Jeremy Stanley ce96ae0fc9 Remove unused py33 tox env
It's apparent that elastic-recheck is quite a ways from Py3K
support, and developers are not expected to run the py33 tox env.
Rather than add more envs for later Python interpreter versions
which will be equally broken, just remove it for now.

Change-Id: I6fb62f55d39eb812c585c19f9e16c482775f793a
2014-11-10 14:42:50 +00:00

41 lines
1.2 KiB

minversion = 1.6
envlist = py26,py27,pypy,pep8,functional,docs
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install --allow-external lazr.authentication --allow-insecure lazr.authentication -U {opts} {packages}
setenv =
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands = python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs} tests.unit'
commands = python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs} tests.functional'
commands = flake8
commands = {posargs}
commands = python setup.py testr --coverage --coverage-package-name='elastic_recheck' --testr-args='{posargs} tests.unit'
# test to run the bot as a non voting foreground process
commands = python elastic_recheck/bot.py -f -n --noirc elasticRecheck.conf
# H803 Skipped on purpose
# E125 Skipped because it's an overreach (and anti-emacs)
# E123 Skipped because it decreases clarity in many cases
ignore = E123,E125,H803
commands = python setup.py build_sphinx