#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tests for DevStack functions TOP=$(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd) # Import common functions source $TOP/functions source $TOP/tests/unittest.sh echo "Testing die_if_not_set()" bash -c "source $TOP/functions; X=`echo Y && true`; die_if_not_set $LINENO X 'not OK'" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then failed "die_if_not_set [X='Y' true] Failed" else passed 'OK' fi bash -c "source $TOP/functions; X=`true`; die_if_not_set $LINENO X 'OK'" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then failed "die_if_not_set [X='' true] Failed" fi bash -c "source $TOP/functions; X=`echo Y && false`; die_if_not_set $LINENO X 'not OK'" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then failed "die_if_not_set [X='Y' false] Failed" else passed 'OK' fi bash -c "source $TOP/functions; X=`false`; die_if_not_set $LINENO X 'OK'" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then failed "die_if_not_set [X='' false] Failed" fi # Enabling/disabling services echo "Testing enable_service()" function test_enable_service { local start="$1" local add="$2" local finish="$3" ENABLED_SERVICES="$start" enable_service $add if [ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" = "$finish" ]; then passed "OK: $start + $add -> $ENABLED_SERVICES" else failed "changing $start to $finish with $add failed: $ENABLED_SERVICES" fi } test_enable_service '' a 'a' test_enable_service 'a' b 'a,b' test_enable_service 'a,b' c 'a,b,c' test_enable_service 'a,b' c 'a,b,c' test_enable_service 'a,b,' c 'a,b,c' test_enable_service 'a,b' c,d 'a,b,c,d' test_enable_service 'a,b' "c d" 'a,b,c,d' test_enable_service 'a,b,c' c 'a,b,c' test_enable_service 'a,b,-c' c 'a,b' test_enable_service 'a,b,c' -c 'a,b' function test_disable_service { local start="$1" local del="$2" local finish="$3" ENABLED_SERVICES="$start" disable_service "$del" if [ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" = "$finish" ]; then passed "OK: $start - $del -> $ENABLED_SERVICES" else failed "changing $start to $finish with $del failed: $ENABLED_SERVICES" fi } echo "Testing disable_service()" test_disable_service 'a,b,c' a 'b,c' test_disable_service 'a,b,c' b 'a,c' test_disable_service 'a,b,c' c 'a,b' test_disable_service 'a,b,c' a 'b,c' test_disable_service 'b,c' b 'c' test_disable_service 'c' c '' test_disable_service '' d '' test_disable_service 'a,b,c,' c 'a,b' test_disable_service 'a,b' c 'a,b' echo "Testing disable_all_services()" ENABLED_SERVICES=a,b,c disable_all_services if [[ -z "$ENABLED_SERVICES" ]]; then passed "OK" else failed "disabling all services FAILED: $ENABLED_SERVICES" fi echo "Testing disable_negated_services()" function test_disable_negated_services { local start="$1" local finish="$2" ENABLED_SERVICES="$start" disable_negated_services if [ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" = "$finish" ]; then passed "OK: $start + $add -> $ENABLED_SERVICES" else failed "changing $start to $finish failed: $ENABLED_SERVICES" fi } test_disable_negated_services '-a' '' test_disable_negated_services '-a,a' '' test_disable_negated_services '-a,-a' '' test_disable_negated_services 'a,-a' '' test_disable_negated_services 'b,a,-a' 'b' test_disable_negated_services 'a,b,-a' 'b' test_disable_negated_services 'a,-a,b' 'b' test_disable_negated_services 'a,aa,-a' 'aa' test_disable_negated_services 'aa,-a' 'aa' test_disable_negated_services 'a_a, -a_a' '' test_disable_negated_services 'a-b, -a-b' '' test_disable_negated_services 'a-b, b, -a-b' 'b' test_disable_negated_services 'a,-a,av2,b' 'av2,b' test_disable_negated_services 'a,aa,-a' 'aa' test_disable_negated_services 'a,av2,-a,a' 'av2' test_disable_negated_services 'a,-a,av2' 'av2' echo "Testing remove_disabled_services()" function test_remove_disabled_services { local service_list="$1" local remove_list="$2" local expected="$3" results=$(remove_disabled_services "$service_list" "$remove_list") if [ "$results" = "$expected" ]; then passed "OK: '$service_list' - '$remove_list' -> '$results'" else failed "getting '$expected' from '$service_list' - '$remove_list' failed: '$results'" fi } test_remove_disabled_services 'a,b,c' 'a,c' 'b' test_remove_disabled_services 'a,b,c' 'b' 'a,c' test_remove_disabled_services 'a,b,c,d' 'a,c d' 'b' test_remove_disabled_services 'a,b c,d' 'a d' 'b,c' test_remove_disabled_services 'a,b,c' 'a,b,c' '' test_remove_disabled_services 'a,b,c' 'd' 'a,b,c' test_remove_disabled_services 'a,b,c' '' 'a,b,c' test_remove_disabled_services '' 'a,b,c' '' test_remove_disabled_services '' '' '' echo "Testing is_package_installed()" if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then GetOSVersion fi if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then is_package_installed dpkg VAL=$? elif [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then is_package_installed rpm VAL=$? else VAL=1 fi if [[ "$VAL" -eq 0 ]]; then passed "OK" else failed "is_package_installed() on existing package failed" fi if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then is_package_installed dpkg bash VAL=$? elif [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then is_package_installed rpm bash VAL=$? else VAL=1 fi if [[ "$VAL" -eq 0 ]]; then passed "OK" else failed "is_package_installed() on more than one existing package failed" fi is_package_installed zzzZZZzzz VAL=$? if [[ "$VAL" -ne 0 ]]; then passed "OK" else failed "is_package_installed() on non-existing package failed" fi # test against removed package...was a bug on Ubuntu if is_ubuntu; then PKG=cowsay if ! (dpkg -s $PKG >/dev/null 2>&1); then # it was never installed...set up the condition sudo apt-get install -y cowsay >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if (dpkg -s $PKG >/dev/null 2>&1); then # remove it to create the 'un' status sudo dpkg -P $PKG >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # now test the installed check on a deleted package is_package_installed $PKG VAL=$? if [[ "$VAL" -ne 0 ]]; then passed "OK" else failed "is_package_installed() on deleted package failed" fi fi # test isset function echo "Testing isset()" you_should_not_have_this_variable=42 if isset "you_should_not_have_this_variable"; then passed "OK" else failed "\"you_should_not_have_this_variable\" not declared. failed" fi unset you_should_not_have_this_variable if isset "you_should_not_have_this_variable"; then failed "\"you_should_not_have_this_variable\" looks like declared variable." else passed "OK" fi function test_export_proxy_variables { echo "Testing export_proxy_variables()" local expected results http_proxy=http_proxy_test https_proxy=https_proxy_test no_proxy=no_proxy_test export_proxy_variables expected=$(echo -e "http_proxy=$http_proxy\nhttps_proxy=$https_proxy\nno_proxy=$no_proxy") results=$(env | egrep '(http(s)?|no)_proxy=') if [[ $expected = $results ]]; then passed "OK: Proxy variables are exported when proxy variables are set" else failed "Expected: $expected, Failed: $results" fi unset http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy export_proxy_variables results=$(env | egrep '(http(s)?|no)_proxy=') if [[ "" = $results ]]; then passed "OK: Proxy variables aren't exported when proxy variables aren't set" else failed "Expected: '', Failed: $results" fi } test_export_proxy_variables report_results