#!/bin/bash # Exit on errors set -o errexit # Abort if localrc is not set if [ ! -e ../../localrc ]; then echo "You must have a localrc with ALL necessary passwords defined before proceeding." echo "See the xen README for required passwords." exit 1 fi # This directory TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Source lower level functions . $TOP_DIR/../../functions # Source params - override xenrc params in your localrc to suit your taste source xenrc # Echo commands set -o xtrace xe_min() { local cmd="$1" shift xe "$cmd" --minimal "$@" } cd $TOP_DIR if [ -f ./master ] then rm -rf ./master rm -rf ./nova fi wget https://github.com/openstack/nova/zipball/master --no-check-certificate unzip -o master -d ./nova cp -pr ./nova/*/plugins/xenserver/xenapi/etc/xapi.d /etc/ chmod a+x /etc/xapi.d/plugins/* mkdir -p /boot/guest GUEST_NAME=${GUEST_NAME:-"DevStackOSDomU"} SNAME="ubuntusnapshot" TNAME="ubuntuready" # Helper to create networks # Uses echo trickery to return network uuid function create_network() { br=$1 dev=$2 vlan=$3 netname=$4 if [ -z $br ] then pif=$(xe_min pif-list device=$dev VLAN=$vlan) if [ -z $pif ] then net=$(xe network-create name-label=$netname) else net=$(xe_min network-list PIF-uuids=$pif) fi echo $net return 0 fi if [ ! $(xe_min network-list params=bridge | grep -w --only-matching $br) ] then echo "Specified bridge $br does not exist" echo "If you wish to use defaults, please keep the bridge name empty" exit 1 else net=$(xe_min network-list bridge=$br) echo $net fi } function errorcheck() { rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ] then exit $rc fi } # Create host, vm, mgmt, pub networks VM_NET=$(create_network "$VM_BR" "$VM_DEV" "$VM_VLAN" "vmbr") errorcheck MGT_NET=$(create_network "$MGT_BR" "$MGT_DEV" "$MGT_VLAN" "mgtbr") errorcheck PUB_NET=$(create_network "$PUB_BR" "$PUB_DEV" "$PUB_VLAN" "pubbr") errorcheck # Helper to create vlans function create_vlan() { dev=$1 vlan=$2 net=$3 # VLAN -1 refers to no VLAN (physical network) if [ $vlan -eq -1 ] then return fi if [ -z $(xe_min vlan-list tag=$vlan) ] then pif=$(xe_min pif-list network-uuid=$net) # We created a brand new network this time if [ -z $pif ] then pif=$(xe_min pif-list device=$dev VLAN=-1) xe vlan-create pif-uuid=$pif vlan=$vlan network-uuid=$net else echo "VLAN does not exist but PIF attached to this network" echo "How did we reach here?" exit 1 fi fi } # Create vlans for vm and management create_vlan $PUB_DEV $PUB_VLAN $PUB_NET create_vlan $VM_DEV $VM_VLAN $VM_NET create_vlan $MGT_DEV $MGT_VLAN $MGT_NET # dom0 ip HOST_IP=${HOST_IP:-`ifconfig xenbr0 | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f2 | sed "s/ .*//"`} # Set up ip forwarding if ! grep -q "FORWARD_IPV4=YES" /etc/sysconfig/network; then # FIXME: This doesn't work on reboot! echo "FORWARD_IPV4=YES" >> /etc/sysconfig/network fi # Also, enable ip forwarding in rc.local, since the above trick isn't working if ! grep -q "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" /etc/rc.local; then echo "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" >> /etc/rc.local fi # Enable ip forwarding at runtime as well echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # Shutdown previous runs DO_SHUTDOWN=${DO_SHUTDOWN:-1} if [ "$DO_SHUTDOWN" = "1" ]; then # Shutdown all domU's that created previously xe_min vm-list name-label="$GUEST_NAME" | xargs ./scripts/uninstall-os-vpx.sh # Destroy any instances that were launched for uuid in `xe vm-list | grep -1 instance | grep uuid | sed "s/.*\: //g"`; do echo "Shutting down nova instance $uuid" xe vm-unpause uuid=$uuid || true xe vm-shutdown uuid=$uuid || true xe vm-destroy uuid=$uuid done # Destroy orphaned vdis for uuid in `xe vdi-list | grep -1 Glance | grep uuid | sed "s/.