# lib/config - Configuration file manipulation functions

# These functions have no external dependencies and the following side-effects:
# CONFIG_AWK_CMD is defined, default is ``awk``

# Meta-config files contain multiple INI-style configuration files
# using a specific new section header to delimit them:
#   [[group-name|file-name]]
# group-name refers to the group of configuration file changes to be processed
# at a particular time.  These are called phases in ``stack.sh`` but
# group here as these functions are not DevStack-specific.
# file-name is the destination of the config file

# Save trace setting
C_XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace

# Allow the awk command to be overridden on legacy platforms

# Get the section for the specific group and config file
# get_meta_section infile group configfile
function get_meta_section() {
    local file=$1
    local matchgroup=$2
    local configfile=$3

    [[ -r $file ]] || return 0
    [[ -z $configfile ]] && return 0

    $CONFIG_AWK_CMD -v matchgroup=$matchgroup -v configfile=$configfile '
        BEGIN { group = "" }
        /^\[\[.+|.*\]\]/ {
            if (group == "") {
                gsub("[][]", "", $1);
                split($1, a, "|");
                if (a[1] == matchgroup && a[2] == configfile) {
            } else {
            if (group != "")
                print $0
    ' $file

# Get a list of config files for a specific group
# get_meta_section_files infile group
function get_meta_section_files() {
    local file=$1
    local matchgroup=$2

    [[ -r $file ]] || return 0

    $CONFIG_AWK_CMD -v matchgroup=$matchgroup '
        /^\[\[.+\|.*\]\]/ {
            gsub("[][]", "", $1);
            split($1, a, "|");
            if (a[1] == matchgroup)
                print a[2]
    ' $file

# Merge the contents of a meta-config file into its destination config file
# If configfile does not exist it will be created.
# merge_config_file infile group configfile
function merge_config_file() {
    local file=$1
    local matchgroup=$2
    local configfile=$3

    [[ -r $configfile ]] || touch $configfile

    get_meta_section $file $matchgroup $configfile | \
    $CONFIG_AWK_CMD -v configfile=$configfile '
        BEGIN { section = "" }
        /^\[.+\]/ {
            gsub("[][]", "", $1);
        /^ *\#/ {
        /^.+/ {
            split($0, d, " *= *")
            print "iniset " configfile " " section " " d[1] " \"" d[2] "\""
    ' | while read a; do eval "$a"; done


# Merge all of the files specified by group
# merge_config_group infile group [group ...]
function merge_config_group() {
    local localfile=$1; shift
    local matchgroups=$@

    [[ -r $localfile ]] || return 0

    for group in $matchgroups; do
        for configfile in $(get_meta_section_files $localfile $group); do
            if [[ -d $(dirname $configfile) ]]; then
                merge_config_file $localfile $group $configfile

# Restore xtrace

# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: