#!/usr/bin/env bash # **info.sh** # Produce a report on the state of devstack installs # # Output fields are separated with '|' chars # Output types are git,localrc,os,pip,pkg: # git||[] # localtc|= # os|= # pip|| # pkg|| function usage { echo "$0 - Report on the devstack configuration" echo "" echo "Usage: $0" exit 1 } if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then usage fi # Keep track of the current directory TOOLS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) TOP_DIR=$(cd $TOOLS_DIR/..; pwd) cd $TOP_DIR # Import common functions source $TOP_DIR/functions # Source params source $TOP_DIR/stackrc DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} FILES=$TOP_DIR/files if [[ ! -d $FILES ]]; then echo "ERROR: missing devstack/files - did you grab more than just stack.sh?" exit 1 fi # OS # -- # Determine what OS we're using GetDistro echo "os|distro=$DISTRO" echo "os|vendor=$os_VENDOR" echo "os|release=$os_RELEASE" if [ -n "$os_UPDATE" ]; then echo "os|version=$os_UPDATE" fi # Repos # ----- # git_report function git_report() { local dir=$1 local proj ref branch head if [[ -d $dir/.git ]]; then pushd $dir >/dev/null proj=$(basename $dir) ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD) branch=${ref##refs/heads/} head=$(git show-branch --sha1-name $branch | cut -d' ' -f1) echo "git|${proj}|${branch}${head}" popd >/dev/null fi } for i in $DEST/*; do if [[ -d $i ]]; then git_report $i fi done # Packages # -------- # - We are going to check packages only for the services needed. # - We are parsing the packages files and detecting metadatas. if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then PKG_DIR=$FILES/apts else PKG_DIR=$FILES/rpms fi for p in $(get_packages $PKG_DIR); do if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then ver=$(dpkg -s $p 2>/dev/null | grep '^Version: ' | cut -d' ' -f2) else ver=$(rpm -q --queryformat "%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n" $p) fi echo "pkg|${p}|${ver}" done # Pips # ---- if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then CMD_PIP=/usr/bin/pip else CMD_PIP=/usr/bin/pip-python fi # Pip tells us what is currently installed FREEZE_FILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir freeze.XXXXXX) $CMD_PIP freeze >$FREEZE_FILE 2>/dev/null # Loop through our requirements and look for matches while read line; do if [[ -n "$line" ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ \+(.*)@(.*)#egg=(.*) ]]; then # Handle URLs p=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ver=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} elif [[ "$line" =~ (.*)[=\<\>]=(.*) ]]; then # Normal pip packages p=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ver=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else # Unhandled format in freeze file #echo "unknown: $p" continue fi echo "pip|${p}|${ver}" else # No match in freeze file #echo "unknown: $p" continue fi done <$FREEZE_FILE rm $FREEZE_FILE # localrc # ------- # Dump localrc with 'localrc|' prepended and comments and passwords left out if [[ -r $TOP_DIR/localrc ]]; then sed -e ' /PASSWORD/d; /^#/d; s/^/localrc\|/; ' $TOP_DIR/localrc fi