#!/bin/bash # # Initial data for Keystone using python-keystoneclient # # Tenant User Roles # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # service glance admin # service heat service # if enabled # service ceilometer admin # if enabled # Tempest Only: # alt_demo alt_demo Member # # Variables set before calling this script: # SERVICE_TOKEN - aka admin_token in keystone.conf # SERVICE_ENDPOINT - local Keystone admin endpoint # SERVICE_TENANT_NAME - name of tenant containing service accounts # SERVICE_HOST - host used for endpoint creation # ENABLED_SERVICES - stack.sh's list of services to start # DEVSTACK_DIR - Top-level DevStack directory # KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND - used to determine service catalog creation # Defaults # -------- ADMIN_PASSWORD=${ADMIN_PASSWORD:-secrete} SERVICE_PASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD:-$ADMIN_PASSWORD} export SERVICE_TOKEN=$SERVICE_TOKEN export SERVICE_ENDPOINT=$SERVICE_ENDPOINT SERVICE_TENANT_NAME=${SERVICE_TENANT_NAME:-service} function get_id () { echo `"$@" | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'` } # Lookups SERVICE_TENANT=$(keystone tenant-list | awk "/ $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME / { print \$2 }") ADMIN_ROLE=$(keystone role-list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }") MEMBER_ROLE=$(keystone role-list | awk "/ Member / { print \$2 }") # Roles # ----- # The ResellerAdmin role is used by Nova and Ceilometer so we need to keep it. # The admin role in swift allows a user to act as an admin for their tenant, # but ResellerAdmin is needed for a user to act as any tenant. The name of this # role is also configurable in swift-proxy.conf RESELLER_ROLE=$(get_id keystone role-create --name=ResellerAdmin) # Service role, so service users do not have to be admins SERVICE_ROLE=$(get_id keystone role-create --name=service) # Services # -------- if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "n-api" ]] && [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "s-proxy" || "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "swift" ]]; then NOVA_USER=$(keystone user-list | awk "/ nova / { print \$2 }") # Nova needs ResellerAdmin role to download images when accessing # swift through the s3 api. keystone user-role-add \ --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --user-id $NOVA_USER \ --role-id $RESELLER_ROLE fi # Heat if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "heat" ]]; then HEAT_USER=$(get_id keystone user-create --name=heat \ --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" \ --tenant_id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --email=heat@example.com) keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --user-id $HEAT_USER \ --role-id $SERVICE_ROLE # heat_stack_user role is for users created by Heat keystone role-create --name heat_stack_user if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then HEAT_CFN_SERVICE=$(get_id keystone service-create \ --name=heat-cfn \ --type=cloudformation \ --description="Heat CloudFormation Service") keystone endpoint-create \ --region RegionOne \ --service_id $HEAT_CFN_SERVICE \ --publicurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$HEAT_API_CFN_PORT/v1" \ --adminurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$HEAT_API_CFN_PORT/v1" \ --internalurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$HEAT_API_CFN_PORT/v1" HEAT_SERVICE=$(get_id keystone service-create \ --name=heat \ --type=orchestration \ --description="Heat Service") keystone endpoint-create \ --region RegionOne \ --service_id $HEAT_SERVICE \ --publicurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$HEAT_API_PORT/v1/\$(tenant_id)s" \ --adminurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$HEAT_API_PORT/v1/\$(tenant_id)s" \ --internalurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$HEAT_API_PORT/v1/\$(tenant_id)s" fi fi # Glance if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "g-api" ]]; then GLANCE_USER=$(get_id keystone user-create \ --name=glance \ --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" \ --tenant_id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --email=glance@example.com) keystone user-role-add \ --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --user-id $GLANCE_USER \ --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then GLANCE_SERVICE=$(get_id keystone service-create \ --name=glance \ --type=image \ --description="Glance Image Service") keystone endpoint-create \ --region RegionOne \ --service_id $GLANCE_SERVICE \ --publicurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:9292" \ --adminurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:9292" \ --internalurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:9292" fi fi # Ceilometer if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "ceilometer" ]]; then CEILOMETER_USER=$(get_id keystone user-create --name=ceilometer \ --pass="$SERVICE_PASSWORD" \ --tenant_id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --email=ceilometer@example.com) keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --user-id $CEILOMETER_USER \ --role-id $ADMIN_ROLE # Ceilometer needs ResellerAdmin role to access swift account stats. keystone user-role-add --tenant-id $SERVICE_TENANT \ --user-id $CEILOMETER_USER \ --role-id $RESELLER_ROLE if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then CEILOMETER_SERVICE=$(get_id keystone service-create \ --name=ceilometer \ --type=metering \ --description="Ceilometer Service") keystone endpoint-create \ --region RegionOne \ --service_id $CEILOMETER_SERVICE \ --publicurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:8777" \ --adminurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:8777" \ --internalurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:8777" fi fi # EC2 if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "n-api" ]]; then if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then EC2_SERVICE=$(get_id keystone service-create \ --name=ec2 \ --type=ec2 \ --description="EC2 Compatibility Layer") keystone endpoint-create \ --region RegionOne \ --service_id $EC2_SERVICE \ --publicurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:8773/services/Cloud" \ --adminurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:8773/services/Admin" \ --internalurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:8773/services/Cloud" fi fi # S3 if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "n-obj" || "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "swift3" ]]; then if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then S3_SERVICE=$(get_id keystone service-create \ --name=s3 \ --type=s3 \ --description="S3") keystone endpoint-create \ --region RegionOne \ --service_id $S3_SERVICE \ --publicurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$S3_SERVICE_PORT" \ --adminurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$S3_SERVICE_PORT" \ --internalurl "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$S3_SERVICE_PORT" fi fi if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "tempest" ]]; then # Tempest has some tests that validate various authorization checks # between two regular users in separate tenants ALT_DEMO_TENANT=$(get_id keystone tenant-create \ --name=alt_demo) ALT_DEMO_USER=$(get_id keystone user-create \ --name=alt_demo \ --pass="$ADMIN_PASSWORD" \ --email=alt_demo@example.com) keystone user-role-add \ --tenant-id $ALT_DEMO_TENANT \ --user-id $ALT_DEMO_USER \ --role-id $MEMBER_ROLE fi