diff --git a/cinder/opts.py b/cinder/opts.py
index fed14e4138a..2e98f1ec0ea 100644
--- a/cinder/opts.py
+++ b/cinder/opts.py
@@ -303,7 +303,6 @@ def list_opts():
- cinder_volume_drivers_netapp_options.netapp_7mode_opts,
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/fakes.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/fakes.py
index 40bb4e022d6..84c21982168 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/fakes.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/fakes.py
'vol_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'],
- %(snapshot_name)s
- False
- %(vol_name)s
- abcd-ef01-2345-6789
-""" % {
- 'snapshot_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['name'],
- 'vol_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'],
- deleted_cinder_%(snapshot_name)s
- False
- %(vol_name)s
- abcd-ef01-2345-6789
-""" % {
- 'snapshot_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['name'],
- 'vol_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'],
- deleted_cinder_busy_snapshot
- True
- %(vol_name)s
- abcd-ef01-2345-6789
-""" % {
- 'snapshot_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['name'],
- 'vol_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'],
- %(snapshot_name)s
- True
- %(vol_name)s
-""" % {
- 'snapshot_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['name'],
- 'vol_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'],
- false
- %(vol_name)s
-""" % {'vol_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id']})
NODE_NAME = 'fake_node1'
NODE_NAMES = ('fake_node1', 'fake_node2')
""" % {'node1': NODE_NAMES[0], 'node2': NODE_NAMES[1]})
- 1454146292
- system
- avg_processor_busy
- 13215732322
- """)
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/test_client_7mode.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/test_client_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c55669e357b..00000000000
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/test_client_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Meade. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Dustin Schoenbrun. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Mike Rooney. All rights reserved.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import uuid
-import ddt
-from lxml import etree
-import mock
-import paramiko
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import ssh_utils
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import (
- fakes as fake_client)
-from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import fakes as fake
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import client_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import client_base
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as netapp_utils
-CONNECTION_INFO = {'hostname': 'hostname',
- 'transport_type': 'https',
- 'port': 443,
- 'username': 'admin',
- 'password': 'passw0rd'}
-class NetApp7modeClientTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(NetApp7modeClientTestCase, self).setUp()
- self.fake_volume = six.text_type(uuid.uuid4())
- self.mock_object(client_7mode.Client, '_init_ssh_client')
- with mock.patch.object(client_7mode.Client,
- 'get_ontapi_version',
- return_value=(1, 20)):
- self.client = client_7mode.Client([self.fake_volume],
- self.client.ssh_client = mock.MagicMock()
- self.client.connection = mock.MagicMock()
- self.connection = self.client.connection
- self.fake_lun = six.text_type(uuid.uuid4())
- def test_get_iscsi_target_details_no_targets(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- target_list = self.client.get_iscsi_target_details()
- self.assertEqual([], target_list)
- def test_get_iscsi_target_details(self):
- expected_target = {
- "address": "",
- "port": "1337",
- "tpgroup-tag": "7777",
- }
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(address)s
- %(port)s
- %(tpgroup-tag)s
- """ % expected_target))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- target_list = self.client.get_iscsi_target_details()
- self.assertEqual([expected_target], target_list)
- def test_get_iscsi_service_details_with_no_iscsi_service(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- iqn = self.client.get_iscsi_service_details()
- self.assertIsNone(iqn)
- def test_get_iscsi_service_details(self):
- expected_iqn = 'iqn.1998-01.org.openstack.iscsi:name1'
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %s
- """ % expected_iqn))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- iqn = self.client.get_iscsi_service_details()
- self.assertEqual(expected_iqn, iqn)
- def test_get_lun_list(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- luns = self.client.get_lun_list()
- self.assertEqual(2, len(luns))
- def test_get_igroup_by_initiators_none_found(self):
- initiators = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS[0]
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- igroup = self.client.get_igroup_by_initiators(initiators)
- self.assertEqual([], igroup)
- def test_get_igroup_by_initiators(self):
- initiators = [fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS[0]]
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(initiator-group-name)s
- %(initiator-group-type)s
- 1477ee47-0e1f-4b35-a82c-dcca0b76fc44
- linux
- 0
- false
- false
- true
- true
- true
- 21:00:00:24:ff:40:6c:c3
- """ % fake.IGROUP1))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- igroups = self.client.get_igroup_by_initiators(initiators)
- # make these lists of dicts comparable using hashable dictionaries
- igroups = set(
- [netapp_utils.hashabledict(igroup) for igroup in igroups])
- expected = set([netapp_utils.hashabledict(fake.IGROUP1)])
- self.assertSetEqual(igroups, expected)
- def test_get_igroup_by_initiators_multiple(self):
- initiators = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(initiator-group-name)s
- %(initiator-group-type)s
- 1477ee47-0e1f-4b35-a82c-dcca0b76fc44
- linux
- 21:00:00:24:ff:40:6c:c3
- 21:00:00:24:ff:40:6c:c2
- openstack-igroup2
- fcp
- 1477ee47-0e1f-4b35-a82c-dcca0b76fc44
- linux
- 21:00:00:24:ff:40:6c:c2
- """ % fake.IGROUP1))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- igroups = self.client.get_igroup_by_initiators(initiators)
- # make these lists of dicts comparable using hashable dictionaries
- igroups = set(
- [netapp_utils.hashabledict(igroup) for igroup in igroups])
- expected = set([netapp_utils.hashabledict(fake.IGROUP1)])
- self.assertSetEqual(igroups, expected)
- def test_clone_lun(self):
- fake_clone_start = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- 1337
- volume-uuid
- """))
- fake_clone_status = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- completed
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.side_effect = [fake_clone_start,
- fake_clone_status]
- self.client.clone_lun('path', 'new_path', 'fakeLUN', 'newFakeLUN')
- self.assertEqual(2, self.connection.invoke_successfully.call_count)
- def test_clone_lun_api_error(self):
- fake_clone_start = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- 1337
- volume-uuid
- """))
- fake_clone_status = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- error
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.side_effect = [fake_clone_start,
- fake_clone_status]
- self.assertRaises(netapp_api.NaApiError, self.client.clone_lun,
- 'path', 'new_path', 'fakeLUN', 'newFakeLUN')
- def test_clone_lun_multiple_zapi_calls(self):
- # Max block-ranges per call = 32, max blocks per range = 2^24
- # Force 2 calls
- bc = 2 ** 24 * 32 * 2
- fake_clone_start = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- 1337
- volume-uuid
- """))
- fake_clone_status = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- completed
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.side_effect = [fake_clone_start,
- fake_clone_status,
- fake_clone_start,
- fake_clone_status]
- self.client.clone_lun('path', 'new_path', 'fakeLUN', 'newFakeLUN',
- block_count=bc)
- self.assertEqual(4, self.connection.invoke_successfully.call_count)
- def test_clone_lun_wait_for_clone_to_finish(self):
- # Max block-ranges per call = 32, max blocks per range = 2^24
- # Force 2 calls
- bc = 2 ** 24 * 32 * 2
- fake_clone_start = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- 1337
- volume-uuid
- """))
- fake_clone_status = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- running
- """))
- fake_clone_status_completed = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- completed
- """))
- fake_responses = [fake_clone_start,
- fake_clone_status,
- fake_clone_status_completed,
- fake_clone_start,
- fake_clone_status_completed]
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.side_effect = fake_responses
- with mock.patch('time.sleep') as mock_sleep:
- self.client.clone_lun('path', 'new_path', 'fakeLUN',
- 'newFakeLUN', block_count=bc)
- mock_sleep.assert_called_once_with(1)
- self.assertEqual(5, self.connection.invoke_successfully.call_count)
- def test_get_lun_by_args(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- luns = self.client.get_lun_by_args()
- self.assertEqual(1, len(luns))
- def test_get_lun_by_args_no_lun_found(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- luns = self.client.get_lun_by_args()
- self.assertEqual(0, len(luns))
- def test_get_lun_by_args_with_args_specified(self):
- path = '/vol/%s/%s' % (self.fake_volume, self.fake_lun)
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- lun = self.client.get_lun_by_args(path=path)
- __, _args, __ = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[0]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- lun_info_args = actual_request.get_children()
- # Assert request is made with correct arguments
- self.assertEqual('path', lun_info_args[0].get_name())
- self.assertEqual(path, lun_info_args[0].get_content())
- self.assertEqual(1, len(lun))
- def test_get_filer_volumes(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- volumes = self.client.get_filer_volumes()
- self.assertEqual(1, len(volumes))
- def test_get_filer_volumes_no_volumes(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- """))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- volumes = self.client.get_filer_volumes()
- self.assertEqual([], volumes)
- def test_get_lun_map(self):
- path = '/vol/%s/%s' % (self.fake_volume, self.fake_lun)
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = mock.Mock()
- self.client.get_lun_map(path=path)
- __, _args, __ = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[0]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- lun_info_args = actual_request.get_children()
- # Assert request is made with correct arguments
- self.assertEqual('path', lun_info_args[0].get_name())
- self.assertEqual(path, lun_info_args[0].get_content())
- def test_set_space_reserve(self):
- path = '/vol/%s/%s' % (self.fake_volume, self.fake_lun)
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = mock.Mock()
- self.client.set_space_reserve(path, 'true')
- __, _args, __ = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[0]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- lun_info_args = actual_request.get_children()
- # The children list is not generated in a stable order,
- # so figure out which entry is which.
- if lun_info_args[0].get_name() == 'path':
- path_arg = lun_info_args[0]
- enable_arg = lun_info_args[1]
- else:
- path_arg = lun_info_args[1]
- enable_arg = lun_info_args[0]
- # Assert request is made with correct arguments
- self.assertEqual('path', path_arg.get_name())
- self.assertEqual(path, path_arg.get_content())
- self.assertEqual('enable', enable_arg.get_name())
- self.assertEqual('true', enable_arg.get_content())
- def test_get_actual_path_for_export(self):
- fake_export_path = 'fake_export_path'
- expected_actual_pathname = 'fake_actual_pathname'
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(path)s
- """ % {'path': expected_actual_pathname}))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- actual_pathname = self.client.get_actual_path_for_export(
- fake_export_path)
- __, __, _kwargs = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[0]
- enable_tunneling = _kwargs['enable_tunneling']
- self.assertEqual(expected_actual_pathname, actual_pathname)
- self.assertTrue(enable_tunneling)
- def test_clone_file(self):
- expected_src_path = "fake_src_path"
- expected_dest_path = "fake_dest_path"
- fake_volume_id = '0309c748-0d94-41f0-af46-4fbbd76686cf'
- fake_clone_op_id = 'c22ad299-ecec-4ec0-8de4-352b887bfce2'
- fake_clone_id_response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(volume)s
- %(clone_id)s
- """ % {'volume': fake_volume_id,
- 'clone_id': fake_clone_op_id}))
- fake_clone_list_response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(volume)s
- %(clone_id)s
- %(clone_id)s
- completed
- """ % {'volume': fake_volume_id,
- 'clone_id': fake_clone_op_id}))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.side_effect = [
- fake_clone_id_response, fake_clone_list_response]
- self.client.clone_file(expected_src_path,
- expected_dest_path,
- source_snapshot=fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- __, _args, _kwargs = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[0]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- enable_tunneling = _kwargs['enable_tunneling']
- actual_src_path = actual_request \
- .get_child_by_name('source-path').get_content()
- actual_dest_path = actual_request.get_child_by_name(
- 'destination-path').get_content()
- self.assertEqual(expected_src_path, actual_src_path)
- self.assertEqual(expected_dest_path, actual_dest_path)
- self.assertEqual(
- actual_request.get_child_by_name('snapshot-name').get_content())
- self.assertIsNone(actual_request.get_child_by_name(
- 'destination-exists'))
- self.assertTrue(enable_tunneling)
- def test_clone_file_when_clone_fails(self):
- """Ensure clone is cleaned up on failure."""
- expected_src_path = "fake_src_path"
- expected_dest_path = "fake_dest_path"
- fake_volume_id = '0309c748-0d94-41f0-af46-4fbbd76686cf'
- fake_clone_op_id = 'c22ad299-ecec-4ec0-8de4-352b887bfce2'
- fake_clone_id_response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(volume)s
- %(clone_id)s
- """ % {'volume': fake_volume_id,
- 'clone_id': fake_clone_op_id}))
- fake_clone_list_response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(volume)s
- %(clone_id)s
- %(clone_id)s
- failed
- """ % {'volume': fake_volume_id,
- 'clone_id': fake_clone_op_id}))
- fake_clone_clear_response = mock.Mock()
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.side_effect = [
- fake_clone_id_response, fake_clone_list_response,
- fake_clone_clear_response]
- self.assertRaises(netapp_api.NaApiError,
- self.client.clone_file,
- expected_src_path,
- expected_dest_path)
- __, _args, _kwargs = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[0]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- enable_tunneling = _kwargs['enable_tunneling']
- actual_src_path = actual_request \
- .get_child_by_name('source-path').get_content()
- actual_dest_path = actual_request.get_child_by_name(
- 'destination-path').get_content()
- self.assertEqual(expected_src_path, actual_src_path)
- self.assertEqual(expected_dest_path, actual_dest_path)
- self.assertIsNone(actual_request.get_child_by_name(
- 'destination-exists'))
- self.assertTrue(enable_tunneling)
- __, _args, _kwargs = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[1]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- enable_tunneling = _kwargs['enable_tunneling']
- actual_clone_id = actual_request.get_child_by_name('clone-id')
- actual_clone_id_info = actual_clone_id.get_child_by_name(
- 'clone-id-info')
- actual_clone_op_id = actual_clone_id_info.get_child_by_name(
- 'clone-op-id').get_content()
- actual_volume_uuid = actual_clone_id_info.get_child_by_name(
- 'volume-uuid').get_content()
- self.assertEqual(fake_clone_op_id, actual_clone_op_id)
- self.assertEqual(fake_volume_id, actual_volume_uuid)
- self.assertTrue(enable_tunneling)
- # Ensure that the clone-clear call is made upon error
- __, _args, _kwargs = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[2]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- enable_tunneling = _kwargs['enable_tunneling']
- actual_clone_id = actual_request \
- .get_child_by_name('clone-id').get_content()
- self.assertEqual(fake_clone_op_id, actual_clone_id)
- self.assertTrue(enable_tunneling)
- def test_get_file_usage(self):
- expected_bytes = "2048"
- fake_path = 'fake_path'
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(unique-bytes)s
- """ % {'unique-bytes': expected_bytes}))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- actual_bytes = self.client.get_file_usage(fake_path)
- self.assertEqual(expected_bytes, actual_bytes)
- def test_get_ifconfig(self):
- expected_response = mock.Mock()
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = expected_response
- actual_response = self.client.get_ifconfig()
- __, _args, __ = self.connection.invoke_successfully.mock_calls[0]
- actual_request = _args[0]
- self.assertEqual('net-ifconfig-get', actual_request.get_name())
- self.assertEqual(expected_response, actual_response)
- def test_get_fc_target_wwpns(self):
- wwpn1 = '50:0a:09:81:90:fe:eb:a5'
- wwpn2 = '50:0a:09:82:90:fe:eb:a5'
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(wwpn1)s
- true
- 1a
- %(wwpn2)s
- true
- 1b
- """ % {'wwpn1': wwpn1, 'wwpn2': wwpn2}))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- wwpns = self.client.get_fc_target_wwpns()
- self.assertSetEqual(set(wwpns), set([wwpn1, wwpn2]))
- def test_get_flexvol_capacity(self):
- expected_total_bytes = 1000
- expected_available_bytes = 750
- fake_flexvol_path = '/fake/vol'
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- %(total_bytes)s
- %(available_bytes)s
- """ % {'total_bytes': expected_total_bytes,
- 'available_bytes': expected_available_bytes}))
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- result = self.client.get_flexvol_capacity(fake_flexvol_path)
- expected = {
- 'size-total': expected_total_bytes,
- 'size-available': expected_available_bytes,
- }
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- def test_get_performance_instance_names(self):
- mock_send_request = self.mock_object(self.client, 'send_request')
- mock_send_request.return_value = netapp_api.NaElement(
- result = self.client.get_performance_instance_names('processor')
- expected = ['processor0', 'processor1']
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- perf_object_instance_list_info_args = {'objectname': 'processor'}
- mock_send_request.assert_called_once_with(
- 'perf-object-instance-list-info',
- perf_object_instance_list_info_args, enable_tunneling=False)
- def test_get_performance_counters(self):
- mock_send_request = self.mock_object(self.client, 'send_request')
- mock_send_request.return_value = netapp_api.NaElement(
- instance_names = ['system']
- counter_names = ['avg_processor_busy']
- result = self.client.get_performance_counters('system',
- instance_names,
- counter_names)
- expected = [
- {
- 'avg_processor_busy': '13215732322',
- 'instance-name': 'system',
- 'timestamp': '1454146292',
- }
- ]
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- perf_object_get_instances_args = {
- 'objectname': 'system',
- 'instances': [
- {'instance': instance} for instance in instance_names
- ],
- 'counters': [
- {'counter': counter} for counter in counter_names
- ],
- }
- mock_send_request.assert_called_once_with(
- 'perf-object-get-instances', perf_object_get_instances_args,
- enable_tunneling=False)
- def test_get_system_name(self):
- mock_send_request = self.mock_object(self.client, 'send_request')
- mock_send_request.return_value = netapp_api.NaElement(
- result = self.client.get_system_name()
- self.assertEqual(fake_client.NODE_NAME, result)
- def test_check_iscsi_initiator_exists_when_no_initiator_exists(self):
- self.connection.invoke_successfully = mock.Mock(
- side_effect=netapp_api.NaApiError)
- initiator = fake_client.INITIATOR_IQN
- initiator_exists = self.client.check_iscsi_initiator_exists(initiator)
- self.assertFalse(initiator_exists)
- def test_check_iscsi_initiator_exists_when_initiator_exists(self):
- self.connection.invoke_successfully = mock.Mock()
- initiator = fake_client.INITIATOR_IQN
- initiator_exists = self.client.check_iscsi_initiator_exists(initiator)
- self.assertTrue(initiator_exists)
- def test_set_iscsi_chap_authentication(self):
- ssh = mock.Mock(paramiko.SSHClient)
- sshpool = mock.Mock(ssh_utils.SSHPool)
- self.client.ssh_client.ssh_pool = sshpool
- self.mock_object(self.client.ssh_client, 'execute_command')
- sshpool.item().__enter__ = mock.Mock(return_value=ssh)
- sshpool.item().__exit__ = mock.Mock(return_value=False)
- self.client.set_iscsi_chap_authentication(fake_client.INITIATOR_IQN,
- fake_client.USER_NAME,
- fake_client.PASSWORD)
- command = ('iscsi security add -i iqn.2015-06.com.netapp:fake_iqn '
- '-s CHAP -p passw0rd -n fake_user')
- self.client.ssh_client.execute_command.assert_has_calls(
- [mock.call(ssh, command)]
- )
- def test_get_snapshot_if_snapshot_present_not_busy(self):
- expected_vol_name = fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id']
- expected_snapshot_name = fake.SNAPSHOT['name']
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- snapshot = self.client.get_snapshot(expected_vol_name,
- expected_snapshot_name)
- self.assertEqual(expected_vol_name, snapshot['volume'])
- self.assertEqual(expected_snapshot_name, snapshot['name'])
- self.assertEqual(set([]), snapshot['owners'])
- self.assertFalse(snapshot['busy'])
- def test_get_snapshot_if_snapshot_present_busy(self):
- expected_vol_name = fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id']
- expected_snapshot_name = fake.SNAPSHOT['name']
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- snapshot = self.client.get_snapshot(expected_vol_name,
- expected_snapshot_name)
- self.assertEqual(expected_vol_name, snapshot['volume'])
- self.assertEqual(expected_snapshot_name, snapshot['name'])
- self.assertEqual(set([]), snapshot['owners'])
- self.assertTrue(snapshot['busy'])
- def test_get_snapshot_if_snapshot_not_present(self):
- expected_vol_name = fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id']
- expected_snapshot_name = fake.SNAPSHOT['name']
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(fake_client.SNAPSHOT_NOT_PRESENT_7MODE)
- self.connection.invoke_successfully.return_value = response
- self.assertRaises(exception.SnapshotNotFound, self.client.get_snapshot,
- expected_vol_name, expected_snapshot_name)
- @ddt.data({
- 'mock_return':
- 'expected': [{
- 'name': client_base.DELETED_PREFIX + fake.SNAPSHOT_NAME,
- 'instance_id': 'abcd-ef01-2345-6789',
- 'volume_name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'],
- }]
- }, {
- 'mock_return': fake_client.NO_RECORDS_RESPONSE,
- 'expected': [],
- }, {
- 'mock_return':
- 'expected': [],
- })
- @ddt.unpack
- def test_get_snapshots_marked_for_deletion(self, mock_return, expected):
- api_response = netapp_api.NaElement(mock_return)
- volume_list = [fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id']]
- self.mock_object(self.client,
- 'send_request',
- return_value=api_response)
- result = self.client.get_snapshots_marked_for_deletion(volume_list)
- api_args = {
- 'target-name': fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'],
- 'target-type': 'volume',
- 'terse': 'true',
- }
- self.client.send_request.assert_called_once_with(
- 'snapshot-list-info', api_args)
