I noticed this when debugging some grenade issues failures. An include of grenade/functions stores the current value of XTRACE (on) and disables xtrace for the rest of the import. We then include devstack's "functions" library, which now overwrites the stored value of XTRACE the current state; i.e. disabled. When it finishes it restores the prior state (disabled), and then grenade restores the same value of XTRACE (disabled). The result is that xtrace is incorrectly disabled until the next time it just happens to be turned on. The solution is to name-space the store of the current-value of xtrace so when we finish sourcing a file, we always restore the tracing value to what it was when we entered. Some files had already discovered this. In general there is inconsistency around the setting of the variable, and a lot of obvious copy-paste. This brings consistency across all files by using _XTRACE_* prefixes for the sotre/restore of tracing values. Change-Id: Iba7739eada5711d9c269cb4127fa712e9f961695
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# lib/horizon
# Functions to control the configuration and operation of the horizon service
# Dependencies:
# - ``functions`` file
# - ``apache`` file
# - ``SERVICE_{TENANT_NAME|PASSWORD}`` must be defined
# ``stack.sh`` calls the entry points in this order:
# - install_horizon
# - configure_horizon
# - init_horizon
# - start_horizon
# - stop_horizon
# - cleanup_horizon
# Save trace setting
_XTRACE_HORIZON=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Defaults
# --------
# Set up default directories
# local_settings.py is used to customize Dashboard settings.
# The example file in Horizon repo is used by default.
# Functions
# ---------
# utility method of setting python option
function _horizon_config_set {
local file=$1
local section=$2
local option=$3
local value=$4
if [ -z "$section" ]; then
sed -e "/^$option/d" -i $local_settings
echo -e "\n$option=$value" >> $file
elif grep -q "^$section" $file; then
local line
line=$(sed -ne "/^$section/,/^}/ { /^ *'$option':/ p; }" $file)
if [ -n "$line" ]; then
sed -i -e "/^$section/,/^}/ s/^\( *'$option'\) *:.*$/\1: $value,/" $file
sed -i -e "/^$section/a\ '$option': $value," $file
echo -e "\n\n$section = {\n '$option': $value,\n}" >> $file
# Entry Points
# ------------
# cleanup_horizon() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous
# runs that a clean run would need to clean up
function cleanup_horizon {
local horizon_conf
horizon_conf=$(apache_site_config_for horizon)
sudo rm -f $horizon_conf
# configure_horizon() - Set config files, create data dirs, etc
function configure_horizon {
setup_develop $HORIZON_DIR
# Compile message catalogs.
# Horizon is installed as develop mode, so we can compile here.
# Message catalog compilation is handled by Django admin script,
# so compiling them after the installation avoids Django installation twice.
(cd $HORIZON_DIR; ./run_tests.sh -N --compilemessages)
# init_horizon() - Initialize databases, etc.
function init_horizon {
# ``local_settings.py`` is used to override horizon default settings.
local local_settings=$HORIZON_DIR/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
cp $HORIZON_SETTINGS $local_settings
_horizon_config_set $local_settings "" WEBROOT \"$HORIZON_APACHE_ROOT/\"
_horizon_config_set $local_settings "" CUSTOM_THEME_PATH \"themes/webroot\"
_horizon_config_set $local_settings "" COMPRESS_OFFLINE True
_horizon_config_set $local_settings "" OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE \"Member\"
_horizon_config_set $local_settings "" OPENSTACK_HOST \"${KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST}\"
_horizon_config_set $local_settings "" OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS {\"identity\":3}
if [ -f $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE ]; then
_horizon_config_set $local_settings "" OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT \"${SSL_BUNDLE_FILE}\"
# Create an empty directory that apache uses as docroot
sudo mkdir -p $HORIZON_DIR/.blackhole
local horizon_conf
horizon_conf=$(apache_site_config_for horizon)
# Configure apache to run horizon
sudo sh -c "sed -e \"
\" $FILES/apache-horizon.template >$horizon_conf"
if is_ubuntu; then
disable_apache_site 000-default
sudo touch $horizon_conf
elif is_fedora; then
sudo sed '/^Listen/s/^.*$/Listen' -i /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
elif is_suse; then
: # nothing to do
exit_distro_not_supported "horizon apache configuration"
enable_apache_site horizon
# Remove old log files that could mess with how DevStack detects whether Horizon
# has been successfully started (see start_horizon() and functions::screen_it())
# and run_process
sudo rm -f /var/log/$APACHE_NAME/horizon_*
# Setup alias for django-admin which could be different depending on distro
local django_admin
if type -p django-admin > /dev/null; then
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openstack_dashboard.settings $django_admin collectstatic --noinput
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openstack_dashboard.settings $django_admin compress --force
# install_django_openstack_auth() - Collect source and prepare
function install_django_openstack_auth {
if use_library_from_git "django_openstack_auth"; then
local dir=${GITDIR["django_openstack_auth"]}
git_clone_by_name "django_openstack_auth"
# Compile message catalogs before installation
(cd $dir; python setup.py compile_catalog)
setup_dev_lib "django_openstack_auth"
# if we aren't using this library from git, then we just let it
# get dragged in by the horizon setup.
# install_horizon() - Collect source and prepare
function install_horizon {
# Apache installation, because we mark it NOPRIME
# start_horizon() - Start running processes, including screen
function start_horizon {
tail_log horizon /var/log/$APACHE_NAME/horizon_error.log
# stop_horizon() - Stop running processes (non-screen)
function stop_horizon {
# NOTE: It can be moved to common functions, but it is only used by compilation
# of django_openstack_auth catalogs at the moment.
function _prepare_message_catalog_compilation {
pip_install_gr Babel
# Restore xtrace
# Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode
## Local variables:
## mode: shell-script
## End: