom-message", "customMessage", ""), ("room", "room", ""), ) slack = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "jenkins.plugins.slack.SlackNotifier_-SlackJobProperty" ) # Ensure that custom-message is set when include-custom-message is set # to true. if data.get("include-custom-message", False): if not data.get("custom-message", ""): raise MissingAttributeError("custom-message") helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(slack, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def rebuild(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: rebuild This plug-in allows the user to rebuild a parameterized build without entering the parameters again.It will also allow the user to edit the parameters before rebuilding. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Rebuild Plugin <rebuild>`. :arg bool auto-rebuild: Rebuild without asking for parameters (default false) :arg bool rebuild-disabled: Disable rebuilding for this job (default false) Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/rebuild-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/rebuild-full.yaml :language: yaml """ sub_element = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "com.sonyericsson.rebuild.RebuildSettings") sub_element.set("plugin", "rebuild") mapping = [ ("auto-rebuild", "autoRebuild", False), ("rebuild-disabled", "rebuildDisabled", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(sub_element, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def build_discarder(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: build-discarder :arg int days-to-keep: Number of days to keep builds for (default -1) :arg int num-to-keep: Number of builds to keep (default -1) :arg int artifact-days-to-keep: Number of days to keep builds with artifacts (default -1) :arg int artifact-num-to-keep: Number of builds with artifacts to keep (default -1) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/build-discarder-001.yaml :language: yaml .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/build-discarder-002.yaml :language: yaml """ base_sub = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty") strategy = XML.SubElement(base_sub, "strategy") strategy.set("class", "hudson.tasks.LogRotator") mappings = [ ("days-to-keep", "daysToKeep", -1), ("num-to-keep", "numToKeep", -1), ("artifact-days-to-keep", "artifactDaysToKeep", -1), ("artifact-num-to-keep", "artifactNumToKeep", -1), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(strategy, data, mappings, fail_required=True) def build_failure_analyzer(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: build-failure-analyzer Controls failure cause analysis for builds. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Build Failure Analyzer Plugin <build-failure-analyzer>`. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/build-failure-analyzer-001.yaml :language: yaml .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/build-failure-analyzer-003.yaml :language: yaml """ base_sub = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.sonyericsson.jenkins.plugins.bfa.model.ScannerJobProperty" ) mappings = [ ("disabled", "doNotScan", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(base_sub, data, mappings, fail_required=True) def slave_prerequisites(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: slave-prerequisites This plugin allows you to check prerequisites on slave before a job can run a build on it Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Slave Prerequisites Plugin <slave-prerequisites>`. :arg str script: A script to be executed on slave node. If returning non 0 status, the node will be vetoed from hosting the build. (required) :arg str interpreter: Command line interpreter to be used for executing the prerequisite script - either `shell` for Unix shell or `cmd` for Windows batch script. (default shell) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/slave-prerequisites-minimal.yaml :language: yaml .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/slave-prerequisites-full.yaml :language: yaml """ prereqs = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "com.cloudbees.plugins.JobPrerequisites") mappings = [ ("script", "script", None), ( "interpreter", "interpreter", "shell", {"cmd": "windows batch command", "shell": "shell script"}, ), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(prereqs, data, mappings, fail_required=True) def groovy_label(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: groovy-label This plugin allows you to use Groovy script to restrict where this project can be run. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Groovy Label Assignment Plugin <groovy-label-assignment>`. Return value from Groovy script is treated as Label Expression. It is treated as followings: - A non-string value will be converted to a string using toString() - When null or blank string is returned, node restriction does not take effect (or is not overwritten). - When exception occurred or Label Expression is not parsed correctly, builds are canceled. :arg str script: Groovy script (default '') :arg bool sandbox: Use Groovy Sandbox. (default false) If checked, run this Groovy script in a sandbox with limited abilities. If unchecked, and you are not a Jenkins administrator, you will need to wait for an administrator to approve the script :arg list classpath: Additional classpath entries accessible from the script, each of which should be an absolute local path or URL to a JAR file, according to "The file URI Scheme" (optional) Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/groovy-label-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/groovy-label-full.yaml :language: yaml """ sub_element = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "jp.ikedam.jenkins.plugins." "groovy__label__assignment." "GroovyLabelAssignmentProperty", ) sub_element.set("plugin", "groovy-label-assignment") security = XML.SubElement(sub_element, "secureGroovyScript") security.set("plugin", "script-security") mapping = [("script", "script", ""), ("sandbox", "sandbox", False)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(security, data, mapping, fail_required=True) if data and "classpath" in data: classpath = XML.SubElement(security, "classpath") for value in data["classpath"]: entry = XML.SubElement(classpath, "entry") XML.SubElement(entry, "url").text = value def lockable_resources(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: lockable-resources Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Lockable Resources Plugin <lockable-resources>`. :arg str resources: List of required resources, space separated. (required, mutual exclusive with label) :arg str label: If you have created a pool of resources, i.e. a label, you can take it into use here. The build will select the resource(s) from the pool that includes all resources sharing the given label. (required, mutual exclusive with resources) :arg str var-name: Name for the Jenkins variable to store the reserved resources in. Leave empty to disable. (default '') :arg int number: Number of resources to request, empty value or 0 means all. This is useful, if you have a pool of similar resources, from which you want one or more to be reserved. (default 0) :arg str match-script: Groovy script to reserve resource based on its properties. Leave empty to disable. (default None) :arg bool groovy-sandbox: Execute the provided match-script in Groovy sandbox. Leave empty to disable. (default False) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/lockable_resources_minimal.yaml :language: yaml .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/lockable_resources_label.yaml :language: yaml .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/lockable_resources_full.yaml :language: yaml .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/lockable_resources_groovy.yaml :language: yaml """ lockable_resources = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.jenkins.plugins.lockableresources.RequiredResourcesProperty" ) if data.get("resources") and data.get("label"): raise AttributeConflictError("resources", ("label",)) mapping = [ ("resources", "resourceNames", ""), ("var-name", "resourceNamesVar", ""), ("number", "resourceNumber", 0), ("label", "labelName", ""), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( lockable_resources, data, mapping, fail_required=True ) secure_groovy_script = XML.SubElement(lockable_resources, "resourceMatchScript") mapping = [("match-script", "script", None), ("groovy-sandbox", "sandbox", False)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( secure_groovy_script, data, mapping, fail_required=False ) def docker_container(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: docker-container Requires the Jenkins: :jenkins-plugins:`Docker Plugin <docker-plugin>`. :arg str docker-registry-url: URL of the Docker registry. (default '') :arg str credentials-id: Credentials Id for the Docker registey. (default '') :arg bool commit-on-success: When a job completes, the docker slave instance is committed with repository based on the job name and build number as tag. (default false) :arg str additional-tag: Additional tag to apply to the docker slave instance when committing it. (default '') :arg bool push-on-success: Also push the resulting image when committing the docker slave instance. (default false) :arg bool clean-local-images: Clean images from the local daemon after building. (default true) Minimal Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/docker-container-minimal.yaml :language: yaml Full Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/docker-container-full.yaml :language: yaml """ xml_docker = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.DockerJobProperty" ) registry = XML.SubElement(xml_docker, "registry") registry.set("plugin", "docker-commons") registry_mapping = [ ("docker-registry-url", "url", ""), ("credentials-id", "credentialsId", ""), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( registry, data, registry_mapping, fail_required=False ) mapping = [ ("commit-on-success", "tagOnCompletion", False), ("additional-tag", "additionalTag", ""), ("push-on-success", "pushOnSuccess", False), ("clean-local-images", "cleanImages", True), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_docker, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def disable_resume(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: disable-resume Do not allow the pipeline to resume if the master restarts Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-plugins:`Pipeline Job Plugin <workflow-aggregator>`. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/disable-resume.yaml :language: yaml """ XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.properties." "DisableResumeJobProperty", ) def resource_gating(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: resource-gating Jenkins Gating enables requiring external resources to be available before build starts. Requires the Jenkins: :jenkins-plugins:`Jenkins Gating <gating-core>`. :arg list resources: Resource identifiers to be up before building Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/gating-core.yaml :language: yaml """ if "resources" not in data.keys(): raise MissingAttributeError("resources") gating = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "io.jenkins.plugins.gating.ResourceRequirementProperty" ) gating.set("plugin", "gating-core") resources = XML.SubElement(gating, "resources") resources.set("class", "java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList") resources.set("resolves-to", "java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableList") c = XML.SubElement(resources, "c") c.set("class", "list") for resource in data["resources"]: XML.SubElement(c, "string").text = str(resource) lst = XML.SubElement(resources, "list") lst.set("reference", "../c") def cachet_gating(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: cachet-gating The Cachet Gating Plugin provides a gating mechanism based on the availability