- self.assertListEqual(expected, result)
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fakes.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fakes.py
index 99132f650ce..14749304a61 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fakes.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fakes.py
@@ -311,23 +311,6 @@ FAKE_CMODE_POOL_MAP = {
- 'all': [
- netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- open123
- """)),
- netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- mixed3
- """)),
- netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- open1234
- """))
- ],
FILE_LIST = ['file1', 'file2', 'file3']
FAKE_LUN = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
@@ -355,35 +338,6 @@ FAKE_LUN = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
'volume': 'fakeLUN',
'vserver': 'fake_vserver'})
-FAKE_7MODE_VOL1 = [netapp_api.NaElement(
- etree.XML("""
- open123
- online
- 0
- 0
- 0
- false
- false
- """))]
- {
- 'pool_name': 'open123',
- 'consistencygroup_support': True,
- 'QoS_support': False,
- 'reserved_percentage': 0,
- 'total_capacity_gb': 0.0,
- 'free_capacity_gb': 0.0,
- 'max_over_subscription_ratio': 20.0,
- 'multiattach': False,
- 'thin_provisioning_support': False,
- 'thick_provisioning_support': True,
- 'utilization': 30.0,
- 'filter_function': 'filter',
- 'goodness_function': 'goodness',
- }
CG_VOLUME_NAME = 'fake_cg_volume'
CG_GROUP_NAME = 'fake_consistency_group'
CG_POOL_NAME = 'cdot'
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/performance/test_perf_7mode.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/performance/test_perf_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51eefe3862c..00000000000
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/performance/test_perf_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Clinton Knight
-# All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import ddt
-import mock
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance \
- import fakes as fake
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_base
-class Performance7modeLibraryTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(Performance7modeLibraryTestCase, self).setUp()
- with mock.patch.object(perf_7mode.Performance7modeLibrary,
- '_init_counter_info'):
- self.zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.zapi_client.get_system_name.return_value = fake.NODE
- self.perf_library = perf_7mode.Performance7modeLibrary(
- self.zapi_client)
- self.perf_library.system_object_name = 'system'
- self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = (
- 'cpu_elapsed_time1')
- def test_init_counter_info_not_supported(self):
- self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = False
- mock_get_base_counter_name = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_base_counter_name')
- self.perf_library._init_counter_info()
- self.assertIsNone(self.perf_library.system_object_name)
- self.assertIsNone(
- self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name)
- self.assertFalse(mock_get_base_counter_name.called)
- def test_init_counter_info_api_error(self):
- self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = True
- mock_get_base_counter_name = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_base_counter_name',
- side_effect=netapp_api.NaApiError)
- self.perf_library._init_counter_info()
- self.assertEqual('system', self.perf_library.system_object_name)
- self.assertEqual(
- 'cpu_elapsed_time1',
- self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name)
- mock_get_base_counter_name.assert_called_once_with(
- 'system', 'avg_processor_busy')
- def test_init_counter_info_system(self):
- self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = True
- mock_get_base_counter_name = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_base_counter_name',
- return_value='cpu_elapsed_time1')
- self.perf_library._init_counter_info()
- self.assertEqual('system', self.perf_library.system_object_name)
- self.assertEqual(
- 'cpu_elapsed_time1',
- self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name)
- mock_get_base_counter_name.assert_called_once_with(
- 'system', 'avg_processor_busy')
- def test_update_performance_cache(self):
- self.perf_library.performance_counters = list(range(11, 21))
- mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters',
- return_value=21)
- mock_get_node_utilization = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization',
- return_value=25)
- self.perf_library.update_performance_cache()
- self.assertEqual(list(range(12, 22)),
- self.perf_library.performance_counters)
- self.assertEqual(25, self.perf_library.utilization)
- mock_get_node_utilization_counters.assert_called_once_with()
- mock_get_node_utilization.assert_called_once_with(12, 21, fake.NODE)
- def test_update_performance_cache_first_pass(self):
- mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters',
- return_value=11)
- mock_get_node_utilization = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization', return_value=25)
- self.perf_library.update_performance_cache()
- self.assertEqual([11], self.perf_library.performance_counters)
- mock_get_node_utilization_counters.assert_called_once_with()
- self.assertFalse(mock_get_node_utilization.called)
- def test_update_performance_cache_counters_unavailable(self):
- self.perf_library.performance_counters = list(range(11, 21))
- self.perf_library.utilization = 55.0
- mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters',
- return_value=None)
- mock_get_node_utilization = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization', return_value=25)
- self.perf_library.update_performance_cache()
- self.assertEqual(list(range(11, 21)),
- self.perf_library.performance_counters)
- self.assertEqual(55.0, self.perf_library.utilization)
- mock_get_node_utilization_counters.assert_called_once_with()
- self.assertFalse(mock_get_node_utilization.called)
- def test_update_performance_cache_not_supported(self):
- self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = False
- mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters')
- self.perf_library.update_performance_cache()
- self.assertEqual([], self.perf_library.performance_counters)
- self.assertEqual(perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION,
- self.perf_library.utilization)
- self.assertFalse(mock_get_node_utilization_counters.called)
- def test_get_node_utilization(self):
- self.perf_library.utilization = 47.1
- result = self.perf_library.get_node_utilization()
- self.assertEqual(47.1, result)
- def test_get_node_utilization_counters(self):
- mock_get_node_utilization_system_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_system_counters',
- return_value=['A', 'B', 'C'])
- mock_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters',
- return_value=['D', 'E', 'F'])
- mock_get_node_utilization_processor_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_processor_counters',
- return_value=['G', 'H', 'I'])
- result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_counters()
- expected = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I']
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- mock_get_node_utilization_system_counters.assert_called_once_with()
- mock_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters.assert_called_once_with()
- mock_get_node_utilization_processor_counters.assert_called_once_with()
- def test_get_node_utilization_counters_api_error(self):
- self.mock_object(self.perf_library,
- '_get_node_utilization_system_counters',
- side_effect=netapp_api.NaApiError)
- result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_counters()
- self.assertIsNone(result)
- def test_get_node_utilization_system_counters(self):
- mock_get_performance_instance_names = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_instance_names',
- return_value=fake.SYSTEM_INSTANCE_NAMES)
- mock_get_performance_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counters',
- return_value=fake.SYSTEM_COUNTERS)
- result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_system_counters()
- self.assertEqual(fake.SYSTEM_COUNTERS, result)
- mock_get_performance_instance_names.assert_called_once_with('system')
- mock_get_performance_counters.assert_called_once_with(
- 'system', fake.SYSTEM_INSTANCE_NAMES,
- ['avg_processor_busy', 'cpu_elapsed_time1', 'cpu_elapsed_time'])
- def test_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters(self):
- mock_get_performance_instance_names = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_instance_names',
- return_value=fake.WAFL_INSTANCE_NAMES)
- mock_get_performance_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counters',
- return_value=fake.WAFL_COUNTERS)
- mock_get_performance_counter_info = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counter_info',
- result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_wafl_counters()
- self.assertEqual(fake.EXPANDED_WAFL_COUNTERS, result)
- mock_get_performance_instance_names.assert_called_once_with('wafl')
- mock_get_performance_counters.assert_called_once_with(
- 'wafl', fake.WAFL_INSTANCE_NAMES,
- ['total_cp_msecs', 'cp_phase_times'])
- mock_get_performance_counter_info.assert_called_once_with(
- 'wafl', 'cp_phase_times')
- def test_get_node_utilization_processor_counters(self):
- mock_get_performance_instance_names = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_instance_names',
- return_value=fake.PROCESSOR_INSTANCE_NAMES)
- mock_get_performance_counters = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counters',
- return_value=fake.PROCESSOR_COUNTERS)
- self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counter_info',
- result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_processor_counters()
- self.assertEqual(fake.EXPANDED_PROCESSOR_COUNTERS, result)
- mock_get_performance_instance_names.assert_called_once_with(
- 'processor')
- mock_get_performance_counters.assert_called_once_with(
- 'processor', fake.PROCESSOR_INSTANCE_NAMES,
- ['domain_busy', 'processor_elapsed_time'])
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_7mode.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d940f949c2..00000000000
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,966 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Meade. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Clinton Knight. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Barron. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Goutham Pacha Ravi. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Mike Rooney. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Mock unit tests for the NetApp block storage 7-mode library
-import ddt
-from lxml import etree
-import mock
-from oslo_utils import timeutils
-from oslo_utils import units
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.objects import fields
-from cinder import test
-import cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client.fakes \
- as client_fakes
-import cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.fakes as fake
-import cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.fakes as na_fakes
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import block_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import block_base
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import client_base
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.utils import utils as dot_utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils
-from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
-class NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibraryTestCase(test.TestCase):
- """Test case for NetApp's 7-Mode iSCSI library."""
- def setUp(self):
- super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibraryTestCase, self).setUp()
- kwargs = {
- 'configuration': self.get_config_7mode(),
- 'host': 'openstack@7modeblock',
- }
- self.library = block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary(
- 'driver', 'protocol', **kwargs)
- self.library.zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.zapi_client = self.library.zapi_client
- self.library.perf_library = mock.Mock()
- self.library.vfiler = mock.Mock()
- # Deprecated option
- self.library.configuration.netapp_volume_list = None
- def get_config_7mode(self):
- config = na_fakes.create_configuration_7mode()
- config.netapp_storage_protocol = 'iscsi'
- config.netapp_login = 'admin'
- config.netapp_password = 'pass'
- config.netapp_server_hostname = ''
- config.netapp_transport_type = 'http'
- config.netapp_server_port = '80'
- return config
- @mock.patch.object(perf_7mode, 'Performance7modeLibrary', mock.Mock())
- @mock.patch.object(client_base.Client, 'get_ontapi_version',
- mock.MagicMock(return_value=(1, 20)))
- @mock.patch.object(block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary,
- '_get_root_volume_name')
- @mock.patch.object(block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary,
- '_do_partner_setup')
- @mock.patch.object(block_base.NetAppBlockStorageLibrary, 'do_setup')
- def test_do_setup(self, super_do_setup, mock_do_partner_setup,
- mock_get_root_volume_name):
- self.mock_object(client_base.Client, '_init_ssh_client')
- mock_get_root_volume_name.return_value = 'vol0'
- context = mock.Mock()
- self.library.do_setup(context)
- super_do_setup.assert_called_once_with(context)
- mock_do_partner_setup.assert_called_once_with()
- mock_get_root_volume_name.assert_called_once_with()
- @mock.patch.object(client_base.Client, 'get_ontapi_version',
- mock.MagicMock(return_value=(1, 20)))
- def test_do_partner_setup(self):
- self.mock_object(client_base.Client, '_init_ssh_client')
- self.library.configuration.netapp_partner_backend_name = 'partner'
- self.library._do_partner_setup()
- self.assertIsNotNone(self.library.partner_zapi_client)
- @mock.patch.object(client_base.Client, 'get_ontapi_version',
- mock.MagicMock(return_value=(1, 20)))
- def test_do_partner_setup_no_partner(self):
- self.mock_object(client_base.Client, '_init_ssh_client')
- self.library._do_partner_setup()
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.library, 'partner_zapi_client'))
- @mock.patch.object(
- block_base.NetAppBlockStorageLibrary, 'check_for_setup_error')
- def test_check_for_setup_error(self, super_check_for_setup_error):
- self.zapi_client.get_ontapi_version.return_value = (1, 9)
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_refresh_volume_info')
- self.library.volume_list = ['open1', 'open2']
- mock_add_looping_tasks = self.mock_object(
- self.library, '_add_looping_tasks')
- self.library.check_for_setup_error()
- mock_add_looping_tasks.assert_called_once_with()
- super_check_for_setup_error.assert_called_once_with()
- def test_check_for_setup_error_no_filtered_pools(self):
- self.zapi_client.get_ontapi_version.return_value = (1, 9)
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_refresh_volume_info')
- self.library.volume_list = []
- self.assertRaises(exception.NetAppDriverException,
- self.library.check_for_setup_error)
- @ddt.data(None, (1, 8))
- def test_check_for_setup_error_unsupported_or_no_version(self, version):
- self.zapi_client.get_ontapi_version.return_value = version
- self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
- self.library.check_for_setup_error)
- def test_handle_ems_logging(self):
- self.library.volume_list = ['vol0', 'vol1', 'vol2']
- self.mock_object(
- dot_utils, 'build_ems_log_message_0',
- return_value='fake_base_ems_log_message')
- self.mock_object(
- dot_utils, 'build_ems_log_message_1',
- return_value='fake_pool_ems_log_message')
- mock_send_ems_log_message = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'send_ems_log_message')
- self.library._handle_ems_logging()
- mock_send_ems_log_message.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call('fake_base_ems_log_message'),
- mock.call('fake_pool_ems_log_message'),
- ])
- dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_0.assert_called_once_with(
- self.library.driver_name, self.library.app_version,
- self.library.driver_mode)
- dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_1.assert_called_once_with(
- self.library.driver_name, self.library.app_version, None,
- self.library.volume_list, [])
- def test__get_volume_model_update(self):
- """Driver is not expected to return a model update."""
- self.assertIsNone(
- self.library._get_volume_model_update(fake.VOLUME_REF))
- @ddt.data(None, fake.VFILER)
- def test__get_owner(self, vfiler):
- self.library.configuration.netapp_server_hostname = 'openstack'
- self.library.vfiler = vfiler
- expected_owner = 'openstack'
- retval = self.library._get_owner()
- if vfiler:
- expected_owner += ':' + vfiler
- self.assertEqual(expected_owner, retval)
- def test_find_mapped_lun_igroup(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(etree.XML("""
- %(initiator-group-name)s
- %(initiator-group-type)s
- 1477ee47-0e1f-4b35-a82c-dcca0b76fc44
- linux
- 0
- false
- false
- true
- true
- true
- 21:00:00:24:ff:40:6c:c3
- 21:00:00:24:ff:40:6c:c2
- Centos
- 2
- """ % fake.IGROUP1))
- initiators = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.zapi_client.get_lun_map.return_value = response
- (igroup, lun_id) = self.library._find_mapped_lun_igroup('path',
- initiators)
- self.assertEqual(fake.IGROUP1_NAME, igroup)
- self.assertEqual('2', lun_id)
- def test_find_mapped_lun_igroup_initiator_mismatch(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(etree.XML("""
- openstack-igroup1
- fcp
- 1477ee47-0e1f-4b35-a82c-dcca0b76fc44
- linux
- 0
- false
- false
- true
- true
- true
- 21:00:00:24:ff:40:6c:c3
- 2
- """))
- initiators = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.zapi_client.get_lun_map.return_value = response
- (igroup, lun_id) = self.library._find_mapped_lun_igroup('path',
- initiators)
- self.assertIsNone(igroup)
- self.assertIsNone(lun_id)
- def test_find_mapped_lun_igroup_no_igroups(self):
- response = netapp_api.NaElement(etree.XML("""
- """))
- initiators = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.zapi_client.get_lun_map.return_value = response
- (igroup, lun_id) = self.library._find_mapped_lun_igroup('path',
- initiators)
- self.assertIsNone(igroup)
- self.assertIsNone(lun_id)
- def test_find_mapped_lun_igroup_raises(self):
- self.zapi_client.get_lun_map.side_effect = netapp_api.NaApiError
- initiators = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.assertRaises(netapp_api.NaApiError,
- self.library._find_mapped_lun_igroup,
- 'path',
- initiators)
- def test_has_luns_mapped_to_initiators_local_map(self):
- initiator_list = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.return_value = True
- self.library.partner_zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- result = self.library._has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(initiator_list)
- self.assertTrue(result)
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.assert_called_once_with(
- initiator_list)
- self.assertEqual(0, self.library.partner_zapi_client.
- has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.call_count)
- def test_has_luns_mapped_to_initiators_partner_map(self):
- initiator_list = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.return_value = False
- self.library.partner_zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.partner_zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.\
- return_value = True
- result = self.library._has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(initiator_list)
- self.assertTrue(result)
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.assert_called_once_with(
- initiator_list)
- self.library.partner_zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.\
- assert_called_with(initiator_list)
- def test_has_luns_mapped_to_initiators_no_maps(self):
- initiator_list = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.return_value = False
- self.library.partner_zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.partner_zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.\
- return_value = False
- result = self.library._has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(initiator_list)
- self.assertFalse(result)
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.assert_called_once_with(
- initiator_list)
- self.library.partner_zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.\
- assert_called_with(initiator_list)
- def test_has_luns_mapped_to_initiators_no_partner(self):
- initiator_list = fake.FC_FORMATTED_INITIATORS
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.return_value = False
- self.library.partner_zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.partner_zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.\
- return_value = True
- result = self.library._has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(
- initiator_list, include_partner=False)
- self.assertFalse(result)
- self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.assert_called_once_with(
- initiator_list)
- self.assertEqual(0, self.library.partner_zapi_client.
- has_luns_mapped_to_initiators.call_count)
- @ddt.data(True, False)
- def test_clone_lun_zero_block_count(self, is_snapshot):
- """Test for when clone lun is not passed a block count."""
- self.library._get_lun_attr = mock.Mock(return_value={
- 'Volume': 'fakeLUN', 'Path': '/vol/fake/fakeLUN'})
- self.library.zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.zapi_client.get_lun_by_args.return_value = [fake.FAKE_LUN]
- self.library._add_lun_to_table = mock.Mock()
- self.library._clone_lun('fakeLUN', 'newFakeLUN', 'false',
- is_snapshot=is_snapshot)
- self.library.zapi_client.clone_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- '/vol/fake/fakeLUN', '/vol/fake/newFakeLUN', 'fakeLUN',
- 'newFakeLUN', 'false', block_count=0, dest_block=0,
- source_snapshot=None, src_block=0)
- def test_clone_lun_blocks(self):
- """Test for when clone lun is passed block information."""
- block_count = 10
- src_block = 10
- dest_block = 30
- self.library._get_lun_attr = mock.Mock(return_value={
- 'Volume': 'fakeLUN', 'Path': '/vol/fake/fakeLUN'})
- self.library.zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.zapi_client.get_lun_by_args.return_value = [fake.FAKE_LUN]
- self.library._add_lun_to_table = mock.Mock()
- self.library._clone_lun('fakeLUN', 'newFakeLUN', 'false',
- block_count=block_count, src_block=src_block,
- dest_block=dest_block)
- self.library.zapi_client.clone_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- '/vol/fake/fakeLUN', '/vol/fake/newFakeLUN', 'fakeLUN',
- 'newFakeLUN', 'false', block_count=block_count,
- dest_block=dest_block, src_block=src_block,
- source_snapshot=None)
- def test_clone_lun_no_space_reservation(self):
- """Test for when space_reservation is not passed."""
- self.library._get_lun_attr = mock.Mock(return_value={
- 'Volume': 'fakeLUN', 'Path': '/vol/fake/fakeLUN'})
- self.library.lun_space_reservation = 'false'
- self.library.zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.zapi_client.get_lun_by_args.return_value = [fake.FAKE_LUN]
- self.library._add_lun_to_table = mock.Mock()
- self.library._clone_lun('fakeLUN', 'newFakeLUN')
- self.library.zapi_client.clone_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- '/vol/fake/fakeLUN', '/vol/fake/newFakeLUN', 'fakeLUN',
- 'newFakeLUN', 'false', block_count=0, dest_block=0, src_block=0,
- source_snapshot=None)
- def test_clone_lun_qos_supplied(self):
- """Test for qos supplied in clone lun invocation."""
