diff --git a/functions b/functions
index 46a6f8a469..b66dc1593b 100644
--- a/functions
+++ b/functions
@@ -471,12 +471,19 @@ function pip_install {
     if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then
-    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
-        CMD_PIP=/usr/bin/pip
+    if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]] ; then
+        source $DEST/.venv/bin/activate
+        CMD_PIP=$DEST/.venv/bin/pip
+        SUDO_PIP="env"
-        CMD_PIP=/usr/bin/pip-python
+        SUDO_PIP="sudo"
+        if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
+            CMD_PIP=/usr/bin/pip
+        else
+            CMD_PIP=/usr/bin/pip-python
+        fi
-    sudo PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=${PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE:-/var/cache/pip} \
         HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy \
         HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy \
         $CMD_PIP install --use-mirrors $@
@@ -501,12 +508,17 @@ function restart_service() {
 # develop, so that pip and not distutils process the dependency chain
 # setup_develop directory
 function setup_develop() {
+    if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]] ; then
+        SUDO_CMD="env"
+    else
+        SUDO_CMD="sudo"
+    fi
     (cd $1; \
         python setup.py egg_info; \
         raw_links=$(awk '/^.+/ {print "-f " $1}' *.egg-info/dependency_links.txt); \
         depend_links=$(echo $raw_links | xargs); \
         pip_install -r *-info/requires.txt $depend_links; \
-        sudo \
+        $SUDO_CMD \
             HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy \
             HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy \
             python setup.py develop \
diff --git a/stack.sh b/stack.sh
index d0e2262f15..058b25023d 100755
--- a/stack.sh
+++ b/stack.sh
@@ -614,6 +614,130 @@ else
     install_package $(get_packages $FILES/rpms)
+if [[ $SYSLOG != "False" ]]; then
+    install_package rsyslog-relp
+if is_service_enabled rabbit; then
+    # Install rabbitmq-server
+    # the temp file is necessary due to LP: #878600
+    tfile=$(mktemp)
+    install_package rabbitmq-server > "$tfile" 2>&1
+    cat "$tfile"
+    rm -f "$tfile"
+elif is_service_enabled qpid; then
+    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then
+        install_package qpid-cpp-server
+    else
+        install_package qpidd
+    fi
+if is_service_enabled mysql; then
+    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
+        # Seed configuration with mysql password so that apt-get install doesn't
+        # prompt us for a password upon install.
+        cat <<MYSQL_PRESEED | sudo debconf-set-selections
+mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password password $MYSQL_PASSWORD
+mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password_again password $MYSQL_PASSWORD
+mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/start_on_boot boolean true
+    fi
+    # while ``.my.cnf`` is not needed for openstack to function, it is useful
+    # as it allows you to access the mysql databases via ``mysql nova`` instead
+    # of having to specify the username/password each time.
+    if [[ ! -e $HOME/.my.cnf ]]; then
+        cat <<EOF >$HOME/.my.cnf
+        chmod 0600 $HOME/.my.cnf
+    fi
+    # Install mysql-server
+    install_package mysql-server
+if is_service_enabled quantum; then
+    if [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then
+        # Install deps
+        # FIXME add to files/apts/quantum, but don't install if not needed!
+        install_package python-configobj
+    fi
+if is_service_enabled horizon; then
+    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
+        # Install apache2, which is NOPRIME'd
+        install_package apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
+    else
+        sudo rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/000-*
+        install_package httpd mod_wsgi
+    fi
+if is_service_enabled q-agt; then
+    if [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "openvswitch" ]]; then
+        # Install deps
+        # FIXME add to files/apts/quantum, but don't install if not needed!
+        if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
+            kernel_version=`cat /proc/version | cut -d " " -f3`
+            install_package make fakeroot dkms openvswitch-switch openvswitch-datapath-dkms linux-headers-$kernel_version
+        else
+            ### FIXME(dtroyer): Find RPMs for OpenVSwitch
+            echo "OpenVSwitch packages need to be located"
+        fi
+    elif [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then
+       install_package bridge-utils
+    fi
+if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then
+    # Virtualization Configuration
+    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
+        LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME=libvirt-bin
+    else
+        LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME=libvirt
+    fi
+    install_package $LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME
+    # Install and configure **LXC** if specified.  LXC is another approach to
+    # splitting a system into many smaller parts.  LXC uses cgroups and chroot
+    # to simulate multiple systems.
+    if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "lxc" ]]; then
+        if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
+            if [[ "$DISTRO" > natty ]]; then
+                install_package cgroup-lite
+            fi
+        else
+            ### FIXME(dtroyer): figure this out
+            echo "RPM-based cgroup not implemented yet"
+            yum_install libcgroup-tools
+        fi
+    fi
+if is_service_enabled swift; then
+    # Install memcached for swift.
+    install_package memcached
+# Install python packages into a virtualenv so that we can track them
+if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]] ; then
+    install_package python-virtualenv
+    rm -rf $DEST/.venv
+    virtualenv --system-site-packages $DEST/.venv
+    source $DEST/.venv/bin/activate
+    $DEST/.venv/bin/pip freeze > $DEST/requires-pre-pip
 # Install python requirements
 pip_install $(get_packages $FILES/pips | sort -u)
@@ -671,7 +795,6 @@ if is_service_enabled cinder; then
 # Initialization
 # ==============
@@ -715,12 +838,19 @@ if is_service_enabled cinder; then
+if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]] ; then
+    $DEST/.venv/bin/pip freeze > $DEST/requires-post-pip
+    if ! diff -Nru $DEST/requires-pre-pip $DEST/requires-post-pip > $DEST/requires.diff ; then
+        cat $DEST/requires.diff
+    fi
+    echo "Ran stack.sh in depend tracking mode, bailing out now"
+    exit 0
 # Syslog
 # ------
 if [[ $SYSLOG != "False" ]]; then
-    install_package rsyslog-relp
     if [[ "$SYSLOG_HOST" = "$HOST_IP" ]]; then
         # Configure the master host to receive
         cat <<EOF >/tmp/90-stack-m.conf
@@ -743,12 +873,7 @@ fi
 # --------------
 if is_service_enabled rabbit; then
-    # Install and start rabbitmq-server
-    # the temp file is necessary due to LP: #878600
-    tfile=$(mktemp)
-    install_package rabbitmq-server > "$tfile" 2>&1
-    cat "$tfile"
-    rm -f "$tfile"
+    # Start rabbitmq-server
     if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then
         # RPM doesn't start the service
         restart_service rabbitmq-server
@@ -756,45 +881,17 @@ if is_service_enabled rabbit; then
     # change the rabbit password since the default is "guest"
     sudo rabbitmqctl change_password guest $RABBIT_PASSWORD
 elif is_service_enabled qpid; then
-    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then
-        install_package qpid-cpp-server
-        restart_service qpidd
-    else
-        install_package qpidd
-    fi
+    restart_service qpidd
 # Mysql
 # -----
 if is_service_enabled mysql; then
-    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
-        # Seed configuration with mysql password so that apt-get install doesn't
-        # prompt us for a password upon install.
-        cat <<MYSQL_PRESEED | sudo debconf-set-selections
-mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password password $MYSQL_PASSWORD
-mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password_again password $MYSQL_PASSWORD
-mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/start_on_boot boolean true
-    fi
-    # while ``.my.cnf`` is not needed for openstack to function, it is useful
-    # as it allows you to access the mysql databases via ``mysql nova`` instead
-    # of having to specify the username/password each time.
-    if [[ ! -e $HOME/.my.cnf ]]; then
-        cat <<EOF >$HOME/.my.cnf
-        chmod 0600 $HOME/.my.cnf
-    fi
-    # Install and start mysql-server
-    install_package mysql-server
+    #start mysql-server
     if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then
         # RPM doesn't start the service
         start_service mysqld
@@ -904,10 +1001,8 @@ if is_service_enabled horizon; then
     sudo mkdir -p $HORIZON_DIR/.blackhole
     if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
-        # Install apache2, which is NOPRIME'd
-        install_package apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
         # Clean up the old config name
         sudo rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
         # Be a good citizen and use the distro tools here
@@ -917,8 +1012,6 @@ if is_service_enabled horizon; then
         # Install httpd, which is NOPRIME'd
-        sudo rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/000-*
-        install_package httpd mod_wsgi
         sudo sed '/^Listen/s/^.*$/Listen' -i /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
     ## Configure apache to run horizon
@@ -1028,9 +1121,6 @@ if is_service_enabled quantum; then
     elif [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then
-        # Install deps
-        # FIXME add to files/apts/quantum, but don't install if not needed!
-        install_package python-configobj
@@ -1104,15 +1194,6 @@ fi
 # Quantum agent (for compute nodes)
 if is_service_enabled q-agt; then
     if [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "openvswitch" ]]; then
-        # Install deps
-        # FIXME add to files/apts/quantum, but don't install if not needed!
-        if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
-            kernel_version=`cat /proc/version | cut -d " " -f3`
-            install_package make fakeroot dkms openvswitch-switch openvswitch-datapath-dkms linux-headers-$kernel_version
-        else
-            ### FIXME(dtroyer): Find RPMs for OpenVSwitch
-            echo "OpenVSwitch packages need to be located"
-        fi
         # Set up integration bridge
         for PORT in `sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait list-ports $OVS_BRIDGE`; do
@@ -1126,8 +1207,7 @@ if is_service_enabled q-agt; then
     elif [[ "$Q_PLUGIN" = "linuxbridge" ]]; then
        # Start up the quantum <-> linuxbridge agent
-       install_package bridge-utils
-        #set the default network interface
+       # set the default network interface
        sudo sed -i -e "s/^physical_interface = .*$/physical_interface = $QUANTUM_LB_PRIVATE_INTERFACE/g" /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE
@@ -1273,15 +1353,6 @@ function clean_iptables() {
 if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then
-    # Virtualization Configuration
-    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
-        LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME=libvirt-bin
-    else
-        LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME=libvirt
-    fi
-    install_package $LIBVIRT_PKG_NAME
     # Force IP forwarding on, just on case
     sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
@@ -1304,9 +1375,7 @@ if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then
     # to simulate multiple systems.
     if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "lxc" ]]; then
         if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
-            if [[ "$DISTRO" > natty ]]; then
-                install_package cgroup-lite
-            else
+            if [[ ! "$DISTRO" > natty ]]; then
                 cgline="none /cgroup cgroup cpuacct,memory,devices,cpu,freezer,blkio 0 0"
                 sudo mkdir -p /cgroup
                 if ! grep -q cgroup /etc/fstab; then
@@ -1316,10 +1385,6 @@ if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then
                     sudo mount /cgroup
-        else
-            ### FIXME(dtroyer): figure this out
-            echo "RPM-based cgroup not implemented yet"
-            yum_install libcgroup-tools
@@ -1414,8 +1479,6 @@ fi
 # ---------------
 if is_service_enabled swift; then
-    # Install memcached for swift.
-    install_package memcached
     # We make sure to kill all swift processes first
     swift-init all stop || true