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          <h2>openrc <small>User authentication settings</small></h2>
          <p><code>openrc</code> configures login credentials suitable for use
          with the OpenStack command-line tools.  <code>openrc</code> sources
          <code>stackrc</code> at the beginning (which in turn sources
          the <code>localrc</code> setion of <code>local.conf</code>) in
          order to pick up <code>HOST_IP</code>
          and/or <code>SERVICE_HOST</code> to use in the endpoints.
          The values shown below are the default values.</p>

          <dd>The introduction of Keystone to the OpenStack ecosystem has standardized the
            term <em>tenant</em> as the entity that owns resources.  In some places references
            still exist to the original Nova term <em>project</em> for this use.  Also,
            <em>tenant_name</em> is prefered to <em>tenant_id</em>.

          <dd>In addition to the owning entity (tenant), Nova stores the entity performing
            the action as the <em>user</em>.

          <dd>With Keystone you pass the keystone password instead of an api key.
            Recent versions of novaclient use OS_PASSWORD instead of NOVA_API_KEYs
            or NOVA_PASSWORD.

          <dt>HOST_IP, SERVICE_HOST</dt>
          <dd>Set API endpoint host using <code>HOST_IP</code>.  <code>SERVICE_HOST</code>
            may also be used to specify the endpoint, which is convenient for
            some <code>localrc</code> configurations.  Typically, <code>HOST_IP</code>
            is set in the <code>localrc</code> section.

          <dd>Authenticating against an OpenStack cloud using Keystone returns a <em>Token</em>
            and <em>Service Catalog</em>.  The catalog contains the endpoints for all services
            the user/tenant has access to - including Nova, Glance, Keystone and Swift.

          <dd>Some exercises call Glance directly.  On a single-node installation, Glance
            should be listening on <code>HOST_IP</code>.  If its running elsewhere
            it can be set here.

          <dd>Set command-line client log level to <code>DEBUG</code>.  These are
            commented out by default.
            <pre># export KEYSTONECLIENT_DEBUG=1
# export NOVACLIENT_DEBUG=1</pre></dd>


        <p>&copy; Openstack Foundation 2011-2013 &mdash; An
        <a href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Programs">OpenStack program</a>
        created by <a href="http://www.rackspace.com/cloud/private_edition/">Rackspace Cloud Builders</a></p>

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