- self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
- self.library._clone_lun,
- 'fakeLUN',
- 'newFakeLUN',
- qos_policy_group_name=fake.QOS_POLICY_GROUP_NAME)
- def test_get_fc_target_wwpns(self):
- ports1 = [fake.FC_FORMATTED_TARGET_WWPNS[0],
- ports2 = [fake.FC_FORMATTED_TARGET_WWPNS[2],
- self.zapi_client.get_fc_target_wwpns.return_value = ports1
- self.library.partner_zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.partner_zapi_client.get_fc_target_wwpns.return_value = \
- ports2
- result = self.library._get_fc_target_wwpns()
- self.assertSetEqual(set(fake.FC_FORMATTED_TARGET_WWPNS), set(result))
- def test_get_fc_target_wwpns_no_partner(self):
- ports1 = [fake.FC_FORMATTED_TARGET_WWPNS[0],
- ports2 = [fake.FC_FORMATTED_TARGET_WWPNS[2],
- self.zapi_client.get_fc_target_wwpns.return_value = ports1
- self.library.partner_zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.library.partner_zapi_client.get_fc_target_wwpns.return_value = \
- ports2
- result = self.library._get_fc_target_wwpns(include_partner=False)
- self.assertSetEqual(set(ports1), set(result))
- def test_create_lun(self):
- self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary = False
- self.library._create_lun(fake.VOLUME_ID, fake.LUN_ID,
- self.library.zapi_client.create_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.VOLUME_ID, fake.LUN_ID, fake.LUN_SIZE, fake.LUN_METADATA,
- None)
- self.assertTrue(self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary)
- def test_create_lun_with_qos_policy_group(self):
- self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeDriverException,
- self.library._create_lun, fake.VOLUME_ID,
- fake.LUN_ID, fake.LUN_SIZE, fake.LUN_METADATA,
- qos_policy_group_name=fake.QOS_POLICY_GROUP_NAME)
- def test_check_volume_type_for_lun_legacy_qos_not_supported(self):
- mock_get_volume_type = self.mock_object(na_utils,
- 'get_volume_type_from_volume')
- self.assertRaises(exception.ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch,
- self.library._check_volume_type_for_lun,
- na_fakes.VOLUME, {}, {}, na_fakes.LEGACY_EXTRA_SPECS)
- self.assertEqual(0, mock_get_volume_type.call_count)
- def test_check_volume_type_for_lun_no_volume_type(self):
- mock_get_volume_type = self.mock_object(na_utils,
- 'get_volume_type_from_volume')
- mock_get_volume_type.return_value = None
- mock_get_backend_spec = self.mock_object(
- na_utils, 'get_backend_qos_spec_from_volume_type')
- self.library._check_volume_type_for_lun(na_fakes.VOLUME, {}, {}, None)
- self.assertEqual(0, mock_get_backend_spec.call_count)
- def test_check_volume_type_for_lun_qos_spec_not_supported(self):
- mock_get_volume_type = self.mock_object(na_utils,
- 'get_volume_type_from_volume')
- mock_get_volume_type.return_value = na_fakes.VOLUME_TYPE
- mock_get_backend_spec = self.mock_object(
- na_utils, 'get_backend_qos_spec_from_volume_type')
- mock_get_backend_spec.return_value = na_fakes.QOS_SPEC
- self.assertRaises(exception.ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch,
- self.library._check_volume_type_for_lun,
- na_fakes.VOLUME, {}, {}, na_fakes.EXTRA_SPECS)
- def test_get_preferred_target_from_list(self):
- result = self.library._get_preferred_target_from_list(
- self.assertEqual(fake.ISCSI_TARGET_DETAILS_LIST[0], result)
- def test_mark_qos_policy_group_for_deletion(self):
- result = self.library._mark_qos_policy_group_for_deletion(
- self.assertIsNone(result)
- def test_setup_qos_for_volume(self):
- result = self.library._setup_qos_for_volume(fake.VOLUME,
- self.assertIsNone(result)
- def test_manage_existing_lun_same_name(self):
- mock_lun = block_base.NetAppLun('handle', 'name', '1',
- {'Path': '/vol/FAKE_CMODE_VOL1/name'})
- self.library._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref = mock.Mock(
- return_value=mock_lun)
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'get_volume_extra_specs')
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'log_extra_spec_warnings')
- self.library._check_volume_type_for_lun = mock.Mock()
- self.library._add_lun_to_table = mock.Mock()
- self.zapi_client.move_lun = mock.Mock()
- self.library.manage_existing({'name': 'name'}, {'ref': 'ref'})
- self.library._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref.assert_called_once_with(
- {'ref': 'ref'})
- self.assertEqual(1, self.library._check_volume_type_for_lun.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(1, self.library._add_lun_to_table.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(0, self.zapi_client.move_lun.call_count)
- def test_manage_existing_lun_new_path(self):
- mock_lun = block_base.NetAppLun(
- 'handle', 'name', '1', {'Path': '/vol/FAKE_CMODE_VOL1/name'})
- self.library._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref = mock.Mock(
- return_value=mock_lun)
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'get_volume_extra_specs')
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'log_extra_spec_warnings')
- self.library._check_volume_type_for_lun = mock.Mock()
- self.library._add_lun_to_table = mock.Mock()
- self.zapi_client.move_lun = mock.Mock()
- self.library.manage_existing({'name': 'volume'}, {'ref': 'ref'})
- self.assertEqual(
- 2, self.library._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(1, self.library._check_volume_type_for_lun.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(1, self.library._add_lun_to_table.call_count)
- self.zapi_client.move_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- '/vol/FAKE_CMODE_VOL1/name', '/vol/FAKE_CMODE_VOL1/volume')
- def test_get_pool_stats_no_volumes(self):
- self.library.vols = []
- result = self.library._get_pool_stats()
- self.assertListEqual([], result)
- @ddt.data({'netapp_lun_space_reservation': 'enabled'},
- {'netapp_lun_space_reservation': 'disabled'})
- @ddt.unpack
- def test_get_pool_stats(self, netapp_lun_space_reservation):
- self.library.volume_list = ['vol0', 'vol1', 'vol2']
- self.library.root_volume_name = 'vol0'
- self.library.reserved_percentage = 5
- self.library.max_over_subscription_ratio = 10.0
- self.library.configuration.netapp_lun_space_reservation = (
- netapp_lun_space_reservation)
- self.library.vols = netapp_api.NaElement(
- client_fakes.VOLUME_LIST_INFO_RESPONSE).get_child_by_name(
- 'volumes').get_children()
- self.library.perf_library.get_node_utilization = (
- mock.Mock(return_value=30.0))
- thick = netapp_lun_space_reservation == 'enabled'
- result = self.library._get_pool_stats(filter_function='filter',
- goodness_function='goodness')
- expected = [{
- 'pool_name': 'vol1',
- 'consistencygroup_support': True,
- 'QoS_support': False,
- 'thin_provisioning_support': not thick,
- 'thick_provisioning_support': thick,
- 'free_capacity_gb': 1339.27,
- 'total_capacity_gb': 1342.21,
- 'reserved_percentage': 5,
- 'max_over_subscription_ratio': 10.0,
- 'multiattach': False,
- 'utilization': 30.0,
- 'filter_function': 'filter',
- 'goodness_function': 'goodness',
- }]
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- def test_get_filtered_pools_invalid_conf(self):
- """Verify an exception is raised if the regex pattern is invalid."""
- self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = '(.+'
- self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidConfigurationValue,
- self.library._get_filtered_pools)
- @ddt.data('.*?3$|mix.+', '(.+?[0-9]+) ', '^.+3$', '^[a-z].*?[^4]$')
- def test_get_filtered_pools_match_select_pools(self, patterns):
- self.library.vols = fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all']
- self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = patterns
- filtered_pools = self.library._get_filtered_pools()
- self.assertEqual(
- fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all'][0].get_child_content('name'),
- filtered_pools[0]
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all'][1].get_child_content('name'),
- filtered_pools[1]
- )
- @ddt.data('', 'mix.+|open.+', '.+', 'open123, mixed3, open1234', '.+')
- def test_get_filtered_pools_match_all_pools(self, patterns):
- self.library.vols = fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all']
- self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = patterns
- filtered_pools = self.library._get_filtered_pools()
- self.assertEqual(
- fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all'][0].get_child_content('name'),
- filtered_pools[0]
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all'][1].get_child_content('name'),
- filtered_pools[1]
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all'][2].get_child_content('name'),
- filtered_pools[2]
- )
- @ddt.data('abc|stackopen|openstack|abc.*', 'abc',
- 'stackopen, openstack, open', '^$')
- def test_get_filtered_pools_non_matching_patterns(self, patterns):
- self.library.vols = fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOLUME['all']
- self.library.configuration.netapp_pool_name_search_pattern = patterns
- filtered_pools = self.library._get_filtered_pools()
- self.assertListEqual([], filtered_pools)
- def test_get_pool_stats_no_ssc_vols(self):
- self.library.vols = {}
- pools = self.library._get_pool_stats()
- self.assertListEqual([], pools)
- def test_get_pool_stats_with_filtered_pools(self):
- self.library.vols = fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOL1
- self.library.volume_list = [
- fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOL1[0].get_child_content('name')
- ]
- self.library.root_volume_name = ''
- self.library.perf_library.get_node_utilization = (
- mock.Mock(return_value=30.0))
- pools = self.library._get_pool_stats(filter_function='filter',
- goodness_function='goodness')
- self.assertListEqual(fake.FAKE_7MODE_POOLS, pools)
- def test_get_pool_stats_no_filtered_pools(self):
- self.library.vols = fake.FAKE_7MODE_VOL1
- self.library.volume_list = ['open1', 'open2']
- self.library.root_volume_name = ''
- pools = self.library._get_pool_stats()
- self.assertListEqual([], pools)
- @ddt.data((None, False, False),
- (30, True, False),
- (30, False, True))
- @ddt.unpack
- def test__refresh_volume_info_already_running(self,
- vol_refresh_time,
- vol_refresh_voluntary,
- is_newer):
- mock_warning_log = self.mock_object(block_7mode.LOG, 'warning')
- self.library.vol_refresh_time = vol_refresh_time
- self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary = vol_refresh_voluntary
- self.library.vol_refresh_interval = 30
- self.mock_object(timeutils, 'is_newer_than', return_value=is_newer)
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'set_safe_attr', return_value=False)
- retval = self.library._refresh_volume_info()
- self.assertIsNone(retval)
- # Assert no values are unset by the method
- self.assertEqual(vol_refresh_voluntary,
- self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary)
- self.assertEqual(vol_refresh_time, self.library.vol_refresh_time)
- if timeutils.is_newer_than.called:
- timeutils.is_newer_than.assert_called_once_with(
- vol_refresh_time, self.library.vol_refresh_interval)
- na_utils.set_safe_attr.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call(self.library, 'vol_refresh_running', True),
- mock.call(self.library, 'vol_refresh_running', False)])
- self.assertEqual(1, mock_warning_log.call_count)
- def test__refresh_volume_info(self):
- mock_warning_log = self.mock_object(block_7mode.LOG, 'warning')
- self.library.vol_refresh_time = None
- self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary = True
- self.mock_object(timeutils, 'is_newer_than')
- self.mock_object(self.library.zapi_client, 'get_filer_volumes')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_filtered_pools',
- return_value=['vol1', 'vol2'])
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'set_safe_attr', return_value=True)
- retval = self.library._refresh_volume_info()
- self.assertIsNone(retval)
- self.assertEqual(False, self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary)
- self.assertEqual(['vol1', 'vol2'], self.library.volume_list)
- self.assertIsNotNone(self.library.vol_refresh_time)
- na_utils.set_safe_attr.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call(self.library, 'vol_refresh_running', True),
- mock.call(self.library, 'vol_refresh_running', False)])
- self.assertFalse(mock_warning_log.called)
- def test__refresh_volume_info_exception(self):
- mock_warning_log = self.mock_object(block_7mode.LOG, 'warning')
- self.library.vol_refresh_time = None
- self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary = True
- self.mock_object(timeutils, 'is_newer_than')
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'set_safe_attr', return_value=True)
- self.mock_object(self.library.zapi_client,
- 'get_filer_volumes',
- side_effect=exception.NetAppDriverException)
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_filtered_pools')
- retval = self.library._refresh_volume_info()
- self.assertIsNone(retval)
- self.assertFalse(self.library._get_filtered_pools.called)
- self.assertEqual(1, mock_warning_log.call_count)
- def test_delete_volume(self):
- self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary = False
- mock_super_delete_volume = self.mock_object(
- block_base.NetAppBlockStorageLibrary, 'delete_volume')
- self.library.delete_volume(fake.VOLUME)
- mock_super_delete_volume.assert_called_once_with(fake.VOLUME)
- self.assertTrue(self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary)
- def test_delete_snapshot(self):
- self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary = False
- mock_super_delete_snapshot = self.mock_object(
- block_base.NetAppBlockStorageLibrary, 'delete_snapshot')
- self.library.delete_snapshot(fake.SNAPSHOT)
- mock_super_delete_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(fake.SNAPSHOT)
- self.assertTrue(self.library.vol_refresh_voluntary)
- def test_add_looping_tasks(self):
- mock_super_add_looping_tasks = self.mock_object(
- block_base.NetAppBlockStorageLibrary, '_add_looping_tasks')
- self.library._add_looping_tasks()
- mock_super_add_looping_tasks.assert_called_once_with()
- def test_get_backing_flexvol_names(self):
- self.library.volume_list = ['vol0', 'vol1', 'vol2']
- result = self.library._get_backing_flexvol_names()
- self.assertEqual('vol2', result[2])
- def test_create_cgsnapshot(self):
- snapshot = fake.CG_SNAPSHOT
- snapshot['volume'] = fake.CG_VOLUME
- mock_extract_host = self.mock_object(
- volume_utils, 'extract_host', return_value=fake.POOL_NAME)
- mock_clone_lun = self.mock_object(self.library, '_clone_lun')
- mock_busy = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'wait_for_busy_snapshot')
- mock_delete_snapshot = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'delete_snapshot')
- self.library.create_cgsnapshot(fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, [snapshot])
- mock_extract_host.assert_called_once_with(fake.CG_VOLUME['host'],
- level='pool')
- self.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- set([fake.POOL_NAME]), fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_clone_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- source_snapshot=fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_busy.assert_called_once_with(fake.POOL_NAME, fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_delete_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- def test_create_cgsnapshot_busy_snapshot(self):
- snapshot = fake.CG_SNAPSHOT
- snapshot['volume'] = fake.CG_VOLUME
- mock_extract_host = self.mock_object(
- volume_utils, 'extract_host',
- return_value=fake.POOL_NAME)
- mock_clone_lun = self.mock_object(self.library, '_clone_lun')
- mock_busy = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'wait_for_busy_snapshot')
- mock_busy.side_effect = exception.SnapshotIsBusy(snapshot['name'])
- mock_delete_snapshot = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'delete_snapshot')
- mock_mark_snapshot_for_deletion = self.mock_object(
- self.zapi_client, 'mark_snapshot_for_deletion')
- self.library.create_cgsnapshot(fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, [snapshot])
- mock_extract_host.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.CG_VOLUME['host'], level='pool')
- self.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- set([fake.POOL_NAME]), fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_clone_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- source_snapshot=fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_delete_snapshot.assert_not_called()
- mock_mark_snapshot_for_deletion.assert_called_once_with(
- def test_delete_cgsnapshot(self):
- mock_delete_snapshot = self.mock_object(
- self.library, '_delete_lun')
- self.library.delete_cgsnapshot(fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, [fake.CG_SNAPSHOT])
- mock_delete_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(fake.CG_SNAPSHOT['name'])
- def test_delete_cgsnapshot_not_found(self):
- self.mock_object(block_base, 'LOG')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_lun_attr', return_value=None)
- self.library.delete_cgsnapshot(fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, [fake.CG_SNAPSHOT])
- self.assertEqual(0, block_base.LOG.error.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(1, block_base.LOG.warning.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(0, block_base.LOG.info.call_count)
- def test_create_volume_with_cg(self):
- volume_size_in_bytes = int(fake.CG_VOLUME_SIZE) * units.Gi
- self._create_volume_test_helper()
- self.library.create_volume(fake.CG_VOLUME)
- self.library._create_lun.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.POOL_NAME, fake.CG_VOLUME_NAME, volume_size_in_bytes,
- fake.CG_LUN_METADATA, None)
- self.library._get_volume_model_update.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.CG_VOLUME)
- self.assertEqual(0, self.library.
- _mark_qos_policy_group_for_deletion.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(0, block_base.LOG.error.call_count)
- def _create_volume_test_helper(self):
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'get_volume_extra_specs')
- self.mock_object(na_utils, 'log_extra_spec_warnings')
- self.mock_object(block_base, 'LOG')
- self.mock_object(volume_utils, 'extract_host',
- return_value=fake.POOL_NAME)
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_setup_qos_for_volume',
- return_value=None)
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_create_lun')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_create_lun_handle')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_add_lun_to_table')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_mark_qos_policy_group_for_deletion')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_volume_model_update')
- def test_create_consistency_group(self):
- model_update = self.library.create_consistencygroup(
- self.assertEqual('available', model_update['status'])
- def test_delete_consistencygroup_volume_delete_failure(self):
- self.mock_object(block_7mode, 'LOG')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_delete_lun', side_effect=Exception)
- model_update, volumes = self.library.delete_consistencygroup(
- self.assertEqual('deleted', model_update['status'])
- self.assertEqual('error_deleting', volumes[0]['status'])
- self.assertEqual(1, block_7mode.LOG.exception.call_count)
- def test_delete_consistencygroup_not_found(self):
- self.mock_object(block_7mode, 'LOG')
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_lun_attr', return_value=None)
- model_update, volumes = self.library.delete_consistencygroup(
- self.assertEqual(0, block_7mode.LOG.error.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(0, block_7mode.LOG.info.call_count)
- self.assertEqual('deleted', model_update['status'])
- self.assertEqual('deleted', volumes[0]['status'])
- @ddt.data(None,
- {'replication_status': fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED})
- def test_create_consistencygroup_from_src_cg_snapshot(self,
- volume_model_update):
- mock_clone_source_to_destination = self.mock_object(
- self.library, '_clone_source_to_destination',
- return_value=volume_model_update)
- actual_return_value = self.library.create_consistencygroup_from_src(
- fake.CONSISTENCY_GROUP, [fake.VOLUME], cgsnapshot=fake.CG_SNAPSHOT,
- snapshots=[fake.CG_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT])
- clone_source_to_destination_args = {
- 'name': fake.CG_SNAPSHOT['name'],
- 'size': fake.CG_SNAPSHOT['volume_size'],
- }
- mock_clone_source_to_destination.assert_called_once_with(
- clone_source_to_destination_args, fake.VOLUME)
- if volume_model_update:
- volume_model_update['id'] = fake.VOLUME['id']
- expected_return_value = ((None, [volume_model_update])
- if volume_model_update else (None, []))
- self.assertEqual(expected_return_value, actual_return_value)
- @ddt.data(None,
- {'replication_status': fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED})
- def test_create_consistencygroup_from_src_cg(self, volume_model_update):
- lun_name = fake.SOURCE_CG_VOLUME['name']
- mock_lun = block_base.NetAppLun(
- lun_name, lun_name, '3', {'UUID': 'fake_uuid'})
- self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_lun_from_table',
- return_value=mock_lun)
- mock_clone_source_to_destination = self.mock_object(
- self.library, '_clone_source_to_destination',
- return_value=volume_model_update)
- actual_return_value = self.library.create_consistencygroup_from_src(
- source_vols=[fake.SOURCE_CG_VOLUME])
- clone_source_to_destination_args = {
- 'name': fake.SOURCE_CG_VOLUME['name'],
- 'size': fake.SOURCE_CG_VOLUME['size'],
- }
- if volume_model_update:
- volume_model_update['id'] = fake.VOLUME['id']
- expected_return_value = ((None, [volume_model_update])
- if volume_model_update else (None, []))
- mock_clone_source_to_destination.assert_called_once_with(
- clone_source_to_destination_args, fake.VOLUME)
- self.assertEqual(expected_return_value, actual_return_value)
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_cmode.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_cmode.py
index 3f3087c6a78..5a15fd2edae 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_cmode.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_cmode.py
@@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ class NetAppBlockStorageCmodeLibraryTestCase(test.TestCase):
- self.library.driver_name, self.library.app_version,
- self.library.driver_mode)
+ self.library.driver_name, self.library.app_version)
self.library.driver_name, self.library.app_version,
self.library.vserver, volume_list, [])
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_driver_interfaces.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_driver_interfaces.py
index dccd23abaf4..c30543d103f 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_driver_interfaces.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_block_driver_interfaces.py
@@ -17,11 +17,8 @@ Mock unit tests for the NetApp block storage driver interfaces
from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import block_7mode
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import block_cmode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import fc_7mode
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import fc_cmode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import iscsi_7mode
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import iscsi_cmode
@@ -33,20 +30,14 @@ class NetAppBlockStorageDriverInterfaceTestCase(test.TestCase):
- self.mock_object(block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary,
- '__init__',
- return_value=None)
- self.iscsi_7mode_driver = iscsi_7mode.NetApp7modeISCSIDriver()
self.iscsi_cmode_driver = iscsi_cmode.NetAppCmodeISCSIDriver()
- self.fc_7mode_driver = fc_7mode.NetApp7modeFibreChannelDriver()
self.fc_cmode_driver = fc_cmode.NetAppCmodeFibreChannelDriver()
def test_driver_interfaces_match(self):
"""Ensure the NetApp block storage driver interfaces match.
