#!/usr/bin/env python # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2010, Willow Garage, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: # Ken Conley # James Page # Tully Foote # Matthew Gertner ''' .. module:: jenkins :platform: Unix, Windows :synopsis: Python API to interact with Jenkins :noindex: See examples at :doc:`examples` ''' import json import logging import os import re import socket import sys import time import warnings import multi_key_dict import requests import requests.exceptions as req_exc from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning from six.moves.http_client import BadStatusLine from six.moves.urllib.error import URLError from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, urlencode, urljoin, urlparse from jenkins import plugins try: import requests_kerberos except ImportError: requests_kerberos = None # Set default logging handler to avoid "No handler found" warnings. try: # Python 2.7+ from logging import NullHandler except ImportError: class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(NullHandler()) if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 0): warnings.warn("Support for python 2.6 is deprecated and will be removed.") LAUNCHER_SSH = 'hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher' LAUNCHER_COMMAND = 'hudson.slaves.CommandLauncher' LAUNCHER_JNLP = 'hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher' LAUNCHER_WINDOWS_SERVICE = 'hudson.os.windows.ManagedWindowsServiceLauncher' DEFAULT_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} # REST Endpoints INFO = 'api/json' PLUGIN_INFO = 'pluginManager/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' CRUMB_URL = 'crumbIssuer/api/json' WHOAMI_URL = 'me/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' JOBS_QUERY = '?tree=jobs[url,color,name,jobs]' JOB_INFO = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' JOB_NAME = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/api/json?tree=name' ALL_BUILDS = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/api/json?tree=allBuilds[number,url]' Q_INFO = 'queue/api/json?depth=0' Q_ITEM = 'queue/item/%(number)d/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' CANCEL_QUEUE = 'queue/cancelItem?id=%(id)s' CREATE_JOB = '%(folder_url)screateItem?name=%(short_name)s' # also post config.xml CONFIG_JOB = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/config.xml' DELETE_JOB = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/doDelete' ENABLE_JOB = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/enable' DISABLE_JOB = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/disable' SET_JOB_BUILD_NUMBER = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/nextbuildnumber/submit' COPY_JOB = '%(from_folder_url)screateItem?name=%(to_short_name)s&mode=copy&from=%(from_short_name)s' RENAME_JOB = '%(from_folder_url)sjob/%(from_short_name)s/doRename?newName=%(to_short_name)s' BUILD_JOB = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/build' STOP_BUILD = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/%(number)s/stop' BUILD_WITH_PARAMS_JOB = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/buildWithParameters' BUILD_INFO = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/%(number)d/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' BUILD_CONSOLE_OUTPUT = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/%(number)d/consoleText' BUILD_ENV_VARS = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/%(number)d/injectedEnvVars/api/json' + \ '?depth=%(depth)s' BUILD_TEST_REPORT = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/%(number)d/testReport/api/json' + \ '?depth=%(depth)s' DELETE_BUILD = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/%(number)s/doDelete' WIPEOUT_JOB_WORKSPACE = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/doWipeOutWorkspace' NODE_LIST = 'computer/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' CREATE_NODE = 'computer/doCreateItem' DELETE_NODE = 'computer/%(name)s/doDelete' NODE_INFO = 'computer/%(name)s/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' NODE_TYPE = 'hudson.slaves.DumbSlave$DescriptorImpl' TOGGLE_OFFLINE = 'computer/%(name)s/toggleOffline?offlineMessage=%(msg)s' CONFIG_NODE = 'computer/%(name)s/config.xml' VIEW_NAME = '%(folder_url)sview/%(short_name)s/api/json?tree=name' VIEW_JOBS = 'view/%(name)s/api/json?tree=jobs[url,color,name]' CREATE_VIEW = '%(folder_url)screateView?name=%(short_name)s' CONFIG_VIEW = '%(folder_url)sview/%(short_name)s/config.xml' DELETE_VIEW = '%(folder_url)sview/%(short_name)s/doDelete' SCRIPT_TEXT = 'scriptText' PROMOTION_NAME = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/promotion/process/%(name)s/api/json?tree=name' PROMOTION_INFO = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/promotion/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' DELETE_PROMOTION = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/promotion/process/%(name)s/doDelete' CREATE_PROMOTION = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/promotion/createProcess?name=%(name)s' CONFIG_PROMOTION = '%(folder_url)sjob/%(short_name)s/promotion/process/%(name)s/config.xml' QUIET_DOWN = 'quietDown' # for testing only EMPTY_CONFIG_XML = ''' false true false false false ''' # for testing only EMPTY_FOLDER_XML = ''' ''' # for testing only RECONFIG_XML = ''' false true false false false export FOO=bar ''' # for testing only EMPTY_VIEW_CONFIG_XML = ''' EMPTY false false ''' # for testing only EMPTY_PROMO_CONFIG_XML = ''' false star-gold ''' # for testing only PROMO_RECONFIG_XML = ''' false star-green ls -l ''' class JenkinsException(Exception): '''General exception type for jenkins-API-related failures.''' pass class NotFoundException(JenkinsException): '''A special exception to call out the case of receiving a 404.''' pass class EmptyResponseException(JenkinsException): '''A special exception to call out the case receiving an empty response.''' pass class BadHTTPException(JenkinsException): '''A special exception to call out the case of a broken HTTP response.''' pass class TimeoutException(JenkinsException): '''A special exception to call out in the case of a socket timeout.''' class WrappedSession(requests.Session): """A wrapper for requests.Session to override 'verify' property, ignoring REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable. This is a workaround for https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/3829 (will be fixed in requests 3.0.0) """ def merge_environment_settings(self, url, proxies, stream, verify, *args, **kwargs): if self.verify is False: verify = False return super(WrappedSession, self).merge_environment_settings(url, proxies, stream, verify, *args, **kwargs) class Jenkins(object): _timeout_warning_issued = False def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): '''Create handle to Jenkins instance. All methods will raise :class:`JenkinsException` on failure. :param url: URL of Jenkins server, ``str`` :param username: Server username, ``str`` :param password: Server password, ``str`` :param timeout: Server connection timeout in secs (default: not set), ``int`` ''' if url[-1] == '/': self.server = url else: self.server = url + '/' self._auths = [('anonymous', None)] self._auth_resolved = False if username is not None and password is not None: self._auths[0] = ( 'basic', requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth( username.encode('utf-8'), password.encode('utf-8')) ) if requests_kerberos is not None: self._auths.append( ('kerberos', requests_kerberos.HTTPKerberosAuth()) ) self.auth = None self.crumb = None self.timeout = timeout self._session = WrappedSession() if os.getenv('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '1') == '0': logging.debug('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY=0 detected so we will ' 'disable requests library SSL verification to keep ' 'compatibility with older versions.') requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) self._session.verify = False def _get_encoded_params(self, params): for k, v in params.items(): if k in ["name", "msg", "short_name", "from_short_name", "to_short_name", "folder_url", "from_folder_url", "to_folder_url"]: params[k] = quote(v) return params def _build_url(self, format_spec, variables=None): if variables: url_path = format_spec % self._get_encoded_params(variables) else: url_path = format_spec return urljoin(self.server, url_path) def maybe_add_crumb(self, req): # We don't know yet whether we need a crumb if self.crumb is None: try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(CRUMB_URL)), add_crumb=False) except (NotFoundException, EmptyResponseException): self.crumb = False else: self.crumb = json.loads(response) if self.crumb: req.headers[self.crumb['crumbRequestField']] = self.crumb['crumb'] def _maybe_add_auth(self): if self._auth_resolved: return if len(self._auths) == 1: # If we only have one auth mechanism specified, just require it self._session.auth = self._auths[0][1] else: # Attempt the list of auth mechanisms and keep the first that works # otherwise default to the first one in the list (last popped). # This is a hack to allow the transparent use of kerberos to work # in future, we should require explicit request to use kerberos failures = [] for name, auth in reversed(self._auths): try: self.jenkins_open( requests.Request('GET', self._build_url(INFO), auth=auth), add_crumb=False, resolve_auth=False) self._session.auth = auth break except Exception as exc: # assume authentication failure failures.append("auth(%s) %s" % (name, exc)) continue else: raise JenkinsException( 'Unable to authenticate with any scheme:\n%s' % '\n'.join(failures)) self._auth_resolved = True self.auth = self._session.auth def _add_missing_builds(self, data): """Query Jenkins to get all builds of a job. The Jenkins API only fetches the first 100 builds, with no indicator that there are more to be fetched. This fetches more builds where necessary to get all builds of a given job. Much of this code borrowed from https://github.com/salimfadhley/jenkinsapi/blob/master/jenkinsapi/job.py, which is MIT licensed. """ if not data.get("builds"): return data oldest_loaded_build_number = data["builds"][-1]["number"] if not data['firstBuild']: first_build_number = oldest_loaded_build_number else: first_build_number = data["firstBuild"]["number"] all_builds_loaded = (oldest_loaded_build_number == first_build_number) if all_builds_loaded: return data folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(data["name"]) response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(ALL_BUILDS, locals()) )) if response: data["builds"] = json.loads(response)["allBuilds"] else: raise JenkinsException('Could not fetch all builds from job[%s]' % data["name"]) return data def get_job_info(self, name, depth=0, fetch_all_builds=False): '''Get job information dictionary. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :param fetch_all_builds: If true, all builds will be retrieved from Jenkins. Otherwise, Jenkins will only return the most recent 100 builds. This comes at the expense of an additional API call which may return significant amounts of data. ``bool`` :returns: dictionary of job information ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(JOB_INFO, locals()) )) if response: if fetch_all_builds: return self._add_missing_builds(json.loads(response)) else: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] does not exist' % name) except (req_exc.HTTPError, NotFoundException): raise JenkinsException('job[%s] does not exist' % name) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( "Could not parse JSON info for job[%s]" % name) def get_job_info_regex(self, pattern, depth=0, folder_depth=0): '''Get a list of jobs information that contain names which match the regex pattern. :param pattern: regex pattern, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :param folder_depth: folder level depth to search ``int`` :returns: List of jobs info, ``list`` ''' result = [] jobs = self.get_all_jobs(folder_depth) for job in jobs: if re.search(pattern, job['name']): result.append(self.get_job_info(job['name'], depth=depth)) return result def get_job_name(self, name): '''Return the name of a job using the API. That is roughly an identity method which can be used to quickly verify a job exists or is accessible without causing too much stress on the server side. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :returns: Name of job or None ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(JOB_NAME, locals()) )) except NotFoundException: return None else: actual = json.loads(response)['name'] if actual != short_name: raise JenkinsException( 'Jenkins returned an unexpected job name %s ' '(expected: %s)' % (actual, name)) return actual def debug_job_info(self, job_name): '''Print out job info in more readable format.''' for k, v in self.get_job_info(job_name).items(): print(k, v) def _response_handler(self, response): '''Handle response objects''' # raise exceptions if occurred response.raise_for_status() headers = response.headers if (headers.get('content-length') is None and headers.get('transfer-encoding') is None and (response.content is None or len(response.content) <= 0)): # response body should only exist if one of these is provided raise EmptyResponseException( "Error communicating with server[%s]: " "empty response" % self.server) # Response objects will automatically return unicode encoded # when accessing .text property return response def _request(self, req): r = self._session.prepare_request(req) # requests.Session.send() does not honor env settings by design # see https://github.com/requests/requests/issues/2807 _settings = self._session.merge_environment_settings( r.url, None, None, self._session.verify, None) _settings['timeout'] = self.timeout return self._session.send(r, **_settings) def jenkins_open(self, req, add_crumb=True, resolve_auth=True): '''Return the HTTP response body from a ``requests.Request``. :returns: ``str`` ''' return self.jenkins_request(req, add_crumb, resolve_auth).text def jenkins_request(self, req, add_crumb=True, resolve_auth=True): '''Utility routine for opening an HTTP request to a Jenkins server. :param req: A ``requests.Request`` to submit. :param add_crumb: If True, try to add a crumb header to this ``req`` before submitting. Defaults to ``True``. :param resolve_auth: If True, maybe add