The MPL 2.0 license is a "file-level" copyleft license vs the "project-level" nature of the L/GPL. The intention of noVNC has always been that it should be easy to incorporate into existing projects and sites whether free/open or proprietary/commercial. The MPL 2.0 is designed for this sort of combination project but still requires that any distributed modifications to noVNC source files must also be published under the same license. In addition, the MPL 2.0 allows the code to be used in L/GPL projects (the secondary license clause). This means that any projects that are already incorporating noVNC should not be impacted by this change and in fact it should clarify the licensing situation (the exact application of the L/GPL to web applications and interpreted code is somewhat ambiguous). The HTML, CSS, image and font files continue to be under more permissive licenses (see LICENSE.txt). The included websockify python code remains under a LGPLv3 license although the include/websock.js file from the websockify component is now under MPL 2.0 as well. Permission was received from other noVNC authors to make this change to their code license on the following dates: - Chris Gordon (UI): Jun 24, 2012 - Antoine Mercadal (DOM,*util.js): Oct 10, 2012 - William Lightning (UltraVNC repeater): Oct 10, 2012 - Mike Tinglof (tight encoding): Oct 15, 2012
207 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File
207 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
Use matplotlib to generate performance charts
Copyright 2011 Joel Martin
Licensed under MPL-2.0 (see docs/LICENSE.MPL-2.0)
# a bar plot with errorbars
import sys, json, pprint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
def usage():
print "%s json_file level1 level2 level3 [legend_height]\n\n" % sys.argv[0]
print "Description:\n"
print "level1, level2, and level3 are one each of the following:\n";
print " select=ITEM - select only ITEM at this level";
print " bar - each item on this level becomes a graph bar";
print " group - items on this level become groups of bars";
print "\n";
print "json_file is a file containing json data in the following format:\n"
print ' {';
print ' "conf": {';
print ' "order_l1": [';
print ' "level1_label1",';
print ' "level1_label2",';
print ' ...';
print ' ],';
print ' "order_l2": [';
print ' "level2_label1",';
print ' "level2_label2",';
print ' ...';
print ' ],';
print ' "order_l3": [';
print ' "level3_label1",';
print ' "level3_label2",';
print ' ...';
print ' ]';
print ' },';
print ' "stats": {';
print ' "level1_label1": {';
print ' "level2_label1": {';
print ' "level3_label1": [val1, val2, val3],';
print ' "level3_label2": [val1, val2, val3],';
print ' ...';
print ' },';
print ' "level2_label2": {';
print ' ...';
print ' },';
print ' },';
print ' "level1_label2": {';
print ' ...';
print ' },';
print ' ...';
print ' },';
print ' }';
def error(msg):
print msg
#colors = ['#ff0000', '#0863e9', '#00f200', '#ffa100',
# '#800000', '#805100', '#013075', '#007900']
colors = ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff',
'#dddd00', '#dd00dd', '#00dddd',
'#dd6622', '#dd2266', '#66dd22',
'#8844dd', '#44dd88', '#4488dd']
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
filename = sys.argv[1]
L1 = sys.argv[2]
L2 = sys.argv[3]
L3 = sys.argv[4]
if len(sys.argv) > 5:
legendHeight = float(sys.argv[5])
legendHeight = 0.75
# Load the JSON data from the file
data = json.loads(file(filename).read())
conf = data['conf']
stats = data['stats']
# Sanity check data hierarchy
if len(conf['order_l1']) != len(stats.keys()):
error("conf.order_l1 does not match stats level 1")
for l1 in stats.keys():
if len(conf['order_l2']) != len(stats[l1].keys()):
error("conf.order_l2 does not match stats level 2 for %s" % l1)
if conf['order_l1'].count(l1) < 1:
error("%s not found in conf.order_l1" % l1)
for l2 in stats[l1].keys():
if len(conf['order_l3']) != len(stats[l1][l2].keys()):
error("conf.order_l3 does not match stats level 3")
if conf['order_l2'].count(l2) < 1:
error("%s not found in conf.order_l2" % l2)
for l3 in stats[l1][l2].keys():
if conf['order_l3'].count(l3) < 1:
error("%s not found in conf.order_l3" % l3)
# Generate the data based on the level specifications
bar_labels = None
group_labels = None
bar_vals = []
bar_sdvs = []
if L3.startswith("select="):
select_label = l3 = L3.split("=")[1]
bar_labels = conf['order_l1']
group_labels = conf['order_l2']
bar_vals = [[0]*len(group_labels) for i in bar_labels]
bar_sdvs = [[0]*len(group_labels) for i in bar_labels]
for b in range(len(bar_labels)):
l1 = bar_labels[b]
for g in range(len(group_labels)):
l2 = group_labels[g]
bar_vals[b][g] = np.mean(stats[l1][l2][l3])
bar_sdvs[b][g] = np.std(stats[l1][l2][l3])
elif L2.startswith("select="):
select_label = l2 = L2.split("=")[1]
bar_labels = conf['order_l1']
group_labels = conf['order_l3']
bar_vals = [[0]*len(group_labels) for i in bar_labels]
bar_sdvs = [[0]*len(group_labels) for i in bar_labels]
for b in range(len(bar_labels)):
l1 = bar_labels[b]
for g in range(len(group_labels)):
l3 = group_labels[g]
bar_vals[b][g] = np.mean(stats[l1][l2][l3])
bar_sdvs[b][g] = np.std(stats[l1][l2][l3])
elif L1.startswith("select="):
select_label = l1 = L1.split("=")[1]
bar_labels = conf['order_l2']
group_labels = conf['order_l3']
bar_vals = [[0]*len(group_labels) for i in bar_labels]
bar_sdvs = [[0]*len(group_labels) for i in bar_labels]
for b in range(len(bar_labels)):
l2 = bar_labels[b]
for g in range(len(group_labels)):
l3 = group_labels[g]
bar_vals[b][g] = np.mean(stats[l1][l2][l3])
bar_sdvs[b][g] = np.std(stats[l1][l2][l3])
# If group is before bar then flip (zip) the data
if [L1, L2, L3].index("group") < [L1, L2, L3].index("bar"):
bar_labels, group_labels = group_labels, bar_labels
bar_vals = zip(*bar_vals)
bar_sdvs = zip(*bar_sdvs)
print "bar_vals:", bar_vals
# Now render the bar graph
ind = np.arange(len(group_labels)) # the x locations for the groups
width = 0.8 * (1.0/len(bar_labels)) # the width of the bars
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6), dpi=80)
plot = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
rects = []
for i in range(len(bar_vals)):
rects.append(plot.bar(ind+width*i, bar_vals[i], width, color=colors[i],
yerr=bar_sdvs[i], align='center'))
# add some
plot.set_ylabel('Milliseconds (less is better)')
plot.set_title("Javascript array test: %s" % select_label)
plot.set_xticklabels( group_labels )
fontP = FontProperties()
plot.legend( [r[0] for r in rects], bar_labels, prop=fontP,
loc = 'center right', bbox_to_anchor = (1.0, legendHeight))
def autolabel(rects):
# attach some text labels
for rect in rects:
height = rect.get_height()
if np.isnan(height):
height = 0.0
plot.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2., height+20, '%d'%int(height),
ha='center', va='bottom', size='7')
for rect in rects:
# Adjust axis sizes
axis = list(plot.axis())
axis[0] = -width # Make sure left side has enough for bar
#axis[1] = axis[1] * 1.20 # Add 20% to the right to make sure it fits
axis[2] = 0 # Make y-axis start at 0
axis[3] = axis[3] * 1.10 # Add 10% to the top