- The four block storage Cinder drivers from NetApp (iSCSI/FC,
- 7-mode/C-mode) are merely passthrough shim layers atop a common
+ The two block storage Cinder drivers from NetApp (iSCSI/FC)
+ are merely passthrough shim layers atop a common
block storage library. Bugs have been introduced when a Cinder
method was exposed via a subset of those driver shims. This test
ensures they remain in sync and the library features are uniformly
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_nfs_7mode.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_nfs_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f73f2721cb4..00000000000
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_nfs_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Barron. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Unit tests for the NetApp 7mode NFS storage driver
-import ddt
-import mock
-from os_brick.remotefs import remotefs as remotefs_brick
-from oslo_utils import units
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.objects import fields
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import fakes as fake
-from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp import fakes as na_fakes
-from cinder import utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import nfs_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import nfs_base
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.utils import utils as dot_utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils
-class NetApp7modeNfsDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(NetApp7modeNfsDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
- kwargs = {
- 'configuration': self.get_config_7mode(),
- 'host': 'openstack@7modenfs',
- }
- with mock.patch.object(utils, 'get_root_helper',
- return_value=mock.Mock()):
- with mock.patch.object(remotefs_brick, 'RemoteFsClient',
- return_value=mock.Mock()):
- self.driver = nfs_7mode.NetApp7modeNfsDriver(**kwargs)
- self.driver._mounted_shares = [fake.NFS_SHARE]
- self.driver.ssc_vols = True
- self.driver.zapi_client = mock.Mock()
- self.driver.perf_library = mock.Mock()
- def get_config_7mode(self):
- config = na_fakes.create_configuration_cmode()
- config.netapp_storage_protocol = 'nfs'
- config.netapp_login = 'root'
- config.netapp_password = 'pass'
- config.netapp_server_hostname = ''
- config.netapp_transport_type = 'http'
- config.netapp_server_port = '80'
- return config
- @ddt.data({'share': None, 'is_snapshot': False},
- {'share': None, 'is_snapshot': True},
- {'share': 'fake_share', 'is_snapshot': False},
- {'share': 'fake_share', 'is_snapshot': True})
- @ddt.unpack
- def test_clone_backing_file_for_volume(self, share, is_snapshot):
- mock_get_export_ip_path = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_get_export_ip_path',
- return_value=(fake.SHARE_IP, fake.EXPORT_PATH))
- mock_get_actual_path_for_export = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'get_actual_path_for_export',
- return_value='fake_path')
- self.driver._clone_backing_file_for_volume(
- fake.FLEXVOL, 'fake_clone', fake.VOLUME_ID, share=share,
- is_snapshot=is_snapshot)
- mock_get_export_ip_path.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.VOLUME_ID, share)
- mock_get_actual_path_for_export.assert_called_once_with(
- self.driver.zapi_client.clone_file.assert_called_once_with(
- 'fake_path/' + fake.FLEXVOL, 'fake_path/fake_clone',
- None)
- @ddt.data({'nfs_sparsed_volumes': True},
- {'nfs_sparsed_volumes': False})
- @ddt.unpack
- def test_get_pool_stats(self, nfs_sparsed_volumes):
- self.driver.configuration.nfs_sparsed_volumes = nfs_sparsed_volumes
- thick = not nfs_sparsed_volumes
- total_capacity_gb = na_utils.round_down(
- fake.TOTAL_BYTES // units.Gi, '0.01')
- free_capacity_gb = na_utils.round_down(
- fake.AVAILABLE_BYTES // units.Gi, '0.01')
- capacity = {
- 'reserved_percentage': fake.RESERVED_PERCENTAGE,
- 'max_over_subscription_ratio': fake.MAX_OVER_SUBSCRIPTION_RATIO,
- 'total_capacity_gb': total_capacity_gb,
- 'free_capacity_gb': free_capacity_gb,
- }
- self.mock_object(self.driver,
- '_get_share_capacity_info',
- return_value=capacity)
- self.mock_object(self.driver.perf_library,
- 'get_node_utilization',
- return_value=30.0)
- result = self.driver._get_pool_stats(filter_function='filter',
- goodness_function='goodness')
- expected = [{'pool_name': '',
- 'QoS_support': False,
- 'consistencygroup_support': True,
- 'thick_provisioning_support': thick,
- 'thin_provisioning_support': not thick,
- 'free_capacity_gb': 12.0,
- 'total_capacity_gb': 4468.0,
- 'reserved_percentage': 7,
- 'max_over_subscription_ratio': 19.0,
- 'multiattach': False,
- 'utilization': 30.0,
- 'filter_function': 'filter',
- 'goodness_function': 'goodness'}]
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- def test_shortlist_del_eligible_files(self):
- mock_get_path_for_export = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'get_actual_path_for_export')
- mock_get_path_for_export.return_value = fake.FLEXVOL
- mock_get_file_usage = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'get_file_usage')
- mock_get_file_usage.return_value = fake.CAPACITY_VALUES[0]
- expected = [(old_file, fake.CAPACITY_VALUES[0]) for old_file
- in fake.FILE_LIST]
- result = self.driver._shortlist_del_eligible_files(
- fake.NFS_SHARE, fake.FILE_LIST)
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- def test_shortlist_del_eligible_files_empty_list(self):
- mock_get_export_ip_path = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_get_export_ip_path')
- mock_get_export_ip_path.return_value = ('', '/export_path')
- mock_get_path_for_export = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'get_actual_path_for_export')
- mock_get_path_for_export.return_value = fake.FLEXVOL
- result = self.driver._shortlist_del_eligible_files(
- fake.NFS_SHARE, [])
- self.assertEqual([], result)
- @ddt.data({'has_space': True, 'expected': True},
- {'has_space': False, 'expected': False})
- @ddt.unpack
- def test_is_share_clone_compatible(self, has_space, expected):
- mock_share_has_space_for_clone = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_share_has_space_for_clone')
- mock_share_has_space_for_clone.return_value = has_space
- result = self.driver._is_share_clone_compatible(fake.VOLUME,
- fake.NFS_SHARE)
- self.assertEqual(expected, result)
- def test__get_volume_model_update(self):
- """Driver is not expected to return a model update."""
- self.assertIsNone(
- self.driver._get_volume_model_update(fake.VOLUME_REF))
- def test_delete_cgsnapshot(self):
- mock_delete_file = self.mock_object(self.driver, '_delete_file')
- model_update, snapshots_model_update = (
- self.driver.delete_cgsnapshot(
- fake.CG_CONTEXT, fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, [fake.SNAPSHOT]))
- mock_delete_file.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.SNAPSHOT['volume_id'], fake.SNAPSHOT['name'])
- self.assertIsNone(model_update)
- self.assertIsNone(snapshots_model_update)
- def test_get_snapshot_backing_flexvol_names(self):
- snapshots = [
- {'volume': {'host': 'hostA@'}},
- {'volume': {'host': 'hostA@'}},
- {'volume': {'host': 'hostA@'}},
- {'volume': {'host': 'hostA@'}},
- ]
- hosts = [snap['volume']['host'] for snap in snapshots]
- flexvols = self.driver._get_flexvol_names_from_hosts(hosts)
- self.assertEqual(3, len(flexvols))
- self.assertIn('volume1', flexvols)
- self.assertIn('volume2', flexvols)
- self.assertIn('volume3', flexvols)
- def test_check_for_setup_error(self):
- mock_get_ontapi_version = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'get_ontapi_version')
- mock_get_ontapi_version.return_value = ['1', '10']
- mock_add_looping_tasks = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_add_looping_tasks')
- mock_super_check_for_setup_error = self.mock_object(
- nfs_base.NetAppNfsDriver, 'check_for_setup_error')
- self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
- mock_get_ontapi_version.assert_called_once_with()
- mock_add_looping_tasks.assert_called_once_with()
- mock_super_check_for_setup_error.assert_called_once_with()
- def test_add_looping_tasks(self):
- mock_super_add_looping_tasks = self.mock_object(
- nfs_base.NetAppNfsDriver, '_add_looping_tasks')
- self.driver._add_looping_tasks()
- mock_super_add_looping_tasks.assert_called_once_with()
- def test_handle_ems_logging(self):
- volume_list = ['vol0', 'vol1', 'vol2']
- self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_get_backing_flexvol_names',
- return_value=volume_list)
- self.mock_object(
- dot_utils, 'build_ems_log_message_0',
- return_value='fake_base_ems_log_message')
- self.mock_object(
- dot_utils, 'build_ems_log_message_1',
- return_value='fake_pool_ems_log_message')
- mock_send_ems_log_message = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'send_ems_log_message')
- self.driver._handle_ems_logging()
- mock_send_ems_log_message.assert_has_calls([
- mock.call('fake_base_ems_log_message'),
- mock.call('fake_pool_ems_log_message'),
- ])
- dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_0.assert_called_once_with(
- self.driver.driver_name, self.driver.app_version,
- self.driver.driver_mode)
- dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_1.assert_called_once_with(
- self.driver.driver_name, self.driver.app_version, None,
- volume_list, [])
- def test_get_backing_flexvol_names(self):
- result = self.driver._get_backing_flexvol_names()
- self.assertEqual('path', result[0])
- def test_create_consistency_group(self):
- model_update = self.driver.create_consistencygroup(
- self.assertEqual('available', model_update['status'])
- def test_update_consistencygroup(self):
- model_update, add_volumes_update, remove_volumes_update = (
- self.driver.update_consistencygroup(fake.CG_CONTEXT, "foo"))
- self.assertIsNone(add_volumes_update)
- self.assertIsNone(remove_volumes_update)
- @ddt.data(None,
- {'replication_status': fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED})
- def test_create_consistencygroup_from_src(self, volume_model_update):
- volume_model_update = volume_model_update or {}
- volume_model_update.update(
- {'provider_location': fake.PROVIDER_LOCATION})
- mock_create_volume_from_snapshot = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, 'create_volume_from_snapshot',
- return_value=volume_model_update)
- model_update, volumes_model_update = (
- self.driver.create_consistencygroup_from_src(
- cgsnapshot=fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, snapshots=[fake.SNAPSHOT]))
- expected_volumes_model_updates = [{'id': fake.VOLUME['id']}]
- expected_volumes_model_updates[0].update(volume_model_update)
- mock_create_volume_from_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.VOLUME, fake.SNAPSHOT)
- self.assertIsNone(model_update)
- self.assertEqual(expected_volumes_model_updates, volumes_model_update)
- @ddt.data(None,
- {'replication_status': fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED})
- def test_create_consistencygroup_from_src_source_vols(
- self, volume_model_update):
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_get_flexvol_names_from_hosts')
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols.return_value = (set([fake.CG_POOL_NAME]))
- mock_clone_backing_file = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_clone_backing_file_for_volume')
- fake_snapshot_name = 'snapshot-temp-' + fake.CONSISTENCY_GROUP['id']
- mock_busy = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'wait_for_busy_snapshot')
- self.mock_object(self.driver, '_get_volume_model_update',
- return_value=volume_model_update)
- model_update, volumes_model_update = (
- self.driver.create_consistencygroup_from_src(
- source_cg=fake.CONSISTENCY_GROUP,
- source_vols=[fake.NFS_VOLUME]))
- expected_volumes_model_updates = [{
- 'id': fake.NFS_VOLUME['id'],
- 'provider_location': fake.PROVIDER_LOCATION,
- }]
- if volume_model_update:
- expected_volumes_model_updates[0].update(volume_model_update)
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols.assert_called_once_with(
- [fake.NFS_VOLUME['host']])
- self.driver.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- set([fake.CG_POOL_NAME]), fake_snapshot_name)
- mock_clone_backing_file.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.NFS_VOLUME['name'], fake.VOLUME['name'],
- fake.NFS_VOLUME['id'], source_snapshot=fake_snapshot_name)
- mock_busy.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.CG_POOL_NAME, fake_snapshot_name)
- self.driver.zapi_client.delete_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- fake.CG_POOL_NAME, fake_snapshot_name)
- self.assertIsNone(model_update)
- self.assertEqual(expected_volumes_model_updates, volumes_model_update)
- def test_create_consistencygroup_from_src_invalid_parms(self):
- model_update, volumes_model_update = (
- self.driver.create_consistencygroup_from_src(
- self.assertIn('error', model_update['status'])
- def test_create_cgsnapshot(self):
- snapshot = fake.CG_SNAPSHOT
- snapshot['volume'] = fake.CG_VOLUME
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_get_flexvol_names_from_hosts')
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols.return_value = (set([fake.CG_POOL_NAME]))
- mock_clone_backing_file = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_clone_backing_file_for_volume')
- mock_busy = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'wait_for_busy_snapshot')
- self.driver.create_cgsnapshot(
- fake.CG_CONTEXT, fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, [snapshot])
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols.assert_called_once_with(
- [snapshot['volume']['host']])
- self.driver.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- set([fake.CG_POOL_NAME]), fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_clone_backing_file.assert_called_once_with(
- snapshot['volume']['name'], snapshot['name'],
- snapshot['volume']['id'], source_snapshot=fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_busy.assert_called_once_with(
- self.driver.zapi_client.delete_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- def test_create_cgsnapshot_busy_snapshot(self):
- snapshot = fake.CG_SNAPSHOT
- snapshot['volume'] = fake.CG_VOLUME
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_get_flexvol_names_from_hosts')
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols.return_value = (set([fake.CG_POOL_NAME]))
- mock_clone_backing_file = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_clone_backing_file_for_volume')
- mock_busy = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'wait_for_busy_snapshot')
- mock_busy.side_effect = exception.SnapshotIsBusy(snapshot['name'])
- mock_mark_snapshot_for_deletion = self.mock_object(
- self.driver.zapi_client, 'mark_snapshot_for_deletion')
- self.driver.create_cgsnapshot(
- fake.CG_CONTEXT, fake.CG_SNAPSHOT, [snapshot])
- mock_get_snapshot_flexvols.assert_called_once_with(
- [snapshot['volume']['host']])
- self.driver.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot.assert_called_once_with(
- set([fake.CG_POOL_NAME]), fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_clone_backing_file.assert_called_once_with(
- snapshot['volume']['name'], snapshot['name'],
- snapshot['volume']['id'], source_snapshot=fake.CG_SNAPSHOT_ID)
- mock_busy.assert_called_once_with(
- self.driver.zapi_client.delete_snapshot.assert_not_called()
- mock_mark_snapshot_for_deletion.assert_called_once_with(
- def test_delete_consistencygroup_volume_delete_failure(self):
- self.mock_object(self.driver, '_delete_file', side_effect=Exception)
- model_update, volumes = self.driver.delete_consistencygroup(
- self.assertEqual('deleted', model_update['status'])
- self.assertEqual('error_deleting', volumes[0]['status'])
- def test_delete_consistencygroup(self):
- mock_delete_file = self.mock_object(
- self.driver, '_delete_file')
- model_update, volumes = self.driver.delete_consistencygroup(
- self.assertEqual('deleted', model_update['status'])
- self.assertEqual('deleted', volumes[0]['status'])
- mock_delete_file.assert_called_once_with(
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_nfs_cmode.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_nfs_cmode.py
index e5e2f26c520..dd55deedbe4 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_nfs_cmode.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/test_nfs_cmode.py
@@ -455,8 +455,7 @@ class NetAppCmodeNfsDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
- self.driver.driver_name, self.driver.app_version,
- self.driver.driver_mode)
+ self.driver.driver_name, self.driver.app_version)
self.driver.driver_name, self.driver.app_version,
self.driver.vserver, volume_list, [])
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/test_utils.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/test_utils.py
index 55206b00268..7262dd80544 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/test_utils.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/test_utils.py
@@ -108,17 +108,14 @@ class NetAppCDOTDataMotionTestCase(test.TestCase):
class NetAppDataOntapUtilsTestCase(test.TestCase):
- @ddt.data('cluster', '7mode')
- def test_build_ems_log_message_0(self, driver_mode):
+ def test_build_ems_log_message_0(self):
socket, 'gethostname', return_value='fake_hostname')
result = utils.build_ems_log_message_0(
- 'fake_driver_name', 'fake_app_version', driver_mode)
+ 'fake_driver_name', 'fake_app_version')
- dest = ('cluster node' if driver_mode == 'cluster'
- else '7 mode controller')
expected = {
'computer-name': 'fake_hostname',
'event-source': 'Cinder driver fake_driver_name',
@@ -127,7 +124,7 @@ class NetAppDataOntapUtilsTestCase(test.TestCase):
'log-level': '5',
'auto-support': 'false',
'event-id': '0',
- 'event-description': 'OpenStack Cinder connected to %s' % dest,
+ 'event-description': 'OpenStack Cinder connected to cluster node',
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/fakes.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/fakes.py
index 6a68305984a..ebbead0aa99 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/fakes.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/fakes.py
@@ -127,12 +127,6 @@ def create_configuration():
return config
-def create_configuration_7mode():
- config = create_configuration()
- config.append_config_values(na_opts.netapp_7mode_opts)
- return config
def create_configuration_cmode():
config = create_configuration()
diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/test_common.py b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/test_common.py
index 1a3ce7febff..243c580e0e4 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/test_common.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/volume/drivers/netapp/test_common.py
@@ -132,4 +132,4 @@ class NetAppDriverFactoryTestCase(test.TestCase):
- 'ontap_7mode', 'carrier_pigeon', **kwargs)
+ 'ontap_cluster', 'carrier_pigeon', **kwargs)
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/common.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/common.py
index 8d7422e5d50..3fec3fc8e95 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/common.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/common.py
'nfs': DATAONTAP_PATH + '.nfs_cmode.NetAppCmodeNfsDriver',
'fc': DATAONTAP_PATH + '.fc_cmode.NetAppCmodeFibreChannelDriver'
- 'ontap_7mode':
- {
- 'iscsi': DATAONTAP_PATH + '.iscsi_7mode.NetApp7modeISCSIDriver',
- 'nfs': DATAONTAP_PATH + '.nfs_7mode.NetApp7modeNfsDriver',
- 'fc': DATAONTAP_PATH + '.fc_7mode.NetApp7modeFibreChannelDriver'
- },
'iscsi': ESERIES_PATH + '.iscsi_driver.NetAppEseriesISCSIDriver',
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_7mode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_7mode.py
index d8912271054..e69de29bb2d 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_7mode.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_7mode.py
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Ben Swartzlander. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Navneet Singh. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Clinton Knight. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Meade. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Kerr. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Jeff Applewhite. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Barron. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Goutham Pacha Ravi. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Mike Rooney. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Volume driver library for NetApp 7-mode block storage systems.
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_log import versionutils
-from oslo_utils import timeutils
-from oslo_utils import units
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _
-from cinder.objects import fields
-from cinder import utils
-from cinder.volume import configuration
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import block_base
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import client_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.utils import utils as dot_utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import options as na_opts
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils
-from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary(block_base.NetAppBlockStorageLibrary):
- """NetApp block storage library for Data ONTAP (7-mode)."""
- def __init__(self, driver_name, driver_protocol, **kwargs):
- super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary, self).__init__(driver_name,
- driver_protocol,
- **kwargs)
- self.configuration.append_config_values(na_opts.netapp_7mode_opts)
- self.driver_mode = '7mode'
- def do_setup(self, context):
- super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary, self).do_setup(context)
- self.volume_list = []
- self.vfiler = self.configuration.netapp_vfiler
- self.zapi_client = client_7mode.Client(
- self.volume_list,
- transport_type=self.configuration.netapp_transport_type,
- username=self.configuration.netapp_login,
- password=self.configuration.netapp_password,
- hostname=self.configuration.netapp_server_hostname,
- port=self.configuration.netapp_server_port,
- vfiler=self.vfiler)
- self._do_partner_setup()
- self.vol_refresh_time = None
- self.vol_refresh_interval = 1800
- self.vol_refresh_running = False
- self.vol_refresh_voluntary = False
- self.root_volume_name = self._get_root_volume_name()
- self.perf_library = perf_7mode.Performance7modeLibrary(
- self.zapi_client)
- # This driver has been marked 'deprecated' in the Ocata release and
- # can be removed in Queens.
- msg = _("The 7-mode Data ONTAP driver is deprecated and will be "
- "removed in a future release.")
- versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg)
- def _do_partner_setup(self):
- partner_backend = self.configuration.netapp_partner_backend_name
- if partner_backend:
- config = configuration.Configuration(na_opts.netapp_7mode_opts,
- partner_backend)
- config.append_config_values(na_opts.netapp_connection_opts)
- config.append_config_values(na_opts.netapp_basicauth_opts)
- config.append_config_values(na_opts.netapp_transport_opts)
- self.partner_zapi_client = client_7mode.Client(
- None,
- transport_type=config.netapp_transport_type,
- username=config.netapp_login,
- password=config.netapp_password,
- hostname=config.netapp_server_hostname,
- port=config.netapp_server_port,
- vfiler=None)
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- """Check that the driver is working and can communicate."""
- api_version = self.zapi_client.get_ontapi_version()
- if api_version:
- major, minor = api_version
- if major == 1 and minor < 9:
- msg = _("Unsupported Data ONTAP version."
- " Data ONTAP version 7.3.1 and above is supported.")
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- else:
- msg = _("API version could not be determined.")
