Matt Riedemann e03bcb2c8b Remove crusty old python 3 package version logic
If we are running with python3, just assume that any
package that is not blacklisted is available for py3
and just attempt to install it and let pip sort it out
whether it gets installed from a local or remote package.

Change-Id: Ic05d183e489320f6dfc721575d47e7e4d661f87c
Closes-Bug: #1820892
2019-04-02 10:13:13 +00:00

567 lines
18 KiB

# **inc/python** - Python-related functions
# Support for pip/setuptools interfaces and virtual environments
# External functions used:
# - GetOSVersion
# - is_fedora
# - is_suse
# - safe_chown
# Save trace setting
INC_PY_TRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Global Config Variables
# PROJECT_VENV contains the name of the virtual environment for each
# project. A null value installs to the system Python directories.
declare -A -g PROJECT_VENV
# Python Functions
# ================
# Get the path to the pip command.
# get_pip_command
function get_pip_command {
local version="$1"
# NOTE(dhellmann): I don't know if we actually get a pip3.4-python
# under any circumstances.
which pip${version} || which pip${version}-python
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
die $LINENO "Unable to find pip${version}; cannot continue"
# Get the path to the directory where python executables are installed.
# get_python_exec_prefix
function get_python_exec_prefix {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then
local PYTHON_PATH=/usr/local/bin
( is_fedora && ! python3_enabled ) || is_suse && PYTHON_PATH=/usr/bin
# Wrapper for ``pip install`` that only installs versions of libraries
# from the global-requirements specification.
# Uses globals ``REQUIREMENTS_DIR``
# pip_install_gr packagename
function pip_install_gr {
local name=$1
local clean_name
clean_name=$(get_from_global_requirements $name)
pip_install $clean_name
# Wrapper for ``pip install`` that only installs versions of libraries
# from the global-requirements specification with extras.
# Uses globals ``REQUIREMENTS_DIR``
# pip_install_gr_extras packagename extra1,extra2,...
function pip_install_gr_extras {
local name=$1
local extras=$2
local clean_name
clean_name=$(get_from_global_requirements $name)
pip_install $clean_name[$extras]
# python3_enabled_for() assumes the service(s) specified as arguments are
# enabled for python 3 unless explicitly disabled. See python3_disabled_for().
# Multiple services specified as arguments are ``OR``'ed together; the test
# is a short-circuit boolean, i.e it returns on the first match.
# python3_enabled_for dir [dir ...]
function python3_enabled_for {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local enabled=1
local dirs=$@
local dir
for dir in ${dirs}; do
if ! python3_disabled_for "${dir}"; then
return $enabled
# python3_disabled_for() checks if the service(s) specified as arguments are
# disabled by the user in ``DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES``.
# Multiple services specified as arguments are ``OR``'ed together; the test
# is a short-circuit boolean, i.e it returns on the first match.
# python3_disabled_for dir [dir ...]
function python3_disabled_for {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local enabled=1
local dirs=$@
local dir
for dir in ${dirs}; do
[[ ,${DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES}, =~ ,${dir}, ]] && enabled=0
return $enabled
# enable_python3_package() -- no-op for backwards compatibility
# For example:
# enable_python3_package nova
# enable_python3_package dir [dir ...]
function enable_python3_package {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
echo "It is no longer necessary to call enable_python3_package()."
# disable_python3_package() adds the services passed as argument to
# For example:
# disable_python3_package swift
# disable_python3_package dir [dir ...]
function disable_python3_package {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local disabled_svcs="${DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES}"
local dir
for dir in $@; do
DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES=$(_cleanup_service_list "$disabled_svcs")
# Wrapper for ``pip install`` to set cache and proxy environment variables
# Uses globals ``OFFLINE``, ``PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV``,
# ``PIP_UPGRADE``, ``TRACK_DEPENDS``, ``*_proxy``,
# Usage:
# pip_install pip_arguments
function pip_install {
local xtrace result
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local upgrade=""
local offline=${OFFLINE:-False}
if [[ "$offline" == "True" || -z "$@" ]]; then
time_start "pip_install"
PIP_UPGRADE=$(trueorfalse False PIP_UPGRADE)
