Dolph Mathews fd26aa31e1 eliminate 14 false positives for bug 1268732
The current logstash query [1] returns results (primarily from Jan 17,
2014) where it appears that jenkins crashed with a "process leaked file
descriptors" - an issue that's completely unrelated to the symptoms
cited in bug 1268732.

[1] http://logstash.openstack.org/#eyJmaWVsZHMiOiBbXSwgInNlYXJjaCI6ICJtZXNzYWdlOlwiTG9va3MgbGlrZSB0aGUgbm9kZSB3ZW50IG9mZmxpbmUgZHVyaW5nIHRoZSBidWlsZC5cIiBBTkQgZmlsZW5hbWU6XCJjb25zb2xlLmh0bWxcIlxuIiwgInRpbWVmcmFtZSI6ICI2MDQ4MDAiLCAiZ3JhcGhtb2RlIjogImNvdW50IiwgIm9mZnNldCI6IDB9

Change-Id: I1f44ec48f6649b451598eb37d7e41333fd813be6
2014-01-23 14:48:42 -06:00

5 lines
156 B

query: >
message:"Looks like the node went offline during the build."
AND message:"slave.log (No such file or directory)"
AND filename:"console.html"