#! /usr/bin/env python # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # The configuration file should look like: """ [ircbot] nick=NICKNAME pass=PASSWORD server=irc.freenode.net port=6667 server_password=SERVERPASS channel_config=/path/to/yaml/config [gerrit] user=gerrit2 """ # The yaml channel config should look like: """ openstack-qa: events: - positive - negative """ import argparse import ConfigParser import daemon import logging import logging.config import os import textwrap import threading import time import yaml import irc.bot from launchpadlib import launchpad LPCACHEDIR = os.path.expanduser('~/.launchpadlib/cache') try: import daemon.pidlockfile pid_file_module = daemon.pidlockfile except Exception: # as of python-daemon 1.6 it doesn't bundle pidlockfile anymore # instead it depends on lockfile-0.9.1 import daemon.pidfile pid_file_module = daemon.pidfile class RecheckWatchBot(irc.bot.SingleServerIRCBot): def __init__(self, channels, nickname, password, server, port=6667, server_password=None): super(RecheckWatchBot, self).__init__( [(server, port, server_password)], nickname, nickname) self.channel_list = channels self.nickname = nickname self.password = password self.log = logging.getLogger('recheckwatchbot') def on_nicknameinuse(self, c, e): self.log.info('Nick previously in use, recovering.') c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_") c.privmsg("nickserv", "identify %s " % self.password) c.privmsg("nickserv", "ghost %s %s" % (self.nickname, self.password)) c.privmsg("nickserv", "release %s %s" % (self.nickname, self.password)) time.sleep(1) c.nick(self.nickname) self.log.info('Nick previously in use, recovered.') def on_welcome(self, c, e): self.log.info('Identifying with IRC server.') c.privmsg("nickserv", "identify %s " % self.password) self.log.info('Identified with IRC server.') for channel in self.channel_list: c.join(channel) self.log.info('Joined channel %s' % channel) time.sleep(0.5) def send(self, channel, msg): self.log.info('Sending "%s" to %s' % (msg, channel)) # Cheap way to attempt to send fewer than 512 bytes at a time. # TODO(clarkb) calculate actual irc overhead and split properly. for chunk in textwrap.wrap(msg, 400): self.connection.privmsg(channel, chunk) time.sleep(0.5) class RecheckWatch(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, ircbot, channel_config, username, queries, host, key, commenting=True): super(RecheckWatch, self).__init__() self.ircbot = ircbot self.channel_config = channel_config self.log = logging.getLogger('recheckwatchbot') self.username = username self.queries = queries self.host = host self.connected = False self.commenting = commenting self.key = key self.lp = launchpad.Launchpad.login_anonymously('grabbing bugs', 'production', LPCACHEDIR, timeout=60) def display(self, channel, event): display = False for project in self._get_bug_projects(event.get_all_bugs()): if channel in self.channel_config.projects['all']: display = True break elif project in self.channel_config.projects: if channel in self.channel_config.projects[project]: display = True break return display def new_error(self, channel, event): queue = event.queue() msg = ('%s change: %s failed %s in the %s queue with' ' an unrecognized error' % (event.project, event.url, ', '.join(event.failed_job_names()), queue)) self.print_msg(channel, msg) def error_found(self, channel, event): msg = ('%s change: %s failed because of: %s' % ( event.project, event.url, ", ".join(event.bug_urls_map()))) if self.display(channel, event): self.print_msg(channel, msg) else: self.log.info("Didn't leave a message on channel %s for %s because" " the bug doesn't target an appropriate project" % ( channel, event.url)) def print_msg(self, channel, msg): self.log.info('Compiled Message %s: %s' % (channel, msg)) if self.ircbot: self.ircbot.send(channel, msg) def _get_bug_projects(self, bug_numbers): projects = [] for bug in bug_numbers: lp_bug = self.lp.bugs[bug] project = map(lambda x: (x.bug_target_name), lp_bug.bug_tasks) for p in project: projects.append(p) return set(projects) def _read(self, event=None, msg=""): for channel in self.channel_config.channels: if msg: if channel in self.channel_config.events['negative']: self.print_msg(channel, msg) elif event: # only display events on gate queue, others are just spam if event.queue() == "gate": if event.get_all_bugs(): if