Provide the possibility to allow users to synchronize the RTC. It is (still) disabled by default, since certain combinations of linux kernel version and hardware pieces are subject to cause lockups. "rtcautotrim 10" and rtcfile have been favoured over "rtcsync" since "rtcsync" syncs the RTC every 11 seconds which is not necessary IMO. "rtcautotrim 10" will only set the time to the RTC if the gap between RTC and the system clock exceed more than 10 seconds. Change-Id: I2961bc554eb6caf6e6c78137a33c4fde256ae1ff
The ansible-hardening role applies security hardening configurations from the Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) to systems running the following distributions:
- CentOS 7
- Debian Jessie
- Fedora 27
- openSUSE Leap 42.2 and 42.3
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 (experimental)
- Ubuntu 16.04
For more details, review the ansible-hardening documentation.
Release notes for the project can be found at:
This role can be used with or without OpenStack-Ansible. It requires Ansible 2.3 or later.
Role Variables
All of the variables for this role are in defaults/main.yml
This role has no dependencies.
Example Playbook
Using the role is fairly straightforward:
- hosts: servers
- ansible-hardening
Running with Vagrant
This role can be tested easily on multiple platforms using Vagrant.
The Vagrantfile
supports testing on:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- CentOS 7
To test on all platforms:
vagrant destroy --force && vagrant up
To test on Ubuntu 14.04 only:
vagrant destroy ubuntu1404 --force && vagrant up ubuntu1404
To test on Ubuntu 16.04 only:
vagrant destroy ubuntu1604 --force && vagrant up ubuntu1604
To test on CentOS 7 only:
vagrant destroy centos7 --force && vagrant up centos7
Apache 2.0
Author Information
For more information, join #openstack-ansible
on Freenode.