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- self._refresh_volume_info()
- if not self.volume_list:
- msg = _('No pools are available for provisioning volumes. '
- 'Ensure that the configuration option '
- 'netapp_pool_name_search_pattern is set correctly.')
- raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg)
- self._add_looping_tasks()
- super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary, self).check_for_setup_error()
- def _add_looping_tasks(self):
- """Add tasks that need to be executed at a fixed interval."""
- super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary, self)._add_looping_tasks()
- def _handle_ems_logging(self):
- """Log autosupport messages."""
- base_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_0(
- self.driver_name, self.app_version, self.driver_mode)
- self.zapi_client.send_ems_log_message(base_ems_message)
- pool_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_1(
- self.driver_name, self.app_version, None, self.volume_list, [])
- self.zapi_client.send_ems_log_message(pool_ems_message)
- def _get_volume_model_update(self, volume):
- """Provide any updates necessary for a volume being created/managed."""
- def _create_lun(self, volume_name, lun_name, size,
- metadata, qos_policy_group_name=None):
- """Creates a LUN, handling Data ONTAP differences as needed."""
- if qos_policy_group_name is not None:
- msg = _('Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode does not support QoS '
- 'policy groups.')
- raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
- self.zapi_client.create_lun(
- volume_name, lun_name, size, metadata, qos_policy_group_name)
- self.vol_refresh_voluntary = True
- def _get_root_volume_name(self):
- # switch to volume-get-root-name API when possible
- vols = self.zapi_client.get_filer_volumes()
- for vol in vols:
- volume_name = vol.get_child_content('name')
- if self._get_vol_option(volume_name, 'root') == 'true':
- return volume_name
- LOG.warning('Could not determine root volume name on %s.',
- self._get_owner())
- return None
- def _get_owner(self):
- if self.vfiler:
- owner = '%s:%s' % (self.configuration.netapp_server_hostname,
- self.vfiler)
- else:
- owner = self.configuration.netapp_server_hostname
- return owner
- def _create_lun_handle(self, metadata):
- """Returns LUN handle based on filer type."""
- owner = self._get_owner()
- return '%s:%s' % (owner, metadata['Path'])
- def _find_mapped_lun_igroup(self, path, initiator_list):
- """Find an igroup for a LUN mapped to the given initiator(s)."""
- initiator_set = set(initiator_list)
- result = self.zapi_client.get_lun_map(path)
- initiator_groups = result.get_child_by_name('initiator-groups')
- if initiator_groups:
- for initiator_group_info in initiator_groups.get_children():
- initiator_set_for_igroup = set()
- for initiator_info in initiator_group_info.get_child_by_name(
- 'initiators').get_children():
- initiator_set_for_igroup.add(
- initiator_info.get_child_content('initiator-name'))
- if initiator_set == initiator_set_for_igroup:
- igroup = initiator_group_info.get_child_content(
- 'initiator-group-name')
- lun_id = initiator_group_info.get_child_content(
- 'lun-id')
- return igroup, lun_id
- return None, None
- def _has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(self, initiator_list,
- include_partner=True):
- """Checks whether any LUNs are mapped to the given initiator(s)."""
- if self.zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(initiator_list):
- return True
- if include_partner and self.partner_zapi_client and \
- self.partner_zapi_client.has_luns_mapped_to_initiators(
- initiator_list):
- return True
- return False
- def _clone_lun(self, name, new_name, space_reserved=None,
- qos_policy_group_name=None, src_block=0, dest_block=0,
- block_count=0, source_snapshot=None, is_snapshot=False):
- """Clone LUN with the given handle to the new name.
- :param: is_snapshot Not used, present for method signature consistency
- """
- if not space_reserved:
- space_reserved = self.lun_space_reservation
- if qos_policy_group_name is not None:
- msg = _('Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode does not support QoS '
- 'policy groups.')
- raise exception.VolumeDriverException(msg)
- metadata = self._get_lun_attr(name, 'metadata')
- path = metadata['Path']
- (parent, _splitter, name) = path.rpartition('/')
- clone_path = '%s/%s' % (parent, new_name)
- self.zapi_client.clone_lun(path, clone_path, name, new_name,
- space_reserved, src_block=src_block,
- dest_block=dest_block,
- block_count=block_count,
- source_snapshot=source_snapshot)
- self.vol_refresh_voluntary = True
- luns = self.zapi_client.get_lun_by_args(path=clone_path)
- cloned_lun = luns[0]
- self.zapi_client.set_space_reserve(clone_path, space_reserved)
- clone_meta = self._create_lun_meta(cloned_lun)
- handle = self._create_lun_handle(clone_meta)
- self._add_lun_to_table(
- block_base.NetAppLun(handle, new_name,
- cloned_lun.get_child_content('size'),
- clone_meta))
- def _create_lun_meta(self, lun):
- """Creates LUN metadata dictionary."""
- self.zapi_client.check_is_naelement(lun)
- meta_dict = {}
- meta_dict['Path'] = lun.get_child_content('path')
- meta_dict['Volume'] = lun.get_child_content('path').split('/')[2]
- meta_dict['OsType'] = lun.get_child_content('multiprotocol-type')
- meta_dict['SpaceReserved'] = lun.get_child_content(
- 'is-space-reservation-enabled')
- meta_dict['UUID'] = lun.get_child_content('uuid')
- return meta_dict
- def _get_fc_target_wwpns(self, include_partner=True):
- wwpns = self.zapi_client.get_fc_target_wwpns()
- if include_partner and self.partner_zapi_client:
- wwpns.extend(self.partner_zapi_client.get_fc_target_wwpns())
- return wwpns
- def _update_volume_stats(self, filter_function=None,
- goodness_function=None):
- """Retrieve stats info from filer."""
- # ensure we get current data
- self.vol_refresh_voluntary = True
- self._refresh_volume_info()
- LOG.debug('Updating volume stats')
- data = {}
- backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
- data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or self.driver_name
- data['vendor_name'] = 'NetApp'
- data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
- data['storage_protocol'] = self.driver_protocol
- data['pools'] = self._get_pool_stats(
- filter_function=filter_function,
- goodness_function=goodness_function)
- data['sparse_copy_volume'] = True
- self._stats = data
- def _get_pool_stats(self, filter_function=None, goodness_function=None):
- """Retrieve pool (i.e. Data ONTAP volume) stats info from volumes."""
- pools = []
- self.perf_library.update_performance_cache()
- for vol in self.vols:
- volume_name = vol.get_child_content('name')
- # omit volumes not specified in the config
- if self.volume_list and volume_name not in self.volume_list:
- continue
- # omit root volume
- if volume_name == self.root_volume_name:
- continue
- # ensure good volume state
- state = vol.get_child_content('state')
- inconsistent = vol.get_child_content('is-inconsistent')
- invalid = vol.get_child_content('is-invalid')
- if (state != 'online' or
- inconsistent != 'false' or
- invalid != 'false'):
- continue
- pool = dict()
- pool['pool_name'] = volume_name
- pool['QoS_support'] = False
- pool['multiattach'] = False
- pool['reserved_percentage'] = (
- self.reserved_percentage)
- pool['max_over_subscription_ratio'] = (
- self.max_over_subscription_ratio)
- # convert sizes to GB
- total = float(vol.get_child_content('size-total') or 0)
- total /= units.Gi
- pool['total_capacity_gb'] = na_utils.round_down(total, '0.01')
- free = float(vol.get_child_content('size-available') or 0)
- free /= units.Gi
- pool['free_capacity_gb'] = na_utils.round_down(free, '0.01')
- thick = (
- self.configuration.netapp_lun_space_reservation == 'enabled')
- pool['thick_provisioning_support'] = thick
- pool['thin_provisioning_support'] = not thick
- utilization = self.perf_library.get_node_utilization()
- pool['utilization'] = na_utils.round_down(utilization, '0.01')
- pool['filter_function'] = filter_function
- pool['goodness_function'] = goodness_function
- pool['consistencygroup_support'] = True
- pools.append(pool)
- return pools
- def _get_filtered_pools(self):
- """Return available pools filtered by a pool name search pattern."""
- # Inform deprecation of legacy option.
- if self.configuration.safe_get('netapp_volume_list'):
- msg = ("The option 'netapp_volume_list' is deprecated and "
- "will be removed in the future releases. Please use "
- "the option 'netapp_pool_name_search_pattern' instead.")
- versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg)
- pool_regex = na_utils.get_pool_name_filter_regex(self.configuration)
- filtered_pools = []
- for vol in self.vols:
- vol_name = vol.get_child_content('name')
- if pool_regex.match(vol_name):
- msg = ("Volume '%(vol_name)s' matches against regular "
- "expression: %(vol_pattern)s")
- LOG.debug(msg, {'vol_name': vol_name,
- 'vol_pattern': pool_regex.pattern})
- filtered_pools.append(vol_name)
- else:
- msg = ("Volume '%(vol_name)s' does not match against regular "
- "expression: %(vol_pattern)s")
- LOG.debug(msg, {'vol_name': vol_name,
- 'vol_pattern': pool_regex.pattern})
- return filtered_pools
- def _get_lun_block_count(self, path):
- """Gets block counts for the LUN."""
- bs = super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary,
- self)._get_lun_block_count(path)
- api_version = self.zapi_client.get_ontapi_version()
- if api_version:
- major = api_version[0]
- minor = api_version[1]
- if major == 1 and minor < 15:
- bs -= 1
- return bs
- def _refresh_volume_info(self):
- """Saves the volume information for the filer."""
- if (self.vol_refresh_time is None or self.vol_refresh_voluntary or
- timeutils.is_newer_than(self.vol_refresh_time,
- self.vol_refresh_interval)):
- try:
- job_set = na_utils.set_safe_attr(self, 'vol_refresh_running',
- True)
- if not job_set:
- LOG.warning("Volume refresh job already running. "
- "Returning...")
- return
- self.vol_refresh_voluntary = False
- self.vols = self.zapi_client.get_filer_volumes()
- self.volume_list = self._get_filtered_pools()
- self.vol_refresh_time = timeutils.utcnow()
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warning("Error refreshing volume info. Message: %s",
- e)
- finally:
- na_utils.set_safe_attr(self, 'vol_refresh_running', False)
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- """Driver entry point for destroying existing volumes."""
- super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary, self).delete_volume(volume)
- self.vol_refresh_voluntary = True
- LOG.debug('Deleted LUN with name %s', volume['name'])
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Driver entry point for deleting a snapshot."""
- super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary, self).delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- self.vol_refresh_voluntary = True
- def _is_lun_valid_on_storage(self, lun):
- """Validate LUN specific to storage system."""
- if self.volume_list:
- lun_vol = lun.get_metadata_property('Volume')
- if lun_vol not in self.volume_list:
- return False
- return True
- def _check_volume_type_for_lun(self, volume, lun, existing_ref,
- extra_specs):
- """Check if LUN satisfies volume type."""
- if extra_specs:
- legacy_policy = extra_specs.get('netapp:qos_policy_group')
- if legacy_policy is not None:
- raise exception.ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch(
- reason=_("Setting LUN QoS policy group is not supported "
- "on this storage family and ONTAP version."))
- volume_type = na_utils.get_volume_type_from_volume(volume)
- if volume_type is None:
- return
- spec = na_utils.get_backend_qos_spec_from_volume_type(volume_type)
- if spec is not None:
- raise exception.ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch(
- reason=_("Back-end QoS specs are not supported on this "
- "storage family and ONTAP version."))
- def _get_preferred_target_from_list(self, target_details_list,
- filter=None):
- # 7-mode iSCSI LIFs migrate from controller to controller
- # in failover and flap operational state in transit, so
- # we don't filter these on operational state.
- return (super(NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary, self)
- ._get_preferred_target_from_list(target_details_list))
- def _get_backing_flexvol_names(self):
- """Returns a list of backing flexvol names."""
- return self.volume_list or []
- def create_consistencygroup(self, group):
- """Driver entry point for creating a consistency group.
- ONTAP does not maintain an actual CG construct. As a result, no
- communication to the backend is necessary for consistency group
- creation.
- :returns: Hard-coded model update for consistency group model.
- """
- model_update = {'status': fields.ConsistencyGroupStatus.AVAILABLE}
- return model_update
- def delete_consistencygroup(self, group, volumes):
- """Driver entry point for deleting a consistency group.
- :returns: Updated consistency group model and list of volume models
- for the volumes that were deleted.
- """
- model_update = {'status': fields.ConsistencyGroupStatus.DELETED}
- volumes_model_update = []
- for volume in volumes:
- try:
- self._delete_lun(volume['name'])
- volumes_model_update.append(
- {'id': volume['id'], 'status': 'deleted'})
- except Exception:
- volumes_model_update.append(
- {'id': volume['id'],
- 'status': 'error_deleting'})
- LOG.exception("Volume %(vol)s in the consistency group "
- "could not be deleted.", {'vol': volume})
- return model_update, volumes_model_update
- def update_consistencygroup(self, group, add_volumes=None,
- remove_volumes=None):
- """Driver entry point for updating a consistency group.
- Since no actual CG construct is ever created in ONTAP, it is not
- necessary to update any metadata on the backend. Since this is a NO-OP,
- there is guaranteed to be no change in any of the volumes' statuses.
- """
- return None, None, None
- def create_cgsnapshot(self, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- """Creates a Cinder cgsnapshot object.
- The Cinder cgsnapshot object is created by making use of an
- ephemeral ONTAP CG in order to provide write-order consistency for a
- set of flexvol snapshots. First, a list of the flexvols backing the
- given Cinder CG must be gathered. An ONTAP cg-snapshot of these
- flexvols will create a snapshot copy of all the Cinder volumes in the
- CG group. For each Cinder volume in the CG, it is then necessary to
- clone its backing LUN from the ONTAP cg-snapshot. The naming convention
- used for the clones is what indicates the clone's role as a Cinder
- snapshot and its inclusion in a Cinder CG. The ONTAP CG-snapshot of
- the flexvols is no longer required after having cloned the LUNs
- backing the Cinder volumes in the Cinder CG.
- :returns: An implicit update for cgsnapshot and snapshots models that
- is interpreted by the manager to set their models to
- available.
- """
- flexvols = set()
- for snapshot in snapshots:
- flexvols.add(volume_utils.extract_host(snapshot['volume']['host'],
- level='pool'))
- self.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot(flexvols, cgsnapshot['id'])
- for snapshot in snapshots:
- self._clone_lun(snapshot['volume']['name'], snapshot['name'],
- source_snapshot=cgsnapshot['id'])
- for flexvol in flexvols:
- try:
- self.zapi_client.wait_for_busy_snapshot(
- flexvol, cgsnapshot['id'])
- self.zapi_client.delete_snapshot(
- flexvol, cgsnapshot['id'])
- except exception.SnapshotIsBusy:
- self.zapi_client.mark_snapshot_for_deletion(
- flexvol, cgsnapshot['id'])
- return None, None
- def delete_cgsnapshot(self, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- """Delete LUNs backing each snapshot in the cgsnapshot.
- :returns: An implicit update for snapshots models that is interpreted
- by the manager to set their models to deleted.
- """
- for snapshot in snapshots:
- self._delete_lun(snapshot['name'])
- LOG.debug("Snapshot %s deletion successful", snapshot['name'])
- return None, None
- def create_consistencygroup_from_src(self, group, volumes,
- cgsnapshot=None, snapshots=None,
- source_cg=None, source_vols=None):
- """Creates a CG from a either a cgsnapshot or group of cinder vols.
- :returns: An implicit update for the volumes model that is
- interpreted by the manager as a successful operation.
- """
- LOG.debug("VOLUMES %s ", ', '.join([vol['id'] for vol in volumes]))
- volume_model_updates = []
- if cgsnapshot:
- vols = zip(volumes, snapshots)
- for volume, snapshot in vols:
- source = {
- 'name': snapshot['name'],
- 'size': snapshot['volume_size'],
- }
- volume_model_update = self._clone_source_to_destination(
- source, volume)
- if volume_model_update is not None:
- volume_model_update['id'] = volume['id']
- volume_model_updates.append(volume_model_update)
- else:
- vols = zip(volumes, source_vols)
- for volume, old_src_vref in vols:
- src_lun = self._get_lun_from_table(old_src_vref['name'])
- source = {'name': src_lun.name, 'size': old_src_vref['size']}
- volume_model_update = self._clone_source_to_destination(
- source, volume)
- if volume_model_update is not None:
- volume_model_update['id'] = volume['id']
- volume_model_updates.append(volume_model_update)
- return None, volume_model_updates
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_cmode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_cmode.py
index 051bb3c4916..af6215143f8 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_cmode.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/block_cmode.py
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class NetAppBlockStorageCmodeLibrary(block_base.NetAppBlockStorageLibrary,
"""Log autosupport messages."""
base_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_0(
- self.driver_name, self.app_version, self.driver_mode)
+ self.driver_name, self.app_version)
pool_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_1(
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_7mode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9671fa9d007..00000000000
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Meade. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Clinton Knight. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Mike Rooney. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import copy
-import math
-import time
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _
-from cinder import utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import client_base
-from oslo_utils import strutils
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Client(client_base.Client):
- def __init__(self, volume_list=None, **kwargs):
- super(Client, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- vfiler = kwargs.get('vfiler', None)
- self.connection.set_vfiler(vfiler)
- (major, minor) = self.get_ontapi_version(cached=False)
- self.connection.set_api_version(major, minor)
- self.volume_list = volume_list
- self._init_features()
- def _init_features(self):
- super(Client, self)._init_features()
- ontapi_version = self.get_ontapi_version() # major, minor
- ontapi_1_20 = ontapi_version >= (1, 20)
- self.features.add_feature('SYSTEM_METRICS', supported=ontapi_1_20)
- def send_ems_log_message(self, message_dict):
- """Sends a message to the Data ONTAP EMS log."""
- # NOTE(cknight): Cannot use deepcopy on the connection context
- node_client = copy.copy(self)
- node_client.connection = copy.copy(self.connection)
- node_client.connection.set_timeout(25)
- try:
- node_client.connection.set_vfiler(None)
- node_client.send_request('ems-autosupport-log', message_dict)
- LOG.debug('EMS executed successfully.')
- except netapp_api.NaApiError as e:
- LOG.warning('Failed to invoke EMS. %s', e)
- def get_iscsi_target_details(self):
- """Gets the iSCSI target portal details."""
- iscsi_if_iter = netapp_api.NaElement('iscsi-portal-list-info')
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(iscsi_if_iter, True)
- tgt_list = []
- portal_list_entries = result.get_child_by_name(
- 'iscsi-portal-list-entries')
- if portal_list_entries:
- portal_list = portal_list_entries.get_children()
- for iscsi_if in portal_list:
- d = dict()
- d['address'] = iscsi_if.get_child_content('ip-address')
- d['port'] = iscsi_if.get_child_content('ip-port')
- d['tpgroup-tag'] = iscsi_if.get_child_content('tpgroup-tag')
- tgt_list.append(d)
- return tgt_list
- def check_iscsi_initiator_exists(self, iqn):
- """Returns True if initiator exists."""
- initiator_exists = True
- try:
- auth_list = netapp_api.NaElement('iscsi-initiator-auth-list-info')
- auth_list.add_new_child('initiator', iqn)
- self.connection.invoke_successfully(auth_list, True)
- except netapp_api.NaApiError:
- initiator_exists = False
- return initiator_exists
- def get_fc_target_wwpns(self):
- """Gets the FC target details."""
- wwpns = []
- port_name_list_api = netapp_api.NaElement('fcp-port-name-list-info')
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(port_name_list_api)
- port_names = result.get_child_by_name('fcp-port-names')
- if port_names:
- for port_name_info in port_names.get_children():
- wwpn = port_name_info.get_child_content('port-name').lower()
- wwpns.append(wwpn)
- return wwpns
- def get_iscsi_service_details(self):
- """Returns iscsi iqn."""
- iscsi_service_iter = netapp_api.NaElement('iscsi-node-get-name')
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(iscsi_service_iter, True)
- return result.get_child_content('node-name')
- def set_iscsi_chap_authentication(self, iqn, username, password):
- """Provides NetApp host's CHAP credentials to the backend."""
- command = ("iscsi security add -i %(iqn)s -s CHAP "
- "-p %(password)s -n %(username)s") % {
- 'iqn': iqn,
- 'password': password,
- 'username': username,
- }
- LOG.debug('Updating CHAP authentication for %(iqn)s.', {'iqn': iqn})
- try:
- ssh_pool = self.ssh_client.ssh_pool
- with ssh_pool.item() as ssh:
- self.ssh_client.execute_command(ssh, command)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = _('Failed to set CHAP authentication for target IQN '
- '%(iqn)s. Details: %(ex)s') % {
- 'iqn': iqn,
- 'ex': e,
- }
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def get_lun_list(self):
- """Gets the list of LUNs on filer."""
