[ { "job": { "name": "test-job-include-raw-1", "builders": [ { "shell": "#!/bin/bash\n#\n# Sample script showing how the yaml include-raw tag can be used\n# to inline scripts that are maintained outside of the jenkins\n# job yaml configuration.\n\necho \"hello world\"\n\nexit 0\n" }, { "shell": "#!/bin/bash\n#\n# sample script to check that brackets aren't escaped\n# when using the include-raw application yaml tag\n\nVAR1=\"hello\"\nVAR2=\"world\"\nVAR3=\"${VAR1} ${VAR2}\"\n\n[[ -n \"${VAR3}\" ]] && {\n # this next section is executed as one\n echo \"${VAR3}\"\n exit 0\n}\n\n" } ] } } ]