# lib/n-vol # Install and start Nova volume service # Dependencies: # - functions # - DATA_DIR must be defined # - KEYSTONE_AUTH_* must be defined # - NOVA_DIR, NOVA_BIN_DIR, NOVA_STATE_PATH must be defined # SERVICE_{TENANT_NAME|PASSWORD} must be defined # _configure_tgt_for_config_d() from lib/cinder # stack.sh # --------- # install_nvol # configure_nvol # init_nvol # start_nvol # stop_nvol # cleanup_nvol # Save trace setting XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace # Defaults # -------- # Name of the LVM volume group to use/create for iscsi volumes VOLUME_GROUP=${VOLUME_GROUP:-stack-volumes} VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX=${VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX:-volume-} # cleanup_nvol() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous # runs that a clean run would need to clean up function cleanup_nvol() { # kill instances (nova) # delete image files (glance) # This function intentionally left blank : } # configure_nvol() - Set config files, create data dirs, etc function configure_nvol() { # sudo python setup.py deploy # iniset $XXX_CONF ... # This function intentionally left blank : } # init_nvol() - Initialize databases, etc. function init_nvol() { # Configure a default volume group called '`stack-volumes`' for the volume # service if it does not yet exist. If you don't wish to use a file backed # volume group, create your own volume group called ``stack-volumes`` before # invoking ``stack.sh``. # # By default, the backing file is 5G in size, and is stored in ``/opt/stack/data``. if ! sudo vgs $VOLUME_GROUP; then VOLUME_BACKING_FILE=${VOLUME_BACKING_FILE:-$DATA_DIR/${VOLUME_GROUP}-backing-file} # Only create if the file doesn't already exists [[ -f $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE ]] || truncate -s $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE DEV=`sudo losetup -f --show $VOLUME_BACKING_FILE` # Only create if the loopback device doesn't contain $VOLUME_GROUP if ! sudo vgs $VOLUME_GROUP; then sudo vgcreate $VOLUME_GROUP $DEV; fi fi mkdir -p $NOVA_STATE_PATH/volumes if sudo vgs $VOLUME_GROUP; then if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then # RPM doesn't start the service start_service tgtd fi # Remove nova iscsi targets sudo tgtadm --op show --mode target | grep $VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX | grep Target | cut -f3 -d ' ' | sudo xargs -n1 tgt-admin --delete || true # Clean out existing volumes for lv in `sudo lvs --noheadings -o lv_name $VOLUME_GROUP`; do # ``VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX`` prefixes the LVs we want if [[ "${lv#$VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX}" != "$lv" ]]; then sudo lvremove -f $VOLUME_GROUP/$lv fi done fi } # install_nvol() - Collect source and prepare function install_nvol() { # git clone xxx # Install is handled when installing Nova : } # start_nvol() - Start running processes, including screen function start_nvol() { # Setup the tgt configuration file if [[ ! -f /etc/tgt/conf.d/nova.conf ]]; then _configure_tgt_for_config_d sudo mkdir -p /etc/tgt/conf.d echo "include $NOVA_STATE_PATH/volumes/*" | sudo tee /etc/tgt/conf.d/nova.conf fi if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then # tgt in oneiric doesn't restart properly if tgtd isn't running # do it in two steps sudo stop tgt || true sudo start tgt else restart_service tgtd fi screen_it n-vol "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-volume" } # stop_nvol() - Stop running processes function stop_nvol() { # Kill the nova volume screen window screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p n-vol -X kill stop_service tgt } # Restore xtrace $XTRACE