of resources. Requires the Jenkins: :jenkins-plugins:`Cachet Gate Plugin <cachet-gating>`. :arg bool required-resources: Confirm availability of listed resources before building. Requires the list of resources to also be defined. (default true) :arg list resources: which resources to gate Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/cachet-gating.yaml :language: yaml """ cachet = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.redhat.jenkins.plugins.cachet.CachetJobProperty" ) cachet.set("plugin", "cachet-gating") mapping = [("required-resources", "requiredResources", True)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(cachet, data, mapping, fail_required=True) resources_data = data.get("resources", []) if resources_data: resources = XML.SubElement(cachet, "resources") for resource in resources_data: XML.SubElement(resources, "string").text = str(resource) def office_365_connector(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: office-365-connector Used to send actionable messages to MS Outlook or Teams Requires the Jenkins: :jenkins-plugins:` Office-365-Connector Plugin <Office-365-Connector>`. :arg list webhooks: List of webhooks (required) * **url** (srt): URL generated in the Office 365 Connectors page (required) * **name** (str): Allows to provide name fo the connection. Name is not mandatory but helps managing when there are many connection assigned to the build (optional, default '') * **start-notification** (bool): If the notification should be sent on start of build (optional, default False) * **notify-success** (bool): If the notification should be sent on succeeded build (optional, default True) * **notify-aborted** (bool): If the notification should be sent on aborted build (optional, default False) * **notify-not-built** (bool): If the notification should be sent on not built build (optional, default False) * **notify-unstable** (bool): If the notification should be sent on unstable build (optional, default True) * **notify-failure** (bool): If the notification should be sent on failed build (optional, default True) * **notify-back-to-normal** (bool): If the notification should be sent on back to normal build (optional, default True) * **notify-repeated-failure** (bool): If the notification should be sent on repeated failures (optional, default False) * **timeout** (int): connection timeout (in milliseconds) for TCP and HTTP (optional, default 30000) * **macros** (list): List of macros * **template** (str) **value** (str) * **fact-definitions** (list): List of fact definitions * **name** (str) **template** (str) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/office-365-connector-full.yaml :language: yaml """ office_365_connector = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "jenkins.plugins.office365connector.WebhookJobProperty" ) office_365_connector.set("plugin", "Office-365-Connector") webhooks = XML.SubElement(office_365_connector, "webhooks") webhook_mapping = [ ("url", "url", None), ("name", "name", ""), ("start-notification", "startNotification", False), ("notify-success", "notifySuccess", True), ("notify-aborted", "notifyAborted", False), ("notify-not-built", "notifyNotBuilt", False), ("notify-unstable", "notifyUnstable", True), ("notify-failure", "notifyFailure", True), ("notify-back-to-normal", "notifyBackToNormal", True), ("notify-repeated-failure", "notifyRepeatedFailure", False), ("timeout", "timeout", 30000), ] macro_mapping = [("template", "template", None), ("value", "value", None)] fact_definition_mapping = [("name", "name", None), ("template", "template", None)] if "webhooks" not in data.keys(): raise MissingAttributeError("webhooks") for webhook_data in data["webhooks"]: webhook_element = XML.SubElement( webhooks, "jenkins.plugins.office365connector.Webhook" ) helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( webhook_element, webhook_data, webhook_mapping, fail_required=True ) if "macros" in webhook_data.keys(): macros = XML.SubElement(webhook_element, "macros") for macro_data in webhook_data["macros"]: macro_element = XML.SubElement( macros, "jenkins.plugins.office365connector.model.Macro" ) helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( macro_element, macro_data, macro_mapping, fail_required=True ) if "fact-definitions" in webhook_data.keys(): fact_definitions = XML.SubElement(webhook_element, "factDefinitions") for fact_definition_data in webhook_data["fact-definitions"]: fact_definition_element = XML.SubElement( fact_definitions, "jenkins.plugins.office365connector.model.FactDefinition", ) helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( fact_definition_element, fact_definition_data, fact_definition_mapping, fail_required=True, ) def speed_durability(registry, xml_parent, data): """yaml: speed-durability This setting allows users to change the default durability mode for running Pipelines. :arg str hint: speed durability hint to be used, can be performance-optimized, survivable-non-atomic, max-survivability Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/properties/fixtures/speed-durability.yaml :language: yaml """ dhp = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.properties.DurabilityHintJobProperty", ) choicedict = { "performance-optimized": "PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED", "survivable-non-atomic": "SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC", "max-survivability": "MAX_SURVIVABILITY", } mapping = [("hint", "hint", None, choicedict)] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(dhp, data, mapping, fail_required=True) class Properties(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base): sequence = 20 component_type = "property" component_list_type = "properties" def gen_xml(self, xml_parent, data): xml_properties = xml_parent.find("properties") if xml_properties is None: xml_properties = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "properties") self.dispatch_component_list( "property", data.get("properties", []), xml_properties, job_data=data )