#!/usr/bin/env bash # info.sh - Produce a report on the state of devstack installs # # Output fields are separated with '|' chars # Output types are git,localrc,os,pip,pkg: # git||[] # localtc|= # os|= # pip|| # pkg|| function usage { echo "$0 - Report on the devstack configuration" echo "" echo "Usage: $0" exit 1 } if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then usage fi # Keep track of the current directory TOOLS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) TOP_DIR=$(cd $TOOLS_DIR/..; pwd) cd $TOP_DIR # Source params source $TOP_DIR/stackrc DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} FILES=$TOP_DIR/files if [[ ! -d $FILES ]]; then echo "ERROR: missing devstack/files - did you grab more than just stack.sh?" exit 1 fi # Repos # ----- # git_report function git_report() { local dir=$1 local proj ref branch head if [[ -d $dir/.git ]]; then pushd $dir >/dev/null proj=$(basename $dir) ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD) branch=${ref##refs/heads/} head=$(git show-branch --sha1-name $branch | cut -d' ' -f1) echo "git|${proj}|${branch}${head}" popd >/dev/null fi } for i in $DEST/*; do if [[ -d $i ]]; then git_report $i fi done # OS # -- GetOSInfo() { # Figure out which vedor we are if [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then . /etc/lsb-release VENDORNAME=$DISTRIB_ID RELEASE=$DISTRIB_RELEASE else for r in RedHat CentOS Fedora; do VENDORPKG="`echo $r | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`-release" VENDORNAME=$r RELEASE=`rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' $VENDORPKG` if [ $? = 0 ]; then break fi VENDORNAME="" done # Get update level if [ -n "`grep Update /etc/redhat-release`" ]; then # Get update UPDATE=`cat /etc/redhat-release | sed s/.*Update\ // | sed s/\)$//` else # Assume update 0 UPDATE=0 fi fi echo "os|vendor=$VENDORNAME" echo "os|release=$RELEASE" if [ -n "$UPDATE" ]; then echo "os|version=$UPDATE" fi } GetOSInfo # Packages # -------- # - We are going to check packages only for the services needed. # - We are parsing the packages files and detecting metadatas. # - If we have the meta-keyword dist:DISTRO or # dist:DISTRO1,DISTRO2 it will be installed only for those # distros (case insensitive). function get_packages() { local file_to_parse="general" local service for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }; do # Allow individual services to specify dependencies if [[ -e $FILES/apts/${service} ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} $service" fi if [[ $service == n-* ]]; then if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ nova ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} nova" fi elif [[ $service == g-* ]]; then if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ glance ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} glance" fi elif [[ $service == key* ]]; then if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ keystone ]]; then file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} keystone" fi fi done for file in ${file_to_parse}; do local fname=${FILES}/apts/${file} local OIFS line package distros distro [[ -e $fname ]] || { echo "missing: $fname"; exit 1; } OIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for line in $(<${fname}); do if [[ $line =~ (.*)#.*dist:([^ ]*) ]]; then # We are using BASH regexp matching feature. package=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} distros=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} for distro in ${distros//,/ }; do #In bash ${VAR,,} will lowecase VAR [[ ${distro,,} == ${DISTRO,,} ]] && echo $package done continue fi echo ${line%#*} done IFS=$OIFS done } for p in $(get_packages); do ver=$(dpkg -s $p 2>/dev/null | grep '^Version: ' | cut -d' ' -f2) echo "pkg|${p}|${ver}" done # Pips # ---- function get_pips() { cat $FILES/pips/* | uniq } # Pip tells us what is currently installed FREEZE_FILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir freeze.XXXXXX) pip freeze >$FREEZE_FILE 2>/dev/null # Loop through our requirements and look for matches for p in $(get_pips); do [[ "$p" = "-e" ]] && continue if [[ "$p" =~ \+?([^#]*)#? ]]; then # Get the URL from a remote reference p=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} fi line="`grep -i $p $FREEZE_FILE`" if [[ -n "$line" ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ \+(.*)@(.*)#egg=(.*) ]]; then # Handle URLs p=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ver=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} elif [[ "$line" =~ (.*)[=\<\>]=(.*) ]]; then # Normal pip packages p=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ver=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else # Unhandled format in freeze file #echo "unknown: $p" continue fi echo "pip|${p}|${ver}" else # No match in freeze file #echo "unknown: $p" continue fi done rm $FREEZE_FILE # localrc # ------- # Dump localrc with 'localrc|' prepended and comments and passwords left out if [[ -r $TOP_DIR/localrc ]]; then sed -e ' /PASSWORD/d; /^#/d; s/^/localrc\|/; ' $TOP_DIR/localrc | sort fi