#!/usr/bin/env bash # **create_userrc.sh** # Pre-create rc files and credentials for the default users. # Warning: This script just for development purposes set -o errexit set -o xtrace ACCOUNT_DIR=./accrc function display_help { cat < This script creates certificates and sourcable rc files per tenant/user. Target account directory hierarchy: target_dir-| |-cacert.pem |-tenant1-name| | |- user1 | |- user1-cert.pem | |- user1-pk.pem | |- user2 | .. |-tenant2-name.. .. Optional Arguments -P include password to the rc files; with -A it assume all users password is the same -A try with all user -u create files just for the specified user -C create user and tenant, the specifid tenant will be the user's tenant -r when combined with -C and the (-u) user exists it will be the user's tenant role in the (-C)tenant (default: Member) -p password for the user --os-username --os-password --os-tenant-name --os-tenant-id --os-auth-url --os-cacert --target-dir --skip-tenant --debug Example: $0 -AP $0 -P -C mytenant -u myuser -p mypass EOF } if ! options=$(getopt -o hPAp:u:r:C: -l os-username:,os-password:,os-tenant-name:,os-tenant-id:,os-auth-url:,target-dir:,skip-tenant:,os-cacert:,help,debug -- "$@"); then display_help exit 1 fi eval set -- $options ADDPASS="" # The services users usually in the service tenant. # rc files for service users, is out of scope. # Supporting different tenant for services is out of scope. SKIP_TENANT="service" MODE="" ROLE=Member USER_NAME="" USER_PASS="" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) display_help; exit 0 ;; --os-username) export OS_USERNAME=$2; shift ;; --os-password) export OS_PASSWORD=$2; shift ;; --os-tenant-name) export OS_TENANT_NAME=$2; shift ;; --os-tenant-id) export OS_TENANT_ID=$2; shift ;; --skip-tenant) SKIP_TENANT="$SKIP_TENANT$2,"; shift ;; --os-auth-url) export OS_AUTH_URL=$2; shift ;; --os-cacert) export OS_CACERT=$2; shift ;; --target-dir) ACCOUNT_DIR=$2; shift ;; --debug) set -o xtrace ;; -u) MODE=${MODE:-one}; USER_NAME=$2; shift ;; -p) USER_PASS=$2; shift ;; -A) MODE=all; ;; -P) ADDPASS="yes" ;; -C) MODE=create; TENANT=$2; shift ;; -r) ROLE=$2; shift ;; (--) shift; break ;; (-*) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" >&2; display_help; exit 1 ;; (*) echo "$0: error - unexpected argument $1" >&2; display_help; exit 1 ;; esac shift done if [ -z "$OS_PASSWORD" ]; then if [ -z "$ADMIN_PASSWORD" ];then echo "The admin password is required option!" >&2 exit 2 else OS_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD fi fi if [ -z "$OS_TENANT_NAME" -a -z "$OS_TENANT_ID" ]; then export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin fi if [ -z "$OS_USERNAME" ]; then export OS_USERNAME=admin fi if [ -z "$OS_AUTH_URL" ]; then export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0/ fi USER_PASS=${USER_PASS:-$OS_PASSWORD} USER_NAME=${USER_NAME:-$OS_USERNAME} if [ -z "$MODE" ]; then echo "You must specify at least -A or -u parameter!" >&2 echo display_help exit 3 fi export -n SERVICE_TOKEN SERVICE_ENDPOINT OS_SERVICE_TOKEN OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT EC2_URL=$(openstack endpoint show -f value -c publicurl ec2 || true) if [[ -z $EC2_URL ]]; then EC2_URL=http://localhost:8773/services/Cloud fi S3_URL=$(openstack endpoint show -f value -c publicurl s3 || true) if [[ -z $S3_URL ]]; then S3_URL=http://localhost:3333 fi mkdir -p "$ACCOUNT_DIR" ACCOUNT_DIR=`readlink -f "$ACCOUNT_DIR"` EUCALYPTUS_CERT=$ACCOUNT_DIR/cacert.pem if [ -e "$EUCALYPTUS_CERT" ]; then mv "$EUCALYPTUS_CERT" "$EUCALYPTUS_CERT.old" fi if ! nova x509-get-root-cert "$EUCALYPTUS_CERT"; then echo "Failed to update the root certificate: $EUCALYPTUS_CERT" >&2 if [ -e "$EUCALYPTUS_CERT.old" ]; then mv "$EUCALYPTUS_CERT.old" "$EUCALYPTUS_CERT" fi fi function add_entry { local user_id=$1 local user_name=$2 local tenant_id=$3 local tenant_name=$4 local user_passwd=$5 # The admin user can see all user's secret AWS keys, it does not looks good local line=`openstack ec2 credentials list --user $user_id | grep " $tenant_id "` if [ -z "$line" ]; then openstack ec2 credentials create --user $user_id --project $tenant_id 1>&2 line=`openstack ec2 credentials list --user $user_id | grep " $tenant_id "` fi local ec2_access_key ec2_secret_key read ec2_access_key ec2_secret_key <<< `echo $line | awk '{print $2 " " $4 }'` mkdir -p "$ACCOUNT_DIR/$tenant_name" local rcfile="$ACCOUNT_DIR/$tenant_name/$user_name" # The certs subject part are the tenant ID "dash" user ID, but the CN should be the first part of the DN # Generally the subject DN parts should be in reverse order like the Issuer # The Serial does not seams correctly marked either local ec2_cert="$rcfile-cert.pem" local ec2_private_key="$rcfile-pk.pem" # Try to preserve the original file on fail (best effort) if [ -e "$ec2_private_key" ]; then mv -f "$ec2_private_key" "$ec2_private_key.old" fi if [ -e "$ec2_cert" ]; then mv -f "$ec2_cert" "$ec2_cert.old" fi # It will not create certs when the password is incorrect if ! nova --os-password "$user_passwd" --os-username "$user_name" --os-tenant-name "$tenant_name" x509-create-cert "$ec2_private_key" "$ec2_cert"; then if [ -e "$ec2_private_key.old" ]; then mv -f "$ec2_private_key.old" "$ec2_private_key" fi if [ -e "$ec2_cert.old" ]; then mv -f "$ec2_cert.old" "$ec2_cert" fi fi cat >"$rcfile" <>"$rcfile" fi } #admin users expected function create_or_get_project { local name=$1 local id eval $(openstack project show -f shell -c id $name) if [[ -z $id ]]; then eval $(openstack project create -f shell -c id $name) fi echo $id } function create_or_get_role { local name=$1 local id eval $(openstack role show -f shell -c id $name) if [[ -z $id ]]; then eval $(openstack role create -f shell -c id $name) fi echo $id } # Provides empty string when the user does not exists function get_user_id { openstack user list | grep " $1 " | cut -d " " -f2 } if [ $MODE != "create" ]; then # looks like I can't ask for all tenant related to a specified user openstack project list --long --quote none -f csv | grep ',True' | grep -v "${SKIP_TENANT}" | while IFS=, read tenant_id tenant_name desc enabled; do openstack user list --project $tenant_id --long --quote none -f csv | grep ',True' | while IFS=, read user_id user_name project email enabled; do if [ $MODE = one -a "$user_name" != "$USER_NAME" ]; then continue; fi # Checks for a specific password defined for an user. # Example for an username johndoe: # JOHNDOE_PASSWORD=1234 eval SPECIFIC_UPASSWORD="\$${USER_NAME^^}_PASSWORD" if [ -n "$SPECIFIC_UPASSWORD" ]; then USER_PASS=$SPECIFIC_UPASSWORD fi add_entry "$user_id" "$user_name" "$tenant_id" "$tenant_name" "$USER_PASS" done done else tenant_name=$TENANT tenant_id=$(create_or_get_project "$TENANT") user_name=$USER_NAME user_id=`get_user_id $user_name` if [ -z "$user_id" ]; then eval $(openstack user create "$user_name" --project "$tenant_id" --password "$USER_PASS" --email "$user_name@example.com" -f shell -c id) user_id=$id add_entry "$user_id" "$user_name" "$tenant_id" "$tenant_name" "$USER_PASS" else role_id=$(create_or_get_role "$ROLE") openstack role add "$role_id" --user "$user_id" --project "$tenant_id" add_entry "$user_id" "$user_name" "$tenant_id" "$tenant_name" "$USER_PASS" fi fi