Sean Dague 7d4c7e09b4 remove docker from devstack
with I1c9bea2fdeebc4199c4f7d8fca4580a6fb7fed5b nova removed
docker from it's driver tree.

We shouldn't have driver support inside of devstack that's not
part of upstream projects (this has been a line we've been
pretty clear on with Neutron drivers in the past).

Remove docker driver accordingly.

Change-Id: Ib91d415ea1616d99a5c5e7bc3b9015392fda5847
2014-03-12 08:05:08 -04:00

216 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# **** - using the cloud can be fun
# Test instance connectivity with the ``nova`` command from ``python-novaclient``
echo "*********************************************************************"
echo "Begin DevStack Exercise: $0"
echo "*********************************************************************"
# This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see
# only the first error that occurred.
set -o errexit
# Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers
# an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs.
set -o xtrace
# Settings
# ========
# Keep track of the current directory
EXERCISE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
TOP_DIR=$(cd $EXERCISE_DIR/..; pwd)
# Import common functions
source $TOP_DIR/functions
# Import configuration
source $TOP_DIR/openrc
# Import project functions
source $TOP_DIR/lib/neutron
# Import exercise configuration
source $TOP_DIR/exerciserc
# If nova api is not enabled we exit with exitcode 55 so that
# the exercise is skipped
is_service_enabled n-api || exit 55
# Instance type to create
# Boot this image, use first AMI image if unset
# Security group name
# Default floating IP pool name
# Additional floating IP pool and range
# Instance name
# Cells does not support floating ips API calls
is_service_enabled n-cell && exit 55
# Launching a server
# ==================
# List servers for tenant:
nova list
# Images
# ------
# List the images available
glance image-list
# Grab the id of the image to launch
IMAGE=$(glance image-list | egrep " $DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME " | get_field 1)
die_if_not_set $LINENO IMAGE "Failure getting image $DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME"
# Security Groups
# ---------------
# List security groups
nova secgroup-list
# Create a secgroup
if ! nova secgroup-list | grep -q $SECGROUP; then
nova secgroup-create $SECGROUP "$SECGROUP description"
if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova secgroup-list | grep -q $SECGROUP; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "Security group not created"
# Configure Security Group Rules
if ! nova secgroup-list-rules $SECGROUP | grep -q icmp; then
nova secgroup-add-rule $SECGROUP icmp -1 -1
if ! nova secgroup-list-rules $SECGROUP | grep -q " tcp .* 22 "; then
nova secgroup-add-rule $SECGROUP tcp 22 22
# List secgroup rules
nova secgroup-list-rules $SECGROUP
# Set up instance
# ---------------
# List flavors
nova flavor-list
# Select a flavor
INSTANCE_TYPE=$(nova flavor-list | grep $DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE | get_field 1)
if [[ -z "$INSTANCE_TYPE" ]]; then
# grab the first flavor in the list to launch if default doesn't exist
INSTANCE_TYPE=$(nova flavor-list | head -n 4 | tail -n 1 | get_field 1)
die_if_not_set $LINENO INSTANCE_TYPE "Failure retrieving INSTANCE_TYPE"
# Clean-up from previous runs
nova delete $VM_NAME || true
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while nova show $VM_NAME; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "server didn't terminate!"
exit 1
# Boot instance
# -------------
VM_UUID=$(nova boot --flavor $INSTANCE_TYPE --image $IMAGE --security-groups=$SECGROUP $VM_NAME | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO VM_UUID "Failure launching $VM_NAME"
# Check that the status is active within ACTIVE_TIMEOUT seconds
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova show $VM_UUID | grep status | grep -q ACTIVE; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "server didn't become active!"
# Get the instance IP
IP=$(get_instance_ip $VM_UUID $PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME)
die_if_not_set $LINENO IP "Failure retrieving IP address"
# Private IPs can be pinged in single node deployments
# Floating IPs
# ------------
# Allocate a floating IP from the default pool
FLOATING_IP=$(nova floating-ip-create | grep $DEFAULT_FLOATING_POOL | get_field 1)
die_if_not_set $LINENO FLOATING_IP "Failure creating floating IP from pool $DEFAULT_FLOATING_POOL"
# List floating addresses
if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova floating-ip-list | grep -q $FLOATING_IP; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "Floating IP not allocated"
# Add floating IP to our server
nova add-floating-ip $VM_UUID $FLOATING_IP || \
die $LINENO "Failure adding floating IP $FLOATING_IP to $VM_NAME"
# Test we can ping our floating IP within ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT seconds
if ! is_service_enabled neutron; then
# Allocate an IP from second floating pool
TEST_FLOATING_IP=$(nova floating-ip-create $TEST_FLOATING_POOL | grep $TEST_FLOATING_POOL | get_field 1)
die_if_not_set $LINENO TEST_FLOATING_IP "Failure creating floating IP in $TEST_FLOATING_POOL"
# list floating addresses
if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova floating-ip-list | grep $TEST_FLOATING_POOL | grep -q $TEST_FLOATING_IP; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "Floating IP not allocated"
# Dis-allow icmp traffic (ping)
nova secgroup-delete-rule $SECGROUP icmp -1 -1 || \
die $LINENO "Failure deleting security group rule from $SECGROUP"
if ! timeout $ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while nova secgroup-list-rules $SECGROUP | grep -q icmp; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "Security group rule not deleted from $SECGROUP"
# FIXME (anthony): make xs support security groups
if [ "$VIRT_DRIVER" != "xenserver" -a "$VIRT_DRIVER" != "openvz" ]; then
# Test we can aren't able to ping our floating ip within ASSOCIATE_TIMEOUT seconds
# Clean up
# --------
if ! is_service_enabled neutron; then
# Delete second floating IP
nova floating-ip-delete $TEST_FLOATING_IP || \
die $LINENO "Failure deleting floating IP $TEST_FLOATING_IP"
# Delete the floating ip
nova floating-ip-delete $FLOATING_IP || \
die $LINENO "Failure deleting floating IP $FLOATING_IP"
# Delete instance
nova delete $VM_UUID || die $LINENO "Failure deleting instance $VM_NAME"
# Wait for termination
if ! timeout $TERMINATE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while nova list | grep -q $VM_UUID; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "Server $VM_NAME not deleted"
# Delete secgroup
nova secgroup-delete $SECGROUP || \
die $LINENO "Failure deleting security group $SECGROUP"
set +o xtrace
echo "*********************************************************************"
echo "SUCCESS: End DevStack Exercise: $0"
echo "*********************************************************************"