TCUP Configuration =========================== The following instructions are designs run Refstack/Tempest in a container with minimal setup on your system. > These steps are _not_ do not install Refstack for contributions or development, they are intended for a user who wants to just run and report test results. 1. Make sure you have python and wget installed for your operating system. 1. Install Docker using [[]] 1. Note: if you are in an environment with a proxy, make sure you configure `/etc/default/docker` to leverage the proxy too! 1. You may want to prep-the environment using `sudo docker pull ubuntu:13.10` 1. Setup Docker to run without sudo 1. permanently (recommended): 1. `sudo usermod -a -G docker ` 1. you will need to reboot after this change 1. short term: `sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock` 1. Get the code: `wget` 1. note: you can also get the code by cloning the Refstack and running the code in `/scripts/` 1. Set your environment variables to access the test target cloud 1. generally, you will `source` to load the cloud credentials and URLs 1. Run TCUP: `python` 1. if you want to work on the code from Refstack, use `scripts/' ## Troubleshooting TCUP There are several ways to trouble shoot, TCUP. 1. Run TCUP using the debug flag: ` --debug` 1. Attach to the container as instructed at the end of the TCUP script 1. Inside the container: 1. Check your environment variables include the OS_* values using `export` 1. Make sure you can access Keystone using `curl $OS_AUTH_URL` 1. Make sure your credentials are working using `keystone catalog` ## Docker Tips 1. You can inspect which containers are running! 1. `docker ps` shows the running containers 1. `docker attach` allows you to connect to a container (may have to press enter) 1. exit from inside the container with `Ctrl-p` + `Ctrl-q` 1. Orphaned Containers: Over time, you may end up with [orphaned contaniers](, use the following to clean them up 1. `docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)` 1. `docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^" | awk "{print $3}")` ## For Developers If you run TCUP in debug mode (`export DEBUG=true` or using `--debug` parameter) then TCUP will automatically mount your PWD as /dev. If you run TCUP from your Refstack clone, then you can work directly in Refstack code from inside a TCUP container from the /dev directory.