{ "release" : "havana", "status" : "draft", "schema" : "1.0", "projects" : { "nova" : { "guidance": "By default, designated except scheduler, filter, drivers, API extensions and networking.", "core-capabilities": true, "comment": "All code except driver/plugins listed. Even for replaceable drivers or plugins, we still expect use of the existing nova service that wraps those interfaces.", "sections": { "scheduler driver": { "description": "(Host and cell)", "designated": false, "comment": "none provided"}, "filter scheduler driver": { "description": "(Host and cell) While the line above implies the entire driver is fair game, this case is incredibly common and worth mentioning specifically.", "designated": false, "comment": "none provided"}, "compute driver": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "none provided"}, "rest api extensions": { "description": "may be required for capabilities", "designated": false, "comment": "none provided"}, "nova networking components": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "none provided"}, "nova networking drivers": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "none provided"} } }, "glance": { "guidance": "Designated sections are the API implementation code and domain model.", "core-capabilities": true, "comment": "not given", "sections": { "http apis": { "description": "not provided", "designated": true, "comment": "API"}, "domain model": { "description": "not provided", "designated": true, "comment": "Shared"}, "stores": { "description": "the swift, filesystem, and http stores", "designated": false, "comment": "should be replaceable, vendor-specificddCross platform"}, "db driver": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "should be replaceable" }, "wsgi framework": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "should be replaceable"} } }, "cinder": { "guidance": "Designated sections are the API implementation code", "core-capabilities": true, "comment": "Historically, cinder has had plug-ins around schedulers and drivers.", "sections": { "api": { "description": "API section means actually the CODE that exposes the API, not just API-comparability", "designated": true, "comment": ""}, "drivers": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "there MUST be requirements that it implements what's defined as core functionality in the Cinder API"}, "scheduler": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "there MUST be requirements that it implements what's defined as core functionality in the Cinder API"}, "api extensions": { "description": "not provided", "designated": false, "comment": "should be replaceable"} } }, "keystone": { "guidance": "Not a core capability, no position at this time", "core-capabilities": false, "comment": "", "sections": [] }, "swift" : { "guidance": "Not a core capability, no position at this time", "core-capabilities": false, "comment": "", "sections": [] }, "neutron": { "guidance": "Not a core capability, no position at this time", "core-capabilities": false, "comment": "Neutron was not ready for review.", "sections": [] }, "heat": { "guidance": "Not a core capability, no position at this time", "core-capabilities": false, "comment": "", "sections": [] }, "horizon": { "guidance": "Not a core capability, no position at this time", "core-capabilities": false, "comment": "", "sections": [] }, "ceilometer": { "guidance": "Not a core capability, no position at this time", "core-capabilities": false, "comment": "", "sections": [] } } }