#!/bin/bash # This script must be run on a XenServer or XCP machine # # It creates a DomU VM that runs OpenStack services # # For more details see: README.md set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o xtrace export LC_ALL=C # Abort if localrc is not set if [ ! -e ../../localrc ]; then echo "You must have a localrc with ALL necessary passwords defined before proceeding." echo "See the xen README for required passwords." exit 1 fi # This directory THIS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Include onexit commands . $THIS_DIR/scripts/on_exit.sh # xapi functions . $THIS_DIR/functions # # Get Settings # # Source params - override xenrc params in your localrc to suit your taste source $THIS_DIR/xenrc xe_min() { local cmd="$1" shift xe "$cmd" --minimal "$@" } # # Prepare Dom0 # including installing XenAPI plugins # cd $THIS_DIR # Die if multiple hosts listed if have_multiple_hosts; then cat >&2 << EOF ERROR: multiple hosts found. This might mean that the XenServer is a member of a pool - Exiting. EOF exit 1 fi # # Configure Networking # MGT_NETWORK=`xe pif-list management=true params=network-uuid minimal=true` MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME=`xe network-list uuid=$MGT_NETWORK params=bridge minimal=true` setup_network "$VM_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" setup_network "$MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" setup_network "$PUB_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" # With neutron, one more network is required, which is internal to the # hypervisor, and used by the VMs setup_network "$XEN_INT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" if parameter_is_specified "FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE"; then if [ "$(bridge_for "$VM_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME")" != "$(bridge_for "$FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE")" ]; then cat >&2 << EOF ERROR: FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE is specified in localrc file, and either no network found on XenServer by searching for networks by that value as name-label or bridge name or the network found does not match the network specified by VM_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME. Please check your localrc file. EOF exit 1 fi fi if ! xenapi_is_listening_on "$MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME"; then cat >&2 << EOF ERROR: XenAPI does not have an assigned IP address on the management network. please review your XenServer network configuration / localrc file. EOF exit 1 fi HOST_IP=$(xenapi_ip_on "$MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME") # Set up ip forwarding, but skip on xcp-xapi if [ -a /etc/sysconfig/network ]; then if ! grep -q "FORWARD_IPV4=YES" /etc/sysconfig/network; then # FIXME: This doesn't work on reboot! echo "FORWARD_IPV4=YES" >> /etc/sysconfig/network fi fi # Also, enable ip forwarding in rc.local, since the above trick isn't working if ! grep -q "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" /etc/rc.local; then echo "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" >> /etc/rc.local fi # Enable ip forwarding at runtime as well echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # # Shutdown previous runs # DO_SHUTDOWN=${DO_SHUTDOWN:-1} CLEAN_TEMPLATES=${CLEAN_TEMPLATES:-false} if [ "$DO_SHUTDOWN" = "1" ]; then # Shutdown all domU's that created previously clean_templates_arg="" if $CLEAN_TEMPLATES; then clean_templates_arg="--remove-templates" fi ./scripts/uninstall-os-vpx.sh $clean_templates_arg # Destroy any instances that were launched for uuid in `xe vm-list | grep -1 instance | grep uuid | sed "s/.*\: //g"`; do echo "Shutting down nova instance $uuid" xe vm-uninstall uuid=$uuid force=true done # Destroy orphaned vdis for uuid in `xe vdi-list | grep -1 Glance | grep uuid | sed "s/.