#!/usr/bin/env bash # **clean.sh** # ``clean.sh`` does its best to eradicate traces of a Grenade # run except for the following: # - both base and target code repos are left alone # - packages (system and pip) are left alone # This means that all data files are removed. More?? # Keep track of the current devstack directory. TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Import common functions source $TOP_DIR/functions # Load local configuration source $TOP_DIR/stackrc # Get the variables that are set in stack.sh if [[ -r $TOP_DIR/.stackenv ]]; then source $TOP_DIR/.stackenv fi # Determine what system we are running on. This provides ``os_VENDOR``, # ``os_RELEASE``, ``os_UPDATE``, ``os_PACKAGE``, ``os_CODENAME`` # and ``DISTRO`` GetDistro # Import database library source $TOP_DIR/lib/database source $TOP_DIR/lib/rpc_backend source $TOP_DIR/lib/tls source $TOP_DIR/lib/horizon source $TOP_DIR/lib/keystone source $TOP_DIR/lib/glance source $TOP_DIR/lib/nova source $TOP_DIR/lib/cinder source $TOP_DIR/lib/swift source $TOP_DIR/lib/ceilometer source $TOP_DIR/lib/heat source $TOP_DIR/lib/quantum source $TOP_DIR/lib/baremetal source $TOP_DIR/lib/ldap # See if there is anything running... # need to adapt when run_service is merged SESSION=$(screen -ls | awk '/[0-9].stack/ { print $1 }') if [[ -n "$SESSION" ]]; then # Let unstack.sh do its thing first $TOP_DIR/unstack.sh --all fi # Clean projects cleanup_cinder cleanup_glance cleanup_keystone cleanup_nova cleanup_quantum cleanup_swift # cinder doesn't always clean up the volume group as it might be used elsewhere... # clean it up if it is a loop device VG_DEV=$(sudo losetup -j $DATA_DIR/${VOLUME_GROUP}-backing-file | awk -F':' '/backing-file/ { print $1}') if [[ -n "$VG_DEV" ]]; then sudo losetup -d $VG_DEV fi #if mount | grep $DATA_DIR/swift/drives; then # sudo umount $DATA_DIR/swift/drives/sdb1 #fi # Clean out /etc sudo rm -rf /etc/keystone /etc/glance /etc/nova /etc/cinder /etc/swift # Clean out tgt sudo rm /etc/tgt/conf.d/* # Clean up the message queue cleanup_rpc_backend cleanup_database # Clean up networking... # should this be in nova? # FIXED_IP_ADDR in br100 # Clean up files rm -f $TOP_DIR/.stackenv