There were three main issues in the code from refstack repository that
were preventing refstack jobs from working:
1) Improper handling of sessions in the database API.
2) PEP8 job was failing because of outdated version of flake8.
3) The new version of cryptography library doesn't support signer() and
verifier() functions.
Issue #1 was solved by using the get_session() function as a context
manager instead of using session.begin() as a context manager. Using
session.begin() as a context manager does not ensure that the session
will be closed at the end of the context (see "Opening and Closing
a Session" and "Framing out a begin / commit / rollback block"
here [1]).
Issue #2 was solved by updating the libraries in
test-requirements.txt file. This change also forces flake8 to ignore
some pep8 errors (similar to the ones ignored in tempest project).
Issue #3 was solved by using the sign() and verify() functions instead
of verifier() and signer() functions [2].
Related Taiga issues:
- https://tree.taiga.io/project/openstack-interop-working-group/issue/77
- https://tree.taiga.io/project/openstack-interop-working-group/issue/79
[1] https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/session_basics.html
[2] e71c0df301
Change-Id: If98670475b371d1ece7c877a0eea3158f6c1b3f5
288 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
288 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2017 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Test result update & verify script for the local refstack database.
import argparse
import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
import jwt
import requests
def generate_token(keyfile, _id):
# get private key in string format
with open(keyfile) as pemfile:
secret = pemfile.read().rstrip()
exp = datetime.timedelta(seconds=100500)
payload =\
"user_openid": _id,
"exp": datetime.datetime.now() + exp
token = jwt.encode(payload, secret, algorithm="RS256")
with open("./token", "w+") as tokenfile:
print("token stored in the current working directory.")
def testAuth(link, tokenfile):
auth_test_url = link.split("/v1")[0] + "/#/profile"
with open(tokenfile) as tokenfile:
token = tokenfile.read().strip()
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
response = requests.get(auth_test_url, headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
return True, token
print("token auth failed. status code = %d" % (response.status_code))
print("auth failure detail: %s" % (response.text))
return False, None
def getData(entry):
guidelines = ["2015.03", "2015.04", "2015.05", "2015.07", "2016.01",
"2016.08", "2017.01", "2017.09"]
# NOTE: Storage is an alias of Object
components = ["platform", "compute", "storage", "object"]
if len(entry) < 10:
return None, None, None
refstackLink = entry[9].strip()
guideline = entry[4].strip()
target = entry[5].lower().strip()
if refstackLink:
testId = refstackLink.split("/")[-1]
refstackLink = None
testId = None
if guideline not in guidelines:
guideline = None
if target not in components:
target = None
elif target == "storage":
target = "object"
return testId, guideline, target
def linkChk(link, token):
"""Check existence of and access to api result link"""
print("checking result with a test ID of: %s" % (link.split("/")[-1]))
if not link:
return False
if " " in link:
return False
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
response = requests.get(link, headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
return json.loads(response.text)
elif response.status_code == 401 or response.status_code == 403:
print("Authentication Failed. link check response code: %d" %
return False
elif response.status_code == 400:
print("Malformed Request. link response code: %d" %
return False
print("Link check response_status_code = %d" %
print("Link check response detail: %s" % (response.text))
return False
except requests.exceptions as err:
return False
def updateField(header, apiLink, raw_data):
"""Update a given metadata field"""
valid_keytype = ["shared", "guideline", "target"]
keytype = raw_data.type
keyval = raw_data.value
if keytype not in valid_keytype or not keyval:
updresult = "%s keypair does not exist" % (keytype)
return updresult, False
link = apiLink.strip() + "/meta/" + keytype
response = requests.post(link, data=keyval, headers=header)
if response.status_code != 201:
print("update response status code=%d" %
print("update response text=%s" % (response.text))
updresult = ("%s field update failed. reason: %s" %
(keytype, response.text.replace(",", " ")))
return updresult, False
updresult = ("%s field update successful," % (keytype))
return updresult, True
def updateResult(apiLink, target, guideline, token, record):
"""Update metadata for result and verify if all updates are a success"""
MetadataField = namedtuple("MetadataField", ["type", "value"])
success = []
header = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
with open(record, "a") as r:
r.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "," + apiLink + ",")
# update the shared field
data = MetadataField("shared", "true")
shared_result, shared_status = updateField(header, apiLink, data)
# update the target field
data = MetadataField("target", target)
target_result, target_status = updateField(header, apiLink, data)
# update the guideline field
data = MetadataField("guideline", guideline + ".json")
gl_result, gl_status = updateField(header, apiLink, data)
if not all(success):
r.write("unable to verify.\n")
return False
# if there were no update failures, we can verify the result
# this is the operation most likely to fail, so extra checks are
# in order
print("Test Result updated successfully. Attempting verification.")