*\: //g"`; do xe vdi-destroy uuid=$uuid done fi # # Create Ubuntu VM template # and/or create VM from template # GUEST_NAME=${GUEST_NAME:-"DevStackOSDomU"} TNAME="jeos_template_for_devstack" SNAME_TEMPLATE="jeos_snapshot_for_devstack" SNAME_FIRST_BOOT="before_first_boot" function wait_for_VM_to_halt { set +x echo "Waiting for the VM to halt. Progress in-VM can be checked with vncviewer:" mgmt_ip=$(echo $XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL | tr -d -c '1234567890.') domid=$(get_domid "$GUEST_NAME") sleep 20 # Wait for the vnc-port to be written port=$(xenstore-read /local/domain/$domid/console/vnc-port) echo "vncviewer -via root@$mgmt_ip localhost:${port:2}" while true; do state=$(xe_min vm-list name-label="$GUEST_NAME" power-state=halted) if [ -n "$state" ]; then break else echo -n "." sleep 20 fi done set -x } templateuuid=$(xe template-list name-label="$TNAME") if [ -z "$templateuuid" ]; then # # Install Ubuntu over network # UBUNTU_INST_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME=${UBUNTU_INST_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME:-"$MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME"} # always update the preseed file, incase we have a newer one PRESEED_URL=${PRESEED_URL:-""} if [ -z "$PRESEED_URL" ]; then PRESEED_URL="${HOST_IP}/devstackubuntupreseed.cfg" HTTP_SERVER_LOCATION="/opt/xensource/www" if [ ! -e $HTTP_SERVER_LOCATION ]; then HTTP_SERVER_LOCATION="/var/www/html" mkdir -p $HTTP_SERVER_LOCATION fi cp -f $THIS_DIR/devstackubuntupreseed.cfg $HTTP_SERVER_LOCATION sed \ -e "s,\(d-i mirror/http/hostname string\).*,\1 $UBUNTU_INST_HTTP_HOSTNAME,g" \ -e "s,\(d-i mirror/http/directory string\).*,\1 $UBUNTU_INST_HTTP_DIRECTORY,g" \ -e "s,\(d-i mirror/http/proxy string\).*,\1 $UBUNTU_INST_HTTP_PROXY,g" \ -e "s,\(d-i passwd/root-password password\).*,\1 $GUEST_PASSWORD,g" \ -e "s,\(d-i passwd/root-password-again password\).*,\1 $GUEST_PASSWORD,g" \ -i "${HTTP_SERVER_LOCATION}/devstackubuntupreseed.cfg" fi # Update the template $THIS_DIR/scripts/install_ubuntu_template.sh $PRESEED_URL # create a new VM from the given template with eth0 attached to the given # network $THIS_DIR/scripts/install-os-vpx.sh \ -t "$UBUNTU_INST_TEMPLATE_NAME" \ -n "$UBUNTU_INST_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" \ -l "$GUEST_NAME" set_vm_memory "$GUEST_NAME" "$OSDOMU_MEM_MB" xe vm-start vm="$GUEST_NAME" # wait for install to finish wait_for_VM_to_halt # set VM to restart after a reboot vm_uuid=$(xe_min vm-list name-label="$GUEST_NAME") xe vm-param-set actions-after-reboot=Restart uuid="$vm_uuid" # Make template from VM snuuid=$(xe vm-snapshot vm="$GUEST_NAME" new-name-label="$SNAME_TEMPLATE") xe snapshot-clone uuid=$snuuid new-name-label="$TNAME" else # # Template already installed, create VM from template # vm_uuid=$(xe vm-install template="$TNAME" new-name-label="$GUEST_NAME") fi if [ -n "${EXIT_AFTER_JEOS_INSTALLATION:-}" ]; then echo "User requested to quit after JEOS instalation" exit 0 fi # # Prepare VM for DevStack # # Install XenServer tools, and other such things $THIS_DIR/prepare_guest_template.sh "$GUEST_NAME" # Set virtual machine parameters set_vm_memory "$GUEST_NAME" "$OSDOMU_MEM_MB" # Max out VCPU count for better performance max_vcpus "$GUEST_NAME" # Wipe out all network cards destroy_all_vifs_of "$GUEST_NAME" # Add only one interface to prepare the guest template add_interface "$GUEST_NAME" "$MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" "0" # start the VM to run the prepare steps xe vm-start vm="$GUEST_NAME" # Wait for prep script to finish and shutdown system wait_for_VM_to_halt ## Setup network cards # Wipe out all destroy_all_vifs_of "$GUEST_NAME" # Tenant network add_interface "$GUEST_NAME" "$VM_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" "$VM_DEV_NR" # Management network add_interface "$GUEST_NAME" "$MGT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" "$MGT_DEV_NR" # Public network add_interface "$GUEST_NAME" "$PUB_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" "$PUB_DEV_NR" # # Inject DevStack inside VM disk # $THIS_DIR/build_xva.sh "$GUEST_NAME" # Attach a network interface for the integration network (so that the bridge # is created by XenServer). This is required for Neutron. Also pass that as a # kernel parameter for DomU attach_network "$XEN_INT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME" XEN_INTEGRATION_BRIDGE=$(bridge_for "$XEN_INT_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME") append_kernel_cmdline \ "$GUEST_NAME" \ "xen_integration_bridge=${XEN_INTEGRATION_BRIDGE}" FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE="${FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE:-$(bridge_for "$VM_BRIDGE_OR_NET_NAME")}" append_kernel_cmdline "$GUEST_NAME" "flat_network_bridge=${FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE}" # Add a separate xvdb, if it was requested if [[ "0" != "$XEN_XVDB_SIZE_GB" ]]; then vm=$(xe vm-list name-label="$GUEST_NAME" --minimal) # Add a new disk