This change extends the functionality for sending emails in task stages. Add the following configuration options for configuring what email address to send task emails to: * `to` (`str`) - Send the email to the given arbitrary email address * `email_current_user` (`bool`) - Email the user who initiated the task New variables have also been added to the task email template context, to allow referencing other candidate email addresses in the template (e.g. "A confirmation email has been sent to `<new email address>` to confirm your email change"): * `from_address` (`str`) - The email address the email is being sent from internally. Not always the same as the `From` header, which is set to `reply_address`. * `reply_address` (`str`) - The reply-to email address added to the email header. * `email_address` (`str`) - The target email address for this email template. * `email_current_user_address` (`str | None`) - The email address of the user that created the task, if available. * `emails_action_addresses` (`dict[str, str]`) - The recipient email addresses configured on the task actions, if a recipient email address is set. The key is the action name, the value is the target email address. Multiple emails can now be sent per stage in a task by defining the `emails` (`list[dict[str, Any]]`) option, and setting configuration overrides for each individual email. Change-Id: Ifc83c42bdefcc24e343b8489a917080e6c9785dc
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A basic workflow framework built using Django and Django-Rest-Framework to help automate basic Admin tasks within an OpenStack cluster.
Primarily built as user registration service that fits into the OpenStack ecosystem alongside Keystone, its purpose to fill functionality missing from Keystone. Ultimately it is just a framework with actions that are tied to an endpoint and can require certain data fields and perform actions via the OpenStack clients as well as talk to external systems as needed.
Useful for automating generic admin tasks that users might request but otherwise can't do without the admin role. Also allows automating the signup and creation of new users, and allows such requests to require approval first if wanted. Due to issuing of uri+tokens for final steps of some actions, allows for a password submit/reset system as well.
Documentation can be found at: https://docs.openstack.org/adjutant/latest
Documentation is stored in doc/, a sphinx build of the documentation can be generated with the command tox -e docs.
An API Reference is stored in api-ref. This is also a sphinx build and can be generated with tox -e api-ref.