John Garbutt b6c8714408 Install XenServer tools from the iso on XenServer
Fixes bug 1032122 by ensuring, where possible, we use the tools
shipped with XenServer rather than downloading the tools from

Change-Id: I4592eca315b4700e73097d678309d00323923c8b
2012-08-03 17:57:41 +01:00

91 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File

# This script is run on an Ubuntu VM.
# This script is inserted into the VM by
# and is run when that VM boots.
# It customizes a fresh Ubuntu install, so it is ready
# to run
# This includes installing the XenServer tools,
# creating the user called "stack",
# and shuts down the VM to signal the script has completed
set -x
# Echo commands
set -o xtrace
# Configurable nuggets
# Install basics
chroot $STAGING_DIR apt-get update
chroot $STAGING_DIR apt-get install -y cracklib-runtime curl wget ssh openssh-server tcpdump ethtool
chroot $STAGING_DIR apt-get install -y curl wget ssh openssh-server python-pip git vim-nox sudo
chroot $STAGING_DIR pip install xenapi
# Install XenServer guest utilities
chroot $STAGING_DIR dpkg -i $XS_TOOLS_PATH
chroot $STAGING_DIR update-rc.d -f xe-linux-distribution remove
chroot $STAGING_DIR update-rc.d xe-linux-distribution defaults
# Make a small cracklib dictionary, so that passwd still works, but we don't
# have the big dictionary.
mkdir -p $STAGING_DIR/usr/share/cracklib
echo a | chroot $STAGING_DIR cracklib-packer
# Make /etc/shadow, and set the root password
chroot $STAGING_DIR "pwconv"
echo "root:$GUEST_PASSWORD" | chroot $STAGING_DIR chpasswd
# Put the VPX into UTC.
rm -f $STAGING_DIR/etc/localtime
# Add stack user
chroot $STAGING_DIR groupadd libvirtd
chroot $STAGING_DIR useradd stack -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -G libvirtd
echo stack:$GUEST_PASSWORD | chroot $STAGING_DIR chpasswd
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> $STAGING_DIR/etc/sudoers
# Give ownership of /opt/stack to stack user
chroot $STAGING_DIR chown -R stack /opt/stack
# Make our ip address hostnames look nice at the command prompt
echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.bashrc
echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $STAGING_DIR/root/.bashrc
echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $STAGING_DIR/etc/profile
function setup_vimrc {
if [ ! -e $1 ]; then
# Simple but usable vimrc
cat > $1 <<EOF
syntax on
se ts=4
se expandtab
se shiftwidth=4
# Setup simple .vimrcs
setup_vimrc $STAGING_DIR/root/.vimrc
setup_vimrc $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.vimrc
if [ "$DO_TGZ" = "1" ]; then
# Compress
rm -f stage.tgz
tar cfz stage.tgz stage
# remove self from local.rc
# so this script is not run again
rm -rf /etc/rc.local
mv /etc/rc.local.preparebackup /etc/rc.local
cp $STAGING_DIR/etc/rc.local $STAGING_DIR/etc/rc.local.backup
# shutdown to notify we are done
shutdown -h now