authentication. Defaults to ``True``. :returns: A ``requests.Response`` object. ''' try: if resolve_auth: self._maybe_add_auth() if add_crumb: self.maybe_add_crumb(req) return self._response_handler( self._request(req)) except req_exc.HTTPError as e: # Jenkins's funky authentication means its nigh impossible to # distinguish errors. if e.response.status_code in [401, 403, 500]: raise JenkinsException( 'Error in request. ' + 'Possibly authentication failed [%s]: %s' % ( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason) ) elif e.response.status_code == 404: raise NotFoundException('Requested item could not be found') else: raise except req_exc.Timeout as e: raise TimeoutException('Error in request: %s' % (e)) except URLError as e: # python 2.6 compatibility to ensure same exception raised # since URLError wraps a socket timeout on python 2.6. if str(e.reason) == "timed out": raise TimeoutException('Error in request: %s' % (e.reason)) raise JenkinsException('Error in request: %s' % (e.reason)) def get_queue_item(self, number, depth=0): '''Get information about a queued item (to-be-created job). The returned dict will have a "why" key if the queued item is still waiting for an executor. The returned dict will have an "executable" key if the queued item is running on an executor, or has completed running. Use this to determine the job number / URL. :param name: queue number, ``int`` :returns: dictionary of queued information, ``dict`` ''' url = self._build_url(Q_ITEM, locals()) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request('GET', url)) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('queue number[%d] does not exist' % number) except (req_exc.HTTPError, NotFoundException): raise JenkinsException('queue number[%d] does not exist' % number) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( 'Could not parse JSON info for queue number[%d]' % number ) def get_build_info(self, name, number, depth=0): '''Get build information dictionary. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param number: Build number, ``int`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: dictionary of build information, ``dict`` Example:: >>> next_build_number = server.get_job_info('build_name')['nextBuildNumber'] >>> output = server.build_job('build_name') >>> from time import sleep; sleep(10) >>> build_info = server.get_build_info('build_name', next_build_number) >>> print(build_info) {u'building': False, u'changeSet': {u'items': [{u'date': u'2011-12-19T18:01:52.540557Z', u'msg': u'test', u'revision': 66, u'user': u'unknown', u'paths': [{u'editType': u'edit', u'file': u'/branches/demo/index.html'}]}], u'kind': u'svn', u'revisions': [{u'module': u'http://eaas-svn01.i3.level3.com/eaas', u'revision': 66}]}, u'builtOn': u'', u'description': None, u'artifacts': [{u'relativePath': u'dist/eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war', u'displayPath': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war', u'fileName': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war'}, {u'relativePath': u'dist/eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war.zip', u'displayPath': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war.zip', u'fileName': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war.zip'}], u'timestamp': 1324317717000, u'number': 87, u'actions': [{u'parameters': [{u'name': u'SERVICE_NAME', u'value': u'eaas'}, {u'name': u'PROJECT_NAME', u'value': u'demo'}]}, {u'causes': [{u'userName': u'anonymous', u'shortDescription': u'Started by user anonymous'}]}, {}, {}, {}], u'id': u'2011-12-19_18-01-57', u'keepLog': False, u'url': u'http://eaas-jenkins01.i3.level3.com:9080/job/build_war/87/', u'culprits': [{u'absoluteUrl': u'http://eaas-jenkins01.i3.level3.com:9080/user/unknown', u'fullName': u'unknown'}], u'result': u'SUCCESS', u'duration': 8826, u'fullDisplayName': u'build_war #87'} ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(BUILD_INFO, locals()) )) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except (req_exc.HTTPError, NotFoundException): raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( 'Could not parse JSON info for job[%s] number[%d]' % (name, number) ) def get_build_env_vars(self, name, number, depth=0): '''Get build environment variables. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param number: Build number, ``int`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: dictionary of build env vars, ``dict`` or None for workflow jobs, or if InjectEnvVars plugin not installed ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(BUILD_ENV_VARS, locals()))) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except req_exc.HTTPError: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( 'Could not parse JSON info for job[%s] number[%d]' % (name, number)) except NotFoundException: # This can happen on workflow jobs, or if InjectEnvVars plugin not installed return None def get_build_test_report(self, name, number, depth=0): '''Get test results report. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param number: Build number, ``int`` :returns: dictionary of test report results, ``dict`` or None if there is no Test Report ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(BUILD_TEST_REPORT, locals()))) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except req_exc.HTTPError: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( 'Could not parse JSON info for job[%s] number[%d]' % (name, number)) except NotFoundException: # This can happen if the test report wasn't generated for any reason return None def get_queue_info(self): ''':returns: list of job dictionaries, ``[dict]`` Example:: >>> queue_info = server.get_queue_info() >>> print(queue_info[0]) {u'task': {u'url': u'http://your_url/job/my_job/', u'color': u'aborted_anime', u'name': u'my_job'}, u'stuck': False, u'actions': [{u'causes': [{u'shortDescription': u'Started by timer'}]}], u'buildable': False, u'params': u'', u'buildableStartMilliseconds': 1315087293316, u'why': u'Build #2,532 is already in progress (ETA:10 min)', u'blocked': True} ''' return json.loads(self.jenkins_open( requests.Request('GET', self._build_url(Q_INFO)) ))['items'] def cancel_queue(self, id): '''Cancel a queued build. :param id: Jenkins job id number for the build, ``int`` ''' # Jenkins seems to always return a 404 when using this REST endpoint # https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-21311 try: self.jenkins_open( requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(CANCEL_QUEUE, locals()), headers={'Referer': self.server})) except NotFoundException: # Exception is expected; cancel_queue() is a best-effort # mechanism, so ignore it pass def get_info(self, item="", query=None): """Get information on this Master or item on Master. This information includes job list and view information and can be used to retreive information on items such as job folders. :param item: item to get information about on this Master :param query: xpath to extract information about on this Master :returns: dictionary of information about Master or item, ``dict`` Example:: >>> info = server.get_info() >>> jobs = info['jobs'] >>> print(jobs[0]) {u'url': u'http://your_url_here/job/my_job/', u'color': u'blue', u'name': u'my_job'} """ url = '/'.join((item, INFO)).lstrip('/') url = quote(url) if query: url += query try: return json.loads(self.jenkins_open( requests.Request('GET', self._build_url(INFO)) )) except (req_exc.HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for server[%s]" % self.server) def get_whoami(self, depth=0): """Get information about the user account that authenticated to Jenkins. This is a simple way to verify that your credentials are correct. :returns: Information about the current user ``dict`` Example:: >>> me = server.get_whoami() >>> print me['fullName'] >>> 'John' """ try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(WHOAMI_URL, locals()) )) if response is None: raise EmptyResponseException( "Error communicating with server[%s]: " "empty response" % self.server) return json.loads(response) except (req_exc.HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) def get_version(self): """Get the version of this Master. :returns: This master's version number ``str`` Example:: >>> info = server.get_version() >>> print info >>> 1.541 """ try: request = requests.Request('GET', self._build_url('')) request.headers['X-Jenkins'] = '0.0' response = self._response_handler(self._request(request)) return response.headers['X-Jenkins'] except (req_exc.HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) def get_plugins_info(self, depth=2): """Get all installed plugins information on this Master. This method retrieves information about each plugin that is installed on master returning the raw plugin data in a JSON format. .. deprecated:: 0.4.9 Use :func:`get_plugins` instead. :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: info on all plugins ``[dict]`` Example:: >>> info = server.get_plugins_info() >>> print(info) [{u'backupVersion': None, u'version': u'0.0.4', u'deleted': False, u'supportsDynamicLoad': u'MAYBE', u'hasUpdate': True, u'enabled': True, u'pinned': False, u'downgradable': False, u'dependencies': [], u'url': u'http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin', u'longName': u'Gearman Plugin', u'active': True, u'shortName': u'gearman-plugin', u'bundled': False}, ..] """ warnings.warn("get_plugins_info() is deprecated, use get_plugins()", DeprecationWarning) return [plugin_data for plugin_data in self.get_plugins(depth).values()] def get_plugin_info(self, name, depth=2): """Get an installed plugin information on this Master. This method retrieves information about a specific plugin and returns the raw plugin data in a JSON format. The passed in plugin name (short or long) must be an exact match. .. note:: Calling this method will query Jenkins fresh for the information for all plugins on each call. If you need to retrieve information for multiple plugins it's recommended to use :func:`get_plugins` instead, which will return a multi key dictionary that can be accessed via either the short or long name of the plugin. :param name: Name (short or long) of plugin, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: a specific plugin ``dict`` Example:: >>> info = server.get_plugin_info("Gearman Plugin") >>> print(info) {u'backupVersion': None, u'version': u'0.0.4', u'deleted': False, u'supportsDynamicLoad': u'MAYBE', u'hasUpdate': True, u'enabled': True, u'pinned': False, u'downgradable': False, u'dependencies': [], u'url': u'http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin', u'longName': u'Gearman Plugin', u'active': True, u'shortName': u'gearman-plugin', u'bundled': False} """ plugins_info = self.get_plugins(depth) try: return plugins_info[name] except KeyError: pass def get_plugins(self, depth=2): """Return plugins info using helper class for version comparison This method retrieves information about all the installed plugins and uses a Plugin helper class to simplify version comparison. Also uses a multi key dict to allow retrieval via either short or long names. When printing/dumping the data, the version will transparently return a unicode string, which is exactly what was previously returned by the API. :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: info on all plugins ``[dict]`` Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> info = j.get_plugins() >>> print(info) {('gearman-plugin', 'Gearman Plugin'): {u'backupVersion': None, u'version': u'0.0.4', u'deleted': False, u'supportsDynamicLoad': u'MAYBE', u'hasUpdate': True, u'enabled': True, u'pinned': False, u'downgradable': False, u'dependencies': [], u'url': u'http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin', u'longName': u'Gearman Plugin', u'active': True, u'shortName': u'gearman-plugin', u'bundled': False}, ...} """ try: plugins_info_json = json.loads(self.jenkins_open( requests.Request('GET', self._build_url(PLUGIN_INFO, locals())))) except (req_exc.HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for server[%s]" % self.server) plugins_data = multi_key_dict.multi_key_dict() for plugin_data in plugins_info_json['plugins']: keys = (str(plugin_data['shortName']), str(plugin_data['longName'])) plugins_data[keys] = plugins.Plugin(**plugin_data) return plugins_data def get_jobs(self, folder_depth=0, view_name=None): """Get list of jobs. Each job is a dictionary with 'name', 'url', 'color' and 'fullname' keys. If the ``view_name`` parameter is present, the list of jobs will be limited to only those configured in the specified view. In this case, the job dictionary 'fullname' key would be equal to the job name. :param folder_depth: Number of levels to search, ``int``. By default 0, which will limit search to toplevel. None disables the limit. :param view_name: Name of a Jenkins view for which to retrieve jobs, ``str``. By default, the job list is not limited to a specific view. :returns: list of jobs, ``[{str: str, str: str, str: str, str: str}]`` Example:: >>> jobs = server.get_jobs() >>> print(jobs) [{ u'name': u'all_tests', u'url': u'http://your_url.here/job/all_tests/', u'color': u'blue', u'fullname': u'all_tests' }] """ if view_name: return self._get_view_jobs(name=view_name) else: return self.get_all_jobs(folder_depth=folder_depth) def get_all_jobs(self, folder_depth=None): """Get list of all jobs recursively to the given folder depth. Each job is a dictionary with 'name', 'url', 'color' and 'fullname' keys. :param folder_depth: Number of levels to search, ``int``. By default None, which will search all levels. 0 limits to toplevel. :returns: list of jobs, ``[ { str: str} ]`` .. note:: On instances with many folders it may be more efficient to use the run_script method to retrieve all jobs instead. Example:: server.run_script(\"\"\" import groovy.json.JsonBuilder; // get all projects excluding matrix configuration // as they are simply part of a matrix project. // there may be better ways to get just jobs items = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(AbstractProject); items.removeAll { it instanceof hudson.matrix.MatrixConfiguration }; def json = new JsonBuilder() def root = json { jobs items.collect { [ name: it.name, url: Jenkins.instance.getRootUrl() + it.getUrl(), color: it.getIconColor().toString(), fullname: it.getFullName() ] } } // use json.toPrettyString() if viewing println json.toString() \"\"\") """ jobs_list = [] jobs = [(0, "", self.get_info(query=JOBS_QUERY)['jobs'])] for lvl, root, lvl_jobs in jobs: if not isinstance(lvl_jobs, list): lvl_jobs = [lvl_jobs] for job in lvl_jobs: # insert fullname info if it doesn't exist to # allow callers to easily reference unambiguously if u'fullname' not in job: job[u'fullname'] = '/'.join( [p for p in root.split('/') if p and p != 'job'] + [job[u'name']]) jobs_list.append(job) if 'jobs' in job: # folder if folder_depth is None or lvl < folder_depth: path = '/job/'.join((root, job[u'name'])) jobs.append( (lvl + 1, path, self.get_info(path, query=JOBS_QUERY)['jobs'])) return jobs_list def copy_job(self, from_name, to_name): '''Copy a Jenkins job. Will raise an exception whenever the source and destination folder for this jobs won't be the same. :param from_name: Name of Jenkins job to copy from, ``str`` :param to_name: Name of Jenkins job to copy to, ``str`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the source and destination folder are not the same ''' from_folder_url, from_short_name = self._get_job_folder(from_name) to_folder_url, to_short_name = self._get_job_folder(to_name) if from_folder_url != to_folder_url: raise JenkinsException('copy[%s to %s] failed, source and destination ' 'folder must be the same' % (from_name, to_name)) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(COPY_JOB, locals()) )) self.assert_job_exists(to_name, 'create[%s] failed') def rename_job(self, from_name, to_name): '''Rename an existing Jenkins job Will raise an exception whenever the source and destination folder for this jobs won't be the same. :param from_name: Name of Jenkins job to rename, ``str`` :param to_name: New Jenkins job name, ``str`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the source and destination folder are not the same ''' from_folder_url, from_short_name = self._get_job_folder(from_name) to_folder_url, to_short_name = self._get_job_folder(to_name) if from_folder_url != to_folder_url: raise JenkinsException('rename[%s to %s] failed, source and destination folder ' 'must be the same' % (from_name, to_name)) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(RENAME_JOB, locals()) )) self.assert_job_exists(to_name, 'rename[%s] failed') def delete_job(self, name): '''Delete Jenkins job permanently. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(DELETE_JOB, locals()) )) if self.job_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('delete[%s] failed' % (name)) def enable_job(self, name): '''Enable Jenkins job. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(ENABLE_JOB, locals()) )) def disable_job(self, name): '''Disable Jenkins job. To re-enable, call :meth:`Jenkins.enable_job`. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(DISABLE_JOB, locals()) )) def set_next_build_number(self, name, number): '''Set a job's next build number. The current next build number is contained within the job information retrieved using :meth:`Jenkins.get_job_info`. If the specified next build number is less than the last build number, Jenkins will ignore the request. Note that the `Next Build Number Plugin `_ must be installed to enable this functionality. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param number: Next build number to set, ``int`` Example:: >>> next_bn = server.get_job_info('job_name')['nextBuildNumber'] >>> server.set_next_build_number('job_name', next_bn + 50) ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(SET_JOB_BUILD_NUMBER, locals()), data=("nextBuildNumber=%d" % number).encode('utf-8'))) def job_exists(self, name): '''Check whether a job exists :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins job exists ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) if self.get_job_name(name) == short_name: return True def jobs_count(self): '''Get the number of jobs on the Jenkins server :returns: Total number of jobs, ``int`` .. note:: On instances with many folders it may be more efficient to use the run_script method to retrieve the total number of jobs instead. Example:: # get all projects excluding matrix configuration # as they are simply part of a matrix project. server.run_script( "print(Hudson.instance.getAllItems(" " hudson.model.AbstractProject).count{" " !(it instanceof hudson.matrix.MatrixConfiguration)" " })") ''' return len(self.get_all_jobs()) def assert_job_exists(self, name, exception_message='job[%s] does not exist'): '''Raise an exception if a job does not exist :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param exception_message: Message to use for the exception. Formatted with ``name`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the job does not exist ''' if not self.job_exists(name): raise JenkinsException(exception_message % name) def create_job(self, name, config_xml): '''Create a new Jenkins job :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param config_xml: config file text, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) if self.job_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('job[%s] already exists' % (name)) try: self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(CREATE_JOB, locals()), data=config_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS )) except NotFoundException: raise JenkinsException('Cannot create job[%s] because folder ' 'for the job does not exist' % (name)) self.assert_job_exists(name, 'create[%s] failed') def get_job_config(self, name): '''Get configuration of existing Jenkins job. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :returns: job configuration (XML format) ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) request = requests.Request('GET', self._build_url(CONFIG_JOB, locals())) return self.jenkins_open(request) def reconfig_job(self, name, config_xml): '''Change configuration of existing Jenkins job. To create a new job, see :meth:`Jenkins.create_job`. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param config_xml: New XML configuration, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) reconfig_url = self._build_url(CONFIG_JOB, locals()) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', reconfig_url, data=config_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS )) def build_job_url(self, name, parameters=None, token=None): '''Get URL to trigger build job. Authenticated setups may require configuring a token on the server side. Use ``list of two membered tuples`` to supply parameters with multi select options. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param parameters: parameters for job, or None., ``dict`` or ``list of two membered tuples`` :param token: (optional) token for building job, ``str`` :returns: URL for building job ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) if parameters: if token: if isinstance(parameters, list): parameters.append(('token', token, )) elif isinstance(parameters, dict): parameters.update({'token': token}) else: raise JenkinsException('build parameters can be a dictionary ' 'like {"param_key": "param_value", ...