localsr=$(get_local_sr) extra_vdi=$(xe vdi-create \ name-label=xvdb-added-by-devstack \ virtual-size="${XEN_XVDB_SIZE_GB}GiB" \ sr-uuid=$localsr type=user) xe vbd-create vm-uuid=$vm vdi-uuid=$extra_vdi device=1 fi # create a snapshot before the first boot # to allow a quick re-run with the same settings xe vm-snapshot vm="$GUEST_NAME" new-name-label="$SNAME_FIRST_BOOT" # # Run DevStack VM # xe vm-start vm="$GUEST_NAME" function ssh_no_check { ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$@" } # Get hold of the Management IP of OpenStack VM OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS=$MGT_IP if [ $OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS == "dhcp" ]; then OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS=$(find_ip_by_name $GUEST_NAME $MGT_DEV_NR) fi # Get hold of the Service IP of OpenStack VM if [ $HOST_IP_IFACE == "eth${MGT_DEV_NR}" ]; then OS_VM_SERVICES_ADDRESS=$MGT_IP if [ $MGT_IP == "dhcp" ]; then OS_VM_SERVICES_ADDRESS=$(find_ip_by_name $GUEST_NAME $MGT_DEV_NR) fi else OS_VM_SERVICES_ADDRESS=$PUB_IP if [ $PUB_IP == "dhcp" ]; then OS_VM_SERVICES_ADDRESS=$(find_ip_by_name $GUEST_NAME $PUB_DEV_NR) fi fi # Create an ssh-keypair, and set it up for dom0 user rm -f /root/dom0key /root/dom0key.pub ssh-keygen -f /root/dom0key -P "" -C "dom0" DOMID=$(get_domid "$GUEST_NAME") xenstore-write /local/domain/$DOMID/authorized_keys/$DOMZERO_USER "$(cat /root/dom0key.pub)" xenstore-chmod -u /local/domain/$DOMID/authorized_keys/$DOMZERO_USER r$DOMID function run_on_appliance { ssh \ -i /root/dom0key \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -o BatchMode=yes \ "$DOMZERO_USER@$OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS" "$@" } # Wait until we can log in to the appliance while ! run_on_appliance true; do sleep 1 done # Remove authenticated_keys updater cronjob echo "" | run_on_appliance crontab - # Generate a passwordless ssh key for domzero user echo "ssh-keygen -f /home/$DOMZERO_USER/.ssh/id_rsa -C $DOMZERO_USER@appliance -N \"\" -q" | run_on_appliance # Authenticate that user to dom0 run_on_appliance cat /home/$DOMZERO_USER/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys # If we have copied our ssh credentials, use ssh to monitor while the installation runs WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH=${WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH:-1} COPYENV=${COPYENV:-1} if [ "$WAIT_TILL_LAUNCH" = "1" ] && [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ] && [ "$COPYENV" = "1" ]; then set +x echo "VM Launched - Waiting for devstack to start" while ! ssh_no_check -q stack@$OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS "service devstack status | grep -q running"; do sleep 10 done echo -n "devstack service is running, waiting for stack.sh to start logging..." while ! ssh_no_check -q stack@$OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS "test -e /tmp/devstack/log/stack.log"; do sleep 10 done set -x # Watch devstack's output (which doesn't start until stack.sh is running, # but wait for run.sh (which starts stack.sh) to exit as that is what # hopefully writes the succeeded cookie. pid=`ssh_no_check -q stack@$OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS pgrep run.sh` ssh_no_check -q stack@$OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS "tail --pid $pid -n +1 -f /tmp/devstack/log/stack.log" # Fail if devstack did not succeed ssh_no_check -q stack@$OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS 'test -e /var/run/devstack.succeeded' set +x echo "################################################################################" echo "" echo "All Finished!" echo "You can visit the OpenStack Dashboard" echo "at http://$OS_VM_SERVICES_ADDRESS, and contact other services at the usual ports." else set +x echo "################################################################################" echo "" echo "All Finished!" echo "Now, you can monitor the progress of the stack.sh installation by " echo "looking at the console of your domU / checking the log files." echo "" echo "ssh into your domU now: 'ssh stack@$OS_VM_MANAGEMENT_ADDRESS' using your password" echo "and then do: 'sudo service devstack status' to check if devstack is still running." echo "Check that /var/run/devstack.succeeded exists" echo "" echo "When devstack completes, you can visit the OpenStack Dashboard" echo "at http://$OS_VM_SERVICES_ADDRESS, and contact other services at the usual ports." fi