Wayne Warren ae1fb60f16
Disentangle YamlParser and ModuleRegistry classes
Create the ModuleRegistry anywhere other than inside the YamlParser
class. This will make it slightly easier to factor a XmlGenerator out
of YamlParser, but I also want to work toward eliminating the circular
references between YamlParser and ModuleRegistry which have been
making it difficult to understand overall program flow.

This commit also replaces all YamlParser instances being passed to
Jenkins job config generating functions with a ModuleRegistry. Mostly
it seems like the parser was only needed to call the ModuleRegistry's
'dispatch' method which to be honest I don't fully understand. This is
where the circular references mentioned in previously come
seems like the "dispatch" function needs access to the (mostly) raw
data contained by the parser, so it took that as a parameter.

The need for the YamlParser's job data can be satisfied by assigning
it to a property on the ModuleRegistry object before Yaml expansion or
XML generation begins; by doing this, we allow the ModuleRegistry to
avoid referencing the parser.

Change-Id: I4b571299b81e708540392ad963163fe092acf1d9
2016-08-18 22:42:24 -04:00

793 lines
30 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The Parameters module allows you to specify build parameters for a job.
**Component**: parameters
:Macro: parameter
:Entry Point: jenkins_jobs.parameters
name: test_job
- string:
name: FOO
default: bar
description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'."
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException
from jenkins_jobs.errors import MissingAttributeError
from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError
import jenkins_jobs.modules.base
from jenkins_jobs.modules.helpers import copyartifact_build_selector
def base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, do_default, ptype):
pdef = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, ptype)
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'name').text = data['name']
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'description').text = data.get('description', '')
if do_default:
default = data.get('default', None)
if default:
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue').text = default
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue')
return pdef
def string_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: string
A string parameter.
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
- string:
name: FOO
default: bar
description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'."
base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, True,
def promoted_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: promoted build
A promoted build parameter.
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Promoted Builds Plugin
:arg str name: the name of the parameter (required)
:arg str project-name: the job from which the user can pick runs (required)
:arg str promotion-name: promotion process to choose from (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'projectName').text = data['project-name']
except KeyError:
raise MissingAttributeError('project-name')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'promotionProcessName').text = data.get(
'promotion-name', None)
def password_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: password
A password parameter.
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
- password:
name: FOO
default: 1HSC0Ts6E161FysGf+e1xasgsHkgleLh09JUTYnipPvw=
description: "A parameter named FOO."
base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, True,
def bool_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: bool
A boolean parameter.
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
- bool:
name: FOO
default: false
description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'false'."
data['default'] = str(data.get('default', False)).lower()
base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, True,
def file_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: file
A file parameter.
:arg str name: the target location for the file upload
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
- file:
name: test.txt
description: "Upload test.txt."
base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
def text_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: text
A text parameter.
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
- text:
name: FOO
default: bar
description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'."
base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, True,
def label_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: label
A node label parameter.
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
- label:
name: node
default: precise
description: "The node on which to run the job"
base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, True,
def node_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: node
Defines a list of nodes where this job could potentially be executed on.
Restrict where this project can be run, If your using a node or label
parameter to run your job on a particular node, you should not use the
option "Restrict where this project can be run" in the job configuration
- it will not have any effect to the selection of your node anymore!
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg list default-slaves: The nodes used when job gets triggered
by anything else other than manually
:arg list allowed-slaves: The nodes available for selection
when job gets triggered manually. Empty means 'All'.
:arg bool ignore-offline-nodes: Ignore nodes not online or not having
executors (default false)
:arg bool allowed-multiselect: Allow multi node selection for concurrent
builds - this option only makes sense (and must be selected!) in
case the job is configured with: "Execute concurrent builds if
necessary". With this configuration the build will be executed on all
the selected nodes in parallel. (default false)
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/node-param001.yaml
:language: yaml
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
default = XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultSlaves')
if 'default-slaves' in data:
for slave in data['default-slaves']:
XML.SubElement(default, 'string').text = slave
allowed = XML.SubElement(pdef, 'allowedSlaves')
if 'allowed-slaves' in data:
for slave in data['allowed-slaves']:
XML.SubElement(allowed, 'string').text = slave
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'ignoreOfflineNodes').text = str(
data.get('ignore-offline-nodes', False)).lower()
if data.get('allowed-multiselect', False):
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'triggerIfResult').text = \
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'triggerIfResult').text = \
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'allowMultiNodeSelection').text = str(
data.get('allowed-multiselect', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'triggerConcurrentBuilds').text = str(
data.get('allowed-multiselect', False)).lower()
def choice_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: choice
A single selection parameter.