} ' 'or a list of two membered tuples ' 'like [("param_key", "param_value",), ...]') return (self._build_url(BUILD_WITH_PARAMS_JOB, locals()) + '?' + urlencode(parameters)) elif token: return (self._build_url(BUILD_JOB, locals()) + '?' + urlencode({'token': token})) else: return self._build_url(BUILD_JOB, locals()) def build_job(self, name, parameters=None, token=None): '''Trigger build job. This method returns a queue item number that you can pass to :meth:`Jenkins.get_queue_item`. Note that this queue number is only valid for about five minutes after the job completes, so you should get/poll the queue information as soon as possible to determine the job's URL. :param name: name of job :param parameters: parameters for job, or ``None``, ``dict`` :param token: Jenkins API token :returns: ``int`` queue item ''' response = self.jenkins_request(requests.Request( 'POST', self.build_job_url(name, parameters, token))) location = response.headers['Location'] # location is a queue item, eg. "http://jenkins/queue/item/25/" if location.endswith('/'): location = location[:-1] parts = location.split('/') number = int(parts[-1]) return number def run_script(self, script): '''Execute a groovy script on the jenkins master. :param script: The groovy script, ``string`` :returns: The result of the script run. Example:: >>> info = server.run_script("println(Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.plugins)") >>> print(info) u'[Plugin:windows-slaves, Plugin:ssh-slaves, Plugin:translation, Plugin:cvs, Plugin:nodelabelparameter, Plugin:external-monitor-job, Plugin:mailer, Plugin:jquery, Plugin:antisamy-markup-formatter, Plugin:maven-plugin, Plugin:pam-auth]' ''' return self.jenkins_open( requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(SCRIPT_TEXT), data="script=".encode('utf-8') + quote(script).encode('utf-8'))) def install_plugin(self, name, include_dependencies=True): '''Install a plugin and its dependencies from the Jenkins public repository at http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/repo/org/jenkins-ci/plugins :param name: The plugin short name, ``string`` :param include_dependencies: Install the plugin's dependencies, ``bool`` :returns: Whether a Jenkins restart is required, ``bool`` Example:: >>> info = server.install_plugin("jabber") >>> print(info) True ''' # using a groovy script because Jenkins does not provide a REST endpoint # for installing plugins. install = ('Jenkins.instance.updateCenter.getPlugin(\"' + name + '\")' '.deploy();') if include_dependencies: install = ('Jenkins.instance.updateCenter.getPlugin(\"' + name + '\")' '.getNeededDependencies().each{it.deploy()};') + install self.run_script(install) # run_script is an async call to run groovy. we need to wait a little # before we can get a reliable response on whether a restart is needed time.sleep(2) is_restart_required = ('Jenkins.instance.updateCenter' '.isRestartRequiredForCompletion()') # response is a string (i.e. u'Result: true\n'), return a bool instead response_str = self.run_script(is_restart_required) response = response_str.split(':')[1].strip().lower() == 'true' return response def stop_build(self, name, number): '''Stop a running Jenkins build. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param number: Jenkins build number for the job, ``int`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(STOP_BUILD, locals()) )) def delete_build(self, name, number): """Delete a Jenkins build. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param number: Jenkins build number for the job, ``int`` """ folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request('POST', self._build_url(DELETE_BUILD, locals()), b'')) def wipeout_job_workspace(self, name): """Wipe out workspace for given Jenkins job. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` """ folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request('POST', self._build_url(WIPEOUT_JOB_WORKSPACE, locals()), b'')) def get_running_builds(self): '''Return list of running builds. Each build is a dict with keys 'name', 'number', 'url', 'node', and 'executor'. :returns: List of builds, ``[ { str: str, str: int, str:str, str: str, str: int} ]`` Example:: >>> builds = server.get_running_builds() >>> print(builds) [{'node': 'foo-slave', 'url': 'https://localhost/job/test/15/', 'executor': 0, 'name': 'test', 'number': 15}] ''' builds = [] nodes = self.get_nodes() for node in nodes: # the name returned is not the name to lookup when # dealing with master :/ if node['name'] == 'master': node_name = '(master)' else: node_name = node['name'] try: info = self.get_node_info(node_name, depth=2) except JenkinsException as e: # Jenkins may 500 on depth >0. If the node info comes back # at depth 0 treat it as a node not running any jobs. if ('[500]' in str(e) and self.get_node_info(node_name, depth=0)): continue else: raise for executor in info['executors']: executable = executor['currentExecutable'] if executable and 'PlaceholderTask' not in executable.get('_class', ''): executor_number = executor['number'] build_number = executable['number'] url = executable['url'] m = re.search(r'/job/([^/]+)/.*', urlparse(url).path) job_name = m.group(1) builds.append({'name': job_name, 'number': build_number, 'url': url, 'node': node_name, 'executor': executor_number}) return builds def get_nodes(self, depth=0): '''Get a list of nodes connected to the Master Each node is a dict with keys 'name' and 'offline' :returns: List of nodes, ``[ { str: str, str: bool} ]`` ''' try: nodes_data = json.loads(self.jenkins_open( requests.Request('GET', self._build_url(NODE_LIST, locals())))) return [{'name': c["displayName"], 'offline': c["offline"]} for c in nodes_data["computer"]] except (req_exc.HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for server[%s]" % self.server) def get_node_info(self, name, depth=0): '''Get node information dictionary :param name: Node name, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: Dictionary of node info, ``dict`` ''' try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(NODE_INFO, locals()) )) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('node[%s] does not exist' % name) except (req_exc.HTTPError, NotFoundException): raise JenkinsException('node[%s] does not exist' % name) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for node[%s]" % name) def node_exists(self, name): '''Check whether a node exists :param name: Name of Jenkins node, ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins node exists ''' try: self.get_node_info(name) return True except JenkinsException: return False def assert_node_exists(self, name, exception_message='node[%s] does not exist'): '''Raise an exception if a node does not exist :param name: Name of Jenkins node, ``str`` :param exception_message: Message to use for the exception. Formatted with ``name`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the node does not exist ''' if not self.node_exists(name): raise JenkinsException(exception_message % name) def delete_node(self, name): '''Delete Jenkins node permanently. :param name: Name of Jenkins node, ``str`` ''' self.get_node_info(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(DELETE_NODE, locals()) )) if self.node_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('delete[%s] failed' % (name)) def disable_node(self, name, msg=''): '''Disable a node :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` :param