- lun_list = []
- if self.volume_list:
- for vol in self.volume_list:
- try:
- luns = self._get_vol_luns(vol)
- if luns:
- lun_list.extend(luns)
- except netapp_api.NaApiError:
- LOG.warning("Error finding LUNs for volume %s."
- " Verify volume exists.", vol)
- else:
- luns = self._get_vol_luns(None)
- lun_list.extend(luns)
- return lun_list
- def _get_vol_luns(self, vol_name):
- """Gets the LUNs for a volume."""
- api = netapp_api.NaElement('lun-list-info')
- if vol_name:
- api.add_new_child('volume-name', vol_name)
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(api, True)
- luns = result.get_child_by_name('luns')
- return luns.get_children()
- def get_igroup_by_initiators(self, initiator_list):
- """Get igroups exactly matching a set of initiators."""
- igroup_list = []
- if not initiator_list:
- return igroup_list
- initiator_set = set(initiator_list)
- igroup_list_info = netapp_api.NaElement('igroup-list-info')
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(igroup_list_info, True)
- initiator_groups = result.get_child_by_name(
- 'initiator-groups') or netapp_api.NaElement('none')
- for initiator_group_info in initiator_groups.get_children():
- initiator_set_for_igroup = set()
- initiators = initiator_group_info.get_child_by_name(
- 'initiators') or netapp_api.NaElement('none')
- for initiator_info in initiators.get_children():
- initiator_set_for_igroup.add(
- initiator_info.get_child_content('initiator-name'))
- if initiator_set == initiator_set_for_igroup:
- igroup = {'initiator-group-os-type':
- initiator_group_info.get_child_content(
- 'initiator-group-os-type'),
- 'initiator-group-type':
- initiator_group_info.get_child_content(
- 'initiator-group-type'),
- 'initiator-group-name':
- initiator_group_info.get_child_content(
- 'initiator-group-name')}
- igroup_list.append(igroup)
- return igroup_list
- def clone_lun(self, path, clone_path, name, new_name,
- space_reserved='true', src_block=0,
- dest_block=0, block_count=0, source_snapshot=None):
- # zAPI can only handle 2^24 blocks per range
- bc_limit = 2 ** 24 # 8GB
- # zAPI can only handle 32 block ranges per call
- br_limit = 32
- z_limit = br_limit * bc_limit # 256 GB
- z_calls = int(math.ceil(block_count / float(z_limit)))
- zbc = block_count
- if z_calls == 0:
- z_calls = 1
- for _call in range(0, z_calls):
- if zbc > z_limit:
- block_count = z_limit
- zbc -= z_limit
- else:
- block_count = zbc
- zapi_args = {
- 'source-path': path,
- 'destination-path': clone_path,
- 'no-snap': 'true',
- }
- if source_snapshot:
- zapi_args['snapshot-name'] = source_snapshot
- clone_start = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'clone-start', **zapi_args)
- if block_count > 0:
- block_ranges = netapp_api.NaElement("block-ranges")
- # zAPI can only handle 2^24 block ranges
- bc_limit = 2 ** 24 # 8GB
- segments = int(math.ceil(block_count / float(bc_limit)))
- bc = block_count
- for _segment in range(0, segments):
- if bc > bc_limit:
- block_count = bc_limit
- bc -= bc_limit
- else:
- block_count = bc
- block_range =\
- netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'block-range',
- **{'source-block-number':
- six.text_type(src_block),
- 'destination-block-number':
- six.text_type(dest_block),
- 'block-count':
- six.text_type(block_count)})
- block_ranges.add_child_elem(block_range)
- src_block += int(block_count)
- dest_block += int(block_count)
- clone_start.add_child_elem(block_ranges)
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(clone_start, True)
- clone_id_el = result.get_child_by_name('clone-id')
- cl_id_info = clone_id_el.get_child_by_name('clone-id-info')
- vol_uuid = cl_id_info.get_child_content('volume-uuid')
- clone_id = cl_id_info.get_child_content('clone-op-id')
- if vol_uuid:
- self._check_clone_status(clone_id, vol_uuid, name, new_name)
- def _check_clone_status(self, clone_id, vol_uuid, name, new_name):
- """Checks for the job till completed."""
- clone_status = netapp_api.NaElement('clone-list-status')
- cl_id = netapp_api.NaElement('clone-id')
- clone_status.add_child_elem(cl_id)
- cl_id.add_node_with_children('clone-id-info',
- **{'clone-op-id': clone_id,
- 'volume-uuid': vol_uuid})
- running = True
- clone_ops_info = None
- while running:
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(clone_status, True)
- status = result.get_child_by_name('status')
- ops_info = status.get_children()
- if ops_info:
- for info in ops_info:
- if info.get_child_content('clone-state') == 'running':
- time.sleep(1)
- break
- else:
- running = False
- clone_ops_info = info
- break
- else:
- if clone_ops_info:
- fmt = {'name': name, 'new_name': new_name}
- if clone_ops_info.get_child_content('clone-state')\
- == 'completed':
- LOG.debug("Clone operation with src %(name)s"
- " and dest %(new_name)s completed", fmt)
- else:
- LOG.debug("Clone operation with src %(name)s"
- " and dest %(new_name)s failed", fmt)
- raise netapp_api.NaApiError(
- clone_ops_info.get_child_content('error'),
- clone_ops_info.get_child_content('reason'))
- def get_lun_by_args(self, **args):
- """Retrieves LUNs with specified args."""
- lun_info = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'lun-list-info', **args)
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_info, True)
- luns = result.get_child_by_name('luns')
- return luns.get_children()
- def get_filer_volumes(self, volume=None):
- """Returns list of filer volumes in API format."""
- vol_request = netapp_api.NaElement('volume-list-info')
- res = self.connection.invoke_successfully(vol_request, True)
- volumes = res.get_child_by_name('volumes')
- if volumes:
- return volumes.get_children()
- return []
- def get_lun_map(self, path):
- lun_map_list = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'lun-map-list-info',
- **{'path': path})
- return self.connection.invoke_successfully(lun_map_list, True)
- def set_space_reserve(self, path, enable):
- """Sets the space reserve info."""
- space_res = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'lun-set-space-reservation-info',
- **{'path': path, 'enable': enable})
- self.connection.invoke_successfully(space_res, True)
- def get_actual_path_for_export(self, export_path):
- """Gets the actual path on the filer for export path."""
- storage_path = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'nfs-exportfs-storage-path', **{'pathname': export_path})
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(storage_path,
- enable_tunneling=True)
- if result.get_child_content('actual-pathname'):
- return result.get_child_content('actual-pathname')
- raise exception.NotFound(_('No storage path found for export path %s')
- % (export_path))
- def clone_file(self, src_path, dest_path, source_snapshot=None):
- LOG.debug("Cloning with src %(src_path)s, dest %(dest_path)s",
- {'src_path': src_path, 'dest_path': dest_path})
- zapi_args = {
- 'source-path': src_path,
- 'destination-path': dest_path,
- 'no-snap': 'true',
- }
- if source_snapshot:
- zapi_args['snapshot-name'] = source_snapshot
- clone_start = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'clone-start', **zapi_args)
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(clone_start,
- enable_tunneling=True)
- clone_id_el = result.get_child_by_name('clone-id')
- cl_id_info = clone_id_el.get_child_by_name('clone-id-info')
- vol_uuid = cl_id_info.get_child_content('volume-uuid')
- clone_id = cl_id_info.get_child_content('clone-op-id')
- if vol_uuid:
- try:
- self._wait_for_clone_finish(clone_id, vol_uuid)
- except netapp_api.NaApiError as e:
- if e.code != 'UnknownCloneId':
- self._clear_clone(clone_id)
- raise
- def _wait_for_clone_finish(self, clone_op_id, vol_uuid):
- """Waits till a clone operation is complete or errored out."""
- clone_ls_st = netapp_api.NaElement('clone-list-status')
- clone_id = netapp_api.NaElement('clone-id')
- clone_ls_st.add_child_elem(clone_id)
- clone_id.add_node_with_children('clone-id-info',
- **{'clone-op-id': clone_op_id,
- 'volume-uuid': vol_uuid})
- task_running = True
- while task_running:
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(clone_ls_st,
- enable_tunneling=True)
- status = result.get_child_by_name('status')
- ops_info = status.get_children()
- if ops_info:
- state = ops_info[0].get_child_content('clone-state')
- if state == 'completed':
- task_running = False
- elif state == 'failed':
- code = ops_info[0].get_child_content('error')
- reason = ops_info[0].get_child_content('reason')
- raise netapp_api.NaApiError(code, reason)
- else:
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- raise netapp_api.NaApiError(
- 'UnknownCloneId',
- 'No clone operation for clone id %s found on the filer'
- % (clone_id))
- def _clear_clone(self, clone_id):
- """Clear the clone information.
- Invoke this in case of failed clone.
- """
- clone_clear = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'clone-clear',
- **{'clone-id': clone_id})
- retry = 3
- while retry:
- try:
- self.connection.invoke_successfully(clone_clear,
- enable_tunneling=True)
- break
- except netapp_api.NaApiError:
- # Filer might be rebooting
- time.sleep(5)
- retry = retry - 1
- def get_file_usage(self, path):
- """Gets the file unique bytes."""
- LOG.debug('Getting file usage for %s', path)
- file_use = netapp_api.NaElement.create_node_with_children(
- 'file-usage-get', **{'path': path})
- res = self.connection.invoke_successfully(file_use)
- bytes = res.get_child_content('unique-bytes')
- LOG.debug('file-usage for path %(path)s is %(bytes)s',
- {'path': path, 'bytes': bytes})
- return bytes
- def get_ifconfig(self):
- ifconfig = netapp_api.NaElement('net-ifconfig-get')
- return self.connection.invoke_successfully(ifconfig)
- def get_flexvol_capacity(self, flexvol_path):
- """Gets total capacity and free capacity, in bytes, of the flexvol."""
- api_args = {'volume': flexvol_path, 'verbose': 'false'}
- result = self.send_request('volume-list-info', api_args)
- flexvol_info_list = result.get_child_by_name('volumes')
- flexvol_info = flexvol_info_list.get_children()[0]
- size_total = float(flexvol_info.get_child_content('size-total'))
- size_available = float(
- flexvol_info.get_child_content('size-available'))
- return {
- 'size-total': size_total,
- 'size-available': size_available,
- }
- def get_performance_instance_names(self, object_name):
- """Get names of performance instances for a node."""
- api_args = {'objectname': object_name}
- result = self.send_request('perf-object-instance-list-info',
- api_args,
- enable_tunneling=False)
- instance_names = []
- instances = result.get_child_by_name(
- 'instances') or netapp_api.NaElement('None')
- for instance_info in instances.get_children():
- instance_names.append(instance_info.get_child_content('name'))
- return instance_names
- def get_performance_counters(self, object_name, instance_names,
- counter_names):
- """Gets or or more 7-mode Data ONTAP performance counters."""
- api_args = {
- 'objectname': object_name,
- 'instances': [
- {'instance': instance} for instance in instance_names
- ],
- 'counters': [
- {'counter': counter} for counter in counter_names
- ],
- }
- result = self.send_request('perf-object-get-instances',
- api_args,
- enable_tunneling=False)
- counter_data = []
- timestamp = result.get_child_content('timestamp')
- instances = result.get_child_by_name(
- 'instances') or netapp_api.NaElement('None')
- for instance in instances.get_children():
- instance_name = instance.get_child_content('name')
- counters = instance.get_child_by_name(
- 'counters') or netapp_api.NaElement('None')
- for counter in counters.get_children():
- counter_name = counter.get_child_content('name')
- counter_value = counter.get_child_content('value')
- counter_data.append({
- 'instance-name': instance_name,
- 'timestamp': timestamp,
- counter_name: counter_value,
- })
- return counter_data
- def get_system_name(self):
- """Get the name of the 7-mode Data ONTAP controller."""
- result = self.send_request('system-get-info',
- {},
- enable_tunneling=False)
- system_info = result.get_child_by_name('system-info')
- system_name = system_info.get_child_content('system-name')
- return system_name
- def get_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name):
- """Gets a single snapshot."""
- snapshot_list_info = netapp_api.NaElement('snapshot-list-info')
- snapshot_list_info.add_new_child('volume', volume_name)
- result = self.connection.invoke_successfully(snapshot_list_info,
- enable_tunneling=True)
- snapshots = result.get_child_by_name('snapshots')
- if not snapshots:
- msg = _('No snapshots could be found on volume %s.')
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg % volume_name)
- snapshot_list = snapshots.get_children()
- snapshot = None
- for s in snapshot_list:
- if (snapshot_name == s.get_child_content('name')) and (snapshot
- is None):
- snapshot = {
- 'name': s.get_child_content('name'),
- 'volume': s.get_child_content('volume'),
- 'busy': strutils.bool_from_string(
- s.get_child_content('busy')),
- }
- snapshot_owners_list = s.get_child_by_name(
- 'snapshot-owners-list') or netapp_api.NaElement('none')
- snapshot_owners = set([snapshot_owner.get_child_content(
- 'owner') for snapshot_owner in
- snapshot_owners_list.get_children()])
- snapshot['owners'] = snapshot_owners
- elif (snapshot_name == s.get_child_content('name')) and (
- snapshot is not None):
- msg = _('Could not find unique snapshot %(snap)s on '
- 'volume %(vol)s.')
- msg_args = {'snap': snapshot_name, 'vol': volume_name}
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg % msg_args)
- if not snapshot:
- raise exception.SnapshotNotFound(snapshot_id=snapshot_name)
- return snapshot
- def get_snapshots_marked_for_deletion(self, volume_list=None):
- """Get a list of snapshots marked for deletion."""
- snapshots = []
- for volume_name in volume_list:
- api_args = {
- 'target-name': volume_name,
- 'target-type': 'volume',
- 'terse': 'true',
- }
- result = self.send_request('snapshot-list-info', api_args)
- snapshots.extend(
- self._parse_snapshot_list_info_result(result, volume_name))
- return snapshots
- def _parse_snapshot_list_info_result(self, result, volume_name):
- snapshots = []
- snapshots_elem = result.get_child_by_name(
- 'snapshots') or netapp_api.NaElement('none')
- snapshot_info_list = snapshots_elem.get_children()
- for snapshot_info in snapshot_info_list:
- snapshot_name = snapshot_info.get_child_content('name')
- snapshot_busy = strutils.bool_from_string(
- snapshot_info.get_child_content('busy'))
- snapshot_id = snapshot_info.get_child_content(
- 'snapshot-instance-uuid')
- if (not snapshot_busy and
- snapshot_name.startswith(client_base.DELETED_PREFIX)):
- snapshots.append({
- 'name': snapshot_name,
- 'instance_id': snapshot_id,
- 'volume_name': volume_name,
- })
- return snapshots
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_cmode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_cmode.py
index f2ad6aed257..7fdce2ffbce 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_cmode.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/client/client_cmode.py
@@ -1660,12 +1660,8 @@ class Client(client_base.Client):
return counter_data
- def get_snapshots_marked_for_deletion(self, volume_list=None):
- """Get a list of snapshots marked for deletion.
- :param volume_list: Placeholder parameter to match 7mode client method
- signature.
- """
+ def get_snapshots_marked_for_deletion(self):
+ """Get a list of snapshots marked for deletion."""
api_args = {
'query': {
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fc_7mode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fc_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7480d3c9e0d..00000000000
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fc_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) - 2014, Clinton Knight. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Mike Rooney. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Volume driver for NetApp Data ONTAP (7-mode) FibreChannel storage systems.
-from cinder import interface
-from cinder.volume import driver
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import block_7mode
-from cinder.zonemanager import utils as fczm_utils
-class NetApp7modeFibreChannelDriver(driver.BaseVD,
- driver.ManageableVD):
- """NetApp 7-mode FibreChannel volume driver."""
- DRIVER_NAME = 'NetApp_FibreChannel_7mode_direct'
- # ThirdPartySystems wiki page
- CI_WIKI_NAME = "NetApp_CI"
- VERSION = block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary.VERSION
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(NetApp7modeFibreChannelDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.library = block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary(
- self.DRIVER_NAME, 'FC', **kwargs)
- def do_setup(self, context):
- self.library.do_setup(context)
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- self.library.check_for_setup_error()
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- return self.library.create_volume(volume)
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- return self.library.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
- def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
- return self.library.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- self.library.delete_volume(volume)
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- self.library.create_snapshot(snapshot)
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- self.library.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
- return self.library.get_volume_stats(refresh,
- self.get_filter_function(),
- self.get_goodness_function())
- def get_default_filter_function(self):
- return self.library.get_default_filter_function()
- def get_default_goodness_function(self):
- return self.library.get_default_goodness_function()
- def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
- self.library.extend_volume(volume, new_size)
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- return self.library.ensure_export(context, volume)
- def create_export(self, context, volume, connector):
- return self.library.create_export(context, volume)
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- self.library.remove_export(context, volume)
- def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
- return self.library.manage_existing(volume, existing_ref)
- def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref):
- return self.library.manage_existing_get_size(volume, existing_ref)
- def unmanage(self, volume):
- return self.library.unmanage(volume)
- @fczm_utils.add_fc_zone
- def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
- return self.library.initialize_connection_fc(volume, connector)
- @fczm_utils.remove_fc_zone
- def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
- return self.library.terminate_connection_fc(volume, connector,
- **kwargs)
- def get_pool(self, volume):
- return self.library.get_pool(volume)
- def create_consistencygroup(self, context, group):
- return self.library.create_consistencygroup(group)
- def delete_consistencygroup(self, context, group, volumes):
- return self.library.delete_consistencygroup(group, volumes)
- def update_consistencygroup(self, context, group,
- add_volumes=None, remove_volumes=None):
- return self.library.update_consistencygroup(group, add_volumes=None,
- remove_volumes=None)
- def create_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- return self.library.create_cgsnapshot(cgsnapshot, snapshots)
- def delete_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- return self.library.delete_cgsnapshot(cgsnapshot, snapshots)
- def create_consistencygroup_from_src(self, context, group, volumes,
- cgsnapshot=None, snapshots=None,
- source_cg=None, source_vols=None):
- return self.library.create_consistencygroup_from_src(
- group, volumes, cgsnapshot=cgsnapshot, snapshots=snapshots,
- source_cg=source_cg, source_vols=source_vols)
- def failover_host(self, context, volumes, secondary_id=None, groups=None):
- raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fc_cmode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fc_cmode.py
index 665a326c954..b8548a0b861 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fc_cmode.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/fc_cmode.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-Volume driver for NetApp Data ONTAP (C-mode) FibreChannel storage systems.
+Volume driver for NetApp Data ONTAP FibreChannel storage systems.
from cinder import interface
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/iscsi_7mode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/iscsi_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff6e42e9df7..00000000000
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/iscsi_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Clinton Knight. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Mike Rooney. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Volume driver for NetApp Data ONTAP (7-mode) iSCSI storage systems.
-from cinder import interface
-from cinder.volume import driver
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import block_7mode
-class NetApp7modeISCSIDriver(driver.BaseVD,
- driver.ManageableVD):
- """NetApp 7-mode iSCSI volume driver."""
- DRIVER_NAME = 'NetApp_iSCSI_7mode_direct'
- # ThirdPartySystems wiki page
- CI_WIKI_NAME = "NetApp_CI"
- VERSION = block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary.VERSION
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(NetApp7modeISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.library = block_7mode.NetAppBlockStorage7modeLibrary(
- self.DRIVER_NAME, 'iSCSI', **kwargs)
- def do_setup(self, context):
- self.library.do_setup(context)
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- self.library.check_for_setup_error()
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- return self.library.create_volume(volume)
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- return self.library.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)
- def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
- return self.library.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- self.library.delete_volume(volume)
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- self.library.create_snapshot(snapshot)
- def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- self.library.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
- def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
- return self.library.get_volume_stats(refresh,
- self.get_filter_function(),
- self.get_goodness_function())
- def get_default_filter_function(self):
- return self.library.get_default_filter_function()
- def get_default_goodness_function(self):
- return self.library.get_default_goodness_function()
- def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
- self.library.extend_volume(volume, new_size)
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- return self.library.ensure_export(context, volume)
- def create_export(self, context, volume, connector):
- return self.library.create_export(context, volume)
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- self.library.remove_export(context, volume)
- def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
- return self.library.manage_existing(volume, existing_ref)
- def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref):
- return self.library.manage_existing_get_size(volume, existing_ref)
- def unmanage(self, volume):
- return self.library.unmanage(volume)
- def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
- return self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi(volume, connector)
- def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
- return self.library.terminate_connection_iscsi(volume, connector,
- **kwargs)
- def get_pool(self, volume):
- return self.library.get_pool(volume)
- def create_consistencygroup(self, context, group):
- return self.library.create_consistencygroup(group)
- def delete_consistencygroup(self, context, group, volumes):
- return self.library.delete_consistencygroup(group, volumes)
- def update_consistencygroup(self, context, group,
- add_volumes=None, remove_volumes=None):
- return self.library.update_consistencygroup(group, add_volumes=None,
- remove_volumes=None)
- def create_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- return self.library.create_cgsnapshot(cgsnapshot, snapshots)
- def delete_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- return self.library.delete_cgsnapshot(cgsnapshot, snapshots)
- def create_consistencygroup_from_src(self, context, group, volumes,
- cgsnapshot=None, snapshots=None,
- source_cg=None, source_vols=None):
- return self.library.create_consistencygroup_from_src(
- group, volumes, cgsnapshot=cgsnapshot, snapshots=snapshots,
- source_cg=source_cg, source_vols=source_vols)
- def failover_host(self, context, volumes, secondary_id=None, groups=None):
- raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/nfs_7mode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/nfs_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3283dc11f15..00000000000
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/nfs_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Ben Swartzlander. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Navneet Singh. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Clinton Knight. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Meade. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2014 Bob Callaway. All rights reserved.
