Luciano Lo Giudice 32a1eefa7f Update tox.ini file
Add the 'build' rule and also update the needed dependencies
for tests to properly run.
2021-09-07 16:27:26 -03:00

129 lines
3.1 KiB

# Classic charm (with zaza): ./tox.ini
# This file is managed centrally by release-tools and should not be modified
# within individual charm repos. See the 'global' dir contents for available
# choices of tox.ini for OpenStack Charms:
# TODO: Distill the func test requirements from the lint/unit test
# requirements. They are intertwined. Also, Zaza itself should specify
# all of its own requirements and if it doesn't, fix it there.
envlist = pep8,py3
skipsdist = True
# NOTE: Avoid build/test env pollution by not enabling sitepackages.
sitepackages = False
# NOTE: Avoid false positives by not skipping missing interpreters.
skip_missing_interpreters = False
requires = pip < 20.3
virtualenv < 20.0
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
install_command =
pip install {opts} {packages}
commands = stestr run --slowest {posargs}
whitelist_externals = juju
passenv = HOME TERM CS_* OS_* TEST_*
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
basepython = python3.5
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
basepython = python3.6
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
basepython = python3.7
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
basepython = python3.8
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands = flake8 {posargs} unit_tests src
# Technique based heavily upon
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
setenv =
PYTHON=coverage run
commands =
coverage erase
stestr run --slowest {posargs}
coverage combine
coverage html -d cover
coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
coverage report
branch = True
concurrency = multiprocessing
parallel = True
source =
omit =
basepython = python3
commands = {posargs}
basepython = python3
commands =
functest-run-suite --help
basepython = python3
commands =
functest-run-suite --keep-model
basepython = python3
commands =
functest-run-suite --keep-model --smoke
basepython = python3
commands =
functest-run-suite --keep-model --dev
basepython = python3
commands =
functest-run-suite --keep-model --bundle {posargs}
ignore = E402,E226
exclude = */charmhelpers
basepython = python3
commands =
charm-build --log-level DEBUG -o {toxinidir}/build src {posargs}