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg list choices: the available choices
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
- choice:
name: project
- nova
- glance
description: "On which project to run?"
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
choices = XML.SubElement(pdef, 'choices',
{'class': 'java.util.Arrays$ArrayList'})
a = XML.SubElement(choices, 'a', {'class': 'string-array'})
for choice in data['choices']:
XML.SubElement(a, 'string').text = choice
def run_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: run
A run parameter.
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str project-name: the name of job from which the user can pick runs
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/run-param001.yaml
:language: yaml
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'projectName').text = data['project-name']
def extended_choice_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: extended-choice
Creates an extended choice parameter where values can be read from a file
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Extended Choice Parameter Plugin
:arg str name: name of the parameter
:arg str description: description of the parameter
(optional, default '')
:arg str property-file: location of property file to read from
(optional, default '')
:arg str property-key: key for the property-file (optional, default '')
:arg bool quote-value: whether to put quotes around the property
when passing to Jenkins (optional, default false)
:arg str visible-items: number of items to show in the list
(optional, default 5)
:arg str type: type of select, can be single-select, multi-select,
radio, checkbox or textbox (optional, default single-select)
:arg str value: comma separated list of values for the single select
or multi-select box (optional, default '')
:arg str default-value: used to set the initial selection of the
single-select or multi-select box (optional, default '')
:arg str value-description: comma separated list of value descriptions
for the single select or multi-select box (optional, default '')
:arg str default-property-file: location of property file when default
value needs to come from a property file (optional, default '')
:arg str default-property-key: key for the default property file
(optional, default '')
:arg str description-property-file: location of property file when value
description needs to come from a property file (optional, default '')
:arg str description-property-key: key for the value description
property file (optional, default '')
:arg str multi-select-delimiter: value between selections when the
parameter is a multi-select (optiona, default ',')
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'value').text = data.get('value', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'visibleItemCount').text = str(data.get(
'visible-items', data.get('visible-item-count', 5)))
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'multiSelectDelimiter').text = data.get(
'multi-select-delimiter', ',')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'quoteValue').text = str(data.get('quote-value',
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue').text = data.get(
'default-value', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'descriptionPropertyValue').text = data.get(
'value-description', '')
choice = data.get('type', 'single-select')
choicedict = {'single-select': 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
'multi-select': 'PT_MULTI_SELECT',
'radio': 'PT_RADIO',
'checkbox': 'PT_CHECKBOX',
'textbox': 'PT_TEXTBOX',
if choice in choicedict:
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'type').text = choicedict[choice]
raise JenkinsJobsException("Type entered is not valid, must be one "
"of: single-select, multi-select, radio, "
"textbox or checkbox")
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'propertyFile').text = data.get('property-file', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'propertyKey').text = data.get('property-key', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultPropertyFile').text = data.get(
'default-property-file', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultPropertyKey').text = data.get(
'default-property-key', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'descriptionPropertyFile').text = data.get(
'description-property-file', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'descriptionPropertyKey').text = data.get(
'description-property-key', '')
def validating_string_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: validating-string
A validating string parameter
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Validating String Plugin
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str regex: a regular expression to validate the string
:arg str msg: a message to display upon failed validation
- validating-string:
name: FOO
default: bar
description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'."
regex: [A-Za-z]*
msg: Your entered value failed validation
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, True,
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'regex').text = data['regex']
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'failedValidationMessage').text = data['msg']
def svn_tags_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: svn-tags
A svn tag parameter
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Parameterized Trigger Plugin
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional)
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str url: the url to list tags from
:arg str filter: the regular expression to filter tags
- svn-tags:
default: release
description: A parameter named BRANCH_NAME default is release
filter: [A-za-z0-9]*
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, True,
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'tagsDir').text = data['url']
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'tagsFilter').text = data.get('filter', None)
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'reverseByDate').text = "true"
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'reverseByName').text = "false"
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'maxTags').text = "100"
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'uuid').text = "1-1-1-1-1"
def dynamic_choice_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: dynamic-choice
Dynamic Choice Parameter
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str script: Groovy expression which generates the potential choices.
:arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build
is started (default false)
:arg str classpath: class path for script (optional)
:arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated
(default false)
- dynamic-choice:
description: "Available options"
script: "['optionA', 'optionB']"
remote: false
read-only: false
dynamic_param_common(registry, xml_parent, data,
def dynamic_string_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: dynamic-string
Dynamic Parameter
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str script: Groovy expression which generates the potential choices
:arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build
is started (default false)
:arg str classpath: class path for script (optional)
:arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated
(default false)
- dynamic-string:
name: FOO
description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'."
script: "bar"
remote: false
read-only: false
dynamic_param_common(registry, xml_parent, data,
def dynamic_choice_scriptler_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: dynamic-choice-scriptler
Dynamic Choice Parameter (Scriptler)
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str script-id: Groovy script which generates the default value
:arg list parameters: parameters to corresponding script
:Parameter: * **name** (`str`) Parameter name
* **value** (`str`) Parameter value
:arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build
is started (default false)
:arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated
(default false)
- dynamic-choice-scriptler:
description: "Available options"
script-id: "scriptid.groovy"
- name: param1
value: value1
- name: param2
value: value2
remote: false
read-only: false
dynamic_scriptler_param_common(registry, xml_parent, data,
def dynamic_string_scriptler_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: dynamic-string-scriptler
Dynamic Parameter (Scriptler)
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str script-id: Groovy script which generates the default value
:arg list parameters: parameters to corresponding script
:Parameter: * **name** (`str`) Parameter name
* **value** (`str`) Parameter value
:arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build
is started (default false)
:arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated
(default false)
- dynamic-string-scriptler:
name: FOO
description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'."
script-id: "scriptid.groovy"
- name: param1
value: value1
- name: param2
value: value2
remote: false
read-only: false
dynamic_scriptler_param_common(registry, xml_parent, data,
def dynamic_param_common(registry, xml_parent, data, ptype):
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
+ ptype)
XML.SubElement(pdef, '__remote').text = str(
data.get('remote', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(pdef, '__script').text = data.get('script', None)
localBaseDir = XML.SubElement(pdef, '__localBaseDirectory',
{'serialization': 'custom'})
filePath = XML.SubElement(localBaseDir, 'hudson.FilePath')
default = XML.SubElement(filePath, 'default')
XML.SubElement(filePath, 'boolean').text = "true"
XML.SubElement(default, 'remote').text = \
XML.SubElement(pdef, '__remoteBaseDirectory').text = \
XML.SubElement(pdef, '__classPath').text = data.get('classpath', None)
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'readonlyInputField').text = str(
data.get('read-only', False)).lower()
def dynamic_scriptler_param_common(registry, xml_parent, data, ptype):
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
'scriptler.' + ptype)
XML.SubElement(pdef, '__remote').text = str(
data.get('remote', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(pdef, '__scriptlerScriptId').text = data.get(
'script-id', None)
parametersXML = XML.SubElement(pdef, '__parameters')
parameters = data.get('parameters', [])
if parameters:
for parameter in parameters:
parameterXML = XML.SubElement(parametersXML,
XML.SubElement(parameterXML, 'name').text = parameter['name']
XML.SubElement(parameterXML, 'value').text = parameter['value']
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'readonlyInputField').text = str(data.get(
'read-only', False)).lower()
def matrix_combinations_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: matrix-combinations
Matrix combinations parameter
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Matrix Combinations Plugin
:arg str name: the name of the parameter
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str filter: Groovy expression to use filter the combination by
default (optional)
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
element_name = 'hudson.plugins.matrix__configuration__parameter.' \
pdef = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, element_name)
if 'name' not in data:
raise JenkinsJobsException('matrix-combinations must have a name '
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'name').text = data['name']
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'description').text = data.get('description', '')
combination_filter = data.get('filter')
if combination_filter:
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultCombinationFilter').text = \
return pdef
def copyartifact_build_selector_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: copyartifact-build-selector
Control via a build parameter, which build the copyartifact plugin should
copy when it is configured to use 'build-param'. Requires the Jenkins
:jenkins-wiki:`Copy Artifact plugin <Copy+Artifact+Plugin>`.
