While reviewing the YAML axis execution strategy for the matrix project, Darragh Bailey suggested to: * use proper variable naming * JJB exceptions * Rely on hudson_model * Drop trailing slashes Slightly refactor the matrix project method. For the combination touchstones, the web interface list the result has 'Stable', 'Unstable'. Map 'Stable' to 'Success' which is actually in hudson.model.Result. Add a basic test to cover that. Change-Id: I7ab416a2dbadae6d8a41fe8902ebec04fc530abc
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# Copyright 2012 Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian@googlemail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The matrix project module handles creating Jenkins matrix
projects. To create a matrix project specify ``matrix`` in the
``project-type`` attribute to the :ref:`Job` definition.
Currently it supports four axes which share the same
internal YAML structure:
* label expressions (``label-expression``)
* user-defined values (``user-defined``)
* slave name or label (``slave``)
* JDK name (``jdk``)
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Matrix Project Plugin
The module also supports additional, plugin-defined axes:
* DynamicAxis (``dynamic``), requires the Jenkins
:jenkins-wiki:`DynamicAxis Plugin <DynamicAxis+Plugin>`
* GroovyAxis (``groovy``), requires the Jenkins
:jenkins-wiki:`GroovyAxis Plugin <GroovyAxis>`
* YamlAxis (``yaml``), requires the Jenkins
:jenkins-wiki:`Yaml Axis Plugin <Yaml+Axis+Plugin>`
To tie the parent job to a specific node, you should use ``node`` parameter.
On a matrix project, this will tie *only* the parent job. To restrict axes
jobs, you can define a single value ``slave`` axis.
:Job Parameters:
.. note::
You can only pick one of the strategies.
* **execution-strategy** (optional, built in Jenkins):
* **combination-filter** (`str`): axes selection filter
* **sequential** (`bool`): run builds sequentially (default false)
* **touchstone** (optional):
* **expr** (`str`) -- selection filter for the touchstone build
* **result** (`str`) -- required result of the job: \
stable (default) or unstable
* **yaml-strategy** (optional, requires
:jenkins-wiki:`Yaml Axis Plugin <Yaml+Axis+Plugin>`):
* **exclude-key** (`str`) -- top key containing exclusion rules
* Either one of:
* **filename** (`str`) -- Yaml file containing exclusions
* **text** (`str`) -- Inlined Yaml. Should be literal
``text: | exclude:...``
* **axes** (`list`):
* **axis**:
* **type** (`str`) -- axis type, must be either type defined by
:jenkins-wiki:`Matrix Project Plugin <Matrix+Project+Plugin>`
(``label-expression``, ``user-defined``, ``slave`` or ``jdk``) or
a type defined by a plugin (see top of this document for a list
of supported plugins).
* **name** (`str`) -- name of the axis
* **values** (`list`) -- values of the axis
The module supports also ShiningPanda axes:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/general/fixtures/matrix-axis003.yaml
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`ShiningPanda Plugin <ShiningPanda+Plugin>`.
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/yamlparser/fixtures/project-matrix001.yaml
:language: yaml
Examples for yaml axis:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/general/fixtures/matrix-axis-yaml.yaml
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
import jenkins_jobs.modules.base
from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError
from jenkins_jobs.modules import hudson_model
class Matrix(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base):