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Barron. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Volume driver for NetApp NFS storage.
-import os
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_log import versionutils
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _
-from cinder import interface
-from cinder.objects import fields
-from cinder import utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import client_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap import nfs_base
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_7mode
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.utils import utils as dot_utils
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import options as na_opts
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils
-from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class NetApp7modeNfsDriver(nfs_base.NetAppNfsDriver):
- """NetApp NFS driver for Data ONTAP (7-mode)."""
- # ThirdPartySystems wiki page
- CI_WIKI_NAME = "NetApp_CI"
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(NetApp7modeNfsDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.driver_name = 'NetApp_NFS_7mode_direct'
- self.driver_mode = '7mode'
- self.configuration.append_config_values(na_opts.netapp_7mode_opts)
- def do_setup(self, context):
- """Do the customized set up on client if any for 7 mode."""
- super(NetApp7modeNfsDriver, self).do_setup(context)
- self.zapi_client = client_7mode.Client(
- transport_type=self.configuration.netapp_transport_type,
- username=self.configuration.netapp_login,
- password=self.configuration.netapp_password,
- hostname=self.configuration.netapp_server_hostname,
- port=self.configuration.netapp_server_port,
- vfiler=self.configuration.netapp_vfiler)
- self.perf_library = perf_7mode.Performance7modeLibrary(
- self.zapi_client)
- # This driver has been marked 'deprecated' in the Ocata release and
- # can be removed in Queens.
- msg = _("The 7-mode Data ONTAP driver is deprecated and will be "
- "removed in a future release.")
- versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg)
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- """Checks if setup occurred properly."""
- api_version = self.zapi_client.get_ontapi_version()
- if api_version:
- major, minor = api_version
- if major == 1 and minor < 9:
- msg = _("Unsupported Data ONTAP version."
- " Data ONTAP version 7.3.1 and above is supported.")
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- else:
- msg = _("Data ONTAP API version could not be determined.")
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- self._add_looping_tasks()
- super(NetApp7modeNfsDriver, self).check_for_setup_error()
- def _add_looping_tasks(self):
- """Add tasks that need to be executed at a fixed interval."""
- super(NetApp7modeNfsDriver, self)._add_looping_tasks()
- def _handle_ems_logging(self):
- """Log autosupport messages."""
- base_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_0(
- self.driver_name, self.app_version, self.driver_mode)
- self.zapi_client.send_ems_log_message(base_ems_message)
- pool_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_1(
- self.driver_name, self.app_version, None,
- self._get_backing_flexvol_names(), [])
- self.zapi_client.send_ems_log_message(pool_ems_message)
- def _clone_backing_file_for_volume(self, volume_name, clone_name,
- volume_id, share=None,
- is_snapshot=False,
- source_snapshot=None):
- """Clone backing file for Cinder volume.
- :param: is_snapshot Not used, present for method signature consistency
- """
- (_host_ip, export_path) = self._get_export_ip_path(volume_id, share)
- storage_path = self.zapi_client.get_actual_path_for_export(export_path)
- target_path = '%s/%s' % (storage_path, clone_name)
- self.zapi_client.clone_file('%s/%s' % (storage_path, volume_name),
- target_path, source_snapshot)
- def _update_volume_stats(self):
- """Retrieve stats info from vserver."""
- self._ensure_shares_mounted()
- LOG.debug('Updating volume stats')
- data = {}
- backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
- data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or self.driver_name
- data['vendor_name'] = 'NetApp'
- data['driver_version'] = self.VERSION
- data['storage_protocol'] = 'nfs'
- data['pools'] = self._get_pool_stats(
- filter_function=self.get_filter_function(),
- goodness_function=self.get_goodness_function())
- data['sparse_copy_volume'] = True
- self._spawn_clean_cache_job()
- self._stats = data
- def _get_pool_stats(self, filter_function=None, goodness_function=None):
- """Retrieve pool (i.e. NFS share) stats info from SSC volumes."""
- pools = []
- self.perf_library.update_performance_cache()
- for nfs_share in self._mounted_shares:
- capacity = self._get_share_capacity_info(nfs_share)
- pool = dict()
- pool['pool_name'] = nfs_share
- pool['QoS_support'] = False
- pool['multiattach'] = False
- pool.update(capacity)
- thick = not self.configuration.nfs_sparsed_volumes
- pool['thick_provisioning_support'] = thick
- pool['thin_provisioning_support'] = not thick
- utilization = self.perf_library.get_node_utilization()
- pool['utilization'] = na_utils.round_down(utilization, '0.01')
- pool['filter_function'] = filter_function
- pool['goodness_function'] = goodness_function
- pool['consistencygroup_support'] = True
- pools.append(pool)
- return pools
- def _shortlist_del_eligible_files(self, share, old_files):
- """Prepares list of eligible files to be deleted from cache."""
- file_list = []
- (_, export_path) = self._get_export_ip_path(share=share)
- exported_volume = self.zapi_client.get_actual_path_for_export(
- export_path)
- for old_file in old_files:
- path = os.path.join(exported_volume, old_file)
- u_bytes = self.zapi_client.get_file_usage(path)
- file_list.append((old_file, u_bytes))
- LOG.debug('Shortlisted files eligible for deletion: %s', file_list)
- return file_list
- def _is_filer_ip(self, ip):
- """Checks whether ip is on the same filer."""
- try:
- ifconfig = self.zapi_client.get_ifconfig()
- if_info = ifconfig.get_child_by_name('interface-config-info')
- if if_info:
- ifs = if_info.get_children()
- for intf in ifs:
- v4_addr = intf.get_child_by_name('v4-primary-address')
- if v4_addr:
- ip_info = v4_addr.get_child_by_name('ip-address-info')
- if ip_info:
- address = ip_info.get_child_content('address')
- if ip == address:
- return True
- else:
- continue
- except Exception:
- return False
- return False
- def _share_match_for_ip(self, ip, shares):
- """Returns the share that is served by ip.
- Multiple shares can have same dir path but
- can be served using different ips. It finds the
- share which is served by ip on same nfs server.
- """
- if self._is_filer_ip(ip) and shares:
- for share in shares:
- ip_sh = share.split(':')[0]
- if self._is_filer_ip(ip_sh):
- LOG.debug('Share match found for ip %s', ip)
- return share
- LOG.debug('No share match found for ip %s', ip)
- return None
- def _is_share_clone_compatible(self, volume, share):
- """Checks if share is compatible with volume to host its clone."""
- thin = self.configuration.nfs_sparsed_volumes
- return self._share_has_space_for_clone(share, volume['size'], thin)
- def _check_volume_type(self, volume, share, file_name, extra_specs):
- """Matches a volume type for share file."""
- qos_policy_group = extra_specs.pop('netapp:qos_policy_group', None) \
- if extra_specs else None
- if qos_policy_group:
- raise exception.ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch(
- reason=(_("Setting file qos policy group is not supported"
- " on this storage family and ontap version.")))
- volume_type = na_utils.get_volume_type_from_volume(volume)
- if volume_type and 'qos_spec_id' in volume_type:
- raise exception.ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch(
- reason=_("QoS specs are not supported"
- " on this storage family and ONTAP version."))
- def _do_qos_for_volume(self, volume, extra_specs, cleanup=False):
- """Set QoS policy on backend from volume type information."""
- # 7-mode DOT does not support QoS.
- return
- def _get_volume_model_update(self, volume):
- """Provide any updates necessary for a volume being created/managed."""
- def _get_backing_flexvol_names(self):
- """Returns a list of backing flexvol names."""
- flexvol_names = []
- for nfs_share in self._mounted_shares:
- flexvol_name = nfs_share.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
- flexvol_names.append(flexvol_name)
- LOG.debug("Found flexvol %s", flexvol_name)
- return flexvol_names
- def _get_flexvol_names_from_hosts(self, hosts):
- """Returns a set of flexvol names."""
- flexvols = set()
- for host in hosts:
- pool_name = volume_utils.extract_host(host, level='pool')
- flexvol_name = pool_name.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
- flexvols.add(flexvol_name)
- return flexvols
- @utils.trace_method
- def delete_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- """Delete files backing each snapshot in the cgsnapshot.
- :return: An implicit update of snapshot models that the manager will
- interpret and subsequently set the model state to deleted.
- """
- for snapshot in snapshots:
- self._delete_file(snapshot['volume_id'], snapshot['name'])
- LOG.debug("Snapshot %s deletion successful", snapshot['name'])
- return None, None
- @utils.trace_method
- def create_consistencygroup(self, context, group):
- """Driver entry point for creating a consistency group.
- ONTAP does not maintain an actual CG construct. As a result, no
- communtication to the backend is necessary for consistency group
- creation.
- :returns: Hard-coded model update for consistency group model.
- """
- model_update = {'status': fields.ConsistencyGroupStatus.AVAILABLE}
- return model_update
- @utils.trace_method
- def delete_consistencygroup(self, context, group, volumes):
- """Driver entry point for deleting a consistency group.
- :returns: Updated consistency group model and list of volume models
- for the volumes that were deleted.
- """
- model_update = {'status': fields.ConsistencyGroupStatus.DELETED}
- volumes_model_update = []
- for volume in volumes:
- try:
- self._delete_file(volume['id'], volume['name'])
- volumes_model_update.append(
- {'id': volume['id'], 'status': 'deleted'})
- except Exception:
- volumes_model_update.append(
- {'id': volume['id'],
- 'status': 'error_deleting'})
- LOG.exception("Volume %(vol)s in the consistency group "
- "could not be deleted.", {'vol': volume})
- return model_update, volumes_model_update
- @utils.trace_method
- def update_consistencygroup(self, context, group, add_volumes=None,
- remove_volumes=None):
- """Driver entry point for updating a consistency group.
- Since no actual CG construct is ever created in ONTAP, it is not
- necessary to update any metadata on the backend. Since this is a NO-OP,
- there is guaranteed to be no change in any of the volumes' statuses.
- """
- return None, None, None
- @utils.trace_method
- def create_cgsnapshot(self, context, cgsnapshot, snapshots):
- """Creates a Cinder cgsnapshot object.
- The Cinder cgsnapshot object is created by making use of an ONTAP CG
- snapshot in order to provide write-order consistency for a set of
- backing flexvols. First, a list of the flexvols backing the given
- Cinder volumes in the CG is determined. An ONTAP CG snapshot of the
- flexvols creates a write-order consistent snapshot of each backing
- flexvol. For each Cinder volume in the CG, it is then necessary to
- clone its volume from the ONTAP CG snapshot. The naming convention
- used to create the clones indicates the clone's role as a Cinder
- snapshot and its inclusion in a Cinder CG snapshot. The ONTAP CG
- snapshots, of each backing flexvol, are deleted after the cloning
- operation is completed.
- :returns: An implicit update for the cgsnapshot and snapshot models
- that is then used by the manager to set the models to
- available.
- """
- hosts = [snapshot['volume']['host'] for snapshot in snapshots]
- flexvols = self._get_flexvol_names_from_hosts(hosts)
- # Create snapshot for backing flexvol
- self.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot(flexvols, cgsnapshot['id'])
- # Start clone process for snapshot files
- for snapshot in snapshots:
- self._clone_backing_file_for_volume(
- snapshot['volume']['name'], snapshot['name'],
- snapshot['volume']['id'], source_snapshot=cgsnapshot['id'])
- # Delete backing flexvol snapshots
- for flexvol_name in flexvols:
- try:
- self.zapi_client.wait_for_busy_snapshot(
- flexvol_name, cgsnapshot['id'])
- self.zapi_client.delete_snapshot(
- flexvol_name, cgsnapshot['id'])
- except exception.SnapshotIsBusy:
- self.zapi_client.mark_snapshot_for_deletion(
- flexvol_name, cgsnapshot['id'])
- return None, None
- @utils.trace_method
- def create_consistencygroup_from_src(self, context, group, volumes,
- cgsnapshot=None, snapshots=None,
- source_cg=None, source_vols=None):
- """Creates a CG from a either a cgsnapshot or group of cinder vols.
- :returns: An implicit update for the volumes model that is
- interpreted by the manager as a successful operation.
- """
- LOG.debug("VOLUMES %s ", ', '.join([vol['id'] for vol in volumes]))
- model_update = None
- volumes_model_update = []
- if cgsnapshot:
- vols = zip(volumes, snapshots)
- for volume, snapshot in vols:
- update = self.create_volume_from_snapshot(
- volume, snapshot)
- update['id'] = volume['id']
- volumes_model_update.append(update)
- elif source_cg and source_vols:
- hosts = [source_vol['host'] for source_vol in source_vols]
- flexvols = self._get_flexvol_names_from_hosts(hosts)
- # Create snapshot for backing flexvol
- snapshot_name = 'snapshot-temp-' + source_cg['id']
- self.zapi_client.create_cg_snapshot(flexvols, snapshot_name)
- # Start clone process for new volumes
- vols = zip(volumes, source_vols)
- for volume, source_vol in vols:
- self._clone_backing_file_for_volume(
- source_vol['name'], volume['name'],
- source_vol['id'], source_snapshot=snapshot_name)
- volume_model_update = (
- self._get_volume_model_update(volume) or {})
- volume_model_update.update({
- 'id': volume['id'],
- 'provider_location': source_vol['provider_location'],
- })
- volumes_model_update.append(volume_model_update)
- # Delete backing flexvol snapshots
- for flexvol_name in flexvols:
- self.zapi_client.wait_for_busy_snapshot(
- flexvol_name, snapshot_name)
- self.zapi_client.delete_snapshot(flexvol_name, snapshot_name)
- else:
- LOG.error("Unexpected set of parameters received when "
- "creating consistency group from source.")
- model_update = {'status': fields.ConsistencyGroupStatus.ERROR}
- return model_update, volumes_model_update
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/nfs_cmode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/nfs_cmode.py
index c3fcd3489b7..e47142b52f2 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/nfs_cmode.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/nfs_cmode.py
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class NetAppCmodeNfsDriver(nfs_base.NetAppNfsDriver,
"""Log autosupport messages."""
base_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_0(
- self.driver_name, self.app_version, self.driver_mode)
+ self.driver_name, self.app_version)
pool_ems_message = dot_utils.build_ems_log_message_1(
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/performance/perf_7mode.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/performance/perf_7mode.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f299c988d..00000000000
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/performance/perf_7mode.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Clinton Knight
-# All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Performance metrics functions and cache for NetApp 7-mode Data ONTAP systems.
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api
-from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_base
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Performance7modeLibrary(perf_base.PerformanceLibrary):
- def __init__(self, zapi_client):
- super(Performance7modeLibrary, self).__init__(zapi_client)
- self.performance_counters = []
- self.utilization = perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION
- self.node_name = self.zapi_client.get_system_name()
- def _init_counter_info(self):
- """Set a few counter names based on Data ONTAP version."""
- super(Performance7modeLibrary, self)._init_counter_info()
- if self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS:
- self.system_object_name = 'system'
- try:
- self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = (
- self._get_base_counter_name('system',
- 'avg_processor_busy'))
- except netapp_api.NaApiError:
- self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = 'cpu_elapsed_time1'
- LOG.exception('Could not get performance base counter '
- 'name. Performance-based scheduler '
- 'functions may not be available.')
- def update_performance_cache(self):
- """Called periodically to update node utilization metrics."""
- # Nothing to do on older systems
- if not self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS:
- return
- # Get new performance counters and save only the last 10
- counters = self._get_node_utilization_counters()
- if not counters:
- return
- self.performance_counters.append(counters)
- self.performance_counters = self.performance_counters[-10:]
- # Update utilization using newest & oldest sample
- if len(self.performance_counters) < 2:
- self.utilization = perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION
- else:
- self.utilization = self._get_node_utilization(
- self.performance_counters[0], self.performance_counters[-1],
- self.node_name)
- def get_node_utilization(self):
- """Get the node utilization, if available."""
- return self.utilization
- def _get_node_utilization_counters(self):
- """Get all performance counters for calculating node utilization."""
- try:
- return (self._get_node_utilization_system_counters() +
- self._get_node_utilization_wafl_counters() +
- self._get_node_utilization_processor_counters())
- except netapp_api.NaApiError:
- LOG.exception('Could not get utilization counters from node '
- '%s', self.node_name)
- return None
- def _get_node_utilization_system_counters(self):
- """Get the system counters for calculating node utilization."""
- system_instance_names = (
- self.zapi_client.get_performance_instance_names(
- self.system_object_name))
- system_counter_names = [
- 'avg_processor_busy',
- self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name,
- ]
- if 'cpu_elapsed_time1' in system_counter_names:
- system_counter_names.append('cpu_elapsed_time')
- system_counters = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counters(
- self.system_object_name, system_instance_names,
- system_counter_names)
- return system_counters
- def _get_node_utilization_wafl_counters(self):
- """Get the WAFL counters for calculating node utilization."""
- wafl_instance_names = self.zapi_client.get_performance_instance_names(
- 'wafl')
- wafl_counter_names = ['total_cp_msecs', 'cp_phase_times']
- wafl_counters = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counters(
- 'wafl', wafl_instance_names, wafl_counter_names)
- # Expand array data so we can use wafl:cp_phase_times[P2_FLUSH]
- for counter in wafl_counters:
- if 'cp_phase_times' in counter:
- self._expand_performance_array(
- 'wafl', 'cp_phase_times', counter)
- return wafl_counters
- def _get_node_utilization_processor_counters(self):
- """Get the processor counters for calculating node utilization."""
- processor_instance_names = (
- self.zapi_client.get_performance_instance_names('processor'))
- processor_counter_names = ['domain_busy', 'processor_elapsed_time']
- processor_counters = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counters(
- 'processor', processor_instance_names, processor_counter_names)
- # Expand array data so we can use processor:domain_busy[kahuna]
- for counter in processor_counters:
- if 'domain_busy' in counter:
- self._expand_performance_array(
- 'processor', 'domain_busy', counter)
- return processor_counters
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/utils.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/utils.py
index d8a204365ce..dc9a6d30d97 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/utils.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/dataontap/utils/utils.py
@@ -90,14 +90,11 @@ def _build_base_ems_log_message(driver_name, app_version):
return ems_log
-def build_ems_log_message_0(driver_name, app_version, driver_mode):
+def build_ems_log_message_0(driver_name, app_version):
"""Construct EMS Autosupport log message with deployment info."""
- dest = 'cluster node' if driver_mode == 'cluster' else '7 mode controller'
ems_log = _build_base_ems_log_message(driver_name, app_version)
ems_log['event-id'] = '0'
- ems_log['event-description'] = 'OpenStack Cinder connected to %s' % dest
+ ems_log['event-description'] = 'OpenStack Cinder connected to cluster node'
return ems_log
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/options.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/options.py
index e1c6d58a0e7..ee9974ec910 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/options.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/netapp/options.py
@@ -34,11 +34,10 @@ NETAPP_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_DEFAULT = 1.2
netapp_proxy_opts = [
- choices=['ontap_7mode', 'ontap_cluster', 'eseries'],
+ choices=['ontap_cluster', 'eseries'],
help=('The storage family type used on the storage system; '
- 'valid values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP '
- 'operating in 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using '
- 'clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.')),
+ 'valid values are ontap_cluster for using clustered '
+ 'Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.')),
choices=['iscsi', 'fc', 'nfs'],
help=('The storage protocol to be used on the data path with '
@@ -93,21 +92,6 @@ netapp_cluster_opts = [
'(Vserver) name on the storage cluster on which '
'provisioning of block storage volumes should occur.')), ]
-netapp_7mode_opts = [
- cfg.StrOpt('netapp_vfiler',
- help=('The vFiler unit on which provisioning of block storage '
- 'volumes will be done. This option is only used by the '
- 'driver when connecting to an instance with a storage '
- 'family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode. Only use this '
- 'option when utilizing the MultiStore feature on the '
- 'NetApp storage system.')),
- cfg.StrOpt('netapp_partner_backend_name',
- help=('The name of the config.conf stanza for a Data ONTAP '
- '(7-mode) HA partner. This option is only used by the '
- 'driver when connecting to an instance with a storage '
- 'family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and it is '
- 'required if the storage protocol selected is FC.')), ]
netapp_img_cache_opts = [
@@ -220,7 +204,6 @@ CONF.register_opts(netapp_connection_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
CONF.register_opts(netapp_transport_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
CONF.register_opts(netapp_basicauth_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
CONF.register_opts(netapp_cluster_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
-CONF.register_opts(netapp_7mode_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
CONF.register_opts(netapp_provisioning_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
CONF.register_opts(netapp_img_cache_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
CONF.register_opts(netapp_eseries_opts, group=conf.SHARED_CONF_GROUP)
diff --git a/doc/source/configuration/block-storage/drivers/netapp-volume-driver.rst b/doc/source/configuration/block-storage/drivers/netapp-volume-driver.rst
index e8af7b7bf17..11926fb6d8d 100644
--- a/doc/source/configuration/block-storage/drivers/netapp-volume-driver.rst
+++ b/doc/source/configuration/block-storage/drivers/netapp-volume-driver.rst
@@ -4,32 +4,19 @@ NetApp unified driver
The NetApp unified driver is a Block Storage driver that supports
multiple storage families and protocols. A storage family corresponds to
-storage systems built on different NetApp technologies such as clustered
-Data ONTAP, Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and E-Series. The storage
-protocol refers to the protocol used to initiate data storage and access
-operations on those storage systems like iSCSI and NFS. The NetApp
-unified driver can be configured to provision and manage OpenStack
-volumes on a given storage family using a specified storage protocol.
