Conflicts: openstack/code/Presentation.php openstack/code/PresentationCategoryPage.php openstack/code/summit/SchedToolsPage.php themes/openstack/templates/Layout/PresentationCategoryPage.ss themes/openstack/templates/Layout/PresentationCategoryPage_presentation.ss
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436 lines
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* Copyright 2014 Openstack Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class SchedToolsPage extends Page
static $db = array();
static $has_one = array();
static $has_many = array();
static $defaults = array(
'ShowInMenus' => false,
'ShowInSearch' => false
function getCMSFields()
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
return $fields;
class SchedToolsPage_Controller extends Page_Controller
public static $allowed_actions = array(
'ImportSpeakersFromSched' => 'ADMIN',
'ImportSessionsFromSched' => 'ADMIN',
'ListSpeakers' => 'ADMIN',
'SpeakerTable' => 'ADMIN',
'EmailSpeakers' => 'ADMIN',
function init()
// Remove existing JS / CSS requirements
path = $(this).val();
file = path.split('\\\\').pop();
$( '#file-well p:first' ).html( file );
$( '#file-well' ).removeClass( 'no-selected-file' );
$( '#file-well' ).addClass( 'selected-file' );
$('.browseButton').html('Ready to upload.');
$('#uploadProgressBarOuterBarG').css({ opacity: 1 });
function AssignYouTubeID()
if (isset($_GET['token']) &&
$_GET['token'] == "fcv4x7Nl8v" &&
isset($_GET['youtubeid']) &&
) {
$CleanedYoutubeID = Convert::raw2sql($_GET['youtubeid']);
$CleanedSchedID = Convert::raw2sql($_GET['schedid']);
$Presentation = DataObject::get_one('Presentation', "`event_key` = '" . $CleanedSchedID . "'");
If ($Presentation) {
// Add the YouTubeID to an existing presentation
$Presentation->YouTubeID = $CleanedYoutubeID;
} else {
// Create a new presentation with this sched event and add the youtube id
$SchedEvent = DataObject::get_one('SchedEvent', "`event_key` = '" . $CleanedSchedID . "'");
if ($SchedEvent) {
$Presentation = new Presentation();
$Presentation->YouTubeID = $CleanedYoutubeID;
$Presentation->sched_key = $SchedEvent->sched_key;
function ImportSpeakersFromSched()
$feed = new RestfulService('http://openstacksummitnovember2014paris.sched.org/api/role/export?api_key=41caf3c5cafc24e286ade21926eaeb41&role=speaker&format=xml&fields=username,name,email', 7200);
$feedXML = $feed->request()->getBody();
$feedXML = preg_replace('/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/', '&', $feedXML);
$results = $feed->getValues($feedXML, 'speaker');
// A new import overwrites previous data.
// The table is trucated to remove previous entries and avoid duplicates.
DB::Query("TRUNCATE SchedSpeaker");
foreach ($results as $item) {
$Speaker = new SchedSpeaker();
$Speaker->username = $item->username;
$Speaker->email = $item->email;
$Speaker->name = $item->name;
echo "Speakers imported successfully.";
function ImportSessionsFromSched()
$feed = new RestfulService('http://openstacksummitmay2014atlanta.sched.org/api/session/export?api_key=26b0159814359e6527005e347742f287&format=xml', 7200);
$feedXML = $feed->request()->getBody();
// This transformation keeps the parser from tripping over the XMLbody
$feedXML = preg_replace('/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/', '&', $feedXML);
// A new import overwrites previous data.
// The table is trucated to remove previous entries and avoid duplicates.