msg: Offline message, ``str`` ''' info = self.get_node_info(name) if info['offline']: return self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(TOGGLE_OFFLINE, locals()) )) def enable_node(self, name): '''Enable a node :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` ''' info = self.get_node_info(name) if not info['offline']: return msg = '' self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(TOGGLE_OFFLINE, locals()) )) def create_node(self, name, numExecutors=2, nodeDescription=None, remoteFS='/var/lib/jenkins', labels=None, exclusive=False, launcher=LAUNCHER_COMMAND, launcher_params={}): '''Create a node :param name: name of node to create, ``str`` :param numExecutors: number of executors for node, ``int`` :param nodeDescription: Description of node, ``str`` :param remoteFS: Remote filesystem location to use, ``str`` :param labels: Labels to associate with node, ``str`` :param exclusive: Use this node for tied jobs only, ``bool`` :param launcher: The launch method for the slave, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_COMMAND``, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_SSH``, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_JNLP``, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_WINDOWS_SERVICE`` :param launcher_params: Additional parameters for the launcher, ``dict`` ''' if self.node_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('node[%s] already exists' % (name)) mode = 'NORMAL' if exclusive: mode = 'EXCLUSIVE' launcher_params['stapler-class'] = launcher inner_params = { 'nodeDescription': nodeDescription, 'numExecutors': numExecutors, 'remoteFS': remoteFS, 'labelString': labels, 'mode': mode, 'retentionStrategy': { 'stapler-class': 'hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always' }, 'nodeProperties': {'stapler-class-bag': 'true'}, 'launcher': launcher_params } params = { 'name': name, 'type': NODE_TYPE, 'json': json.dumps(inner_params) } self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(CREATE_NODE, locals()), data=params) ) self.assert_node_exists(name, 'create[%s] failed') def get_node_config(self, name): '''Get the configuration for a node. :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` ''' get_config_url = self._build_url(CONFIG_NODE, locals()) return self.jenkins_open(requests.Request('GET', get_config_url)) def reconfig_node(self, name, config_xml): '''Change the configuration for an existing node. :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` :param config_xml: New XML configuration, ``str`` ''' reconfig_url = self._build_url(CONFIG_NODE, locals()) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', reconfig_url, data=config_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS )) def get_build_console_output(self, name, number): '''Get build console text. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param number: Build number, ``int`` :returns: Build console output, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(BUILD_CONSOLE_OUTPUT, locals()) )) if response: return response else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except (req_exc.HTTPError, NotFoundException): raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) def _get_job_folder(self, name): '''Return the name and folder (see cloudbees plugin). This is a method to support cloudbees folder plugin. Url request should take into account folder path when the job name specify it (ex.: 'folder/job') :param name: Job name, ``str`` :returns: Tuple [ 'folder path for Request', 'Name of job without folder path' ] ''' a_path = name.split('/') short_name = a_path[-1] folder_url = (('job/' + '/job/'.join(a_path[:-1]) + '/') if len(a_path) > 1 else '') return folder_url, short_name def _get_view_jobs(self, name): '''Get list of jobs on the view specified. Each job is a dictionary with 'name', 'url', 'color' and 'fullname' keys. The list of jobs is limited to only those configured in the specified view. Each job dictionary 'fullname' key is equal to the job name. :param view_name: Name of a Jenkins view for which to retrieve jobs, ``str``. :returns: list of jobs, ``[{str: str, str: str, str: str, str: str}]`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(VIEW_JOBS, locals()) )) if response: jobs = json.loads(response)['jobs'] else: raise JenkinsException('view[%s] does not exist' % name) except NotFoundException: raise JenkinsException('view[%s] does not exist' % name) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( 'Could not parse JSON info for view[%s]' % name) for job_dict in jobs: job_dict.update({u'fullname': job_dict[u'name']}) return jobs def get_view_name(self, name): '''Return the name of a view using the API. That is roughly an identity method which can be used to quickly verify a view exists or is accessible without causing too much stress on the server side. :param name: View name, ``str`` :returns: Name of view or None ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(VIEW_NAME, locals()))) except NotFoundException: return None else: actual = json.loads(response)['name'] if actual != short_name: raise JenkinsException( 'Jenkins returned an unexpected view name %s ' '(expected: %s)' % (actual, short_name)) return name def assert_view_exists(self, name, exception_message='view[%s] does not exist'): '''Raise an exception if a view does not exist :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :param exception_message: Message to use for the exception. Formatted with ``name`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the view does not exist ''' if not self.view_exists(name): raise NotFoundException(exception_message % name) def view_exists(self, name): '''Check whether a view exists :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins view exists ''' if self.get_view_name(name) == name: return True def get_views(self): """Get list of views running. Each view is a dictionary with 'name' and 'url' keys. :returns: list of views, ``[ { str: str} ]`` """ return self.get_info()['views'] def delete_view(self, name): '''Delete Jenkins view permanently. :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(DELETE_VIEW, locals()) )) if self.view_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('delete[%s] failed' % (name)) def create_view(self, name, config_xml): '''Create a new Jenkins view :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :param config_xml: config file text, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) if self.view_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('view[%s] already exists' % (name)) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(CREATE_VIEW, locals()), data=config_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS )) self.assert_view_exists(name, 'create[%s] failed') def reconfig_view(self, name, config_xml): '''Change configuration of existing Jenkins view. To create a new view, see :meth:`Jenkins.create_view`. :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :param config_xml: New XML configuration, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) reconfig_url = self._build_url(CONFIG_VIEW, locals()) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', reconfig_url, data=config_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS )) def get_view_config(self, name): '''Get configuration of existing Jenkins view. :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :returns: view configuration (XML format) ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) request = requests.Request('GET', self._build_url(CONFIG_VIEW, locals())) return self.jenkins_open(request) def get_promotion_name(self, name, job_name): '''Return the name of a promotion using the API. That is roughly an identity method which can be used to quickly verify a promotion exists for a job or is accessible without causing too much stress on the server side. :param name: Promotion name, ``str`` :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` :returns: Name of promotion or None ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(job_name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(PROMOTION_NAME, locals()))) except NotFoundException: return None else: actual = json.loads(response)['name'] if actual != name: raise JenkinsException( 'Jenkins returned an unexpected promotion name %s ' '(expected: %s)' % (actual, name)) return actual def assert_promotion_exists(self, name, job_name, exception_message='promotion[%s] does not ' 'exist for job[%s]'): '''Raise an exception if a job lacks a promotion :param name: Name of Jenkins promotion, ``str`` :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` :param exception_message: Message to use for the exception. Formatted with ``name`` and ``job_name`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the promotion does not exist on a job ''' if not self.promotion_exists(name, job_name): raise JenkinsException(exception_message % (name, job_name)) def promotion_exists(self, name, job_name): '''Check whether a job has a certain promotion :param name: Name of Jenkins promotion, ``str`` :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins promotion exists ''' return self.get_promotion_name(name, job_name) == name def get_promotions_info(self, job_name, depth=0): '''Get promotion information dictionary of a job :param job_name: job_name, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: Dictionary of promotion info, ``dict`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(job_name) try: response = self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(PROMOTION_INFO, locals()))) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] does not exist' % job_name) except req_exc.HTTPError: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] does not exist' % job_name) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for " "promotions of job[%s]" % job_name) def get_promotions(self, job_name): """Get list of promotions running. Each promotion is a dictionary with 'name' and 'url' keys. :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` :returns: list of promotions, ``[ { str: str} ]`` """ return self.get_promotions_info(job_name)['processes'] def delete_promotion(self, name, job_name): '''Delete Jenkins promotion permanently. :param name: Name of Jenkins promotion, ``str`` :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(job_name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(DELETE_PROMOTION, locals()) )) if self.promotion_exists(name, job_name): raise JenkinsException('delete[%s] from job[%s] failed' % (name, job_name)) def create_promotion(self, name, job_name, config_xml): '''Create a new Jenkins promotion :param name: Name of Jenkins promotion, ``str`` :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` :param config_xml: config file text, ``str`` ''' if self.promotion_exists(name, job_name): raise JenkinsException('promotion[%s] already exists at job[%s]' % (name, job_name)) folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(job_name) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', self._build_url(CREATE_PROMOTION, locals()), data=config_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS)) self.assert_promotion_exists(name, job_name, 'create[%s] at ' 'job[%s] failed') def reconfig_promotion(self, name, job_name, config_xml): '''Change configuration of existing Jenkins promotion. To create a new promotion, see :meth:`Jenkins.create_promotion`. :param name: Name of Jenkins promotion, ``str`` :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` :param config_xml: New XML configuration, ``str`` ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(job_name) reconfig_url = self._build_url(CONFIG_PROMOTION, locals()) self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 'POST', reconfig_url, data=config_xml.encode('utf-8'), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS )) def get_promotion_config(self, name, job_name): '''Get configuration of existing Jenkins promotion. :param name: Name of Jenkins promotion, ``str`` :param job_name: Job name, ``str`` :returns: promotion configuration (XML format) ''' folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(job_name) request = requests.Request( 'GET', self._build_url(CONFIG_PROMOTION, locals())) return self.jenkins_open(request) def quiet_down(self): '''Prepare Jenkins for shutdown. No new builds will be started allowing running builds to complete prior to shutdown of the server. ''' request = requests.Request('POST', self._build_url(QUIET_DOWN)) self.jenkins_open(request) info = self.get_info() if not info['quietingDown']: raise JenkinsException('quiet down failed') def wait_for_normal_op(self, timeout): '''Wait for jenkins to enter normal operation mode. :param timeout: number of seconds to wait, ``int`` Note this is not the same as the connection timeout set via __init__ as that controls the socket timeout. Instead this is how long to wait until the status returned. :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins became ready in time, ``False`` otherwise. Setting timeout to be less than the configured connection timeout may result in this waiting for at least the connection timeout length of time before returning. It is recommended that the timeout here should be at least as long as any set connection timeout. ''' if timeout < 0: raise ValueError("Timeout must be >= 0 not %d" % timeout) if (not self._timeout_warning_issued and self.timeout != socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT and timeout < self.timeout): warnings.warn("Requested timeout to wait for jenkins to resume " "normal operations is less than configured " "connection timeout. Unexpected behaviour may " "occur.") self._timeout_warning_issued = True start_time = time.time() def is_ready(): # only call get_version until it returns without exception while True: if self.get_version(): while True: # json API will only return valid info once Jenkins # is ready, so just check any known field exists # when not in normal mode, most requests will # be ignored or fail yield 'mode' in self.get_info() else: yield False while True: try: if next(is_ready()): return True except (KeyError, JenkinsException): # key missing from JSON, empty response or errors in # get_info due to incomplete HTTP responses pass # check time passed as the communication will also # take time if time.time() > start_time + timeout: break time.sleep(1) return False