.. -*- rst -*- =================================================== Volume image metadata extension (os-vol-image-meta) =================================================== Shows image metadata that is associated with a volume. Show image metadata for volume ============================== .. rest_method:: GET /v2/{tenant_id}/os-vol-image-meta Shows image metadata for a volume. When the request is made, the caller must specify a reference to an existing storage volume in the ``ref`` element. Each storage driver may interpret the existing storage volume reference differently but should accept a reference structure containing either a ``source- volume-id`` or ``source-volume-name`` element, if possible. Error response codes:202, Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - description: description - availability_zone: availability_zone - bootable: bootable - volume_type: volume_type - name: name - volume: volume - host: host - ref: ref - metadata: metadata - tenant_id: tenant_id Request Example --------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/image-metadata-show-request.json :language: javascript