Looking at some failures lately in Jenkins/Devstack runs and it would be handy to see if failures were time-out related versus flat out failed operations. More interestingly it might be worthwile to harvest the completion time info from the jenkins logs and keep track of any significant deviations introduced by code changes. Change-Id: I3bbcc5b9f8a4da2fcdb9f6f70913c2d6bc6e2b9b
233 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File
233 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# **volumes.sh**
# Test nova volumes with the nova command from python-novaclient
echo "*********************************************************************"
echo "Begin DevStack Exercise: $0"
echo "*********************************************************************"
# This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see
# only the first error that occured.
set -o errexit
# Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers
# an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs.
set -o xtrace
# Settings
# ========
# Keep track of the current directory
EXERCISE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
TOP_DIR=$(cd $EXERCISE_DIR/..; pwd)
# Import common functions
source $TOP_DIR/functions
# Import configuration
source $TOP_DIR/openrc
# Import exercise configuration
source $TOP_DIR/exerciserc
# If cinder or n-vol are not enabled we exit with exitcode 55 which mean
# exercise is skipped.
is_service_enabled cinder n-vol || exit 55
# Instance type to create
# Boot this image, use first AMi image if unset
# Security group name
# Launching a server
# ==================
# List servers for tenant:
nova list
# Images
# ------
# Nova has a **deprecated** way of listing images.
nova image-list
# But we recommend using glance directly
glance image-list
# Grab the id of the image to launch
IMAGE=$(glance image-list | egrep " $DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME " | get_field 1)
# Security Groups
# ---------------
# List of secgroups:
nova secgroup-list
# Create a secgroup
if ! nova secgroup-list | grep -q $SECGROUP; then
nova secgroup-create $SECGROUP "$SECGROUP description"
if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova secgroup-list | grep -q $SECGROUP; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Security group not created"
exit 1
# Configure Security Group Rules
nova secgroup-add-rule $SECGROUP icmp -1 -1
nova secgroup-add-rule $SECGROUP tcp 22 22
# determinine instance type
# -------------------------
# List of instance types:
nova flavor-list
INSTANCE_TYPE=`nova flavor-list | grep $DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE | get_field 1`
if [[ -z "$INSTANCE_TYPE" ]]; then
# grab the first flavor in the list to launch if default doesn't exist
INSTANCE_TYPE=`nova flavor-list | head -n 4 | tail -n 1 | get_field 1`
VM_UUID=`nova boot --flavor $INSTANCE_TYPE --image $IMAGE $NAME --security_groups=$SECGROUP | grep ' id ' | get_field 2`
die_if_not_set VM_UUID "Failure launching $NAME"
# Testing
# =======
# First check if it spins up (becomes active and responds to ping on
# internal ip). If you run this script from a nova node, you should
# bypass security groups and have direct access to the server.
# Waiting for boot
# ----------------
# check that the status is active within ACTIVE_TIMEOUT seconds
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova show $VM_UUID | grep status | grep -q ACTIVE; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "server didn't become active!"
exit 1
# get the IP of the server
IP=`nova show $VM_UUID | grep "private network" | get_field 2`
die_if_not_set IP "Failure retrieving IP address"
# for single node deployments, we can ping private ips
MULTI_HOST=`trueorfalse False $MULTI_HOST`
if [ "$MULTI_HOST" = "False" ]; then
# sometimes the first ping fails (10 seconds isn't enough time for the VM's
# network to respond?), so let's ping for a default of 15 seconds with a
# timeout of a second for each ping.
if ! timeout $BOOT_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! ping -c1 -w1 $IP; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Couldn't ping server"
exit 1
# On a multi-host system, without vm net access, do a sleep to wait for the boot
# Volumes
# -------
VOL_NAME="myvol-$(openssl rand -hex 4)"
# Verify it doesn't exist
if [[ -n "`nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | head -1 | get_field 2`" ]]; then
echo "Volume $VOL_NAME already exists"
exit 1
# Create a new volume
nova volume-create --display_name $VOL_NAME --display_description "test volume: $VOL_NAME" 1
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Failure creating volume $VOL_NAME"
exit 1
start_time=`date +%s`
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | grep available; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Volume $VOL_NAME not created"
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Failed volume-create after $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
exit 1
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Completed volume-create in $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
# Get volume ID
VOL_ID=`nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | head -1 | get_field 1`
die_if_not_set VOL_ID "Failure retrieving volume ID for $VOL_NAME"
# Attach to server
start_time=`date +%s`
nova volume-attach $VM_UUID $VOL_ID $DEVICE || \
die "Failure attaching volume $VOL_NAME to $NAME"
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | grep in-use; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Volume $VOL_NAME not attached to $NAME"
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Failed volume-attach after $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
exit 1
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Completed volume-attach in $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
VOL_ATTACH=`nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | head -1 | get_field -1`
die_if_not_set VOL_ATTACH "Failure retrieving $VOL_NAME status"
if [[ "$VOL_ATTACH" != $VM_UUID ]]; then
echo "Volume not attached to correct instance"
exit 1
# Detach volume
start_time=`date +%s`
nova volume-detach $VM_UUID $VOL_ID || die "Failure detaching volume $VOL_NAME from $NAME"
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME | grep available; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Volume $VOL_NAME not detached from $NAME"
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Failed volume-detach after $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
exit 1
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Completed volume-detach in $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
# Delete volume
start_time=`date +%s`
nova volume-delete $VOL_ID || die "Failure deleting volume $VOL_NAME"
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $VOL_NAME; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Volume $VOL_NAME not deleted"
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Failed volume-delete after $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
exit 1
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Completed volume-delete in $((end_time - start_time)) seconds"
# Shutdown the server
nova delete $VM_UUID || die "Failure deleting instance $NAME"
# Wait for termination
if ! timeout $TERMINATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while nova list | grep -q $VM_UUID; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "Server $NAME not deleted"
exit 1
# Delete a secgroup
nova secgroup-delete $SECGROUP || die "Failure deleting security group $SECGROUP"
set +o xtrace
echo "*********************************************************************"
echo "SUCCESS: End DevStack Exercise: $0"
echo "*********************************************************************"