hernandanielg eb39635b4d Cloudkitty charm
This charm enables the deployment of the cloudkitty service
in the Openstack environment, cloudkitty service provides rating as a service
based on metrics, it handles field mapping rules to calculate costs and generate reports for the end-user.

Cloudkitty charm can relate to mysql,  rabbitmq-server, gnocchi and keystone.

Change-Id: I35353c24c779b226d5edd2641a3177258849122b
2022-10-06 19:31:43 +00:00

8 lines
359 B

# NOTES(lourot):
# * We don't install charmcraft via pip anymore because it anyway spins up a
# container and scp the system's charmcraft snap inside it. So the charmcraft
# snap is necessary on the system anyway.
# * `tox -e build` successfully validated with charmcraft 1.2.1
cffi==1.14.6; python_version < '3.6' # cffi 1.15.0 drops support for py35.