if [[ "$PIP_UPGRADE" = "True" ]] ; then
if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then
# Try to extract the path of the package we are installing into
# package_dir. We need this to check for test-requirements.txt,
# at least.
# ${!#} expands to the last positional argument to this function.
# With "extras" syntax included, our arguments might be something
# like:
# -e /path/to/fooproject[extra]
# Thus this magic line grabs just the path without extras
# Note that this makes no sense if this is a pypi (rather than
# local path) install; ergo you must check this path exists before
# use. Also, if we had multiple or mixed installs, we would also
# likely break. But for historical reasons, it's basically only
# the other wrapper functions in here calling this to install
# local packages, and they do so with single call per install. So
# this works (for now...)
local package_dir=${!#%\[*\]}
if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True && ! "$@" =~ virtualenv ]]; then
# TRACK_DEPENDS=True installation creates a circular dependency when
# we attempt to install virtualenv into a virtualenv, so we must global
# that installation.
source $DEST/.venv/bin/activate
local cmd_pip=$DEST/.venv/bin/pip
local sudo_pip="env"
if [[ -n ${PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV:=} && -d ${PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV} ]]; then
local cmd_pip=$PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip
local sudo_pip="env"
local cmd_pip
cmd_pip=$(get_pip_command $PYTHON2_VERSION)
local sudo_pip="sudo -H"
if python3_enabled; then
# Special case some services that have experimental
# support for python3 in progress, but don't claim support
# in their classifier
echo "Check python version for : $package_dir"
if python3_disabled_for ${package_dir##*/}; then
echo "Explicitly using $PYTHON2_VERSION version to install $package_dir based on DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES"
# For everything that is not explicitly blacklisted with
# DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES, assume it supports python3
# and we will let pip sort out the install, regardless of
# the package being local or remote.
echo "Using $PYTHON3_VERSION version to install $package_dir based on default behavior"
sudo_pip="$sudo_pip LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8"
cmd_pip=$(get_pip_command $PYTHON3_VERSION)
cmd_pip="$cmd_pip install"
# Always apply constraints
cmd_pip="$cmd_pip -c $REQUIREMENTS_DIR/upper-constraints.txt"
# FIXME(dhellmann): Need to force multiple versions of pip for
# packages like setuptools?
local pip_version
pip_version=$(python -c "import pip; \
if (( pip_version<6 )); then
die $LINENO "Currently installed pip version ${pip_version} does not" \
"meet minimum requirements (>=6)."
# Also install test requirements
local install_test_reqs=""
local test_req="${package_dir}/test-requirements.txt"
if [[ -e "$test_req" ]]; then
install_test_reqs="-r $test_req"
# adding SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE is a workaround to keep
# the same behaviour of setuptools before version 25.0.0.
# related issue:
$sudo_pip \
http_proxy="${http_proxy:-}" \
https_proxy="${https_proxy:-}" \
no_proxy="${no_proxy:-}" \
$cmd_pip $upgrade $install_test_reqs \
time_stop "pip_install"
return $result
function pip_uninstall {
# Skip uninstall if offline
[[ "${OFFLINE}" = "True" ]] && return
local name=$1
if [[ -n ${PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV:=} && -d ${PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV} ]]; then
local cmd_pip=$PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip
local sudo_pip="env"
local cmd_pip
cmd_pip=$(get_pip_command $PYTHON2_VERSION)
local sudo_pip="sudo -H"
# don't error if we can't uninstall, it might not be there
$sudo_pip $cmd_pip uninstall -y $name || /bin/true
# get version of a package from global requirements file
# get_from_global_requirements <package>
function get_from_global_requirements {
local package=$1
local required_pkg
required_pkg=$(grep -i -h ^${package} $REQUIREMENTS_DIR/global-requirements.txt | cut -d\# -f1)
if [[ $required_pkg == "" ]]; then
die $LINENO "Can't find package $package in requirements"
echo $required_pkg
# should we use this library from their git repo, or should we let it
# get pulled in via pip dependencies.
function use_library_from_git {
local name=$1
local enabled=1
[[ ${LIBS_FROM_GIT} = 'ALL' ]] || [[ ,${LIBS_FROM_GIT}, =~ ,${name}, ]] && enabled=0
return $enabled
# determine if a package was installed from git
function lib_installed_from_git {
local name=$1
local safe_name
safe_name=$(python -c "from pkg_resources import safe_name; \
# Note "pip freeze" doesn't always work here, because it tries to
# be smart about finding the remote of the git repo the package
# was installed from. This doesn't work with zuul which clones
# repos with no remote.
# The best option seems to be to use "pip list" which will tell
# you the path an editable install was installed from; for example
# in response to something like
# pip install -e 'git+'
# pip list --format columns shows
# bashate 0.5.2.dev19 /tmp/env/src/bashate
# Thus we check the third column to see if we're installed from
# some local place.
[[ -n $(pip list --format=columns 2>/dev/null | awk "/^$safe_name/ {print \$3}") ]]