response = requests.put(apiLink,
json={"verification_status": 1},
except Exception as ex:
print("Exception raised while verifying test result: %s" %
r.write("verification failed: %s\n" % (str(ex)))
return False
updated = verification_chk(apiLink, header)
if response.status_code not in (200, 201):
print("verification failure status code=%d" %
print("verification failure detail=%s" %
r.write("verification unsuccessful: detail: %s\n" %
return False
elif not updated:
print("verification_status field failed to update")
r.write("verification status update failed. detail: %s\n" %
return False
print("Test result verified!\n")
r.write("Test result successfully verified\n")
return True
def verification_chk(link, header):
response = requests.get(link, header)
status = int(response.json()["verification_status"])
if status == 1:
return True
return False
except Exception as ex:
"Exception raised while ensuring verification status update: %s" %
return False
def main():
linect = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"Update the internal RefStack db using a csv file")
# token handling options- we either need the path of a working token,
# or the data to generate a new token
token_flags = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
token_flags.add_argument("--tokenfile", type=str, action="store",
help=("Absolute path to a json web token to "
"use to auth to the RefStack API"))
token_flags.add_argument("--generate", nargs=2,
metavar=("ssh-key", "openstack-id"),
help=("data needed to create a new auth token "
"ssh - key should be an absolute path to "
"a rsa ssh key. openstack - id indicates "
"an openstackid url to use for auth. "
"example: "
"https://openstackid.org/<your id >"))
# non token-related flags
parser.add_argument("--file", "-f", metavar="f", type=str, action="store",
help="csv source for the data to use in updates")
"--endpoint", "-e", metavar="e",
type=str, action="store", required=True,
help="the base URL of the endpoint. ex: http://examplerefstack.com/v1")
parser.add_argument("--record", "-r", metavar="r", type=str,
action="store", default="verification_results.csv",
help=("name of file to output update & verification "
"run record data into"))
args = parser.parse_args()
infile = args.file
record = args.record
endpoint = args.endpoint
if args.generate:
keypath = args.generate[0]
_id = args.generate[1]
generate_token(keypath, _id)
tokenfile = "./token"
tokenfile = args.tokenfile
auth_success, token = testAuth(endpoint, tokenfile)
if not auth_success:
print(("Please enter either a valid token or an openstackid and the "
"absolute path to an rsa ssh key."))
with open(infile) as f:
for line in f:
linect = linect + 1
entry = line.split(",")
testId, guideline, target = getData(entry)
if None in (testId, guideline, target):
print(("entry found at line %d cannot be updated and "
"verified: entry incomplete.\n") % (linect))
apiLink = os.path.join(endpoint, "results", testId)
testResult = linkChk(apiLink, token)
if testResult:
if testResult.get("verification_status"):
print("Result has been verified.\n")
"Result link is valid. Updating result with ID %s"
% (testId))
success = updateResult(apiLink, target, guideline,
token, record)
if not success:
print(("update of the results with the ID %s "
"failed. please recheck your spreadsheet "
"and try again" % (testId)))
print(("the test result: % s cannot be updated or "
"verified due to a broken result link." % (testId)))