* To quickly build dev OpenStack environments in a clean oneiric environment
* To describe working configurations of OpenStack (which code branches work together? what do config files look like for those branches?)
* To make it easier for developers to dive into OpenStack so that they can productively contribute without having to understand every part of the system at once
IMPORTANT: Be sure to carefully read stack.sh and any other scripts you execute before you run them, as they install software and may alter your networking configuration. We strongly recommend that you run stack.sh in a clean and disposable vm when you are first getting started.
The devstack master branch generally points to trunk versions of OpenStack components. For older, stable versions, look for branches named stable/[release]. For example, you can do the following to create a diablo OpenStack cloud:
You can override environment variables used in stack.sh by creating file name 'localrc'. It is likely that you will need to do this to tweak your networking configuration should you need to access your cloud from a different host.
Swift is not installed by default, you need to add the **swift** keyword in the ENABLED_SERVICES variable to get it installed.
If you have keystone enabled, Swift will authenticate against it, make sure to use the keystone URL to auth against.
At this time Swift is not started in a screen session but as daemon you need to use the **swift-init** CLI to manage the swift daemons.
By default Swift will configure 3 replicas (and one spare) which could be IO intensive on a small vm, if you only want to do some quick testing of the API you can choose to only have one replica by customizing the variable SWIFT_REPLICAS in your localrc.