Sean Dague 7f42043155 moving readiness checks into stream
this changes the interface to move the readiness check out of
the classifier and into the stream object. This massively
simplifies the logic connecting these pieces, as classifier is
now just a thin wrapper to elastic search.

This also adds unit testing for the stream processing through the
creation of a fake_gerrit mock class. That lets us run gerrit
event interactions in a sane way.

It also drops all the unit testing for the classifier which is now
largely useless, because all it tests is we can execute a for loop.

Change-Id: I1971c121276412e31f01eb5680b9c41fc7e442d3
2014-01-13 20:00:23 -05:00

259 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import gerritlib.gerrit
import pyelasticsearch
import ConfigParser
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import elastic_recheck.loader as loader
import elastic_recheck.query_builder as qb
from elastic_recheck import results
ES_URL = "http://logstash.openstack.org/elasticsearch"
def required_files(job):
files = ['console.html']
if re.match("tempest-dsvm", job):
return files
class ResultNotReady(Exception):
class Stream(object):
"""Gerrit Stream.
Monitors gerrit stream looking for tempest-devstack failures.
log = logging.getLogger("recheckwatchbot")
def __init__(self, user, host, key, thread=True):
port = 29418
self.gerrit = gerritlib.gerrit.Gerrit(host, user, port, key)
self.es = results.SearchEngine(ES_URL)
if thread:
def parse_jenkins_failure(event):
"""Is this comment a jenkins failure comment."""
if event.get('type', '') != 'comment-added':
return False
username = event['author'].get('username', '')
if (username != 'jenkins'):
return False
if not ("Build failed. For information on how to proceed" in
return False
failed_tests = {}
for line in event['comment'].split("\n"):
m = re.search("- ([\w-]+)\s*(http://\S+)\s*:\s*FAILURE", line)
if m:
failed_tests[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
return failed_tests
def _job_console_uploaded(self, change, patch, name):
query = qb.result_ready(change, patch, name)
r = self.es.search(query, size='10')
if len(r) == 0:
raise ResultNotReady()
def _has_required_files(self, change, patch, name):
query = qb.files_ready(change, patch)
r = self.es.search(query, size='80')
files = [x['term'] for x in r.terms]
required = required_files(name)
missing_files = [x for x in required if x not in files]
if len(missing_files) != 0:
raise ResultNotReady()
def _does_es_have_data(self, change_number, patch_number, job_fails):
"""Wait till ElasticSearch is ready, but return False if timeout."""
# this checks that we've got the console log uploaded, need to retry
# in case ES goes bonkers on cold data, which it does some times.
for i in range(NUMBER_OF_RETRIES):
for job_name in job_fails:
change_number, patch_number, job_name)
except ResultNotReady:
except pyelasticsearch.exceptions.InvalidJsonResponseError:
# If ElasticSearch returns an error code, sleep and retry
# TODO(jogo): if this works pull out search into a helper
# function that does this.
"Elastic Search not responding on attempt %d" % i)
if i == NUMBER_OF_RETRIES - 1:
return False
"Found hits for change_number: %s, patch_number: %s"
% (change_number, patch_number))
for i in range(NUMBER_OF_RETRIES):
for job_name in job_fails:
change_number, patch_number, job_name)
"All files present for change_number: %s, patch_number: %s"
% (change_number, patch_number))
return True
except ResultNotReady:
# if we get to the end, we're broken
return False
def get_failed_tempest(self):
self.log.debug("entering get_failed_tempest")
while True:
event = self.gerrit.getEvent()
failed_jobs = Stream.parse_jenkins_failure(event)
if not failed_jobs:
# nothing to see here, lets try the next event
change = event['change']['number']
rev = event['patchSet']['number']
if self._does_es_have_data(change, rev, failed_jobs):
return event
def leave_comment(self, project, commit, bugs=None):
if bugs:
bug_urls = ['https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/%s' % x for x in bugs]
message = """I noticed tempest failed, I think you hit bug(s):
- %(bugs)s
We don't automatically recheck or reverify, so please consider
doing that manually if someone hasn't already. For a code review
which is not yet approved, you can recheck by leaving a code
review comment with just the text:
recheck bug %(bug)s
For a code review which has been approved but failed to merge,
you can reverify by leaving a comment like this:
reverify bug %(bug)s""" % {'bugs': "\n- ".join(bug_urls),
'bug': bugs[0]}
message = ("I noticed tempest failed, refer to: "
self.gerrit.review(project, commit, message)
class Classifier():
"""Classify failed tempest-devstack jobs based.
Given a change and revision, query logstash with a list of known queries
that are mapped to specific bugs.
log = logging.getLogger("recheckwatchbot")
queries = None
def __init__(self, queries_dir):
self.es = results.SearchEngine(ES_URL)
self.queries_dir = queries_dir
self.queries = loader.load(self.queries_dir)
def hits_by_query(self, query, facet=None, size=100):
es_query = qb.generic(query, facet=facet)
return self.es.search(es_query, size=size)
def classify(self, change_number, patch_number, skip_resolved=True):
"""Returns either empty list or list with matched bugs."""
self.log.debug("Entering classify")
#Reload each time
self.queries = loader.load(self.queries_dir, skip_resolved)
bug_matches = []
for x in self.queries:
"Looking for bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/%s"
% x['bug'])
query = qb.single_patch(x['query'], change_number, patch_number)
results = self.es.search(query, size='10')
if len(results) > 0:
return bug_matches
def main():
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
if len(sys.argv) is 2:
config_path = sys.argv[1]
config_path = 'elasticRecheck.conf'
user = config.get('gerrit', 'user', 'jogo')
host = config.get('gerrit', 'host', 'review.openstack.org')
queries = config.get('gerrit', 'query_file', 'queries.yaml')
queries = os.path.expanduser(queries)
key = config.get('gerrit', 'key')
classifier = Classifier(queries)
stream = Stream(user, host, key)
while True:
event = stream.get_failed_tempest()
change = event['change']['number']
rev = event['patchSet']['number']
print "======================="
print "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/%(change)s/%(rev)s" % locals()
bug_numbers = classifier.classify(change, rev)
if not bug_numbers:
print "unable to classify failure"
for bug_number in bug_numbers:
print("Found bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/%s"
% bug_number)
if __name__ == "__main__":