:arg str name: name of the build parameter to store the selection in
:arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str which-build: which to provide as the default value in the UI. See
``which-build`` param of :py:mod:`~builders.copyartifact` from the
builders module for the available values as well as options available
that control additional behaviour for the selected value.
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
t = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.'
name = data['name']
except KeyError:
raise MissingAttributeError('name')
XML.SubElement(t, 'name').text = name
XML.SubElement(t, 'description').text = data.get('description', '')
copyartifact_build_selector(t, data, 'defaultSelector')
def maven_metadata_param(registry, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: maven-metadata
This parameter allows the resolution of maven artifact versions
by contacting the repository and reading the maven-metadata.xml.
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Maven Metadata Plugin
:arg str name: Name of the parameter
:arg str description: Description of the parameter (optional)
:arg str repository-base-url: URL from where you retrieve your artifacts
(default '')
:arg str repository-username: Repository's username if authentication is
required. (default '')
:arg str repository-password: Repository's password if authentication is
required. (default '')
:arg str artifact-group-id: Unique project identifier (default '')
:arg str artifact-id: Name of the artifact without version (default '')
:arg str packaging: Artifact packaging option. Could be something such as
jar, zip, pom.... (default '')
:arg str versions-filter: Specify a regular expression which will be used
to filter the versions which are actually displayed when triggering a
new build. (default '')
:arg str default-value: For features such as SVN polling a default value
is required. If job will only be started manually, this field is not
necessary. (default '')
:arg str maximum-versions-to-display: The maximum number of versions to
display in the drop-down. Any non-number value as well as 0 or negative
values will default to all. (default 10)
:arg str sorting-order: ascending or descending
(default descending)
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
pdef = base_param(registry, xml_parent, data, False,
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'repoBaseUrl').text = data.get('repository-base-url',
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'groupId').text = data.get('artifact-group-id', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'artifactId').text = data.get('artifact-id', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'packaging').text = data.get('packaging', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue').text = data.get('default-value', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'versionFilter').text = data.get('versions-filter',
sort_order = data.get('sorting-order', 'descending').lower()
sort_dict = {'descending': 'DESC',
'ascending': 'ASC'}
if sort_order not in sort_dict:
raise InvalidAttributeError(sort_order, sort_order, sort_dict.keys())
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'sortOrder').text = sort_dict[sort_order]
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'maxVersions').text = str(data.get(
'maximum-versions-to-display', 10))
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'username').text = data.get('repository-username', '')
XML.SubElement(pdef, 'password').text = data.get('repository-password', '')
class Parameters(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base):
sequence = 21
component_type = 'parameter'
component_list_type = 'parameters'
def gen_xml(self, xml_parent, data):
properties = xml_parent.find('properties')
if properties is None:
properties = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'properties')
parameters = data.get('parameters', [])
hmodel = 'hudson.model.'
if parameters:
# The conditionals here are to work around the extended_choice
# parameter also being definable in the properties module. This
# usage has been deprecated but not removed. Because it may have
# added these elements before us, we need to check if they already
# exist, and only add them if they're missing.
pdefp = properties.find(hmodel + 'ParametersDefinitionProperty')
if pdefp is None:
pdefp = XML.SubElement(properties,
hmodel + 'ParametersDefinitionProperty')
pdefs = pdefp.find('parameterDefinitions')
if pdefs is None:
pdefs = XML.SubElement(pdefp, 'parameterDefinitions')
for param in parameters:
self.registry.dispatch('parameter', pdefs, param)