======================================== Writing Your First OpenStack Application ======================================== This directory contains the "Writing Your First OpenStack Application" tutorial. The tutorials work with an application that can be found in the `openstack/faafo `_ repository. Prerequisites ------------- To build the documentation, you must install the Graphviz package. /source ~~~~~~~ The :code:`/source` directory contains the tutorial documentation as `reStructuredText `_ (RST). To build the documentation, you must install `Sphinx `_ and the `OpenStack docs.openstack.org Sphinx theme (openstackdocstheme) `_. When you invoke tox, these dependencies are automatically pulled in from the top-level :code:`test-requirements.txt`. You must also install `Graphviz `_ on your build system. The RST source includes conditional output logic. The following command invokes :code:`sphinx-build` with :code:`-t libcloud`:: tox -e firstapp-libcloud Only the sections marked :code:`.. only:: libcloud` in the RST are built. /samples ~~~~~~~~ The code samples in this guide are located in this directory. The code samples for each SDK are located in separate subdirectories. /build-libcloud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The HTML documentation is built in this directory. The :code:`.gitignore` file for the project specifies this directory.