The upstream version of requests contains a copy of urllib3 and cardet library, common practice in many distros to create symbolic links for these libraries instead of creating a huge package which contains the same library as the distro provides as separate package as well. Now devstack upgrades the urllib3 to incompatible version, but it leaves the requests unchanged because Fedora already has the latest version. The issue does not happens with Ubuntu because it has older requests and devstack updates it as well. The pip installed version contains a bundled urllib3 and the actually installed urllib3 version does not matters. This is not the `usual` distro package overrides pip installed package case. Change-Id: Icfa71368384b0c2e3ff39265b2fa9190b5566b9b Related-Bug: #1476770
169 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
169 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# **fixup_stuff.sh**
# fixup_stuff.sh
# All distro and package specific hacks go in here
# - prettytable 0.7.2 permissions are 600 in the package and
# pip 1.4 doesn't fix it (1.3 did)
# - httplib2 0.8 permissions are 600 in the package and
# pip 1.4 doesn't fix it (1.3 did)
# - Fedora:
# - set selinux not enforcing
# - uninstall firewalld (f20 only)
# If ``TOP_DIR`` is set we're being sourced rather than running stand-alone
# or in a sub-shell
if [[ -z "$TOP_DIR" ]]; then
set -o errexit
set -o xtrace
# Keep track of the current directory
TOOLS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
TOP_DIR=$(cd $TOOLS_DIR/..; pwd)
# Change dir to top of DevStack
# Import common functions
source $TOP_DIR/functions
# Keystone Port Reservation
# -------------------------
# Reserve and prevent ``KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT`` and ``KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT_INT`` from
# being used as ephemeral ports by the system. The default(s) are 35357 and
# 35358 which are in the Linux defined ephemeral port range (in disagreement
# with the IANA ephemeral port range). This is a workaround for bug #1253482
# where Keystone will try and bind to the port and the port will already be
# in use as an ephemeral port by another process. This places an explicit
# exception into the Kernel for the Keystone AUTH ports.
# Only do the reserved ports when available, on some system (like containers)
# where it's not exposed we are almost pretty sure these ports would be
# exclusive for our DevStack.
if sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Get any currently reserved ports, strip off leading whitespace
reserved_ports=$(sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports | awk -F'=' '{print $2;}' | sed 's/^ //')
if [[ -z "${reserved_ports}" ]]; then
# If there are no currently reserved ports, reserve the keystone ports
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports=${keystone_ports}
# If there are currently reserved ports, keep those and also reserve the
# Keystone specific ports. Duplicate reservations are merged into a single
# reservation (or range) automatically by the kernel.
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports=${keystone_ports},${reserved_ports}
echo_summary "WARNING: unable to reserve keystone ports"
# Python Packages
# ---------------
# get_package_path python-package # in import notation
function get_package_path {
local package=$1
echo $(python -c "import os; import $package; print(os.path.split(os.path.realpath($package.__file__))[0])")
# Pre-install affected packages so we can fix the permissions
# These can go away once we are confident that pip 1.4.1+ is available everywhere
# Fix prettytable 0.7.2 permissions
# Don't specify --upgrade so we use the existing package if present
pip_install 'prettytable>=0.7'
PACKAGE_DIR=$(get_package_path prettytable)
# Only fix version 0.7.2
dir=$(echo $PACKAGE_DIR/prettytable-0.7.2*)
if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
sudo chmod +r $dir/*
# Fix httplib2 0.8 permissions
# Don't specify --upgrade so we use the existing package if present
pip_install httplib2
PACKAGE_DIR=$(get_package_path httplib2)
# Only fix version 0.8
dir=$(echo $PACKAGE_DIR-0.8*)
if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
sudo chmod +r $dir/*
if is_fedora; then
# Disable selinux to avoid configuring to allow Apache access
# to Horizon files (LP#1175444)
if selinuxenabled; then
sudo setenforce 0
if [[ $FORCE_FIREWALLD == "False" ]]; then
# On Fedora 20 firewalld interacts badly with libvirt and
# slows things down significantly (this issue was fixed in
# later fedoras). There was also an additional issue with
# firewalld hanging after install of libvirt with polkit [1].
# firewalld also causes problems with neturon+ipv6 [2]
# Note we do the same as the RDO packages and stop & disable,
# rather than remove. This is because other packages might
# have the dependency [3][4].
# [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1099031
# [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1455303
# [3] https://github.com/redhat-openstack/openstack-puppet-modules/blob/master/firewall/manifests/linux/redhat.pp
# [4] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/guides/neutron.html
if is_package_installed firewalld; then
sudo systemctl disable firewalld
# The iptables service files are no longer included by default,
# at least on a baremetal Fedora 21 Server install.
install_package iptables-services
sudo systemctl enable iptables
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
sudo systemctl start iptables
if [[ "$os_RELEASE" -ge "21" ]]; then
# requests ships vendored version of chardet/urllib3, but on
# fedora these are symlinked back to the primary versions to
# avoid duplication of code on disk. This is fine when
# maintainers keep things in sync, but since devstack takes
# over and installs later versions via pip we can end up with
# incompatible versions.
# The rpm package is not removed to preserve the dependent
# packages like cloud-init; rather we remove the symlinks and
# force a re-install of requests so the vendored versions it
# wants are present.
# Realted issues:
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1476770
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1253823
if [ -L $base_path/chardet -o -L $base_path/urllib3 ]; then
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/{chardet,urllib3}
# install requests with the bundled urllib3 to avoid conflicts
pip_install --upgrade --force-reinstall requests
# The version of pip(1.5.4) supported by python-virtualenv(1.11.4) has
# connection issues under proxy, hence uninstalling python-virtualenv package
# and installing the latest version using pip.
uninstall_package python-virtualenv
pip_install -U virtualenv