--- upgrade: - | The ``cinder-manage db sync`` command for this verison of cinder will add additional database indexes. Depending on database size and complexity, this will take time to complete for every single index to be created. On MySQL or MariaDB, these indexes will only be created if an index does not already exist with the same name: * ``groups_deleted_project_id_idx`` * ``group_snapshots_deleted_project_id_idx`` * ``volumes_deleted_project_id_idx`` * ``volumes_deleted_host_idx`` * ``snapshots_deleted_project_id_idx`` * ``backups_deleted_project_id_idx`` An example of the SQL commands to generate these indexes can be found in the `specific troubleshooting guide <htts://docs.openstack.org/cinder/latest/admin/ts-db-cpu-spikes.html>`_. fixes: - | `Bug #1952443 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1952443>`_: Improve performance for creating volume from image, listing volumes, snapshots, backups, groups, and group_snapshots.