*\: //g"`; do xe vdi-destroy uuid=$uuid done fi # Start guest if [ -z $VM_BR ]; then VM_BR=$(xe_min network-list uuid=$VM_NET params=bridge) fi if [ -z $MGT_BR ]; then MGT_BR=$(xe_min network-list uuid=$MGT_NET params=bridge) fi if [ -z $PUB_BR ]; then PUB_BR=$(xe_min network-list uuid=$PUB_NET params=bridge) fi templateuuid=$(xe template-list name-label="$TNAME") if [ -n "$templateuuid" ] then vm_uuid=$(xe vm-install template="$TNAME" new-name-label="$GUEST_NAME") else template=$(xe_min template-list name-label="Ubuntu 11.10 (64-bit)") if [ -z "$template" ] then cp $TOP_DIR/devstackubuntupreseed.cfg /opt/xensource/www/ $TOP_DIR/scripts/xenoneirictemplate.sh "${HOST_IP}/devstackubuntupreseed.cfg" MIRROR=${MIRROR:-archive.ubuntu.com} sed -e "s,d-i mirror/http/hostname string .*,d-i mirror/http/hostname string $MIRROR," \ -i /opt/xensource/www/devstackubuntupreseed.cfg fi $TOP_DIR/scripts/install-os-vpx.sh -t "Ubuntu 11.10 (64-bit)" -v $VM_BR -m $MGT_BR -p $PUB_BR -l $GUEST_NAME -r $OSDOMU_MEM_MB -k "flat_network_bridge=${VM_BR}" # Wait for install to finish while true do state=$(xe_min vm-list name-label="$GUEST_NAME" power-state=halted) if [ -n "$state" ] then break else echo "Waiting for "$GUEST_NAME" to finish installation..." sleep 30 fi done vm_uuid=$(xe_min vm-list name-label="$GUEST_NAME") xe vm-param-set actions-after-reboot=Restart uuid="$vm_uuid" # Make template from VM snuuid=$(xe vm-snapshot vm="$GUEST_NAME" new-name-label="$SNAME") template_uuid=$(xe snapshot-clone uuid=$snuuid new-name-label="$TNAME") fi $TOP_DIR/build_xva.sh "$GUEST_NAME" xe vm-start vm="$GUEST_NAME" if [ $PUB_IP == "dhcp" ]; then PUB_IP=$(xe_min vm-list name-label=$GUEST_NAME params=networks | sed -ne 's,^.*3/ip: \([0-9.]*\).*$,\1,p') fi # If we have copied our ssh credentials, use ssh to monitor while the installation runs WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH=${WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH:-1} if [ "$WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH" = "1" ] && [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ] && [ "$COPYENV" = "1" ]; then # Done creating the container, let's tail the log echo echo "=============================================================" echo " -- YAY! --" echo "=============================================================" echo echo "We're done launching the vm, about to start tailing the" echo "stack.sh log. It will take a second or two to start." echo echo "Just CTRL-C at any time to stop tailing." set +o xtrace while ! ssh -q stack@$PUB_IP "[ -e run.sh.log ]"; do sleep 1 done ssh stack@$PUB_IP 'tail -f run.sh.log' & TAIL_PID=$! function kill_tail() { kill $TAIL_PID exit 1 } # Let Ctrl-c kill tail and exit trap kill_tail SIGINT echo "Waiting stack.sh to finish..." while ! ssh -q stack@$PUB_IP "grep -q 'stack.sh completed in' run.sh.log"; do sleep 1 done kill $TAIL_PID if ssh -q stack@$PUB_IP "grep -q 'stack.sh failed' run.sh.log"; then exit 1 fi echo "" echo "Finished - Zip-a-dee Doo-dah!" echo "You can then visit the OpenStack Dashboard" echo "at http://$PUB_IP, and contact other services at the usual ports." else echo "################################################################################" echo "" echo "All Finished!" echo "Now, you can monitor the progress of the stack.sh installation by " echo "tailing /opt/stack/run.sh.log from within your domU." echo "" echo "ssh into your domU now: 'ssh stack@$PUB_IP' using your password" echo "and then do: 'tail -f /opt/stack/run.sh.log'" echo "" echo "When the script completes, you can then visit the OpenStack Dashboard" echo "at http://$PUB_IP, and contact other services at the usual ports." fi