Vsevolod Fedorov af9e03ec08 Rewrite YAML parser
Rewrite YAML parser, YAML objects and parameters expansion logic to
enable better control over expansion logic.
Broken backward compatilibity:
* More agressive parameter expansion. This may lead to parameters
  expanded in places where they were not expanded before.
* Top-level elements, which is not known to parser (such as 'job',
  'view', 'project' etc), are now lead to parse failures.
  Prepend them with underscore to be ignored by parser.
* Files included using '!include-raw:' elements and having formatting in
  it's path ('lazy-loaded' in previous implementation) are now expanded
  Use '!include-raw-escape:' for them instead.
  See changes in these tests for examples:
* Parameters with template value using itself were substituted as is.
  For example: "timer: '{timer}'" was expanded to "{timer}". Now it
  leads to recursive parameter error.
  See changes in this test for example:
* When job group includes a job which was never declared, it was just
  ignored. Now it fails: job is missing.
  See changes in this test for example:

Change-Id: Ief4e515f065a1b9e0f74fe06d7e94fa77d69f273
2023-02-28 20:16:57 +03:00

218 lines
6.5 KiB

import configparser
import pkg_resources
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
import yaml
from jenkins_jobs.alphanum import AlphanumSort
from jenkins_jobs.config import JJBConfig
from jenkins_jobs.loader import Loader
from jenkins_jobs.modules import project_externaljob
from jenkins_jobs.modules import project_flow
from jenkins_jobs.modules import project_githuborg
from jenkins_jobs.modules import project_matrix
from jenkins_jobs.modules import project_maven
from jenkins_jobs.modules import project_multibranch
from jenkins_jobs.modules import project_multijob
from jenkins_jobs.registry import ModuleRegistry
from jenkins_jobs.xml_config import XmlJob, XmlJobGenerator, XmlViewGenerator
from jenkins_jobs.roots import Roots
from jenkins_jobs.loader import load_files
# Avoid writing to ~/.cache/jenkins_jobs.
def job_cache_mocked(mocker):
mocker.patch("jenkins_jobs.builder.JobCache", autospec=True)
def config_path(scenario):
return scenario.config_path
def jjb_config(config_path):
config = JJBConfig(config_path)
return config
def mock_iter_entry_points():
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.read(Path(__file__).parent / "../setup.cfg")
groups = {}
for key in config["entry_points"]:
groups[key] = list()
for line in config["entry_points"][key].split("\n"):
if "" == line.strip():
pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse(line, dist=pkg_resources.Distribution())
def iter_entry_points(group, name=None):
return (entry for entry in groups[group] if name is None or name == entry.name)
return iter_entry_points
def input(scenario, jjb_config):
loader = Loader.empty(jjb_config)
return loader.load_path(scenario.in_path)
def plugins_info(scenario):
if not scenario.plugins_info_path.exists():
return None
return yaml.safe_load(scenario.plugins_info_path.read_text())
def registry(mocker, mock_iter_entry_points, jjb_config, plugins_info):
mocker.patch("pkg_resources.iter_entry_points", side_effect=mock_iter_entry_points)
return ModuleRegistry(jjb_config, plugins_info)
def project(input, registry):
type_to_class = {
"maven": project_maven.Maven,
"matrix": project_matrix.Matrix,
"flow": project_flow.Flow,
"githuborg": project_githuborg.GithubOrganization,
"multijob": project_multijob.MultiJob,
"multibranch": project_multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranch,
"multibranch-defaults": project_multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranchDefaults,
"externaljob": project_externaljob.ExternalJob,
class_name = input["project-type"]
except KeyError:
return None
if class_name == "freestyle":
return None
cls = type_to_class[class_name]
return cls(registry)
def expected_output(scenario):
if not scenario.out_paths:
# Do not check output if there are no files for it.
return None
return "".join(path.read_text() for path in sorted(scenario.out_paths))
def expected_error(scenario):
if scenario.error_path.exists():
return scenario.error_path.read_text().rstrip()
return None
def check_folder(scenario, jjb_config, input):
if "name" not in input:
if "folder" in input:
full_name = input["folder"] + "/" + input["name"]
full_name = input["name"]
*dirs, name = full_name.split("/")
input_dir = scenario.in_path.parent
expected_out_dirs = [input_dir.joinpath(*dirs)]
actual_out_dirs = [path.parent for path in scenario.out_paths]
assert expected_out_dirs == actual_out_dirs
def check_generator(scenario, input, expected_output, jjb_config, registry, project):
def check(Generator):
if project:
xml = project.root_xml(input)
xml = XML.Element("project")
generator = Generator(registry)
generator.gen_xml(xml, input)
check_folder(scenario, jjb_config, input)
pretty_xml = XmlJob(xml, "fixturejob").output().decode()
assert expected_output == pretty_xml
return check
def check_parser(jjb_config, registry):
def check(in_path):
roots = Roots(jjb_config)
load_files(jjb_config, roots, [in_path])
job_data_list = roots.generate_jobs()
view_data_list = roots.generate_views()
generator = XmlJobGenerator(registry)
_ = generator.generateXML(job_data_list)
_ = generator.generateXML(view_data_list)
return check
def check_job(scenario, expected_output, jjb_config, registry):
def check():
roots = Roots(jjb_config)
load_files(jjb_config, roots, [scenario.in_path])
job_data_list = roots.generate_jobs()
generator = XmlJobGenerator(registry)
job_xml_list = generator.generateXML(job_data_list)
pretty_xml = (
"\n".join(job.output().decode() for job in job_xml_list)
.replace("\n\n", "\n")
if expected_output is None:
stripped_expected_output = (
expected_output.strip().replace("<BLANKLINE>", "").replace("\n\n", "\n")
assert stripped_expected_output == pretty_xml
return check
def check_view(scenario, expected_output, jjb_config, registry):
def check():
roots = Roots(jjb_config)
load_files(jjb_config, roots, [scenario.in_path])
view_data_list = roots.generate_views()
generator = XmlViewGenerator(registry)
view_xml_list = generator.generateXML(view_data_list)
pretty_xml = (
"\n".join(view.output().decode() for view in view_xml_list)
.replace("\n\n", "\n")
if expected_output is None:
stripped_expected_output = (
expected_output.strip().replace("<BLANKLINE>", "").replace("\n\n", "\n")
assert stripped_expected_output == pretty_xml
return check