Vsevolod Fedorov f4d64f9f66 Move tests to pytest
Pytest makes each scenario into individual selectable test.
To be able to run each scenario separately is very useful for development.

Change-Id: I4b1c990a1fd839ce327cd7faa27159a9b9632fed
2022-12-20 10:44:43 +03:00

127 lines
3.9 KiB

from pathlib import Path
from jenkins_jobs import utils
def fake_os_walk(paths):
"""Helper function for mocking os.walk() where must test that manipulation
of the returned dirs variable works as expected
paths_dict = dict(paths)
def os_walk(top, topdown=True):
dirs, nondirs = paths_dict[top]
yield top, dirs, nondirs
for name in dirs:
# hard code use of '/' to ensure the test data can be defined as
# simple strings otherwise tests using this helper will break on
# platforms where os.path.sep is different.
new_path = "/".join([top, name])
for x in os_walk(new_path, topdown):
yield x
return os_walk
def test_recursive_path_option_exclude_pattern(mocker):
Test paths returned by the recursive processing when using pattern
testing paths
os_walk_paths = [
("/jjb_configs", (["dir1", "dir2", "dir3", "test3"], ())),
("/jjb_configs/dir1", (["test1"], ("file"))),
("/jjb_configs/dir2", (["test2"], ())),
("/jjb_configs/dir3", (["bar"], ())),
("/jjb_configs/dir3/bar", ([], ())),
("/jjb_configs/test3/bar", None),
("/jjb_configs/test3/baz", None),
paths = [k for k, v in os_walk_paths if v is not None]
mocker.patch("jenkins_jobs.utils.os.walk", side_effect=fake_os_walk(os_walk_paths))
assert paths == utils.recurse_path("/jjb_configs", ["test*"])
def test_recursive_path_option_exclude_absolute(mocker):
Test paths returned by the recursive processing when using absolute
testing paths
os_walk_paths = [
("/jjb_configs", (["dir1", "dir2", "dir3", "test3"], ())),
("/jjb_configs/dir1", None),
("/jjb_configs/dir2", (["test2"], ())),
("/jjb_configs/dir3", (["bar"], ())),
("/jjb_configs/test3", (["bar", "baz"], ())),
("/jjb_configs/dir2/test2", ([], ())),
("/jjb_configs/dir3/bar", ([], ())),
("/jjb_configs/test3/bar", ([], ())),
("/jjb_configs/test3/baz", ([], ())),
paths = [k for k, v in os_walk_paths if v is not None]
mocker.patch("jenkins_jobs.utils.os.walk", side_effect=fake_os_walk(os_walk_paths))
assert paths == utils.recurse_path("/jjb_configs", ["/jjb_configs/dir1"])
def test_recursive_path_option_exclude_relative(mocker):
Test paths returned by the recursive processing when using relative
testing paths
os_walk_paths = [
("jjb_configs", (["dir1", "dir2", "dir3", "test3"], ())),
("jjb_configs/dir1", (["test"], ("file"))),
("jjb_configs/dir2", (["test2"], ())),
("jjb_configs/dir3", (["bar"], ())),
("jjb_configs/test3", (["bar", "baz"], ())),
("jjb_configs/dir1/test", ([], ())),
("jjb_configs/dir2/test2", ([], ())),
("jjb_configs/dir3/bar", ([], ())),
("jjb_configs/test3/bar", None),
("jjb_configs/test3/baz", ([], ())),
rel_os_walk_paths = [
(str(Path.cwd().joinpath(k).absolute()), v) for k, v in os_walk_paths
paths = [k for k, v in rel_os_walk_paths if v is not None]
"jenkins_jobs.utils.os.walk", side_effect=fake_os_walk(rel_os_walk_paths)
assert paths == utils.recurse_path("jjb_configs", ["jjb_configs/test3/bar"])