I noticed this when debugging some grenade issues failures. An include of grenade/functions stores the current value of XTRACE (on) and disables xtrace for the rest of the import. We then include devstack's "functions" library, which now overwrites the stored value of XTRACE the current state; i.e. disabled. When it finishes it restores the prior state (disabled), and then grenade restores the same value of XTRACE (disabled). The result is that xtrace is incorrectly disabled until the next time it just happens to be turned on. The solution is to name-space the store of the current-value of xtrace so when we finish sourcing a file, we always restore the tracing value to what it was when we entered. Some files had already discovered this. In general there is inconsistency around the setting of the variable, and a lot of obvious copy-paste. This brings consistency across all files by using _XTRACE_* prefixes for the sotre/restore of tracing values. Change-Id: Iba7739eada5711d9c269cb4127fa712e9f961695
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# lib/rpc_backend
# Interface for installing RabbitMQ on the system
# Dependencies:
# - ``functions`` file
# - ``RABBIT_{HOST|PASSWORD|USERID}`` must be defined when RabbitMQ is used
# ``stack.sh`` calls the entry points in this order:
# - check_rpc_backend
# - install_rpc_backend
# - restart_rpc_backend
# - iniset_rpc_backend (stable interface)
# Note: if implementing an out of tree plugin for an RPC backend, you
# should install all services through normal plugin methods, then
# redefine ``iniset_rpc_backend`` in your code. That's the one portion
# of this file which is a standard interface.
# Save trace setting
_XTRACE_RPC_BACKEND=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Functions
# ---------
# clean up after rpc backend - eradicate all traces so changing backends
# produces a clean switch
function cleanup_rpc_backend {
if is_service_enabled rabbit; then
# Obliterate rabbitmq-server
uninstall_package rabbitmq-server
# in case it's not actually running, /bin/true at the end
sudo killall epmd || sudo killall -9 epmd || /bin/true
if is_ubuntu; then
# And the Erlang runtime too
apt_get purge -y erlang*
# install rpc backend
function install_rpc_backend {
if is_service_enabled rabbit; then
# Install rabbitmq-server
install_package rabbitmq-server
# restart the rpc backend
function restart_rpc_backend {
if is_service_enabled rabbit; then
# Start rabbitmq-server
echo_summary "Starting RabbitMQ"
# NOTE(bnemec): Retry initial rabbitmq configuration to deal with
# the fact that sometimes it fails to start properly.
# Reference: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1144100
# NOTE(tonyb): Extend the original retry logic to only restart rabbitmq
# every second time around the loop.
# See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1449056 for details on
# why this is needed. This can bee seen on vivid and Debian unstable
# (May 2015)
# TODO(tonyb): Remove this when Debian and Ubuntu have a fixed systemd
# service file.
local i
for i in `seq 20`; do
local rc=0
[[ $i -eq "20" ]] && die $LINENO "Failed to set rabbitmq password"
if [[ $(( i % 2 )) == "0" ]] ; then
restart_service rabbitmq-server
rabbit_setuser "$RABBIT_USERID" "$RABBIT_PASSWORD" || rc=$?
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
# change the rabbit password since the default is "guest"
sudo rabbitmqctl change_password \
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
if is_service_enabled n-cell; then
# Add partitioned access for the child cell
if [ -z `sudo rabbitmqctl list_vhosts | grep child_cell` ]; then
sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost child_cell
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p child_cell $RABBIT_USERID ".*" ".*" ".*"
# builds transport url string
function get_transport_url {
if is_service_enabled rabbit || { [ -n "$RABBIT_HOST" ] && [ -n "$RABBIT_PASSWORD" ]; }; then
# iniset configuration
function iniset_rpc_backend {
local package=$1
local file=$2
local section=${3:-DEFAULT}
if is_service_enabled rabbit || { [ -n "$RABBIT_HOST" ] && [ -n "$RABBIT_PASSWORD" ]; }; then
iniset $file $section rpc_backend "rabbit"
iniset $file oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_hosts $RABBIT_HOST
iniset $file oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_password $RABBIT_PASSWORD
iniset $file oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_userid $RABBIT_USERID
iniset $file oslo_messaging_rabbit heartbeat_timeout_threshold $RABBIT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD
if [ -n "$RABBIT_HEARTBEAT_RATE" ]; then
iniset $file oslo_messaging_rabbit heartbeat_rate $RABBIT_HEARTBEAT_RATE
function rabbit_setuser {
local user="$1" pass="$2" found="" out=""
out=$(sudo rabbitmqctl list_users) ||
{ echo "failed to list users" 1>&2; return 1; }
found=$(echo "$out" | awk '$1 == user { print $1 }' "user=$user")
if [ "$found" = "$user" ]; then
sudo rabbitmqctl change_password "$user" "$pass" ||
{ echo "failed changing pass for '$user'" 1>&2; return 1; }
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user "$user" "$pass" ||
{ echo "failed changing pass for $user"; return 1; }
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions "$user" ".*" ".*" ".*"
# Restore xtrace
# Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode
## Local variables:
## mode: shell-script
## End: