Below Instructions guide you to run tempest manually from tcup container : Pre-requisites : set up docker container by following instructions in the document Once you are in TCUP container, make sure you can able to ping $OS_AUTH_URL Instructions : 1)cd tempest/etc 2)copy tempest.conf.sample tempest.conf 3)update the tempest.conf file with the target cloud values(AUTH_URL,User name,Password,Tenent name,Tenent Id,IMAGE_ID,IMAGE_ID_ALT) 4)update below attributes in tempest.conf with the OS_VALUES then save the tempest.conf file **Tempest.conf** ** Replace with **** uri = OS_AUTH_URL username = OS_USERNAME password = OS_PASSWORD tenant name = OS_TENANT_NAME image_ref = {$IMAGE_ID}(run glance image-list command on target cloud, copy image id then replace here) image_ref_alt = {$IMAGE_ID_ALT}(run glance image-list command on target cloud,copy image id then replace here) 5)cd tempest 6)nosetests -v tempest ( to run full tempest suits) If you want to stop the tempest execution at the first failure,use below command 7)nosetests -vx tempest