sequence = 0
# List the supported Axis names in our configuration
# and map them to the Jenkins XML element name.
supported_axis = {
'label-expression': 'hudson.matrix.LabelExpAxis',
'user-defined': 'hudson.matrix.TextAxis',
'slave': 'hudson.matrix.LabelAxis',
'jdk': 'hudson.matrix.JDKAxis',
'dynamic': 'ca.silvermaplesolutions.jenkins.plugins.daxis.DynamicAxis',
'python': 'jenkins.plugins.shiningpanda.matrix.PythonAxis',
'tox': 'jenkins.plugins.shiningpanda.matrix.ToxAxis',
'groovy': 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.GroovyAxis',
'yaml': 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.yamlaxis.YamlAxis',
supported_strategies = {
# Jenkins built-in, default
def root_xml(self, data):
root = XML.Element('matrix-project')
# Default to 'execution-strategy'
strategies = ([s for s in data.keys() if s.endswith('-strategy')]
or ['execution-strategy'])
# Job can not have multiple strategies
if len(strategies) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'matrix-project does not support multiple strategies. '
'Given %s: %s' % (len(strategies), ', '.join(strategies)))
strategy_name = strategies[0]
if strategy_name not in self.supported_strategies:
raise ValueError(
'Given strategy %s. Only %s strategies are supported'
% (strategy_name, self.supported_strategies.keys()))
ex_r = XML.SubElement(
root, 'executionStrategy',
{'class': self.supported_strategies[strategy_name]})
strategy = data.get(strategy_name, {})
if strategy_name == 'execution-strategy':
XML.SubElement(root, 'combinationFilter').text = (
str(strategy.get('combination-filter', '')).rstrip()
XML.SubElement(ex_r, 'runSequentially').text = (
str(strategy.get('sequential', False)).lower()
if 'touchstone' in strategy:
XML.SubElement(ex_r, 'touchStoneCombinationFilter').text = (
str(strategy['touchstone'].get('expr', ''))
threshold = strategy['touchstone'].get(
'result', 'stable').upper()
supported_thresholds = ('STABLE', 'UNSTABLE')
if threshold not in supported_thresholds:
raise InvalidAttributeError(
'touchstone', threshold, supported_thresholds)
# Web ui uses Stable but hudson.model.Result has Success
if threshold == 'STABLE':
threshold = 'SUCCESS'
t_r = XML.SubElement(ex_r, 'touchStoneResultCondition')
for sub_elem in ('name', 'ordinal', 'color'):
XML.SubElement(t_r, sub_elem).text = (
elif strategy_name == 'yaml-strategy':
filename = str(strategy.get('filename', ''))
text = str(strategy.get('text', ''))
exclude_key = str(strategy.get('exclude-key', ''))
if bool(filename) == bool(text): # xor with str
raise ValueError('yaml-strategy must be given '
'either "filename" or "text"')
yamlType = (filename and 'file') or (text and 'text')
XML.SubElement(ex_r, 'yamlType').text = yamlType
XML.SubElement(ex_r, 'yamlFile').text = filename
XML.SubElement(ex_r, 'yamlText').text = text
XML.SubElement(ex_r, 'excludeKey').text = exclude_key
ax_root = XML.SubElement(root, 'axes')
for axis_ in data.get('axes', []):
axis = axis_['axis']
axis_type = axis['type']
if axis_type not in self.supported_axis:
raise ValueError('Only %s axes types are supported'
% self.supported_axis.keys())
axis_name = self.supported_axis.get(axis_type)
lbl_root = XML.SubElement(ax_root, axis_name)
name, values = axis.get('name', ''), axis.get('values', [''])
if axis_type == 'jdk':
XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'name').text = 'jdk'
elif axis_type == 'python':
XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'name').text = 'PYTHON'
elif axis_type == 'tox':
XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'name').text = 'TOXENV'
XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'name').text = str(name)
if axis_type != "groovy":
v_root = XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'values')
if axis_type == "dynamic":
XML.SubElement(v_root, 'string').text = str(values[0])
XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'varName').text = str(values[0])
v_root = XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'axisValues')
XML.SubElement(v_root, 'string').text = 'default'
elif axis_type == "groovy":
command = XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'groovyString')
command.text = axis.get('command')
XML.SubElement(lbl_root, 'computedValues').text = ''
elif axis_type == "yaml":
XML.SubElement(v_root, 'string').text = axis.get('filename')
for v in values:
XML.SubElement(v_root, 'string').text = str(v)
return root