channel in self.channel_config.events['positive']: self.error_found(channel, event) else: if channel in self.channel_config.events['negative']: self.new_error(channel, event) else: raise Exception('No event or msg specified') def run(self): # Import here because it needs to happen after daemonization import elastic_recheck.elasticRecheck as er classifier = er.Classifier(self.queries) stream = er.Stream(self.username, self.host, self.key) while True: try: event = stream.get_failed_tempest() for job in event.failed_jobs: job.bugs = set(classifier.classify( event.change, event.rev, job.build_short_uuid, recent=True)) if not event.get_all_bugs(): self._read(event) else: self._read(event) stream.leave_comment( event, debug=not self.commenting) except er.ResultTimedOut as e: self.log.warning(e.message) self._read(msg=e.message) except Exception: self.log.exception("Uncaught exception processing event.") class ChannelConfig(object): def __init__(self, data): self.data = data keys = data.keys() for key in keys: if key[0] != '#': data['#' + key] = data.pop(key) self.channels = data.keys() self.events = {} for channel, val in self.data.iteritems(): for event in val['events']: event_set = self.events.get(event, set()) event_set.add(channel) self.events[event] = event_set self.projects = {} for channel, val in self.data.iteritems(): for project in val['projects']: project_set = self.projects.get(project, set()) project_set.add(channel) self.projects[project] = project_set def get_options(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="IRC bot for elastic recheck bug reporting") parser.add_argument('-f', '--foreground', default=False, action='store_true', help="Run in foreground") parser.add_argument('-n', '--nocomment', default=False, action='store_true', help="Don't comment in gerrit. Useful in testing.") parser.add_argument('--noirc', default=False, action='store_true', help="Don't comment in irc. Useful in testing.") parser.add_argument('conffile', nargs=1, help="Configuration file") return parser.parse_args() def _main(args, config): setup_logging(config) fp = config.get('ircbot', 'channel_config') if fp: fp = os.path.expanduser(fp) if not os.path.exists(fp): raise Exception("Unable to read layout config file at %s" % fp) else: raise Exception("Channel Config must be specified in config file.") channel_config = ChannelConfig(yaml.load(open(fp))) if not args.noirc: bot = RecheckWatchBot( channel_config.channels, config.get('ircbot', 'nick'), config.get('ircbot', 'pass'), config.get('ircbot', 'server'), config.getint('ircbot', 'port'), config.get('ircbot', 'server_password')) else: bot = None recheck = RecheckWatch( bot, channel_config, config.get('gerrit', 'user'), config.get('gerrit', 'query_file'), config.get('gerrit', 'host', 'review.openstack.org'), config.get('gerrit', 'key'), not args.nocomment ) recheck.start() if not args.noirc: bot.start() def main(): args = get_options() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({'server_password': None}) config.read(args.conffile) if config.has_option('ircbot', 'pidfile'): pid_fn = os.path.expanduser(config.get('ircbot', 'pidfile')) else: pid_fn = '/var/run/elastic-recheck/elastic-recheck.pid' if args.foreground: _main(args, config) else: pid = pid_file_module.TimeoutPIDLockFile(pid_fn, 10) with daemon.DaemonContext(pidfile=pid): _main(args, config) def setup_logging(config): """Turn down dependent library log levels so they aren't noise.""" FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [%(name)-15s] %(message)s' DATEFMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # set 3rd party library logging levels to sanity points loglevels = { "irc.client": logging.INFO, "gerrit.GerritWatcher": logging.INFO, "paramiko.transport": logging.INFO, "pyelasticsearch": logging.INFO, "requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool": logging.WARN } if config.has_option('ircbot', 'log_config'): log_config = config.get('ircbot', 'log_config') fp = os.path.expanduser(log_config) if not os.path.exists(fp): raise Exception("Unable to read logging config file at %s" % fp) logging.config.fileConfig(fp) else: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT, datefmt=DATEFMT ) for module in loglevels: log = logging.getLogger(module) log.setLevel(loglevels[module]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()