+storage systems built on either clustered Data ONTAP or E-Series. The
+storage protocol refers to the protocol used to initiate data storage and
+access operations on those storage systems like iSCSI and NFS. The NetApp
+unified driver can be configured to provision and manage OpenStack volumes
+on a given storage family using a specified storage protocol.
Also, the NetApp unified driver supports over subscription or over
-provisioning when thin provisioned Block Storage volumes are in use
-on an E-Series backend. The OpenStack volumes can then be used for
+provisioning when thin provisioned Block Storage volumes are in use.
+The OpenStack volumes can then be used for
accessing and storing data using the storage protocol on the storage
family system. The NetApp unified driver is an extensible interface
that can support new storage families and protocols.
-.. important::
- The NetApp unified driver in cinder currently provides integration for
- two major generations of the ONTAP operating system: the current
- clustered ONTAP and the legacy 7-mode. NetApp’s full support for
- 7-mode ended in August of 2015 and the current limited support period
- will end in February of 2017.
- The 7-mode components of the cinder NetApp unified driver have now been
- marked deprecated and will be removed in the Queens release. This will
- apply to all three protocols currently supported in this driver: iSCSI,
- FC and NFS.
.. note::
With the Juno release of OpenStack, Block Storage has
@@ -114,9 +101,8 @@ setting the ``volume_driver``, ``netapp_storage_family`` and
.. tip::
For more information on these options and other deployment and
- operational scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack Deployment and
- Operations
- Guide `__.
+ operational scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack website
+ `_.
NetApp NFS configuration for clustered Data ONTAP
@@ -237,8 +223,8 @@ To use this feature, you must configure the Block Storage service, as follows:
.. tip::
For more information on these options and other deployment and operational
- scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide
- `__.
+ scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack website
+ `_.
NetApp-supported extra specs for clustered Data ONTAP
@@ -264,117 +250,6 @@ type set` command.
.. include:: ../../tables/manual/cinder-netapp_cdot_extraspecs.inc
-NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage family
-The NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage family represents a
-configuration group which provides Compute instances access to 7-Mode
-storage systems. At present it can be configured in Block Storage to
-work with iSCSI and NFS storage protocols.
-NetApp iSCSI configuration for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode
-The NetApp iSCSI configuration for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode is an
-interface from OpenStack to Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage systems for
-provisioning and managing the SAN block storage entity, that is, a LUN which
-can be accessed using iSCSI protocol.
-The iSCSI configuration for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode is a direct
-interface from OpenStack to Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage system and
-it does not require additional management software to achieve the desired
-functionality. It uses NetApp ONTAPI to interact with the Data ONTAP operating
-in 7-Mode storage system.
-**Configuration options**
-Configure the volume driver, storage family and storage protocol to the NetApp
-unified driver, Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and iSCSI respectively by
-setting the ``volume_driver``, ``netapp_storage_family`` and
-``netapp_storage_protocol`` options in the ``cinder.conf`` file as follows:
-.. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver
- netapp_storage_family = ontap_7mode
- netapp_storage_protocol = iscsi
- netapp_server_hostname = myhostname
- netapp_server_port = 80
- netapp_login = username
- netapp_password = password
-.. note::
- To use the iSCSI protocol, you must override the default value of
- ``netapp_storage_protocol`` with ``iscsi``.
-.. include:: ../../tables/cinder-netapp_7mode_iscsi.inc
-.. note::
- The driver supports iSCSI CHAP uni-directional authentication.
- To enable it, set the ``use_chap_auth`` option to ``True``.
-.. tip::
- For more information on these options and other deployment and
- operational scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack Deployment and
- Operations
- Guide `__.
-NetApp NFS configuration for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode
-The NetApp NFS configuration for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode is an interface
-from OpenStack to Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage system for
-provisioning and managing OpenStack volumes on NFS exports provided by the Data
-ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage system which can then be accessed using NFS
-The NFS configuration for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode is a direct interface
-from Block Storage to the Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode instance and
-as such does not require any additional management software to achieve the
-desired functionality. It uses NetApp ONTAPI to interact with the Data ONTAP
-operating in 7-Mode storage system.
-.. important::
- Support for 7-mode configuration has been deprecated in the Ocata release
- and will be removed in the Queens release of OpenStack.
-**Configuration options**
-Configure the volume driver, storage family, and storage protocol to the NetApp
-unified driver, Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and NFS respectively by setting
-the ``volume_driver``, ``netapp_storage_family`` and
-``netapp_storage_protocol`` options in the ``cinder.conf`` file as follows:
-.. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver
- netapp_storage_family = ontap_7mode
- netapp_storage_protocol = nfs
- netapp_server_hostname = myhostname
- netapp_server_port = 80
- netapp_login = username
- netapp_password = password
- nfs_shares_config = /etc/cinder/nfs_shares
-.. include:: ../../tables/cinder-netapp_7mode_nfs.inc
-.. note::
- Additional NetApp NFS configuration options are shared with the
- generic NFS driver. For a description of these, see
- :ref:`cinder-storage_nfs`.
-.. tip::
- For more information on these options and other deployment and
- operational scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack Deployment and
- Operations
- Guide `__.
NetApp E-Series storage family
@@ -442,9 +317,8 @@ NetApp unified driver, E-Series, and iSCSI respectively by setting the
.. tip::
For more information on these options and other deployment and
- operational scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack Deployment and
- Operations
- Guide `__.
+ operational scenarios, visit the `NetApp OpenStack website
+ `_.
NetApp-supported extra specs for E-Series
@@ -476,115 +350,3 @@ type set` command.
- Boolean
- Limit the candidate volume list to only the ones that support thin
provisioning on the storage controller.
-Upgrading prior NetApp drivers to the NetApp unified driver
-NetApp introduced a new unified block storage driver in Havana for configuring
-different storage families and storage protocols. This requires defining an
-upgrade path for NetApp drivers which existed in releases prior to Havana. This
-section covers the upgrade configuration for NetApp drivers to the new unified
-configuration and a list of deprecated NetApp drivers.
-Upgraded NetApp drivers
-This section describes how to update Block Storage configuration from
-a pre-Havana release to the unified driver format.
-- NetApp iSCSI direct driver for Clustered Data ONTAP in Grizzly (or earlier):
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppDirectCmodeISCSIDriver
- NetApp unified driver configuration:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver
- netapp_storage_family = ontap_cluster
- netapp_storage_protocol = iscsi
-- NetApp NFS direct driver for Clustered Data ONTAP in Grizzly (or
- earlier):
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppDirectCmodeNfsDriver
- NetApp unified driver configuration:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver
- netapp_storage_family = ontap_cluster
- netapp_storage_protocol = nfs
-- NetApp iSCSI direct driver for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage
- controller in Grizzly (or earlier):
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppDirect7modeISCSIDriver
- NetApp unified driver configuration:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver
- netapp_storage_family = ontap_7mode
- netapp_storage_protocol = iscsi
-- NetApp NFS direct driver for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage
- controller in Grizzly (or earlier):
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppDirect7modeNfsDriver
- NetApp unified driver configuration:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.common.NetAppDriver
- netapp_storage_family = ontap_7mode
- netapp_storage_protocol = nfs
-Deprecated NetApp drivers
-This section lists the NetApp drivers in earlier releases that are
-deprecated in Havana.
-- NetApp iSCSI driver for clustered Data ONTAP:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppCmodeISCSIDriver
-- NetApp NFS driver for clustered Data ONTAP:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppCmodeNfsDriver
-- NetApp iSCSI driver for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage
- controller:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppISCSIDriver
-- NetApp NFS driver for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode storage
- controller:
- .. code-block:: ini
- volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppNFSDriver
-.. note::
- For support information on deprecated NetApp drivers in the Havana
- release, visit the `NetApp OpenStack Deployment and Operations
- Guide `__.
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- Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated from the
- software project's code and your changes will be overwritten.
- The tool to generate this file lives in openstack-doc-tools repository.
- Please make any changes needed in the code, then run the
- autogenerate-config-doc tool from the openstack-doc-tools repository, or
- ask for help on the documentation mailing list, IRC channel or meeting.
-.. _cinder-netapp_7mode_iscsi:
-.. list-table:: Description of NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI driver configuration options
- :header-rows: 1
- :class: config-ref-table
- * - Configuration option = Default value
- - Description
- * - **[DEFAULT]**
- -
- * - ``netapp_login`` = ``None``
- - (String) Administrative user account name used to access the storage system or proxy server.
- * - ``netapp_partner_backend_name`` = ``None``
- - (String) The name of the config.conf stanza for a Data ONTAP (7-mode) HA partner. This option is only used by the driver when connecting to an instance with a storage family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and it is required if the storage protocol selected is FC.
- * - ``netapp_password`` = ``None``
- - (String) Password for the administrative user account specified in the netapp_login option.
- * - ``netapp_pool_name_search_pattern`` = ``(.+)``
- - (String) This option is used to restrict provisioning to the specified pools. Specify the value of this option to be a regular expression which will be applied to the names of objects from the storage backend which represent pools in Cinder. This option is only utilized when the storage protocol is configured to use iSCSI or FC.
- * - ``netapp_replication_aggregate_map`` = ``None``
- - (Unknown) Multi opt of dictionaries to represent the aggregate mapping between source and destination back ends when using whole back end replication. For every source aggregate associated with a cinder pool (NetApp FlexVol), you would need to specify the destination aggregate on the replication target device. A replication target device is configured with the configuration option replication_device. Specify this option as many times as you have replication devices. Each entry takes the standard dict config form: netapp_replication_aggregate_map = backend_id:,src_aggr_name1:dest_aggr_name1,src_aggr_name2:dest_aggr_name2,...
- * - ``netapp_server_hostname`` = ``None``
- - (String) The hostname (or IP address) for the storage system or proxy server.
- * - ``netapp_server_port`` = ``None``
- - (Integer) The TCP port to use for communication with the storage system or proxy server. If not specified, Data ONTAP drivers will use 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS; E-Series will use 8080 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS.
- * - ``netapp_size_multiplier`` = ``1.2``
- - (Floating point) The quantity to be multiplied by the requested volume size to ensure enough space is available on the virtual storage server (Vserver) to fulfill the volume creation request. Note: this option is deprecated and will be removed in favor of "reserved_percentage" in the Mitaka release.
- * - ``netapp_snapmirror_quiesce_timeout`` = ``3600``
- - (Integer) The maximum time in seconds to wait for existing SnapMirror transfers to complete before aborting during a failover.
- * - ``netapp_storage_family`` = ``ontap_cluster``
- - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
- * - ``netapp_storage_protocol`` = ``None``
- - (String) The storage protocol to be used on the data path with the storage system.
- * - ``netapp_transport_type`` = ``http``
- - (String) The transport protocol used when communicating with the storage system or proxy server.
- * - ``netapp_vfiler`` = ``None``
- - (String) The vFiler unit on which provisioning of block storage volumes will be done. This option is only used by the driver when connecting to an instance with a storage family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode. Only use this option when utilizing the MultiStore feature on the NetApp storage system.
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- Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated from the
- software project's code and your changes will be overwritten.
- The tool to generate this file lives in openstack-doc-tools repository.
- Please make any changes needed in the code, then run the
- autogenerate-config-doc tool from the openstack-doc-tools repository, or
- ask for help on the documentation mailing list, IRC channel or meeting.
-.. _cinder-netapp_7mode_nfs:
-.. list-table:: Description of NetApp 7-Mode NFS driver configuration options
- :header-rows: 1
- :class: config-ref-table
- * - Configuration option = Default value
- - Description
- * - **[DEFAULT]**
- -
- * - ``expiry_thres_minutes`` = ``720``
- - (Integer) This option specifies the threshold for last access time for images in the NFS image cache. When a cache cleaning cycle begins, images in the cache that have not been accessed in the last M minutes, where M is the value of this parameter, will be deleted from the cache to create free space on the NFS share.
- * - ``netapp_login`` = ``None``
- - (String) Administrative user account name used to access the storage system or proxy server.
- * - ``netapp_partner_backend_name`` = ``None``
- - (String) The name of the config.conf stanza for a Data ONTAP (7-mode) HA partner. This option is only used by the driver when connecting to an instance with a storage family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and it is required if the storage protocol selected is FC.
- * - ``netapp_password`` = ``None``
- - (String) Password for the administrative user account specified in the netapp_login option.
- * - ``netapp_pool_name_search_pattern`` = ``(.+)``
- - (String) This option is used to restrict provisioning to the specified pools. Specify the value of this option to be a regular expression which will be applied to the names of objects from the storage backend which represent pools in Cinder. This option is only utilized when the storage protocol is configured to use iSCSI or FC.
- * - ``netapp_replication_aggregate_map`` = ``None``
- - (Unknown) Multi opt of dictionaries to represent the aggregate mapping between source and destination back ends when using whole back end replication. For every source aggregate associated with a cinder pool (NetApp FlexVol), you would need to specify the destination aggregate on the replication target device. A replication target device is configured with the configuration option replication_device. Specify this option as many times as you have replication devices. Each entry takes the standard dict config form: netapp_replication_aggregate_map = backend_id:,src_aggr_name1:dest_aggr_name1,src_aggr_name2:dest_aggr_name2,...
- * - ``netapp_server_hostname`` = ``None``
- - (String) The hostname (or IP address) for the storage system or proxy server.
- * - ``netapp_server_port`` = ``None``
- - (Integer) The TCP port to use for communication with the storage system or proxy server. If not specified, Data ONTAP drivers will use 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS; E-Series will use 8080 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS.
- * - ``netapp_snapmirror_quiesce_timeout`` = ``3600``
- - (Integer) The maximum time in seconds to wait for existing SnapMirror transfers to complete before aborting during a failover.
- * - ``netapp_storage_family`` = ``ontap_cluster``
- - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
- * - ``netapp_storage_protocol`` = ``None``
- - (String) The storage protocol to be used on the data path with the storage system.
- * - ``netapp_transport_type`` = ``http``
- - (String) The transport protocol used when communicating with the storage system or proxy server.
- * - ``netapp_vfiler`` = ``None``
- - (String) The vFiler unit on which provisioning of block storage volumes will be done. This option is only used by the driver when connecting to an instance with a storage family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode. Only use this option when utilizing the MultiStore feature on the NetApp storage system.
- * - ``thres_avl_size_perc_start`` = ``20``
- - (Integer) If the percentage of available space for an NFS share has dropped below the value specified by this option, the NFS image cache will be cleaned.
- * - ``thres_avl_size_perc_stop`` = ``60``
- - (Integer) When the percentage of available space on an NFS share has reached the percentage specified by this option, the driver will stop clearing files from the NFS image cache that have not been accessed in the last M minutes, where M is the value of the expiry_thres_minutes configuration option.
diff --git a/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_cdot_iscsi.inc b/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_cdot_iscsi.inc
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+++ b/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_cdot_iscsi.inc
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
- (String) This option defines the type of operating system that will access a LUN exported from Data ONTAP; it is assigned to the LUN at the time it is created.
* - ``netapp_lun_space_reservation`` = ``enabled``
- (String) This option determines if storage space is reserved for LUN allocation. If enabled, LUNs are thick provisioned. If space reservation is disabled, storage space is allocated on demand.
- * - ``netapp_partner_backend_name`` = ``None``
- - (String) The name of the config.conf stanza for a Data ONTAP (7-mode) HA partner. This option is only used by the driver when connecting to an instance with a storage family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and it is required if the storage protocol selected is FC.
* - ``netapp_password`` = ``None``
- (String) Password for the administrative user account specified in the netapp_login option.
* - ``netapp_pool_name_search_pattern`` = ``(.+)``
@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@
* - ``netapp_snapmirror_quiesce_timeout`` = ``3600``
- (Integer) The maximum time in seconds to wait for existing SnapMirror transfers to complete before aborting during a failover.
* - ``netapp_storage_family`` = ``ontap_cluster``
- - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
+ - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
* - ``netapp_storage_protocol`` = ``None``
- (String) The storage protocol to be used on the data path with the storage system.
* - ``netapp_transport_type`` = ``http``
diff --git a/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_cdot_nfs.inc b/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_cdot_nfs.inc
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--- a/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_cdot_nfs.inc
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@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
- (String) Administrative user account name used to access the storage system or proxy server.
* - ``netapp_lun_ostype`` = ``None``
- (String) This option defines the type of operating system that will access a LUN exported from Data ONTAP; it is assigned to the LUN at the time it is created.
- * - ``netapp_partner_backend_name`` = ``None``
- - (String) The name of the config.conf stanza for a Data ONTAP (7-mode) HA partner. This option is only used by the driver when connecting to an instance with a storage family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and it is required if the storage protocol selected is FC.
* - ``netapp_password`` = ``None``
- (String) Password for the administrative user account specified in the netapp_login option.
* - ``netapp_pool_name_search_pattern`` = ``(.+)``
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@
* - ``netapp_snapmirror_quiesce_timeout`` = ``3600``
- (Integer) The maximum time in seconds to wait for existing SnapMirror transfers to complete before aborting during a failover.
* - ``netapp_storage_family`` = ``ontap_cluster``
- - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
+ - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
* - ``netapp_storage_protocol`` = ``None``
- (String) The storage protocol to be used on the data path with the storage system.
* - ``netapp_transport_type`` = ``http``
diff --git a/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_eseries_iscsi.inc b/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_eseries_iscsi.inc
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+++ b/doc/source/configuration/tables/cinder-netapp_eseries_iscsi.inc
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
- (String) This option defines the type of operating system for all initiators that can access a LUN. This information is used when mapping LUNs to individual hosts or groups of hosts.
* - ``netapp_login`` = ``None``
- (String) Administrative user account name used to access the storage system or proxy server.
- * - ``netapp_partner_backend_name`` = ``None``
- - (String) The name of the config.conf stanza for a Data ONTAP (7-mode) HA partner. This option is only used by the driver when connecting to an instance with a storage family of Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, and it is required if the storage protocol selected is FC.
* - ``netapp_password`` = ``None``
- (String) Password for the administrative user account specified in the netapp_login option.
* - ``netapp_pool_name_search_pattern`` = ``(.+)``
@@ -43,7 +41,7 @@
* - ``netapp_snapmirror_quiesce_timeout`` = ``3600``
- (Integer) The maximum time in seconds to wait for existing SnapMirror transfers to complete before aborting during a failover.
* - ``netapp_storage_family`` = ``ontap_cluster``
- - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_7mode for using Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
+ - (String) The storage family type used on the storage system; valid values are ontap_cluster for using clustered Data ONTAP, or eseries for using E-Series.
* - ``netapp_transport_type`` = ``http``
- (String) The transport protocol used when communicating with the storage system or proxy server.
* - ``netapp_webservice_path`` = ``/devmgr/v2``
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/bp-remove-netapp-7mode-drivers-c38398e54662f2d4.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/bp-remove-netapp-7mode-drivers-c38398e54662f2d4.yaml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/bp-remove-netapp-7mode-drivers-c38398e54662f2d4.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ - Support for NetApp ONTAP 7 (previously known as "Data ONTAP operating in
+ 7mode") has been removed. The NetApp Unified driver can now only be used
+ with NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP and NetApp E-Series storage systems.
+ This removal affects all three storage protocols that were supported on
+ for ONTAP 7 - iSCSI, NFS and FC. Deployers are advised to consult the
+ `migration support `_ provided to transition from ONTAP 7 to Clustered
+ Data ONTAP operating system.