#!/usr/bin/env bash # Test swift via the command line tools that ship with it. # This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see # only the first error that occured. set -o errexit # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # Settings # ======== # Use openrc + stackrc + localrc for settings pushd $(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd) source ./openrc popd # Testing Swift # ============= # Check if we have to swift via keystone swift stat # We start by creating a test container swift post testcontainer # add some files into it. swift upload testcontainer /etc/issue # list them swift list testcontainer # And we may want to delete them now that we have tested that # everything works. swift delete testcontainer