This patch constitutes the work discussed in Brussels for the MVP webclient. Changes made, as follows: 1- Updated header to contain Overview, Projects, Stories, and a "New Story" button, including mobile treatment. 2- Updated navigation header to use selection styling for mobile and regular. 3- Application index contains new-story button. 4- Main application container now has a minheight. 5- Removed old controllers (code cleanup) before reimplementation. 6- Wired project views (require API support). 7- Wired story views (require API support). 8- Wired new story modal (require API support). 9- New task form (requires API support). 10- Wired up new functional tests and fixed a few issues in existing unit tests. 11- Switched LESS compiler from recess to less, since recess can no longer compile the most recent version of bootstrap. Change-Id: Iddd5b29dd899d92f05ad7a9a63814d8599e167d4
59 lines
1.8 KiB
59 lines
1.8 KiB
"name": "storyboard-webclient",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "An all-javascript webclient for the Storyboard API",
"main": "index.html",
"scripts": {
"test": "grunt test"
"repository": "",
"keywords": [
"project management"
"author": "Michael Krotscheck",
"license": "Apache2",
"devDependencies": {
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