DB::Query("TRUNCATE SchedEvent");
$results = $feed->getValues($feedXML, 'event');
foreach ($results as $item) {
$Event = new SchedEvent();
$Event->event_key = $item->event_key;
$Event->eventtitle = $item->title;
$Event->event_start = $item->event_start;
$Event->event_end = $item->event_end;
$Event->event_type = $item->event_type;
$Event->description = $item->description;
$Event->speakers = $item->speakers_person_name;
echo "Sessions imported successfully.";
function ShowSchedSpeakers()
return SchedSpeaker::get();
function Presentations()
$Speaker = NULL;
if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
$key = Convert::raw2sql($_GET['key']);
$username = SchedSpeaker::HashToUsername($key);
$Speaker = SchedSpeaker::get()->filter('username', $username)->first();
} elseif ($speakerID = Session::get('UploadMedia.SpeakerID')) {
$Speaker = SchedSpeaker::get()->byID($speakerID);
// Speaker not found
if (!$Speaker) return $this->httpError(404, 'Sorry, that does not appear to be a valid token.');
Session::set('UploadMedia.SpeakerID', $Speaker->ID);
$Presentations = $Speaker->PresentationsForThisSpeaker();
// No presentations
if (!$Presentations) return $this->httpError(404, 'Sorry, it does not appear that you have any presentations.');
// IF there's only one presentation with no media, go ahead and forward to it's page
if ($Presentations->count() == 1 && !$Presentations->first()->UploadedMedia()) {
$PresentationID = $Presentations->first()->ID;
$this->redirect($this->link() . 'Upload/' . $PresentationID);
$data["Speaker"] = $Speaker;
$data["Presentations"] = $Presentations;
return $this->Customise($data);
function Upload()
$PresentationID = $this->request->param("ID");
if ( // make sure the data is numeric
is_numeric($PresentationID) &&
// make sure there's a presentation by that id
($Presentation = SchedEvent::get()->byID($PresentationID)) &&
// pull the speaker from the session and make sure they are a speaker for this presentation
($SpeakerID = Session::get('UploadMedia.SpeakerID')) &&
) {
Session::set('UploadMedia.PresentationID', $Presentation->ID);
$data['Presentation'] = $Presentation;
return $this->Customise($data);
} else {
$data["HasError"] = TRUE;
return $this->Customise($data);
function LinkTo()
$PresentationID = $this->request->param("ID");
if ( // make sure the data is numeric
is_numeric($PresentationID) &&
// make sure there's a presentation by that id
($Presentation = SchedEvent::get()->byID($PresentationID)) &&
// pull the speaker from the session and make sure they are a speaker for this presentation
($SpeakerID = Session::get('UploadMedia.SpeakerID')) &&
) {
Session::set('UploadMedia.PresentationID', $Presentation->ID);
$data['Presentation'] = $Presentation;
return $this->Customise($data);
} else {
$data["HasError"] = TRUE;
return $this->Customise($data);
function Form()
$Form = new PresentationMediaUploadForm($this, 'Form');
return $Form;
function LinkToForm()
$PresentationID = Session::get('UploadMedia.PresentationID');
$Presentation = SchedEvent::get()->byID($PresentationID);
$Form = new PresentationLinkToForm($this, 'LinkToForm');
if ($Presentation && $Presentation->Metadata()) $Form->loadDataFrom($Presentation->Metadata());
return $Form;
function Success()
$data = NULL;
if ((Session::get('UploadMedia.Success') == TRUE) &&
($PresentationID = Session::get('UploadMedia.PresentationID')) &&
($Presentation = SchedEvent::get()->byID($PresentationID))
) {
$data["Presentation"] = $Presentation;
$data["Filename"] = Session::get('UploadMedia.FileName');
$data["PresentationURL"] = Session::get('UploadMedia.URL');
if (Session::get('UploadMedia.Type') == 'File') {
$data['IsFile'] = TRUE;
} else {
$data['IsURL'] = TRUE;
return $this->Customise($data);
} else {
$this->redirect($this->link() . 'Presentations');
function EmailSpeakers()
$getVars = $this->request->getVars();
$Speakers = SchedSpeaker::get();
foreach ($Speakers as $Speaker) {
if ($Speaker->PresentationsForThisSpeaker() &&
!$Speaker->GeneralOrKeynote() &&
!SchedSpeakerEmailLog::BeenEmailed($Speaker->email) &&
) {
$To = $Speaker->email;
$Subject = "Important Speaker Information for OpenStack Summit in Paris";
$email = EmailFactory::getInstance()->buildEmail(SCHED_TOOLS_EMAIL_FROM, $To, $Subject);
if (isset($getVars['confirm'])) {
} else {
echo $email->debug();
echo 'Email sent to ' . $Speaker->email . '<br/>';
* Validate an email address.
* Provide email address (raw input)
* Returns true if the email address has the email
* address format and the domain exists.
function validEmail($email)
$isValid = true;
$atIndex = strrpos($email, "@");
if (is_bool($atIndex) && !$atIndex) {
$isValid = false;
} else {
$domain = substr($email, $atIndex + 1);
$local = substr($email, 0, $atIndex);
$localLen = strlen($local);
$domainLen = strlen($domain);
if ($localLen < 1 || $localLen > 64) {
// local part length exceeded
$isValid = false;
} else if ($domainLen < 1 || $domainLen > 255) {
// domain part length exceeded
$isValid = false;
} else if ($local[0] == '.' || $local[$localLen - 1] == '.') {
// local part starts or ends with '.'
$isValid = false;
} else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $local)) {
// local part has two consecutive dots
$isValid = false;
} else if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+$/', $domain)) {
// character not valid in domain part
$isValid = false;
} else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $domain)) {
// domain part has two consecutive dots
$isValid = false;
} else if
str_replace("\\\\", "", $local))
) {
// character not valid in local part unless
// local part is quoted
if (!preg_match('/^"(\\\\"|[^"])+"$/',
str_replace("\\\\", "", $local))
) {
$isValid = false;
if ($isValid && !(checkdnsrr($domain, "MX") || checkdnsrr($domain, "A"))) {
// domain not found in DNS
$isValid = false;
return $isValid;