# Getting Started With XenServer 5.6 and Devstack The purpose of the code in this directory it to help developers bootstrap a XenServer 5.6 (or greater) + Openstack development environment. This file gives some pointers on how to get started. Xenserver is a Type 1 hypervisor, so it needs to be installed on bare metal. The Openstack services are configured to run within a "privileged" virtual machine on the Xenserver host (called OS domU). The VM uses the XAPI toolstack to communicate with the host. The provided localrc helps to build a basic environment. The requirements are: - An internet-enabled network with a DHCP server on it - XenServer box plugged in to the same network This network will be used as the OpenStack management network. The VM Network and the Public Network will not be connected to any physical interfaces, only new virtual networks will be created by the `install_os_domU.sh` script. Steps to follow: - Install XenServer - Download Devstack to XenServer - Customise `localrc` - Start `install_os_domU.sh` script The `install_os_domU.sh` script will: - Setup XenAPI plugins - Create the named networks, if they don't exist - Preseed-Netinstall an Ubuntu Virtual Machine, with 1 network interface: - eth0 - Connected to `UBUNTU_INST_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME`, defaults to `MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME` - After the Ubuntu install process finished, the network configuration is modified to: - eth0 - Management interface, connected to `MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME` - eth1 - VM interface, connected to `VM_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME` - eth2 - Public interface, connected to `PUB_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME` - (eth3) - Optional network interface if neutron is used, to enforce xapi to create the underlying bridge. - Start devstack inside the created OpenStack VM ## Step 1: Install Xenserver Install XenServer 5.6+ on a clean box. You can get XenServer by signing up for an account on citrix.com, and then visiting: https://www.citrix.com/English/ss/downloads/details.asp?downloadId=2311504&productId=683148 For details on installation, see: http://wiki.openstack.org/XenServer/Install The XenServer IP configuration depends on your local network setup. If you are using dhcp, make a reservation for XenServer, so its IP address won't change over time. Make a note of the XenServer's IP address, as it has to be specified in `localrc`. The other option is to manually specify the IP setup for the XenServer box. Please make sure, that a gateway and a nameserver is configured, as `install_os_domU.sh` will connect to github.com to get source-code snapshots. ## Step 2: Download devstack On your XenServer host, run the following commands as root: wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/zipball/master unzip -o master -d ./devstack cd devstack/*/ ## Step 3: Configure your localrc inside the devstack directory Devstack uses a localrc for user-specific configuration. Note that the `XENAPI_PASSWORD` must be your dom0 root password. Of course, use real passwords if this machine is exposed. cat > ./localrc <