# setup a library by name. If we are trying to use the library from
# git, we'll do a git based install, otherwise we'll punt and the
# library should be installed by a requirements pull from another
# project.
function setup_lib {
local name=$1
local dir=${GITDIR[$name]}
setup_install $dir
# setup a library by name in editable mode. If we are trying to use
# the library from git, we'll do a git based install, otherwise we'll
# punt and the library should be installed by a requirements pull from
# another project.
# use this for non namespaced libraries
# setup_dev_lib [-bindep] <name>
function setup_dev_lib {
local bindep
if [[ $1 == -bindep* ]]; then
local name=$1
local dir=${GITDIR[$name]}
if python3_enabled; then
# Turn off Python 3 mode and install the package again,
# forcing a Python 2 installation. This ensures that all libs
# being used for development are installed under both versions
# of Python.
echo "Installing $name again without Python 3 enabled"
setup_develop $bindep $dir
setup_develop $bindep $dir
# this should be used if you want to install globally, all libraries should
# use this, especially *oslo* ones
# setup_install project_dir [extras]
# project_dir: directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# extras: comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
# (e.g., ldap,memcache).
# See
# bindep: Set "-bindep" as first argument to install bindep.txt packages
# The command is like "pip install <project_dir>[<extras>]"
function setup_install {
local bindep
if [[ $1 == -bindep* ]]; then
local project_dir=$1
local extras=$2
_setup_package_with_constraints_edit $bindep $project_dir "" $extras
# this should be used for projects which run services, like all services
# setup_develop project_dir [extras]
# project_dir: directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# extras: comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
# (e.g., ldap,memcache).
# See
# The command is like "pip install -e <project_dir>[<extras>]"
function setup_develop {
local bindep
if [[ $1 == -bindep* ]]; then
local project_dir=$1
local extras=$2
_setup_package_with_constraints_edit $bindep $project_dir -e $extras
# ``pip install -e`` the package, which processes the dependencies
# using pip before running ` develop`
# Updates the constraints from REQUIREMENTS_DIR to reflect the
# future installed state of this package. This ensures when we
# install this package we get the from source version.
# Uses globals ``REQUIREMENTS_DIR``
# _setup_package_with_constraints_edit project_dir flags [extras]
# project_dir: directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# flags: pip CLI options/flags
# extras: comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
# (e.g., ldap,memcache).
# See
# The command is like "pip install <flags> <project_dir>[<extras>]"
function _setup_package_with_constraints_edit {
local bindep
if [[ $1 == -bindep* ]]; then
local project_dir=$1
local flags=$2
local extras=$3
# Normalize the directory name to avoid
# "installation from path or url cannot be constrained to a version"
# error.
# REVISIT(yamamoto): Remove this when fixed in pip.
project_dir=$(cd $project_dir && pwd)
if [ -n "$REQUIREMENTS_DIR" ]; then
# Constrain this package to this project directory from here on out.
local name
name=$(awk '/^name.*=/ {print $3}' $project_dir/setup.cfg)
$REQUIREMENTS_DIR/.venv/bin/edit-constraints \
$REQUIREMENTS_DIR/upper-constraints.txt -- $name \
"$flags file://$project_dir#egg=$name"
setup_package $bindep $project_dir "$flags" $extras
# If this project is in LIBS_FROM_GIT, verify it was actually installed
# correctly. This helps catch errors caused by constraints mismatches.
if use_library_from_git "$project_dir"; then
if ! lib_installed_from_git "$project_dir"; then
die $LINENO "The following LIBS_FROM_GIT was not installed correctly: $project_dir"
# ``pip install -e`` the package, which processes the dependencies
# using pip before running ` develop`. The command is like
# "pip install <flags> <project_dir>[<extras>]"
# Uses globals ``STACK_USER``
# Usage:
# setup_package [-bindep[=profile,profile]] <project_dir> <flags> [extras]
# -bindep : Use bindep to install dependencies; select extra profiles
# as comma separated arguments after "="
# project_dir : directory of project repo (e.g., /opt/stack/keystone)
# flags : pip CLI options/flags
# extras : comma-separated list of optional dependencies to install
# (e.g., ldap,memcache).
# See
function setup_package {
local bindep=0
local bindep_flag=""
local bindep_profiles=""
if [[ $1 == -bindep* ]]; then
IFS="=" read bindep_flag bindep_profiles <<< ${1}
local project_dir=$1
local flags=$2
local extras=$3
# if the flags variable exists, and it doesn't look like a flag,
# assume it's actually the extras list.
if [[ -n "$flags" && -z "$extras" && ! "$flags" =~ ^-.* ]]; then
if [[ ! -z "$extras" ]]; then
# install any bindep packages
if [[ $bindep == 1 ]]; then
install_bindep $project_dir/bindep.txt $bindep_profiles
pip_install $flags "$project_dir$extras"
# ensure that further actions can do things like sdist
if [[ "$flags" == "-e" ]]; then
safe_chown -R $STACK_USER $1/*.egg-info
# Report whether python 3 should be used
function python3_enabled {
if [[ $USE_PYTHON3 == "True" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Install python3 packages
function install_python3 {
if is_ubuntu; then
apt_get install python${PYTHON3_VERSION} python${PYTHON3_VERSION}-dev
elif is_suse; then
install_package python3-devel python3-dbm
function install_devstack_tools {
# intentionally old to ensure devstack-gate has control
local dstools_version=${DSTOOLS_VERSION:-0.1.2}
sudo pip3 install -U devstack-tools==${dstools_version}
# Restore xtrace
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: